• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 3,019 Views, 251 Comments

The Sour Grapes Chronicles - The Incredible Werekitty

The story about Sour Grapes, and her vineyard

  • ...

Curing Final Harvest Melancholy

Sour Grapes got off the train, glad to be back at Ponyville. Canterlot is a nice place, and was a nice change of pace, but she was never one for the big city. Ponyville felt smaller, and less crowded but far more welcoming. If Canterlot was always standing at attention, Ponyville was seated on a bench offering you the seat next to it. She started heading over to where her luggage was being offloaded along with the souvenirs she had splurged on. She always prided herself on not being an impulse buyer but she couldn't resist a few of those items. It was then that she noticed a large number of ponies all in a group against the station wall. She turned to take a good look and saw all of her Farmooves standing there with wide smiles on their faces... and little Earshot holding up a plank of wood with "MisS SouR GrApes" scrawled on it in bright yellow paint. Grapes had to laugh.

"Hey, everypony. Did you miss me?" she asked, a smile on her face.

"YES!" came the unanimous cry, causing the ponies at the train station to turn their heads in time to see Grapes getting mobbed by her workers.

"How was it?"

"Did you meet the Princess?"

"Did they like your wine"

"Did the green wine make anypony sick?"

"Did you bring us anything?"

"How was your trip?" The questions came fast and numerous until she held up her hooves and they settled down. It was like being mobbed by a horde of schoolfoals, to be honest. Grapes found it rather amusing, but it warmed her heart that the pegasai missed her so.

"Come on! Come On Miss Grapes! We got some lunch waiting for you at Sugarcube corner!" Earshot said tugging on her vest. "Thistledown has the cart waiting out front."

"Wow... I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome," Grapes said, as she was tugged along.

"Well we figured you might actually miss the company of your hired weirdos," Stormy joked as he took the saddlebags from her back and put them on his own. "You know... seeing as Canterlot is so full of those stuffy high-society ponies with their noses in the air and riding crops shoved so far... uh no offence Queenie."

"Oh you know I don't take such commentary personally Stormfront. But I'm certain such generalisms don't hold for everypony in Canterlot."

“That’s definitely not true of Princess Celestia,” Grapes observed, as she trotted along with her luggage cart to the cart of a different sort that Thistledown was watching over. It took her a moment to recognise the old all-purpose cart they used on the farm. Someone had repaired it... no not even repair, it had been given a total overhaul. Tired timbers had been replaced, corners smoothed, the wheels now were more decorative and the whole thing was given a rather sharp paintjob of bright yellow with a stylised stencil version of the Vineyard Label on the side in wine-purple. Thistledown stood there grinning, all trussed up at the front and wearing one of the vests that Rarity had been working on. The sunshine yellow one that matched the cart.

"Welcome home Boss. Hop on in and I'll trot you over to Sugarcube corner," the green pony called.

"What has been going on in my absence?" Grapes asked, nearly doing a jaw-drop at the refurbished cart.

"Well Miss Rarity came by with some really nice workvests for us. She said she wanted us to try on the different colors for a while to see what seemed to work for us. So for the past few days we've been trotting about with different colored vests and I have to admit sometimes pockets come in handy. And to be honest I like the yellow one and I felt the poor cart had seen better days so I convinced everypony to help me fix her up for you," Thistledown replied. Grapes loaded her luggage then climbed aboard, herself.

“I hadn’t even ordered the vests, yet,” Grapes said with a sigh. “Leave it to Rarity to take the initiative. I wonder how much I owe her?”

"Oh these aren't the final product." Thistledown said letting Grapes take a closer look. It was indeed lacking the careful stitching, dense fabric, embroidered logo and other details that were typically 'Rarity'. "See? She did these mock-ups for us to wear so when she collects them later from us she can see how they have worn out as we work as well as get our opinions on colors best suited for us. She normally doesn't make 'off-the-rack' so she has to make these as generic as possible so that later on she... or Celestia forbid... any other tailor or seamstress can make adjustments with minimal effort."

"Not looking forward to the bill, even so," Grapes said quietly.

"Gotta admire her professionalism. I mean look at the way this flatters my flank... and for a mock-up it's like wearing nothing at all," Thistledown enthused merrily, as they made their way to Sugarcube Corner. Grapes chuckled, shaking her head. The trip there was short, as most trips inside of Ponyville proper were, and the Cakes were happy to see her, as with all their customers (except maybe Dustbin but that was for some fairly specific reasons). A table had been set up outside and an assortment of treats brought out to them and some fresh lemonade to start with.

“Geez, you guys,” Grapes laughed. “Okay. What happened, while I was gone, hm? Did the bunkhouse fall down around your ears? Do I have a house, or vineyard to return to?” It was obvious she was joking.

"Well a few things went totally tail over teakettle but most of it we were able to get under control," Stormy said before earshot bumped in.

"Yeah! we had a storm while you were gone and the lightning hit the old barn but Firestormer got us organized to put it out awful fast!"

"Eh. Best she hears about it now than when she finds the charred lumber on the comp-pile,” Firestormer observed.

“Well... It was just taking up space, since Dad build that new barn,” Grapes observed. “Any other disasters I need to know about?”

Sirocco coughed into her hoof. "Just that when young Earshot went into town to mail a package we had a... mass-bunny migration," said the umber-coated pegasus, before pausing a moment looking a little uncomfortable. "I would swear by the sun and moon that they seemed to be taking advantage of his absence. Fortunately flight does not take long so he was back before they could deal any damage on an unrecoverable scale. It did make for a... tense hour on the vineyard."

“While the Night Pony’s away, the bunnies will play, huh?” Sour Grapes asked, chuckling. “Why does that not surprise me?” They all chuckled over that and they spent an hour or two just playing catch-up on what had happened around Ponyville in general in her absence. Thankfully it was not much. Lovely thing about living in a small town is that it was relatively quiet. There had been word that a dragon had planned to take a long nap in the mountains just outside of town, resulting in some thick smoke drifting in. As usual Twilight Sparkle had gathered her friends and they went off and dealt with it rather quickly.

"Miss Sparkle seems to always be in the thick of things, doesn't she?" Commented Firestormer as he stirred a hoofull of Cinnamon Red-hots into his coffee.

“Pretty much,” Grapes commented, as she sipped her own morning libation, and munched a cinnamon roll. “But then, she and her friends are national heroes... Not that anypony would know it.”

"You're kidding. I know that purple pony is the personal, perpetual Professor's pet to the Princess but a National hero? What did she do?"

"Recovered the Elements of Harmony, and defeated Nightmare Moon," Grapes replied. "Along with my cousin, Applejack, and the rest of her best pals."

"Oh. Yes... well... that would definitely be heroic," he said sounding rather surprised. For an instant Grapes noticed the strangest look on Firestormer's face. The others no doubt dismissed it as the embarrassment of being caught belittling somepony else's accomplishments before finding out they were actually grand ones. But that wasn't it at all. If she didn't know better she could have sworn that for a brief moment it was a look of intense guilt.

“You look like a pony with a lot in his past,” Grapes observed astutely.

"What? Oh... no. Sorry. It's nothing really worth," he began before Queenie leaned against him, nudging him slightly.

"Ah, he's probably suddenly feeling like his big shiny medal isn't big or shiny enough compared to the accomplishments of Miss Sparkle and her friends." Grapes gave Queenie a flat look.

"Queenie, don't you have someplace to be?"

Queenie made a show of thinking about it before saying in an equally flat tone "I think not. My friends are here, welcoming you back and you are here." she smirked, her tone playfully teasing, much to Firestormer's embarrassment. It was easy to see the relationship between the two was that of an Older sister and a younger brother. Grapes had to chuckle, and shrug.

“You know, as nice as this has been, I think, perhaps, we should head home... Before Pinkie gets it into her head to...” Grapes uttered, trailing off looking for the aforementioned mare. The sounds of an accordion began to fill the air heralding the appearance of a Pink Pony with an accordion between her forelegs and balancing a cake on her head as if it were a hat.

"Welcome Back Grapes! Nopony told me you were gone, I had to find out from Mr and Mrs Cake as to why you were all sitting out here!"

"Yeah, Pinkie, I just got back from spending a week in Canterlot," Grapes said, with a look on her face as if she was developing a migraine.

"Ooh. I have a song for that!" Pinkie exclaimed enthusiastically.

"No," Grapes uttered, trying to prevent a random musical number.

"You do?" Earshot said his ears perking up. Grapes facehoofed.

"Of course I do! What kind of pony would I be if I didn't have a song welcoming her friends back from Canterlot!"

"Wow. Can I hear it?" Earshot asked gleefully.

"Well it's for Grapes but sharing is caring! AH One and ah two and a..." The song was lively and blessedly short... and Grapes suspected she was making it up on the spot. After all 'Canterlot' didn't really rhyme all that well with 'Hugs-a-lot' but it was a decent attempt. And the cake made up for Pinkie's enthusiasm. Grapes considered very briefly asking Stormfront to bake her one of his cakes... if anything could slow this bundle of energy down it was his confectionaries.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Grapes uttered, with a slight smirk and a roll of her eyes. “You’ve... outdone yourself.”

"Oh Your welcome! Now I gotta run, Vambrace is having his Barn-Mitzvah at four and I still gotta load my Party Cannon! Byeeeee!”

"Pinkie Pie... Best taken in small doses," Grapes uttered, as she got up.

“I like her, she's a breath of fresh air... granted it has the lingering odor of cotton candy, but still her perkiness is quite infectious," Queenie said with a giggle. Grapes simply rolled her eyes, and chuckled.

“Well, as fun as this has been, it’s time for me to get integrated back into the routine, lest I forget how,” Grapes uttered jokingly. “The weathermares and colts still eyeing the lot of you?” she asked, as they trotted away from Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh yes. Very much so." Sirocco said holding her head up a little more proudly than usual. "It may be my vanity speaking but sometimes it feels... gratifying to know others find you interesting enough to watch."

“Hm... True. But I’ve not seen a pony like yourself around here... You are unique, all by yourself, Sirocco,” Grapes observed. “Though maybe you’ll find yourself a special somepony. Who knows?”

"Perhaps one day I shall. The Ponies back home are not as... appreciative of a mare who knows her own mind. At least not in my herd," Sirocco said, sadly.

“It’s a wonder we don’t have more ponies from where you’re from immigrating here,” Grapes observed, as they trotted toward the farmlands.

"The world is a daunting place. Some ponies would rather stay with the Nightmare Moon they know... than the one they do not."

“Let me guess... There are stories about Princess Celestia being a tyrant?” Grapes asked, looking at Sirocco.

"Not so much a Tyrant but as harsh and unforgiving as the very sun she raises. It brings life but can also scorch and drain water from the land. It is understood by our kin that Benevolent does not always mean nice."

"That's rather brave of you then, to have come so far in the world, Sirocco,” Stormy observed.

"Thank you, Stormfront. But I could not have made it so far were it not for the one who came with me. He has gone on to fulfill his yearning to be a great actor while I follow my own dreams. We Creep in Touch," the exotic pegasus mare observed.

"That's 'keep in touch', Sirocco," Grapes corrected, automatically. They were just coming up to the turnoffs to Sweet Apple Acres and Grapevine Hills when Earshot's ears suddenly shot straight up and swiveled in all directions in an almost violent manner.

"Oh no!" he uttered.

"That does not sound good,” Grapes observed with a roll of her eyes.

"They're BACK!" he shouted as he began to gallop toward the frames in a mad dash, leathery wings flapping and adding to his speed. "Those little fluffy bundles of trouble came BACK!" The group watched as Earshot ran into the vine-shrouded frames and vanished from sight for a moment... then a large wave of bunnies, mice and moles all EXPLODED from the frames followed by an airborne Night-Pony, who suddenly looked very much like the creature of the night his people had earned a reputation for being. "You're NOT welcome here! Go AWAY!" Grapes sighed, shaking her head.

“Looks like I’m going to have to bring in a specialist,” the chocolate brown unicorn observed, as she watched the critters scramble away from the irate Night Pony.

The chaos that followed could have been considered pure comedy as Earshot flapped about the property, trying to both herd and drive off the nibbling horde. "Scoot! Move it! Don't me start a round of Nessun Draft Horse!" It was about all the Ponies around Grapes could do to keep from laughing. Finally after nearly ten minutes of amusing airborne antics it appeared they were finally rodent free.

Thistledown continued to giggle and wiped a tear of mirth from his eye. "Wow... he takes his job in Grapevine Hills Pest Control seriously," he observed.

“Everybody, check around for other creatures,” Grapes said. “There may be some hiding out in nooks and crannies.” They wandered off about the property. Searching around the property for any remaining critters. It was only after a thorough search that they declared the yards empty... all except for Earshot. They found him circling the old 'Copper Shed' on the far side of the property near the Everfree forest. He seemed to be 'singing' at it in his usual 'silent' way but with a frustrated look on his face.

"I think I got rid of most of them, Miss Grapes, but a few of them have taken refuge in... this weird shed of yours. I've been trying to drive them out but the shape and materials just bounce most of my sound off."

“The copper shed?” Grapes asked. “Did somebody leave the door open?”

"Ah.. that would have been I," Sirocco said raising a hoof. "My apologies but there was a terrible odor in there so for the sake of our nostrils I cleaned out the offending materials and was airing it out earlier. I guess the window of responsibility for the bunnies in this case was a door."

"Opportunity," Grapes said absently, mentally calculating how long it would take to get across town.

"Well..." Stormfront said bending down to get a good look at the base of the shed. "They're cornered.. but they're very well shielded. That's six inches of copper plate between us and them... and the angles are all wrong to get a grip on to carry it anywhere... are those... wheels?"

"Yeah, but all the mechanisms are all rusted solid. The lock works, and it's set up so you can't be sealed in from the outside... But if you lock yourself in, nobody's going to force you out, until you're good and darned ready,” Grapes explained.

"So the Bunnies in there are safer than we are, that's for sure. So now what? Wait them out?" Stormy asked, looking around at the others.

"Not a chance Stormfront... before we headed out to the train station I put some fresh sweetgrass down in there to sweeten the smell... They'll be fine for days," Sirocco said laying back her ears.

"It was a nice thought Sirocco. I don't suppose anyone here speaks Long-eared rodent?" Stormy said kindly.

"Nobody HERE. But there's Fluttershy,” Grapes observed.

Stormfront's head swiveled to look at the large dull green inverted cone of the Copper Shed where the bunnies made faces through the small round windows before turning back to her and deadpanning "I don't think time is an issue here."

“No. Time isn’t an issue, here. Fluttershy, herself, though, is,” Grapes said with a sigh. “She is, as her name would suggest... Well... Shy. Sometimes painfully so.”

"Well lass..." started Summer Squall "If that's the issue then assure her that we'll give her, all the space she needs to do her job."

“All right. I’ll go and get her,” Grapes said. “She knows me from around town... And from my asking her help, before.” There was no great hurry to get to Fluttershy's place but, Grapes felt silly trekking all the way clear across Ponyville just after getting home. Still it was something that needed to be done, and it probably was not good for bunnies to be left to their own devices in an old shed. She made a mental note that if she saw a cab on the way there... or back, to hire it. She really didn't feel a need to go back and forth more than what was necessary. Once Grapes got to the quaint turf hut, she sat on her haunches with a heavy sigh, taking a moment to catch her breath, before knocking on the door. The door slowly creaked open a crack and a wide light blue eye came into view. It blinked a moment, before it opened the rest of the way revealing the nearly painfully shy Pegasus.

"Hey, Fluttershy," Grapes said, sounding rather tired. "I've got a small problem. Small... furry problem... Well problems. Some bunnies have holed up in my copper shed."

"Oh. You have a shed for copper? That's a strange place for bunnies to hide, they usually prefer cool dark places made of earth and easy access to vegetables,” Fluttershy replied, tilting her head at the oddity.

"No, it's a shed made out of copper," Grapes explained. "My dad said it could be an old machine."

"Oh. And they're hiding in there? Maybe I could help. That is... if you want my help," the yellow pegasus uttered timidly.

"I wouldn't have come to you if I didn't, Fluttershy," Grapes replied.

"All right then. Let me just lock up and I'll be right with you,” Fluttershy said, as she briefly returned inside. Grapes could hear her admonishing her bunny to take care of things while she’s gone. This time Grapes was able to flag down a Cab. It would be worth the bits to save some energy on her part, and she knew it was a small price to pay for the free service that Fluttershy was providing. She never seemed to be concerned with bits. Grapes knew she MUST make money somehow but for the most part she simply could not work out where or how.

"Is there anything I can offer you? As compensation, I mean, for helping with the lapin problem?" Grapes asked. "It doesn't seem... right to just have you come in and persuade the bunnies that the shed isn't a nice place for them, without offering you something in return."

"Well... you make wine..." she said hesitantly "If you have a wine that's more sweet flavor than alcohol that would be a nice way to say thank-you."

"Hmm... I'll have to think about that. I have the watermelon wine, of course, and a new strawberry wine... I'm going to have to start growing watermelon, because I got something of a, uh, royal commission to make more of the watermelon," Grapes mused, as they pulled up outside the gates of Grapevine Hills. "And don't be afraid. The farmhooves are going to make sure to give you plenty of space so you can work."

"Oh... thank you. I really don't mind that much... I mean... they look like they're very nice and everything but... yes. I probably would need a little space," the timid yellow pegasus said, as Grapes escorted Fluttershy to the shed.

“Well here it is,” Grapes said gesturing to the shed. “And there they are.” She heard the familiar sound of leathery wings fluttering, and noticed a shadow cast from behind the shed. She had hoped that Earshot would have gone off with the others but no doubt he was taking this personally. Being the youngest pony on the farm he took his job here seriously, even if he had some fun with it.

"You guys gotta come out sometime. Come on... I'll even leave a bag of raisins at the front gate for you if you come out and go," Fluttershy murmured, cajolingly, then looked up at the leathery flapping. "Oh dear... I thought you said nopony would be around," she gasped, sounding frightened.

"That's Earshot. He's a youngster, and... a little different. Not like any pony anyone's ever seen," Grapes explained. "Want to meet him? I don't think you mind nocturnal critters, do you?"

"Oh I like nocturnal creatures. They have a sort of beauty all their own. Why do you ask?" Fluttershy queried, tilting her head curiously.

"You're back already Miss Grapes?" asked Earshot popping out from behind the copper shed. His goggles were up on his forehead letting his wide golden eyes gleam in the fading rays of sun. HIs Dark leathery wings were spread displaying their bat-like nature and Grapes heard Fluttershy gasp in her typical quiet manner... but what happened next was surprising.

"OH MY GOODNESS! A NIGHT-PONY! You're a Night-Pony! You... you're REAL!" the gorgeous yellow pegasus squeed cutely.

"I... well. YES. Yes I AM a Night-Pony. thank you for noticing," Earshot said, taken aback by the rather positive reception.

"Well that wasn't the reaction I was expecting," Grapes deadpanned.

"Oh my. Oh my oh my oh my. You're so cute! And you're not dissolving in the sun. That's good news. It wouldn't be a nice thing to have the sun wash you away like that," Fluttershy enthused quietly

"Is that what Ponies believe about us?" Earshot asked.

"You mean you don't know?" she queried, obviously surprised by his not knowing.

"Uh... not really. I'm the first to really get out among ponies in a serious way since... since the the fall of Princess Luna,” Earshot explained.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

“Don’t tell me you’re a Gracious Ardor fan...” Grapes uttered with a roll of her purple eyes.

"Oh yes! I have ALL of her books and... and..." she trailed off sounding a little embarrassed. "Well I've been reading about Night-Ponies in books from a lot of different writers. They're really... neat."

"You've got Crown Superior's books too? She's a hack," Grapes uttered, sounding dismissive of the entire Dusk series.

"Well... You have to have her books or you'll never keep up with the popular culture of... well..."

"Fluttershy, Crown Superior's works all sound like wish fulfillment fantasies of an unpopular secondary schooler. A helpless shrinking violet is wooed, and fought over by two warring tribes of fanciful creatures. Gracious Ardor... Heck, even that Pampelonne filly, writes more dynamic mare characters than Crown Superior," Grapes said, sounding incised.

“I... I know. But some ponies like a little Wish fulfillment," Fluttershy murmured, shyly, looking at her hooves.

"I'm not talking about the wish fulfillment aspect, but how the main character is just there to be fought over by the aforementioned fanciful creatures. She has no depth. Beautiful Purity was just... there," Grapes persisted.

"Well, yes. You're right about that. She was just too... convenient. And well... while it's nice to be wanted they did come across as treating her more as a possession,” Fluttershy conceded, sounding thoughtful.

"Even that Pampelonne mare, no matter how... lurid... her works are, can write a female character with much more depth... Though some of the personalities seem familiar," Grapes mused, thoughtfully.

"O-oh really? I never noticed. Um... so... Bunnies?"

"Right. Sorry. Get me talking about books, and we'll be here all day," Grapes said laughing at herself.

Earshot giggled and tapped on the shed. "Yeah the Bunnies locked themselves in the old Copper Shed. I've been trying to get them out but... well... all they wanna do is make faces and wave at me."

"Oh dear... they're not waving," Fluttershy said, sounding embarrassed again.

"They're not?" Earshot asked.

Fluttershy tippy-hooved up so she could look through the small window and called out "Do you hug your mommies with those paws?"

"Rabbits can make rude gestures?" Grapes uttered.

"You mean... those bunnies are giving me the PAW?" Earshot asked incredulously.

"Oh yes. It's VERY rude of them. Pardon me a moment," she said. Fluttershy looked into the glass once more and said quietly, "Please let me in." There was a moment of silence, then a loud CLANK! before the door swung open and she went inside.

Grapes could barely hear Fluttershy's naturally soft voice speaking to the bunnies. Occasionally she would pick up a couple of words here or there such as "that's not a good excuse" or "Oh dear." Still Earshot seemed to be following along... Of course he would be able to. He admitted to her once that his cutie mark, the one that looked like an ear with a stylised funnel symbolised his special talent was listening. That on a good day with the wind right, he could hear virtually everything in Ponyville from his bedroom window in the bunkhouse. At times she wondered if such hearing was a blessing or curse. The sheer amount of sound he must pick up might be maddening at times. Seeing as it was a private confession to her, she never shared it. Last thing ponies needed to know was that he could effortlessly invade their privacy no matter where in town they went.

Fluttershy stepped out of the shed and smiled sweetly at Earshot. "The bunnies told me why they hid in there. They said that you were chasing them around, and telling them you were going to sing to them."

"Singing to the creatures around the Vineyard is what I get paid to do,” Earshot said, with a nod.

"Oh," he said quietly. this was information he already knew, but Grapes could see he really didn't want to hurt Fluttershy's feelings by telling her he was deliberately chasing them away with his singing. "Well... Miss Fluttershy? If you would be nice enough to tell the Bunnies... and in turn all the other creatures around here that... if they don't like my singing then maybe... coming to the Vineyard property isn't a good idea. I don't mind if they don't like my singing. Not everypony likes opera and I sing it to make sure the vines grow big and healthy so I can't stop, but if they leave now, they won't have to listen to me any more." Apparently satisfied with his answer Fluttershy nodded and went back inside. A moment later there was a small wave of bunnies pouring out the door and making a beeline for the wilderness.

"Well that worked out for the best," Grapes observed.

"I think they REALLY don't like your singing, Earshot." said Fluttershy as she exited the shed and nosed the door shut for them. "They're all gone and I think only the troublemakers will bother your Vineyard again. To be honest I think your singing is one of the nicer ways to keep them out. I've read in one of Twilight's books about some very not-nice ways earth ponies used to use.

"So have I," Grapes said. "I prefer to use Earshot's subsonics to the less equaine methods."

"Miss Applejack's dog seems to like my singing though. Sometimes she comes over and tries to sing along." Earshot giggled. "Thank you for helping us out Miss Fluttershy. Oh! May... May I BORROW your books?" Earshot asked.

"You want to read about Night Ponies? But you're a... oh wait. You said you want to know how we feel about you. Well... I'm not sure all my books are good for a pony your age... That is unless you only look young and are really hundreds of years old," Fluttershy observed, thoughtfully, as they trotted away from the shed.

"Oh no. I really am this young," Earshot said, chuckling.

“Uhm... is it alright if I ask you about Night Ponies? I mean the real kind?" Fluttershy inquired.

"Could somepony fix some tea... And do not let Stormfront anywhere near the flour, please," Grapes called out.

Sirocco waved from behind the tree she had been behind. "I shall make the tea and clear the table at the bunkhouse eating area for you Miss Fluttershy. You and Earshot may spend some time there swapping insults," she said with a slight bow.

"Insults?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

"Sorry, her mastery of Equestrian idioms isn't the best," Grapes supplied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Ohh. I see. Thank you very much..." Fluttershy started, then trailed off, looking at Grapes inquiringly.

"That's Sirocco. She's from the Great Dune Sea."

"Thank you very much Sirocco. So... Earshot... do you fly very well with those wings?" Earshot and Fluttershy headed towards the bunkhouse with Sirocco in the lead. The other Ponies were no place to be found... No doubt either good at hiding or obeying Grapes' request to give Fluttershy some space. It was only a little later that she was in the new barn, making certain everything was squared away for the night when she heard a fierce belch and a pair of ponies giggling behind the back wall. Peering out the back window she could see a small scattering of orange-drink bottles on the ground and Thistledown sitting next to Firestormer as they drank fresher bottles and watched the sun go down.

"Good one Thistledown," Grapes heard Firestormer assert.

"I had a good teacher," came the reply. It looked as if this was where Firestormer and Thistledown spent their down time. She had to admit it was a nice view but she never would have guessed these two would buddy up like this. Then again they were around the same age, plus there was the question of if they were buddies or were they reinmates?

"I think I'm in love, Thistledown."

"That would explain the Googly eyes you were making at Fluttershy earlier," Thistledown chuckled

"I was NOT making 'Googly eyes' at her... That obvious, huh?" Firestormer asked with some trepidation obvious in his voice.

"Yep. Not that I can fault you for taste. She's one striking young filly," Thistledown said thoughtfully.

"She's not striking, she's Bucking GORGEOUS," sighed Firestormer, sounding profoundly twitterpated.

"I know. I was being tactful."

"I thought you were... you know... sidesaddle."

"I am. But that doesn't mean I don't know a Gorgeous mare from a rock on the ground. Just because I ain't buyin' don't mean I can't admire the stuff in the window," Thistledown asserted.

"Ok ok. Fair enough. I mean we hang out and you know I'm not sidesaddle,” Firestormer said, the shrug evident in his vocalization.

"You're not?" Thistledown asked, in mock surprise.

"Now cut that out. I'm being serious here."

"I know I know. You're just cute when you're flustered." The two drained their bottles and tossed them aside with the other empties before opening fresh ones.



"So, why don't you approach her? Ask her out? Woo her?"

“Me? Woo Fluttershy? HA!" Grapes stood there, an eyebrow raised at that rather derisive comment.

"What's the matter, Firestormer? Out of your league?"

"Hardly, Thistle-boy. We're in the same league, just playing on different teams. I'm Too loud, too flashy, too much of a show-off."

"No argument there."

"What I'm saying is... can you really imagine me and her together? I mean Honestly?" Firestormer asked.

"When you put it that way... yeah. She'd probably hide in her cellar the moment you swoop in to say hello for the first time."

"I know. Face it. Personality-wise we're too incompatible."

"So let me guess... The Noble thing?"

"Yeah. The Noble thing... As long as she isn't about to do WORSE than me I'm gonna let her find her special stallion..."


"...OR special MARE, thank you Thistledown."

"VERY noble. So, if it looks like she's gonna do worse?"

"Then I'll swoop in and say hello. But I'm a sappy guy when you get down to it. I believe that there is somepony out there for everypony... even me."

"And me?"

"Buck yeah. You got a lot going for you Downer, and that's coming from a straight Pony like me."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. Here's to being Noble and Sappy endings!"

"Here! Here!" Their bottles clinked in a toast, and while they drank up Grapes had a moment to mentally file that new expression in her mental vocabulary. 'Sappy Endings'.

"Hey... is it wrong for me to wanna brush Fluttershy's hair for her?" Firestormer mused.

"You TOO?" Grapes had to laugh. Fluttershy had gained a pair of new fans. Thankfully the day was done, and the dynamic duo would be heading inside after cleaning up their mess.

Grapes then went to the supply closet and checked on the blankets. In these waning days of late summer, the nights were beginning to get cooler. Sour Grapes was wanting to make sure everypony had one in chase it was needed or wanted. She had already left blankets with all the others, but the last pony she came to was Firestormer. Like most of the rooms in the bunkhouse, it was relatively small, but the pegasus had done things to make it quite homey. There were pictures of Firestormer’s family. A scarf bearing a symbol of a dark brown pegasus riding a lightening-shooting storm cloud was hanging off one of the hooks on the wall beside a respirator, and a pair of flight goggles. On a bedside table was an odd velvet covered box, and on the bed, itself sat Firestormer.

“Hey. What brings you here?” the orange pegasus asked.

“I thought I’d supply everypony with a blanket, in case it’s needed,” Grapes replied, as she levitated said blanket to the foot of the bed.

"Thanks," he said, a little quieter than normal. After she set the blanket down Grapes had a moment to take a closer look at some of his pictures. He looked like a cute foal once upon a time. No doubt he had his father's wings and his mother's sleek form, an ideal mix for hitting those high speeds and tight turns he often bragged about. She also noticed some pictures of him with other foals, some of him older at what she guessed must be that Cloudsdale flight school and a startlingly picturesque one of him posing with a monstrously active Volcano in the background.

“You were a cute kid,” she observed with a smile.

"Thank you, Miss Grapes," He smirked in that weird cocky-crooked way he did. She wondered if it was something he was even aware he did. She never saw him smile the way he did as a foal in those pictures though. Never showing all his teeth in a grin. Maybe knowing you're that good of a flier tended to change you. She then glanced down at the small bedside table, her eyes alighting on the box.

“What’s that?”

"That? Oh! Oh that... that's nothing all that important. Just some old junk I was putting away... " Firestomer moved to pick it up but jostled the tiny table, sending the box falling to the floor. It hit rather hard, the box springing open and a large golden metal disc with a neck-ribbon tumbled out, rolling until it hit her hooves and fell flat. Grapes levitated the disk, and looked it over.

Grapes gazed at the fire-colored pegasus thoughtfully. "This have anything to do with that particularly guilty look I saw you sporting, when I mentioned that Twilight and her pals are national heroes?" Firestormer blinked and turned to see her looking over the trinket in her hooves. The brass 'pin' was easily the size of a horseshoe, shaped like a shield it was silver with the inlaid gold icon of Celestia's icon. The Words "Fortitudinis in aliorum" were etched in the Silver surrounding the Golden sun icon. The metal gleamed with near-mirror shine. No doubt he took care of it, polishing it with regularity, but because it was kept in the little black box it was no-doubt something that he uncharacteristically never showed-off. He stammered a moment, and she noticed a strange black tinge enter his crimson cheeks. Apparently his version of a blush.

"Well.. I mean... Well it was disrespectful of me to assume they weren't uhm... heroic. You know?"

"So... How'd you get that little doodad?" Grapes asked, casually.

"Oh... well.. You know. It's not as impressive as saving Equestria or freeing the princess from a spell or something. It's not really worth mentioning."

"Firestormer," Grapes said with a stern look, "it's still something that's eating away at you. It may help you to talk about it. Especially since that's the Equestrian Medal of Heroism."

The guilty look came back, and it stayed there. Firestormer sighed in a quiet way and sat down on his bed. " Yeah. It is. It really should have gone to some other pony but I wound up with it."

"I see. Apparently you did something that was seen as heroic, but you don't," Grapes observed. “See it as heroic, I mean."

"Well there's not really all that much to tell. There was a fire in my town, and some of my friends were in the burning building and... I... got them out. Sure it sounds like I was heroic but it really wasn't," Firestormer said with a shrug.

"Obviously there's more to the story than that cut and dried account," Grapes said, leaning on the doorjamb.

Firestormer lowered his head and nodded. "Ok... I guess if I can trust anyone with this it's you..." he paused a moment and said quietly. "If you're listening in Earshot, could I have a little privacy please?" Grapes heard a faint cranking sound from downstairs followed by some loud Jazz being played. The timing left no doubt in her mind that Earshot was giving them some much-needed aural privacy.

"The curse of super hearing," Grapes observed wryly.

"First off, my name isn't really Firestormer... It's actually Hot-Shot. My parents own a Courier Service in Upper Taisu Town. The Red Streak delivery service," Firestormer explained.

"I think I've heard of it,” Sour Grapes said, thoughtfully.

"Yeah. They're not a huge company but reliable and with a solid customer base. We've shipped everything from food to Paperwork to.. to fireworks."

"To special deliveries of wine," Grapes added, with a nod. "Something disastrous happened I take it?"

"When I was a colt my friends and I were in the new warehouse, snooping about. It was pretty much what any colt our age would do. Looking through the deliveries for anything that looked neat.. and we found the fireworks. We figured nopony would miss a few sparkler sticks. We lit them up in the dark of the warehouse and had a little fun writing our names in the air,” Firestormer continued his story. Grapes could see where this was going.

"Ah... I see."

"Yeah. We had a blast but Scale Tipper forgot how hot those wires can get, and he burned himself. We gathered around Scale to deal with his wound and we forgot his sparkler was somewhere among the crates... Still burning... and some of those crates had REAL fireworks in them,” the red pegasus uttered, sounding a bit sick.

"Oh... dear."

"Yeah.. it was pretty and yet NOT pretty at the same time. We realised something was wrong when it started getting brighter. We saw the fire and we tried to stomp it out... then everything hit the fan. It was like lightning hit a rainbow, and kept on hitting it. Fire and color in all directions. We couldn't even figure out where the door was in the bedlam. The air got thick with sulfur-stinking smoke and the fire spread like crazy." Firestormer's voice cracked as he went on. "Stone took a roman candle to the side of his head. He hasn't heard anything in that ear since then. It's a miracle he wasn't blinded... or his horn blown off... "

"And you saved your friends from a burning building, receiving a medal for heroism, but you don't feel like you deserved it, because you single-hoofedly set your family's business back by... hmmm... years, yes?" Grapes asked, before the firey hued pony could sink further into self flagellation.

"I don't even know how I did it... I was lost as they were. they had passed out, I felt like I was gonna pass out and the place was coming down. All I remember was their weight on me... then acceleration... the pain of punching through the burning timbers with my head... then blue skies. They said other pegasai caught me and my friends before I passed out. We spent some serious time in the hospital for smoke inhalation and burns... and... and Celestia came," Firestormer continued.

"You got to meet the Princess, when you were younger," Grapes stated, with a raised eyebrow.

"She called me a hero... gave me the medal. Asked me to show up at the gala when I was feeling better. I wish my jaw wasn't wired shut at the time. I would have told her the truth... " He started to cry but turned his head to hide it. "Even my friends think I'm a hero. If I hadn't have let them in, helped them snoop... Every time they greet me with such smiles... and I still can see their old injuries. And yeah... I crippled the family business. We recovered but we ran in the red for some time. I feel like I've been trying to live up to that bloody medal ever since. I've been learning everything about fire, since I was recovering in the hospital. How it works, how it behaves, what it does... I learned so much I actually became the youngest fire marshals in the history of my town. That's where Weathervain found me. A daredevil hotshot who was cool under fire. She offered me a chance to put my knowledge to use on a new level. How... how could I possibly say no?"

"So... You feel like you've received a medal you didn't earn, and praise you did not deserve,” Grapes said, with an air of somepony who was wanting to get the bottom-line of a particular story correct. "Even if you saved your friends' lives, despite the foalish mistake, and even with the fact your family's business has recovered... You still feel guilty. And continue to beat yourself up over it."

"I made a stupid mistake and my friends paid for it. Yeah I know it wasn't my hoof that dropped the sparkler but mom and dad trusted me with the keys to the warehouse. They said I was old enough for the responsibility,” Firestormer asserted.

"And how long are you going to punish yourself?" Grapes asked bluntly.

"I... I dunno. Every time the Gala comes up Mom and Dad insist I wear the medal, so do the Storm Riders... So do my old friends. Even Stone says I earned the right to wear it. I just don't know anymore."

"I don't suppose you've told anypony how you feel?" Grapes asked.

"Just you,” Firestormer replied.

"I don't suppose it's helped?"

The fiery colored pegasus sat there a moment, thinking it over then nodding. "As surprising as it sounds... yeah. It does feel a little better."

"Well I'm sure that having somebody to share your burden does help," Grapes said with a nod.

Firestormer smiled, looking a little better for it. His eyes flitting to the medal she was holding. "Maybe... I should talk to Mom and Dad about this. I think I can handle that now."

Grapes put it into its box. "Good. It's time to give yourself a repreive."

Firestormer wiped his eyes on his foreleg and took a deep breath. "You won't tell anyppony I was blubbering like a foal, will you?"

"Why would I?"

"Well there are someponies who wouldn't hesitate to," the fire-colored pegasus observed.

"And you think I'm just somepony, hm?"

"Well, I gotta ask. I mean Stormy did tell us your honesty can be... kinda harsh."

"I can be. When the occasion needs it. But you took me into your confidence, and told me something that you've kept festering in yourself for a while. You don't need me to punish you, since you've been doing an admirable job of it yourself. I am glad, however, you're taking foal-steps to forgiving yourself,” Grapes asserted.

The next day the air had a distinct nip in it. It was obvious the weather was turning. Grapes felt a touch melancholy, at the change. Summer was winding down, and soon it will be Fall. The Vineyard wouldn't need as much tending when there were no crops to collect. In fact it would be time to close up after the first frost where the last of the crop froze and she could make Ice Wine... no doubt snow and ice loving Queenie would be in LOVE with the notion. Still after that there would be no point in keeping the Storm Riders on, there would be so little to do that one pony could do it. No doubt they had friends or family to go to for the winter and Hearth's Warming, leaving her in the solitude she enjoyed... This would be the first year she wouldn't have her parents around to be with either. Who knows... she might make regular forays into town more often if just to sit in the local cafe sipping hot cider. Still... there was a LOT to do before that, AND there was the Running of the Leaves. She always giggled at that. Maybe this year she might even participate.

But this year, she wouldn't have her parents. And this year, she actually had friends. This year was going to be lonely.

She took a deep breath and let it out. There would be plenty of time to feel down later. She still had work to do, and it was her least favorite task. Grapes pulled out her file box of receipts, and other errata, getting everything together to slog through the calculations for her Equestrian taxes.

"Well that was final harvest... Just got the final processing to do. Sales, of course, have been brisk, this year. The new fiscal year starts next week, and that's where the Gala sales goes... Oh yes, just got the reciept, and cheque for the Broccoli Wine. Many happy returns, Blueballs," Grapes uttered with a smirk, as she set it in the correct pile. For some reason, it helped her to talk her way through the task, out loud. It may make her seem eccentric, but it was but one of a multitude of quirks that made up her psyche. "Cheque gets deposited, receipt for miss Red Tape. Nice pony, but she gets a lot of guff." With some soft music playing on her phonograph she plodded through the mire that was 'what was earned and what was owed'. This went on for a short while when there was the creek of the front door and a soft breeze wafted through the living room. the receipts fluttered, threatening to take flight before the door could be shut.

"Sour Grapes? Are you at home?"

"I'm in the kitchen," Grapes said, using her levitation to keep the receipts from taking flight. The click of the door was a sound of relief for Grapes who as soon as the fluttering settled allowed herself to relax... right before she turned to the left and found Sirocco standing there, silent and tall.

"Hi, Sirocco. How's it going?" Grapes asked with a smile.

"I am not unwell, thank you for asking. And may I ask how you are this evening?" the exotic pegasus asked.

"As well as can be expected," Sour Grapes replied with a shrug.

"I hope you do not mind my coming in this late in the evening. I saw the light on and hoped I could punt my head in," Sirocco said quietly.

"That sounds painful," Grapes deadpanned drolly.

"What are you doing up this late, Sour grapes?"

"I'm slogging my way through the Equestrian Tax code," Grapes replied with a quiet sigh.

"Ah the finances of the Vineyard no doubt," she said sitting down across from her. "There are two things that are eternal certainties. Breath and Taxes."

"'Breath' isn't always a certainty, Sirocco, but death certainly is," Grapes observed with a chuckle. “Unless, of course, you’re one of the Princesses.”

"My apologies. Speaking a foreign language is hard enough but Equestrian has so many... idioms and adages that it's frustrating to get them correct. I will not relate to you how I spent a day looking for the all-knowing pony Scuttle-Butt," Sirocco uttered with a shake of her glossy brown head. Grapes had to blink, and chuckle. "Oh... that tally is incorrect," the pegasus said gesturing at a very lengthy bill from a Phillydelphia.

"You... glanced at the bill, and calculated the figure just like that?" Grapes asked, sounding astonished.

The tall pony shrugged. "Mathematics have always been easy for me. Numbers are simply easier than words. A word can have many meanings but a One will always remain a One. I have been reading the tax code of Equestria over out of curiosity and while predictable it is rather refreshing."

"I don't suppose you could help me out, here? I'm okay with math, but I'd be here all night if I did this by myself," Grapes explained.

"Oh. Why yes, certainly I will help," Sirocco said sounding almost happy as she scooted closer to the table and began rearranging and restacking all of the neat little piles that Grapes had been working on. "Let me see... this belongs here, this is not deductible, medicines are best placed with medical expenses unless they are arboreal medicines then they are placed with gardening supplies..."

"So many little expenses. How exciting. I may have to retrieve my new abacus for this," Sirocco said with a grin.

Grapes chuckled, getting up. "I knew I forgot something," she said, trotting to her room.

When she came back she saw Sirocco leaning over the paperwork, scribbling meticulously away on a pad. Her pencil neatly writing in a language she was unfamiliar with, but the columns belied the universal language of numbers. "Thank you for allowing me to assist, Sour Grapes. This is such a welcome change of place for me."

Grapes smiled, and plunked an abacus on the table. "Would you say you'd qualify as an accountant?"

"Well I am hardly certified but I like the Equestrian Tax system. It is not without its twisty parts but I find it very straightforward,” Sirocco said thoughtfully. "So... yes?"

"Well, Princess Celestia tends to be very fair with the system," Grapes said with a smile. "The princess, herself, tends to be a bit mischievous, but she tries to be fair. It is suspected that the twisty bits come from the Royal Vizier."

"While I am enjoying this, I did have a different topic in mind to speak to you about," Sirocco said quietly.

"Oh? What is that, Sirocco?" Grapes asked, tilting her head, curiously.

"The upcoming winter season. I suspect that there will not be much need for farmhooves when the snow falls. Yes?"

"That's true. There's nothing to harvest. Really, all that happens is basic maintenance," Grapes said with a nod.

"I was wondering if I might be permitted to stay on the property. Unlike many of the other Storm Riders I have no place to call home to return to for the winter holidays. It is a long story but as they say, one cannot grow home."

"The phrase goes: 'One can not go home, again'," Grapes corrected, with a melancholy tone. "I've noticed that aside from the heat, and the sand you don't... really talk about your homeland."

Yes. It is hard to speak of the things that happened between myself and my family. I could say there was a misunderstanding, but it was more of a far-too-much was Understood-ing."

Grapes gazed at the foreign mare thoughtfully, then nodded. "I think I get it."

Grapes could have sworn there was a slight blush in Sirocco’s cheeks as she nodded. "I won't lie to you, this place... your piece of land, the buildings, even my small room, all of this. This has come to feel to me as a home. No matter how cold it may get in this region, I would very much like to remain here."

"I, honestly, have no objection to your staying. Heh. Earlier today I was... kind of down at the thought of you all leaving," the brown unicorn said with a self depreciating chuckle.

"I understand. This will be your first winter without your parents?"

Yeah... They may be here for Hearths Warming, but it's not a sure thing," Grapes replied.

"I will be more than happy to keep you company in the long months ahead. And I shall continue to be a good guest and pull my waist."

“Weight,” Grapes corrected.

"Pardon me?"

“The phrase is ‘pull your weight.”

"Ahh. I was wondering about that. Pulling at one's waist seems to imply some manner of corset," Sirocco observed.

"WHO thought that was a GOOD idea?!" Grapes asked, automatically.

"I wish I knew. I did not even know what a corset WAS until I visited the Carousel Dress Shop. Although Mistress Rarity said that I probably didn't even need one... then she mumbled something about her giving up pastries," Sirocco replied.

"Yeah... Rarity's... a piece of work, herself," Grapes chuckled.

"This is perhaps the longest time I have ever been in one place since I left the Dune Sea. It's always been town after town, bed after bed. Sometimes even stables. Anywhere one could lay their head for rest. That's not to say that Mistress Weathervane does not have a place for us to sleep at the Forcastery,” Sirocco explained.

"But some assignments leave you so tired, you just need to rest, wherever you can lay your head," Grapes finished.

"There was one time we were all so tired that we just lay in a heap on a rooftop for warmth. I had my head upon Queenie's side, Earshot was snuggled close, Stormfront lay his wings across us all like a blanket... It was then I realised I had a family once more. I wept myself to sleep I was so happy."

Grapes chuckled. "And hey, why not add a grumpy unicorn to the mix?" she asked with a grin and a shrug.

"Another Pega-sister is always welcome." she giggled. "Even if she has a horn instead of wings."

"Good thing this house's got a guest room... I don't think the bunkhouse is really all that well insulated... Grapevine Hills has never had permanent hooves, before," Grapes observed.

"I have noticed it does not hold heat well on cool nights. I'm usually up feeding the Pot Belly to feel comfortable."

“Yeah. But then that’s an old bunkhouse. It probably needs to be updated,” Grapes said with a sigh. “It’s just we haven’t really had the bits, or the need...”

"Well I have noticed that the sheep farmers have been hawking their wares more and more. Perhaps I should be more... " she hesitated, thinking for the right word "...aggressive in my efforts to be warmer, and buy myself some knitted goods."

"Well the sheep want some profit for their wool,” Grapes said with a shrug. "And well made knitted goods are very comfortable... Of course, I suggest Rarity's boutique for any winter wear."

"Ah yes... I hope her ability to make warm clothing is equal to her sense of the aesthetic. I will not lie, the Dune Sea can become frightfully cold at night but Firestormer has warned me that the cold in this region can sometimes freeze the bells off a brass monk's key."

Grapes blinked, then cleared her throat. "You know I think I like that better than the actual saying."

"Very well then. I shall finish with assembling your accounts as best I can, head to bed and then tomorrow I shall make an appointment with Mistress Rarity for winter-wear," Sirocco said as she accepted Grapes' abacus and began moving the beads back and forth as she shuffled the stacks about further and made notes on the pad. "You are certainly doing well this year. You have a good buffer against future troubles. Do you have any further forms of income you can add to this?"

"Just the rent from the storage sheds, and Redline in the north field," Grapes replied.

"Redline? Would he be a grayish blue unicorn with a wild mane of red hair? Usually walking about in some manners of coveralls, sometimes in the presence of a small pegasus filly with a dust-gray coat and mane?" Sirocco asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Yes, that's him. And the pegasus filly is his adopted sister, Moondust."

"Ah. I was wondering about that. The affection they have for one another is very heartwarming, they do not even seem to notice that they are so different. And you say he is in the North field? I was under the impression the land there was unusable," the foreign mare mused thoughtfully.

That's why there are those storage sheds, out there. And Redline and Moondust, of course. Though Moondust's done a good job of clearing a garden spot... I've really considered building them a house," Grapes replied as she shrugged.

"If the land there is unable to be tilled then perhaps a few modest domiciles would be a good way to edge your bats. Many ponies would be happy to have a small home to start off with before earning enough for a larger one," Sirocco advised.

"The phrase is 'hedge your bets'," Grapes corrected.

"Oh... Equestrian is so confusing sometimes," Sirocco uttered, as she took a moment to scribble some figures down on a fresh sheet before showing them to her. "Rental minus basic upkeep costs for a small home may still be putting you out ahead for a steady Income source. ...might I ask what Mister Redline does for a living?"

“He’s a tinkerer, and general repairspony,” Grapes replied. “He’s probably doing well, this month, after the parasprite problem.”

"I can see that. It is remarkable how fast Ponyville recovers from disaster. It is as if that which nearly hobbles them, makes them stronger somehow."

“Gotta love the resilience of the place, to be honest. But then it was founded by the Apple Family, and you know how stubborn my cousin, Applejack can be,” Grapes observed.

"Surprisingly enough stubbornness can sometimes be an admirable trait." she agreed. "It's knowing when to keep butting heads or to simply walk away that's the trick."

Grapes chuckled. "And indeed it is a trick."

"Well then, until you have those who owe you rent and other payments, give you what you are owed I do believe that I have crushed your numbers as best I can," Sirocco said with an air of finality.

“Crunched," Grapes said absently."

"Thank you again for allowing me to stay the season here. It is good to... Put... roots... down?"

"That one you got right," Grapes said with a smile.

The next day, Sour Grapes decided to visit the North Field, and see if Redline had the rent, this month or needed another extension. True she could be a bit stern with farmhooves, but Grapes was not about to put a filly out of her home because her brother was having a rough patch. The North Field was a sad rocky patch of ground that came with the vineyard when the Grapes Family first came to ponyville. Sandy, rocky and tangled with old tree roots and scrub, it wasn't truly good for anything but denting plows and giving headaches to anypony who got it into their head to try to claim the land. Previous attempts only allowed for the foundations of several large sheds to be built there. She rented these sheds out to the ponyville citizens for the storage. Sometimes for the storage of dangerous materials that were best away from a populated area, but most often for ponies who just needed a little more space in their homes. And then there was Redline... He was a piece of work.

Redline was a unicorn inventor. Who loved to improve things. He had come to ponyville a year or so back from the city of Detrot, pulling a colorful 'Gypsy wagon' full of tools and trinkets to offer his services as creator and repairpony... oh yes... and to raise his sweet and excitable sister Moondust. He rented her largest shed as a workshop so that he and Moondust could have some genuine living space in his wagon. It was so... heartwarming to see how devoted he was to her. Being an only child, Grapes sometimes wondered what having a brother or sister would have been like for her, and she often hoped that it could have been like the relationship those two had. Granted sometimes Redline was more trouble than what he was worth. He had a habit of causing small disasters around Ponyville by pushing his inventions too far. Making them work beyond their limits until... well... it was no wonder the locals now called a machine that was overpowered had been "Redlined". Grapes had often considered building a house for the two. Maybe during the spring... Believe it or not, having the Riders that summer had cut down on costs.

Operations had in her own memory never been this far in the black. This level of surplus was a welcome surprise and would provide a buffer in case of any unforeseen disasters. Boy was she glad the Storm-Riders were around when the Parasprites hit. Her first year in control could have been one of total financial ruin. She should do something nice for them to show her appreciation, sometime. She would figure it out, later. She only hoped that they would be around next year.

The north field looked as rocky and unforgiving as always, and Sour Grapes had to pause by one old stump to ponder a gear being embedded in it. That was new. Yet at the furthest point of the field there was signs of civilisation. Moondust, bless that little filly's heart, had taken time to pry up rocks and pull weeds and dig a large circle of tilled soil around her 'Property' and filled it with wildflowers creating a colorful hedge of a sort. Wild Jazz played on a nearby gramophone as several pots of paint sat open and she danced wildly about with a brush in her teeth, painting her Wagon-Home with an impressive array of bright colors. She remembered her first impression of the little filly. She had a moment of cautious disbelief that a Pegasus could be Redline's little sister.. but she told her... quite PROUDLY that she was Adopted, and that "out of allllllllll the little colts and fillies in the world, she was special enough to be chosen to be Redline's little sister." Sweet thing.

Grapes trotted up, a smile on her face. "Hey, Moondust. How are you doing?"

Moondust giggled and leapt over to Grapes, her little wings buzzed madly, failing to make her fly but somehow reduced her personal gravity to allow some impressive jumps. "Miss Grapes! I'm doing great. Red told me I could paint the wagon anyways I wanted because it was looking very sad. What do you think? I found some old paint in his workshop and was working hard all night long!”

"It's looking good, Moondust," Grapes said with a smile. "It's very cheery."

"YEAH! OH! You must be here because of something important... uhm...." The little pony screwed her face up cutely as she tapped her hoof against her forehead in thought. "Must be... MONEY DAY!"

"Ah... Yeah..." Grapes uttered, realizing that was about the only time she ever came out here to visit.

"Okay! I'll get my brother," Moondust said as she skip-hopped over to the shed and knocked loudly. "Big Brother! Are you still in there? Miss Sour Grapes is here for Money Day!"

"She is? Oh that's great... be right out, Moondust." Grapes chuckled, as she waited patiently. There was a sound like metal parts being shuffled around, accompanied by muttering and the occasional 'mystery noise' before the door opened and Out stepped Redline. His coat was a dull colonial blue but he had a pink muzzle and an impressive wild mane of unkempt red hair. It was nearly laughable how much he looked like the stereotypical mad scientist even wearing pince-nez glasses on his green eyes or the utilitarian gray coveralls he wore to keep grease and oil from staining his body. He smiled around the bag in his teeth before trotting over to her and setting it down. "Hello Miss Sour Grapes. Nice to see you again, I'd ask what you're doing out here but it's rather obvious isn't it?"

"Hello to you too. How've you been?" Grapes asked with a chuckle.

"I'm doing pretty good. I'm ready to pay not only this month's rent but the back rent I owe you and even have some for winter months. The Parasprite infestation may have been bad news for Ponyville but it was a much-needed boon for a repair-guy. I've never been so busy, or profitable. Some ponies got into small bidding wars for much-needed hoofpower to repair businesses and homes,” Redline replied with a smile.

Grapes chuckled. "Well that's good. I appreciate you're paying up what you owe. But it's not like I'm short on bits. Just let me know what's going on, and I’ll be sure to spot you again. And how’s Moondust been doing?"

"Well, Moondust is enjoying her classes with Miss Cherilee and her wings are getting stronger every day. It won't be long before I'll have to send her to Cloudsdale for flight school, and that means I'll have to arrange for a dorm room for her. That's an awful long way for her to commute,” Redline replied.

Grapes nodded. "Understandable. Maybe some of the pegasai I know can lend a hoof."

"That would be great. I can examine and explain how to fly all I want in a technical way but in the end she needs real pegasai to show her how it's done. She needs to have a few pointers from a proper pegasus before she heads up there. In the end she's a pegasus and I'm a unicorn," he said as he tapped the impressive long horn that curved up from his brow with a smirk. "Wings are very different from horns."

"No? Really? I'd have never guessed," Grapes snarked.

"Sarcasm aside you know what I mean. I see her looking up at the skies and I don't want to deny her that feeling of... of laughing at gravity and looking down on the clouds."

"All right," Grapes agreed.

"So...." Redline said levitating the cloth bag up and out to her, she could practically HEAR the amount of bits jingling in there. "It should all be there... thank you very much for extending the time I needed to get it together. You have been more than generous to me and Moondust."

"I'm not going to put a family stallion out on his flank because he's having a hard time," Grapes asserted.

"I appreciate that. Thank you Sour Grapes. Not many other ponies would be as patient with me. I know I've caused a few problems now and again but I just can't understand how I can wind up with the reputation of being trouble. I don't know where they get this idea that I bring some kind of disaster with me wherever I go."

"Uh... Let's see... There's the sewing machine you made for Rarity," Grapes started then there was a sound like a steam whistle from his shed, getting louder by the moment... then a dull *THUD!* as a mushroom-shaped plume of intensely vivid purple smoke shot up from the chimney into the air.

Redline wheeled about, and looking up at the cloud, shouted "MY TEA!" before dashing into the shed.

"And there's that," Grapes finished.

A moment of clattering later he walked out of the shed, levitating a teapot ahead of him, thick purple smoke rising from it. "Awww... it's ruined. I'm going to have to make adjustments to the pressure cooker."

"... You don't use a pressure cooker to make tea."

"Really? I thought it a great idea. My tea was being made in a mere 20% of the usual time needed and the blend came out quite potent," Redline mused, as he turned the pot upside down and out fell a small Purple/orange puck of condensed and charred... tea matter. In spite of the appearance, Grapes was able to recognise many of the teas in it by appearance and smell.

Grapes raised an eyebrow. "Er..."

"Aww horse-hockey. My special blend. I'm gonna feel all logey later."

"So you've got a blend of Assam Darjeeling, Golden Steed Eyebrow, and Bailin Gongfu. Oh, and Pu'erh. Lovely. All that caffeine can't be good for you,” Grapes uttered.

"It can't?"

"No. It can't," Grapes said with a certain finality to her voice.

"Well I'll admit the sudden lurch in my chest after the first cup isn't always pleasant but it really perks me up in the morning," Redline observed.

"Yeah, that lurch is your heart protesting you jump-starting it like that," Grapes asserted.

"You think? Wow... maybe it really could be bad for me," the red-maned unicorn uttered thoughtfully.

"You're going to get yourself checked out by a doctor, to make sure you haven't done any permanent damage to yourself," the brown unicorn said, firmly. “If not for your own sake, for Moondust’s.”

"But..." he stopped and looking over at where his sister was now trying to catch a butterfly sighed. "Ok. You're right. I should take better care of myself, shouldn't I?"

"Yes, yes you should."

Redline looked at the small coaster-sized mass of material and smirked. "Pity... you might have liked the flavor. It's bracing as a jump in an icy pond."

"I'd rather like my heart without scars, thanks," Grapes uttered with a smirk.

"Okay. So it's nearly time for Winter. Are you set for it?" Redline asked.

"Mostly," Grapes said with a quiet sigh.

"You don't seem too enthused," Redline observed astutely.

"Well... My parents retired. And for once I have friends, real friends. But most of them are probably going to leave, once the season's over," Grapes said quietly. “Sirocco’s asked to stay, though, which is a good thing, but it’s still going to be kinda lonely,” Grapes said with a sigh.

"Well if you ever get TOO lonely you know Moondust and I are always willing to entertain. I'll even serve normal tea," Redline offered.

"I would hope so. I'd hate for somepony to get into that stuff, that ISN'T used to it," Grapes admonished. After that, they said their goodbyes, and Grapes went back to her house.

"Huh-oh Mith Ghraes," Earshot greeted her, his teeth clenched around the string that held a small parcel about the size of a breadbox closed.

“Hello, Earshot,” Grapes replied. “You get some mail?” He came in to a very graceful landing next to the Long table reserved for farmhooves dining and set the parcel down.

"Yes I did. All the way from back home in... my home region."

“I suppose your obvious differences is the reason why you keep your... ‘home region’ a secret, hm?” Grapes asked, kindly.

"Yeah. It's part of why I'm out here is to kinda both see how Daylight ponies feel about my kind and... to put my best hoof forwards and make a good impression,” Earshot explained as he examined the knot a moment then tugged one bit with his teeth and it unraveled perfectly, the box springing open quite neatly.

“Well... Most ponies think that Night Ponies are fictional,” Grapes said. “Well... Until they meet you.”

"Looking at most of the reactions, it's not always a good bit of fiction. But that's why I'm here... to hopefully reintroduce us. Can't live in the dark forever. Oh hey it's from my grandmother. " He cleared his throat and began to read out loud. Grapes stole a peek over his shoulder and noticed that the script on the page was unlike any language she had seen. Made of vertical lines, horizontal lines and dots it reminded her more of sheet music than actual writing. "Earshot, My dearest grandson. Your letters always help me feel that you and I have made the right choice in sending you out into the world. Your latest letters from the town of Ponyville have been especially heartening and amusing as you speak of all the ways you have come to know the ponies that live there and integrated yourself into their lives."

“You write about us?” Grapes asked, raising an eyebrow, as she looked over the rather lyrical writing. “Wonder how that would sound if it was played on an instrument...”

"Well, yeah! I mean don't you write to your family about friends and happenings around you?" Earshot asked.

"I do... Not sure if Mom and Dad are checking their mail box, though," Grapes replied with a chuckle. "That may be a good indication they're going to be coming for Hearth's Warming..."

He glanced at the sheet again and giggled. "Speaking of which, there's more here. *Ahem* It is with no small deliberation on both the Stygian Cove council, and with myself that I would like to ask you a favor. I know how much you look forwards to coming home every year for the Long-Dark but with you having become an accepted face in Ponyville we... I would like you to consider staying this year to act as an observer for the upcoming Daylight Pony holiday Hearth's Warming. You know how until now we have only been able to watch from the fringes of...." he paused a moment before continuing "...of the local town. We would very much like to see how well you are accepted amid the upcoming celebrations. Sometimes we must walk before we can fly my dear Earshot, and your hooves are the sturdiest ones we can set forward. If you wish to come home none will oppose your decision but give this a few days thought before replying. In the meantime enclosed is... OOH! Enclosed!"

He put the letter down and began rooting through the box. He pulled out a pale yellow-green wool blanket that seemed slightly 'off' to Grapes, it looked warm but like it was a low-grade wool. Earshot however didn't seem to mind. he wrapped it about himself and churred happily before pulling out a large jar filled with a brackish fluid and stuffed full of what looked like eggs. "Oh! She remembered! Thank-you Grandma!"

“Do I even want to know?” the brown unicorn asked apprehensively

"Pickled Eggs!" the night pony chirped happily. "When I think of home during the Long Dark season, I automatically think of these. They're tasty and one of those... guilty.. pleasures, like what Miss Rarity talks about."

"I can see that, yeah. Though, they sell those in town. Some ponies have a greater tolerance for protein than others, so..." Grapes replied sounding a bit relieved. Earshot’s tolerance for... interesting sources of protein was something that had been demonstrated before. “So... You’re going to be staying over the winter?”

"Well, that is, if it's all right. I think I really would like to see what Hearths Warming is like up close. We usually only see it from a distance, the colors, the smells, the hub-hub and hullabaloo."

“I’ve no problem with it. Sirocco’s staying too, so it’d be nice to have another familiar face around the homestead,” Grapes replied. “And maybe you’ll be able to explain what the hay ‘Long Dark’ is about, you know, as a cultural exchange. I know Pinkie Pie does a party, and there’s the pageant, of course.”

"Really? I'd like very much to see as much about Hearth's Warming as I can. With ears like mine I can usually hear the town back home almost as if I'm there in the middle. Kind of a tease for me to hear but never really get a good look at things," Earshot said looking excited.

"Well I fully intend to take you to the pageant. And to Pinkie's party. No bugs, but still very good food,” Grapes said.

He giggled. "That's ok. I like the food here. It's different than a lot of what we get back home,” Earshot replied.

"Say... Earshot... Is that the usual grade of goods that your home gets?" Grapes asked, looking at the blanket.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" he said snuggling his cheek against the coarse wool.

"Come inside the house, and I'll show you," Grapes said, trotting into her home, and going to her linen closet.

He followed her, the blanket on his back like a strange cape. She opened the closet and pulled out a few different blankets and she could see his eyes glitter at the sight of them. "Oh very nice colors. You must have payed so much for those, Miss Grapes."

"That's the thing. I didn't. I know you want to keep your home a secret... But it seems like your people are getting short-changed," Grapes said quietly, as she found a nice yellow wool blanket, and offered it to Earshot.

"I always thought that we got what we could afford. I mean yeah the other ponies had such bright pretty clothing but we had to buy the wool or fabrics from them and make our own dyes... make our own clothing. It was never as pretty but we never saw that much wrong with it."

"Maybe you could tell me about your home, sometime. You mentioned other ponies, and a nearby town... And yes, the fiction is usually overwhelmingly negative... But you are as pony as anypony else, and your people doesn't deserve to be sold a town's less-than-stellar goods because you're different," Grapes said, putting up her blankets, except the one she gave to Earshot.

"Well.. ok. I trust you enough that you won't do anything weird with stuff I tell you. Aren't you forgetting this blanket too, Miss Grapes?"

"Think of it as an early Hearth's Warming gift, Earshot. A pony can never have too many blankets."

"Oh! Thank you very much Miss Grapes. That is so nice of you."

“You’re welcome. Thank the stars I’ve got another guest room,” Grapes chuckled.

"Grandma asked me to think about it a few days but I'm pretty sure I know what my answer will be," the night pony said cheerfully.

"I'd be happy to have you, Earshot," Grapes said with a grin.

“I better head into town at some point and get some warm weather wear then. Firestormer usually loans me some of his when we do Queenie's schtick,” Earshot observed, thoughtfully.

"Why don't I take both you and Sirocco? I know the region better than either of you, and I'll help you get the best deal."

"OH! That would be wonderful. I got a lot of money set aside that I never got around to spending," Earshot chirped happily.

“I’ll ask her about it, then we’ll see,” Grapes said, as they walked out of the house. “And I’d better see about getting those rooms aired out.” Grapes paused, then decided to go back inside, and do just that. She went to her old room, now made a generic bedroom, and opened the window. The sheets were fresh, since she moved into her parents’ old room, recently. The unicorn then went to the guest room, opening that window. Grapes then went to her new room, and sighed in satisfaction. She had gotten it looking the way she wanted. She DID keep the old comforter, though. The brown unicorn looked around, then lept and flopped back onto the large bed, the comforter FLOOFING in the way she adored. So many good memories. Well she’ll be making her own, now. Two friends staying the winter. The cold months were not looking as bleak as they were. Grapes then hopped up, realizing that she should get some extra toiletries.

Grapes made it to town well before the shops closed relieved. True she could have waited to get the toiletries, but she was the sort that did not like to put things off. She went to the Day Spa, picking up some shampoo and soap from the twins. And barely got out of there before they could convince her to partake an herbal soak and massage.

"I swear those two..." Grapes uttered with a shake of her head as continued on her errands, picking up some extra food, and other sundries. As she set about gathering up what she needed, she wondered where her parents had stowed away the Hearths Warming decorations. She wasn't even going to bother putting them all up this year, maybe the wreath on the door and maybe the good seasonal tablecloth but with Earshot wanting the 'Hearths Warming Experience' then perhaps she should pull them out and have him, and Sirocco, help her to put them up. Grapes paused by the post office, pondering if she should write her parents a letter about the decorations.

She decided it would be for the best if she did. One, it would reduce the head-scratching and grumbling if they directed her to the right hidey-hole from the get go rather than directionless searching, and two... it would put her parents at ease. Asking them where they were would let them know she was not going to let their absence get in the way of her enjoying herself. She was going to enjoy her holiday even if they can't get home for the holidays. With that goal in mind, she diverted her course to the building, proper.

The Pony Express office was in it's own way... slow. Fast delivery of mail, but long lines for processing of those who wrote it. She stood in line awaiting her turn when she realised that sompony had come in behind her. Turning slightly she realised it was Queenie, currently re-reading a letter while balancing a parcel on her back.

“Hey, Queenie,” Grapes said said with a smile. “Have some ‘in town’ stuff to do, too?”

"Mmmm? Oh! Grapes, I didn't see you there. Ah yes.. well I got a letter from my parents and I need to put a few things in order early this year."

Grapes nodded. "Well I'm sending a letter to my folks. Need to know where they stashed the Hearth's Warming decorations."

"Oh really? Nice to know you're looking ahead like that. Ur... that being said, I need to take a week or two off soon,” Queenie replied.

"Well we just had final harvest, and you're practically finished with the deseeding. I figured you'd be going home for the winter season," Grapes said, as the line slowly progressed.

"It turns out that I may not be needed there this season," she said looking oddly cheerful.

"Oh... kay... I thought you'd want to go and see your family," Grapes said sounding confused.

"Well... I love my family dearly but every year at this time I head back to Avalanche Valley, literally going from one job to another. You see... Avalanche Valley is my ancestral home... literally. I can't remember if I spoke of this to you already but Father and Mother are the Duke and Duchess of Avalanche Valley and I am it's heir... an heir that has since she was a child played chambermaid to all manner of tourists because the whole region has since the 8th dynasty been not only broke, but heavily in Debt," Queenie explained with a touch of melancholy.

"Severely. The Eighth Duchess, Thin Ice, had little business sense and rather than let the grand gem mines of the region be a sustainable resource... chose to dig them until there wasn't any 'seed gems' left for the innate magic of the land to grow more from. She squandered the wealth on making things 'pretty' and ever since his reign the family coffers have been... somewhat light. As a result we have a beautiful town and I have a magnificent home... and a country where every Stallion, Mare and foal has to pull their weight to make ends meet."

“Talk about a ironically appropriate name...” Grapes uttered. “Because that’s exactly where she left her descendants. I’m surprised that none of her relatives tried to stop her foolishness.”

"This was still in an era where people still respected the Golden Rule... the one where whomsoever has the gold, makes the rules. And nopony wants to be the one to rock the boat when everypony seems to be making bits hoof over fetlock. It was once the mines were empty, the money spent and the foreign workers hired to do the job packed up and took said Bits with them to parts.. foreign, did anypony suddenly look about and realise we were now in a very deep... picturesque hole. Our mining may have boomed but in the end, like all fast-growth industries it went bust." Grapes nodded, as she handed her envelope to the postpony. She then left the line, and waited for Queenie to finish her business.

“I like the modern-day Golden Rule better,” Grapes observed, when Queenie met her by the door. “But that was a different era, I think. Since you’re not going home, what do you intend to do for winter?”

"Well I will be headed home. Normally this time of year I get ready for the long drudgery of prancing about in a black and white chambermaid outfit, kowtowing to rude tourists and bawdy powder-trash with pockets full of foolishly spent bits... oh... joy," Queenie deadpanned in a way that let Grapes knew she had learned well from her. "Mother and Father who are 'officially' the Innkeeper and Chef at the Valley's largest hotel... my ancestral Manse... have informed me that this year, I may have a holiday of my own. They somehow managed to get some interns this year. Ponies who work for experience rather than pay. I have to head home for a week or two, teach them what's necessary to do their duties and then..." she paused and tilted her head up at the bright blue sky, the sunlight catching her hair and making it glimmer like gold. "My first true vacation since... ever."

“You have learned well, my faithful student,” Grapes said jokingly. “So... what do you intend to do?”

"I'll finally have time for... well.. for ME. I'm not certain I'll know what to do with it. Maybe I'll come back to Ponyville and just... let the world pass me by for a change," Queenie said before she paused a moment then seemed a little unsure of herself. "I... don't suppose I could stay here, could I? I've been sending home the bulk of my earnings to help ease the needs of my subjects and... I don't think I can afford a hotel to stay at AND still afford to eat." Grapes stopped, a stunned look on her face slowly morphing into one of sheer panic.

“I... don’t have any more guest rooms... And I will NOT put anypony on the couch,” Grapes uttered. “And the bunkhouse is NOT set up for winter borders.”

"Well it's all right. I've slept in worse places... trust me. And I... wait... guest rooms? Who shall be IN those rooms?"

"Sirocco and Earshot," Grapes replied. "They asked to stay, too. Earshot for the whole Hearth's Warming experience, and Sirocco... Well she can't really go back to the Dune Sea, and she said that Grapevine Hills feels like 'home' to her, so... yeah."

"Really? How odd..." Queenie mused.

"What's so odd about it?"

"Just that... well... Perhaps since your Vineyard is the one location I've spent the most time on serving as a Storm-Rider, it's actually been feeling quite... home-like to me as well. Funny, isn't it?"

"Even with a heaping helping of snarky unicorn?" Grapes asked with a self-depreciating grin.

"Oh, especially with that. Your snark is actually intelligent and well-timed. Trust me. I've had to deal with poorly executed unintelligent and witless for some time and I can appreciate the effort you put into your quality snark." Grapes just blinked at Queenie a couple of times, then laughed merrily. She smiled at her as they headed down the street. "Look... all jest aside we Storm-Riders HAVE roosted in strange and far more uncomfortable places than your Vineyard. Your couch would be quite adequate compared to some locations in recent memory. Heck, with my high resistance to cold I'd be happy with sleeping in the barn all winter... Provided there's fresh hay and a blanket."

“If you don’t mind the couch, which is quite comfortable, then you’re there,” Grapes said. “No winter guest of mine gets stuck in the barn, no matter HOW cold resistant they are.”

"It's not my fault that I have good wintering genes," Queenie giggled. "It's been said that the Ice clan has frost in their blood. We're certain that it's meant as a compliment and not a reminder of the tenth Duke, Ice Heart the dispassionate."

"Maybe you can tell me your family history over the winter, hm?" Grapes asked.

"Oh I would love to. Mother and Father would drill me on it until I had the entire line committed to memory. It just doesn't come up in conversation enough to really justify that... buuuuut it's 'TRADITIONAL'.”

"There are a multitude of silly things carried on for the sake of tradition," Grapes said with a roll of her eyes. "Sometime they should be looked upon, critically, and given the boot for being useless. History, though, isn't one of them. History tells us the mistakes of the past so we do not repeat them."

"I usually repeat it when I go to bed... helps me fall to sleep quicker."

Grapes snerked. "Sounds about right. Okay. So now I've got three guests. And I was worried about being lonely this winter."

"You may really enjoy showing Earshot Hearth’s Warming. When he remembers to sing in a pitch normal ponies can hear.... ah... he has the most gorgeous voice," Queenie said with a smile.

"I am going to really enjoy showing Earshot Hearth's Warming. Sirocco, too," Grapes asserted, then poked Queenie. "And you're going to help."

"I'd love to. Earshot is wonderful... like the little brother I would have loved to have had."

"Good. It'll be nice to have a friend helping me."

"So... do you want me to bring back the family album to help paint a better picture of Avalanche Valley?" Queenie asked.

"Don't see why not. Might be nifty to see your parents... and your baby pictures. Bet you were a darling foal," Grapes observed, mentally making a note to bring out her own family album.

"Oh. Why thank you, Grapes. It also includes photographs of the paintings and statues done of all my ancestors... You may not care for Thin Ice's statue. It's been a target of public aggression for centuries starting with its relocation in the back of Deadbeat alley."

Grapes chuckled. "Oh, it's fine. Good to have something to vent at, hm?"

"Oh yes. Pity really... the one painting the family hid away in the attic showed she was a fairly striking Mare. Still she did bring her legacy on herself." Grapes nodded sagely.

"Ah well... at least her statue has become a good punishment for those who push our hospitality past the breaking point. The judge usually forces such moral trespassers to clean it."

Grapes grinned. "Sweet. Wish I had something like that.”

"I can tell you how. First you need to find somepony who is a terrible example..." Queenie teased.

"Li-i-ike... Blueballs?" Grapes asked with a very impish grin.

"Oh... oh yes... yes yes yes yes," she laughed.

The next day Grapes decided to get a start on putting the insulating hay over the roots of the grapevines for the winter season. She was sure she could get some help, later, but she wanted to get a start, at least. She was about halfway down the first row, when Summer Squall landed nearby.

"Arr... Miss Grapes. May I have a moment of your time?" Grapes looked up quizzically at the sea-green pegasus.

"Ah duh shee eye naw," Grapes said the pitchfork still in her teeth.

"Wonderful. I ah... seem to have an interesting situation on me hooves this year, that I didn't before."

Grapes raised an eyebrow, then put the pitchfork down, making a couple of faces to return the flexibility to her lips after being used as a gripping mechanism. "And what, if I may be so bold as to ask, would that be?"

"Well. In no small part to your good work offer, for the first time in a few decades I find m'self with the curious addition to my life known as a 'Home Address'," Squall chuckled and sat down. "It's something odd to get used to, but strangely convenient. For a large part of my life I've been making due with checking a post-office box in Seaside but due to the nature of me work with the Storm-Riders you can guess how long between visits that can be."

Grapes nodded. "I can imagine," she observed.

"Well I visited Seaside a few days ago to clear out the remains of that box and made a point of visiting the local Watering hole." He paused a moment and his eyes seemed to stare off into the horizon as he smiled in the way only an old pony could when confronted with a good memory . "T'is owned by a lovely lass. Full Pint. She slings a mean Algae Cider as well as a mean right hoof when someone tries to put the blinders on her. Anyways I visit, intending to have a quick one for the road when she asks where've I've been keeping m'self these days. Well, says I. I told 'er how I had become gainfully employed by a straight-talking landlubber all these months, who even gave us a residence to stay."

"They make cider out of algae? How would that work? You'd almost be making a whiskey out of it, by turning any algae into something akin to a mash," Grapes mused, obviously sidetracked by the errata.

"I never said it went down smooth," Squall said tapping the side of his nose with his hoof.

"... And now that I'm curious about it, I'm half-tempted to try making something palatable... Great, I'm Applejack Wagering myself..."

The sea green pegasus chuckled and went back to his story. "So there I was, telling her about the Vineyard and how it have become my place of residence when she laughs and throws her bar-rag at me and tells me 'Now isn't that lovely. I finally have a place to send your bill you wharf rat.' I think she was impressed that I actually have a place to call home. And it suddenly dawned on me that I've been staying in flop-houses, hostels, cheap motels and even barns these past few decades, and that this... this place has been the first place in all that time that has had me feeling like I've come home when I walk through the big gate out front. Funny, ain't it. I was born on the oceans, I have salt water in me veins but here in this landlocked tract of property I actually find myself hesitating to fly away from for something as small as a holiday."

Grapes stood there, looking stunned. "You... consider Grapevine Hills home? Are you asking to stay the winter, too?"

"Well it's not as if I really have a home to go TO. Me father, Scrimshaw, is still stomping about but we were never the touchy-feely types. He loves me in his own rough way and he knows I love the old gaffer back. It's a Stallion-y kind of affection. But to answer your question, Aye. This place has become my home more than any OTHER port, and yes... I would like to winter here." Squall paused as if something occurred to him. "You say I'm not the first to ask this question?"

“Well it started with Sirocco. She can’t go back to the Great Dune Sea, and she said that the Vineyard felt a lot like home to her. I was feeling a touch down, because you all were probably going to be heading off for your own holidays, and to your own families, so I was happy to say ‘yes’,” Grapes started to explain. “Then Earshot asked to stay so he could get the whole Day-Pony Hearth’s Warming experience. The last one to ask was Queenie. She’s getting a little vacation from having to play chambermaid at her family’s resort in Avalanche Valley. And now I don’t have any room in the house... Sirocco got the guest room. Earshot got my old bedroom, and Queenie was going to be on the couch. She volunteered to be on the couch, believe it or not. I have NO clue where I could put you to be honest.”

Summer Squall looked at her with the most kindly... fatherly expression she had seen anypony other than her own father give, and placed his hooves on her shoulders. "It's alright lass. Take a moment, and we'll look at this problem... no, hmm not problem... CHALLENGE from another angle. Shall we?"

"The challenge is that the bunkhouse is unsuitable for guests," Grapes said with a slight smirk. "Considering how things have been going, it won't be long before Firestormer, and Stormy ask to winter, here, too."

"It does look that way, doesn't it. Arr... Let me think a moment."

"Well... The main problem is insulation. But after Wrap-Up, we could see about building a new bunkhouse, with some real rooms."

He chuckled and stepped out of the frames to take a better look at the Bunkhouse. "I can honestly say that while she's not in her prime anymore I have worked with worse. When your new barn was built was there any lumber left over?"

"Yes. It's stored in the barn, itself," Grapes replied. "And Grapevine Hills did very well, this year. Having you guys on the payroll really reduced my overhead."

“Well you're about to find yourself with another small windfall," Squall said sitting back on his haunches and hooking his hooves into the 'pitts' of the jacket he was wearing. "You happen to be looking at an experienced carpenter with no small talent in working in the medium of wood. Give me a few weeks, and a few ponies to lend a hoof and I can insulate and make her watertight enough to go to sea in."

"We've got a few weeks, and there are a few ponies about town, unless you were wanting to use the other Riders as labor," Grapes said with a grin. "But I don't think we need to take the bunkhouse to sea."

"Well, it just may wind up that way. I learned all me carpentry from me father Scrimshaw, who was... and really still is one of the finest Shipwrights in all of Equestria. You only get one chance to get a boat right so you gotta be good. Especially with these newfangled Airships. He's currently working on making one for some fancy bigwig in Canterlot... should be ready by next year. But that's only because of the decorative aspect. What we're looking at here is four walls, a roof and the fiddly bits inside."

"That's right. But we'll work out the plans for the new bunkhouse, come spring. If you are going to be actually LIVING here, you should have a good home, not something intended for temp workers to flop in," Grapes said with a nod.

"Fair enough. Fair enough. But don't expect me to do a shoddy job just because we're rushin' things," Squall uttered with a nod.

"Why would I expect that? You're a craftspony, right?" Grapes asked.

"You know what I mean." he smirked.