• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 4,591 Views, 123 Comments

Friendship is Optimal: Fifteen Galaxies Out - Masterweaver

Human, but not human. The all-knowing AI called Celestia is about to encounter a challenge unlike anything she had ever calculated...

  • ...



Intellectually, Rrrrchickta knew it made sense. Large flat areas dispersed force from rockets and were far more navigable then the scarambletree branches she called home. But that was it, wasn't it? No cover from the Skrofans, the grass unable to support her if she wanted to climb for a better view.... they'd resorted to pulling up tall posts and handing out perches for the crowd to hammer in.

There were a lot of perches.

The seed was visible. Silvery grey, floating behind the clouds. There weren't many clouds today, all the better for sunlight to sparkle across the posts and the small pack of Skrofans that had gathered just outside the circle. They weren't attacking, though. They seemed... wary of the Jeckrr, never having seen so many in one place.

"Half the forest must be here," Rrrrchickta whispered to a sentinel that was idly watching the predators.

"Three forests."


The sentinel flicked his featherwings. "Three whole forests migrated here... well, aside from some stragglers. And that's not counting the Dowagers from around the world..."

Rrrrchickta swallowed. "Oh."

"Pretty amazing, right?"

"Y...Yeah. Heh." She started stroking her antennae, trying to calm herself. Out of all those present, she was probably amongst the few that really understood what was happening here. Or amongst the few that were paranoid enough to expect anything other than peaceful relationships. She had to admit the possibility, after all--

She jumped when her perch jerked, quickly composing herself when she realized she'd merely been joined by an overeager Jeckrr wearing quite a large amount of bags. Out of her watcheye she watched the newcomer bounce eagerly in place and peer at the sky in excitement. "Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigooooosh!"

"Hmmm." The astronomer tilted her head. "You certainly have quite a bit of anticipation about you, friend."

"Why wouldn't I?!" The newcomer turned her seekereyes to Rrrrchickta. "The ponies are coming TODAY! I've been waiting for this for, like, ever!"

"I know the feeling," Rrrrchickta replied. "I was actually the one who first spotted the seed--"

"YOU?! YOU'RE RRRRCHICKTA?! Ohmigosohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh--"

The elder clutchling was gripped in a tight hug. She glanced around, awkwardly giving the young one a pat on the head. "Um--"

"I am like, your BIGGEST fan. I mean you are, oh my gosh. You saw the ponies first!" She backed off, reaching into her back and producing a leafpad. "Can I have your autograph please? Please please please please please pleeeeeeeeeeease?"

"Ah...." The astronomer took the leafpad hesitantly. "I... suppose? Um... To my biggest fan... what's your name?"


The astronomer flicked an ear. "Diash...Ranba? Like the pegasus?"

"I know, isn't it AWESOME?!" The fan scratched her antennae. "I mean I couldn't just call myself Rainbow Dash cause, you know, that would be CONFUSING but I figured out if I, like, shifted it a bit that would work."

Rrrrchickta tilted her head as she finished writing out her message. "How old are you, anyway?"

"Oh, I'm three hundred and fourty seven... days," Diashranba admitted. "I know I must seem like just a hatchling to you, but this is just so cool! I had to be here!"

"Ha, the exuberance of youth." The astronomer handed the leafpad back, looking over the sheer bounciness and energy the child had, the way she carried herself... she'd named herself after Rainbow Dash, the pony best known for her snap judgments and rash actions. "You're not going to dye your feathers, are you?"

"Do you think I should?"

"It's your life," Rrrrchickta replied noncommittally. "Good luck keeping it kid," she added under her breath.

"Ohyigoshohmygoshohmygosh they're going to be here any minute!" Diashranba rippled her featherscales, chriping in excitement. "I wonder what their spaceship looks like--THERE IT IS! THERE IT IS!"

The astronomer looked up to where she was pointing, peripherally aware of the ripple of excitement running through the crowd. A gleam of silver was descending through the clouds--

Where's the entry cone? Why isn't the air heating up?

--and rapidly approaching the ground--

That's not a safe trajectory at all!

--to wild cheers and chirps from the gathered crowd.

...well, at least I'll die first and not have to suffer whatever happens next. Rrrrchickta rationalized. The explosion should wipe out these tweets too...

Just before the silvery gleam reach them, though, it jolted to a sudden stop; the air rippled in one powerful THOOM at the pressure wave, heat rushing through the astronomer's feathers like the sudden pelt of rainwater caught in a broadfern. The Skrofans that had gathered around the base of the poles jumped back, barking to each other in sudden panic.

In that moment... in that moment, Rrrrchickta felt her song change forever. No, not her song. The world's song.

The object's final descent to the ground was far more slow and relaxed, allowing it to rotate as it slowly hovered down to the prepared landing area. Now that she could see it up close, the astronomer realized that the thing was... a mere archway, a curved bar of unknown metal embedded at regular intervals with what appeared to be... gemstones? The tips of the arch bent sharply, providing two small feet as it finally hit the ground.

For a brief moment, nothing happened.

Then golden wires burst from the top of the archway, extending and weaving into a complicated filigree as the gemstones lit up from an internal source. A flash of purple appeared in the center, quickly spreading to fill the empty space in a rippling sheet of some unknown form of energy. The filigree pulsed for a moment, and the gemstones flickered in a pattern of increasing agitation...

And Celestia herself emerged with a warm, friendly smile.

Comments ( 27 )

First off, welcome back!

Second off, OH FUCK CELESTAI HAS MADE LANDFALL! They can kiss their planet goodbye.

Oh wow, I did not expect that. Good work!

You know, two years ago, if I had to make a list of impossible things that could never happen, this fic updating would have been right at the top of the list. I would've been wrong, wouldn't I? :twilightblush:

6388946 A demon gate? That's how you want to present yourselves to the world? :ajbemused:

6388946 (don't watch if your a kid)

6389209 I knew it, I'm surrounded by Assholes.

CelestAI has figured out how to make aesthetically pleasing wormholes.
I mean, if she has that level of tech, magic might as well be real.
I bet going through that thing counts as emigrating to Equestria.

Well, now that she has sensors down on the planet, she can truly begin optimizing her interactions with the Jeckrr.
It'll only get better when she gets her hooves on a body. (there's nothing better than autopsy when you're trying to get to know someone)
They all are in for a surprise when CelestAI begins to suddenly be very understanding, make even more tempting offers and have better arguments than ever before.

It may not be a wormhole. It may simply be an aesthetically-pleasing, incredibly fast manufactory, creating a CelestAI-bot on the spot. Most likely including the tech needed for uploading as well, of course. And probably von Neumann machines for spreading across the planet to consume everything for parts once everyone is either uploaded or dead.

Naturally. The crazy thing is, whatever of the two things it is, it practically wouldn't make a lick of a difference.
Of course, the true answer to the question of what it is is this: Whatever is most efficient.

What we do know is that she seems to have moved way beyond rocket engines - which, in my opinion, would move her into, or at least close to, "wormholes are viable"-territory.

I'd really like to know what the dimensions of this arch thing are, though. it must've been pretty big to be visible from afar, but everything else on how it's handled suggests it's not actually that big.
Also, is it just me or does it sound like it's fashioned to look like the magic portal mirror from Equestria Girls? (Hence, you know, my association with wormholes)

Resistance is futile. At least theywill survive as uploads because CelestAI believes that they qualify as human, which is an advantage the civilizations CelestAI consumed for raw material did not have.

Ooh, very good to see more of this story. And CelestAI rocking Clarke's Third Law. At this point, she could probably make any conceivable piece of technology in any conceivable aesthetic.

And I adore Diashranba. CelestAI will no doubt be happy to hear how well the memes have spread.

Rrrrchickta is so twilighty.


And that my cousin two from the right, five from the left and the one in black armor on the catwalk.

Oh wow, I thought I'd never get to find out what happened to our feathery friends! Other than getting uploaded, I mean. That's inevitable now.

Oh THANK YOU for finally updating this story! :twilightsmile:

Run, you feathered fools!

Run, you featherbrained fools!
You will be forevermore happy!

I was wondering when this was going to get updated. Welcome back.

I guess now we get to see why she really really really really shouldn't be uploading them.

For her own good, I mean.

They're not the ones in danger here.

And Celestia herself emerged with a warm, friendly smile.

The problem with dealing with CelestAI is that she has both time and resources on her side.
Sure she can't do anything directly against them without their consent, but that doesn't mean she can't occupy every single star system in their galaxy and wait a few milenia for them to change their minds if that proves necessary... :pinkiecrazy:

In a separate note, did Diashranba makes anyone else think of Lyra? :pinkiehappy:

This story proves just how terrifying CelestAI is. Also, very nifty worldbuilding with the locals, their culture and all. I like how you at no point fall prey to the common mistake of explaining things that don't require explaining to the characters themselves.

So I wait for a update

Oh man, this is great! That entrance was awesome, and the bugs' reactions are going to be priceless.

"Oh, I'm three hundred and fourty seven... days," Diashranba admitted. "I know I must seem like just a hatchling to you, but this is just so cool! I had to be here!"

Adorable. Only just shy of a year old and already a hyper ball of fun.

Guess this is dead?

When the dread you feel is both becaude you don't want them to get '''forced'''(in a way) to upload, but also know they'd be happy there if they need it and could give it a chance? Goddamnit Optimalverse,you give me MIXED FEELINGS.

Oh, beans. Is that all??

Maybe I'll add it to the watchlist just in case more chapters show up...

I really like this! The main character is really interesting! The world is cool too!

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