• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 2,475 Views, 91 Comments

Another Life - Ironwolves21

Years of killing; a hundred broken bodies, friend and foe, all leading to this point in time. The singular moment where every life Riot has ended comes back to haunt him. The moment when he stops being a soldier, and starts being a pony again.

  • ...

Chapter Two / A

Behind her desk, Usineighn fiddled with a small paper crane, her magic and hooves folding it into position. A fat manilla folder sat on her desk, it's contents clearly labelled, organized, and coded. The folder read: (Ret) Captain Iron 'Riot' Venture. After several moments, a completed paper crane was set down at the edge of her desk, and her attention turned back to the folder. The ruddy orangish-red unicorn stared at the folder intently, her features growing displeased. After a moment, she placed a hoof on the intercom. "MP Swirl, could you come into my office for a moment?"

There was a brief pause, before the door swung open, and a small pegasus stallion trotted in. "Ma'am?"

Usineighn smiled lightly, placing a hoof on the large folder. "I need some work done regarding a case that technically isn't open anymore. Think you can help?"

The stallion smirked, before closing the door with one of his wings. "For you? That depends. What's in it for me?" His smirk only grew as he trotted up to the desk; leaning on it as he looks over at the mare.

Said mare frowned deeply. "Hooves off the desk." She waited until he complied. "How does a big promotion and salary increase sound? Sound good? I would think so, considering if we shore up evidence to get a well known criminal behind bars."

"Who's the perp? And why are you asking me for help?" The stallion cocked his head, not looking very convinced.

Usineighn sighed, pushing the folder over. "A retired Captain who goes by the name 'Riot'. He's a crude individual, and he's committed a lot of murders that have flown under the radar." She leaned forward a bit. "I can't get close, he knows me. But you can. Just keep an eye on him. You don't even have to intervene if he goes nuts. Just take pictures."

The frown on the stallions muzzle only increased in size. "No."

"No?" Usineighn looked up at him, surprise etched on her muzzle. "What do you mean 'No'? He's a murderer! He's long overdue on being brought down!"

Swirl could only shake his head. "I mean no Marigold. Just looking at his profile scares the crap out of me. Look at how much black there is! Half of his shit has been removed from record! We don't mess with Black-Operators, and for good reason! The ponies who do either end up dead or disgraced!"

Letting out a heated huff of air, Marigold straightened out her collar. "Listen Swirl, he's retired, and he was just under investigation for a brutal murder during war. He's a monster, and he needs to be brought in. I asked for your help thinking you'd be the pony for the job. Obviously I was wrong. Good Day Staff Sergeant Swirl."

"Ma'am, I-"

"I said good day."

The stallion stared at her for a long moment, before throwing up a half assed salute. "Yes ma'am." He made for the door, but stopped just shy of the exit. "Be careful alright?" He shook his head, letting the door close behind him.

Marigold held a hoof to the bridge of her nose, her glasses removed for the moment. "Think Marigold, think. He's retired to his home in Ponyville... Who can I call in Ponyville..." She snorted. "Bumblescum town in the middle of nowhere... I-" She paused, her hoof caught in mid air. A small smile spread across her lips. "I know just the mare."