• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 2,475 Views, 91 Comments

Another Life - Ironwolves21

Years of killing; a hundred broken bodies, friend and foe, all leading to this point in time. The singular moment where every life Riot has ended comes back to haunt him. The moment when he stops being a soldier, and starts being a pony again.

  • ...

Chapter Six

Riots eyes fluttered open, and the coppery burn in his mouth had been replaced with...Pomegranate? He groaned in pain, rolling over in the dirt.

“Come on Captain! Back on your hooves!”

Somepony was pulling at him, trying to get him up. Riot shook his head, trying to dislodge the cobwebs in his brain. Everything felt fuzzy and surreal. Then it hit him. The smell of burning flesh. The smell of burning gunpowder and thermite that clung to the air like a parasite. Riot blinked rapidly as he looked up at the source of the voice. His eyes finally found the voice’s owner, and did his best to feel happy about it. Corporal Mulberry pulled at his hooves, dragging him along.

“Mumbles? What’s going on?” Riot stumbled a bit before leaning against the trench wall. “Where is everypony?”

The lemon stallion nickered in fear as he shook his head. “I don’t know! Our support is a no-show, and everypony fell back when they burst through our lines!” The stallion’s eyes whipped about in different directions as he fidgeted. Riot realized they were now trotting into the empty triage bunker.

Riot shook his head before wincing at a sharp pain in his neck. “How long was I out?”

Mumbles looked up at the tall unicorn. “You were dead for about a minute sir.”

“Lovely... I-” Riot coughed roughly into his hoof, then whipped the blood onto his uniform as vertigo clutched at his head. Riot grasped the flask in his flak jackets pocket. Popping the cap, he took a deep swig.

“Take it easy Cap’, you lost a lot of blood... Seriously, you need to quit drinking.” The smaller unicorn looked around at the blood stained sheets that had been left behind. “I managed to get a healing potion down your throat, but then I had to find a blood bag... You’re a weird bloodtype man.”

Riot managed a weak smile as he felt up to his neck, feeling the torn armour and uniform. “Thanks Mumbles, I wouldn’t have survived if you hadn’t done that. But I’m not gonna stop drinking just cause you said so, I’m an alcoholic for fucks sake.”

The stallion shrugged, forcing out a grin of his own. “No worries Riot, I’m just saying. Anyways, I may have just saved you so I wouldn’t die alone.”

The officer in Riot took over, checking over what little munitions he had and the condition of his rifle. “Dying’s over-rated soldier. Speaking of which, how come we aren’t knee deep in the enemy?”

“Because we’re shelling their line, once it’s over they’ll take this trenchline without any problems. Those darn zebras and the dogs are shredding us.” Mumbles pulled out his rifle’s magazine, then shook his head as he looked down at roughly twenty rounds. “We have to pull back sir; command ordered the retreat ten minutes ago. I couldn’t leave without you.”

Riot nodded, taking mental note to buy Mumbles a whole keg of hard apple cider when they got out. “How long do we have?” The shelling in the distance stopped abruptly, only to be replaced with a gut wrenching fusilade of howls from the enemy line.

The lemon stallion sighed heavily, looking out the door to the bunker. “We’re out of time Sir.”

Riot galloped through the trench line with Mumbles in hot pursuit. It wouldn’t take long for the zebra ultranationalists and their diamond dog allies to reach the trench. The enemy was moving forward slowly though, making sure they weren’t trotting into a trap.

“Come on Mumbles! I’m not giving these bastards any of our munitions to toss back at us!” Riot had a demolition charge clenched in his teeth, its purpose was to destroy the main ammunition cache inside one of their fortified bunkers.

Reaching the door to the bunker, Riot jammed his key in; set the timer for six minutes, then tossed it inside. Slamming the door shut, Riot broke into a full gallop in the opposite direction. Mumbles yelled something behind Riot, something he couldn’t hear as a large shell landed near them. The world went white for a moment; his ears were filled with white noise.

The captain hit the side of the trench, his world suddenly upside down and filled with flying dirt. He didn’t know what happened to the corporal that was hot on his hooves a moment before. “Mumbles!” He yelled out, hoping to get a response.

Somepony next to him coughed loudly, before pounding his shoulder. ‘I’m here sir!”

“Come on Corporal! Let’s get the hell out of here!”

The corporal stopped next to Riot for a moment, taking a deep swig from his now empty canteen. Mumbles shook his head, grunting as his wall eyes focused. “I’m right behind you!”

They both knew that they were nearing the trench exit; escape was just within their grasp. Before they rounded the last corner, Riot could hear somepony crying out, just a couple rows over.

“H-help! Charley six-two-six! Help!”

Riot scrunched up his muzzle. The demolition charge would be going off in barely four minutes. The enemy would be there in less than a minute themselves. The Captain growled his distaste before halting the corporal. “Mumbles, you hear that?”

The corporal nodded. “Yeah, sounds like one of ours, don’t know why he’d be yelling that code though.” The unicorn nickered. “Whelp, time for some dashing heroics, eh Cap’?”

Riot swore, then nodded. “You lead Mumbles, I’ll cover you!”

Galloping as fast as they could, the pair headed towards the voice, which continued to yell for help, as well as the strange code. Riot figured the pony was calling for his unit, or using a callsign. Mumbles pressed himself up against a trench wall, just before the source of the voice.


There was a pregnant pause.


Riot let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding; following Mumbles around the corner. To his surprise, a lanky green pegasus laid trapped under a fallen trench brace. The stallion’s eyes flitted between the two of them, then he broke out into a wide smile.

“Captain Riot! Corporal Mumbles! I’m so glad you two found me!”

The captain nickered; cantering over to the stallion. “Shut up for fuck’s sake private, keep it down. Stripe’s prolly right on top of us!” He hissed at the younger stallion, who clamped his mouth shut, if only for a moment.

“What are you two doing here? I thought we sounded the retreat?” The trapped soldier let out a breath as Mumbles lifted the beam off him without much effort.

Mumbles chuckled. “Could ask you the same thing Skyrunner, come on, let’s get out of here.”

The private shook his head. “Sorry sirs, I can’t.”

Riots muzzle scrunched up as he moved forward. “What do you mean private?”

Skyrunner shrugged, his wings stretching out. “I’ve got a transaction to complete.”


Riot flinched as the assault carbine that was strapped to Skyrunners side let out a burst, stitching Mumbles from chest to throat. Before the corporal even hit the ground, Riot let out an enraged roar as he dived forward in hopes of tackling the traitor. Skyrunner pumped his wings, and Riot hit the muck below him. The private came down hard, driving Riots face into the hard packed dirt. Darkness overcame the Captain, just as a zebra Kommando came out of hiding.

Riot came to moments later, just as Skyrunner waved to the zebra. “Thanks for the Kwacha. Take care of him would you?” The private pointed at Riot before flying off, a briefcase in tow..

The Kommando shrugged, and focused on Riot. “Put up a fight, for my delight?” He smiled cruelly before pulling out a razor sharp zebrican knife. Riot coughed roughly as he was pushed back to the ground.

“Fuck you Stripes...”

“No need to be snide, I’ll be taking your hide.” The Kommando laughed at his own wordplay.

Riots horn flared, and a magical flashbang went off in an instant. The zebra cursed loudly; not seeing the captain roll onto his back, service pistol at the ready.


The pistol barked three times, the last sending the zebra over backwards as the heavy .45 round sprayed his skull’s contents onto the trench wall like a grapefruit. Forcing himself up, Riot holstered his pistol, then looked over at the crumpled form of Mumbles. The captain watch beeped, signalling the last minute before the charge went off. He clenched his eyes, before grabbing a plastic wrapped package from one of the stallion’s pouches, and his tags.

“I’m sorry Mumbles... I’m so sorry... I’ll get that bastard if it’s the last thing I ever do.” Riot sniffed, before galloping away, towards the trench exit.

Some ways away, in a crumbling farmhouse, Riot watched as a zebra light tank trundled into view near his old trench. There was a dull Crump from the trench; Riot ducked into cover just as the munition dump went up in flames.

The fireball was massive, and the shockwave was even larger. Dust and dirt fell down from the ceiling, along with multiple beams of wood. Riot covered the back of his head with both hooves, cradling himself as to avoid any more head injuries from falling debris. After about a half minute passed, Riot looked up, momentarily admiring the fireball that consumed the sky.

Riot laughed as he pulled out the flask and took a deep swig. “Mumbles, you’re promoted...” He held up the pony’s tags. “You did a fine job keeping me alive.”

“It was my pleasure sir.”

Riot blinked, then looked around. he was alone. Glass from the house’s blown windows crunched outside, causing Riot to tense like a high pressure spring. Pulling out his bayonet, he waited quietly beside the bookshelf. Moments later, a stumpy rifle barrel, with a black suppressor attached poked through the door. Riot held his breath. That wasn’t an REA rifle. As the zebra kommando poked his head in, he failed to see the captain’s dust covered form hunker down in the shadows. The zebra let out a sigh, before pulling out a packet of cigarettes. As he fiddled around with a gold lighter, Riot snuck forward.

The kommando flicked at the lighter again, before letting out a disgruntled curse in zebrican. The zebra looked up, just in time to see a faint blue glow in the remains of a ruined mirror. His eyes went wide, and he opened his mouth to yell out, but only a choked squeal came out as Riot jumped on him; the razor edged blade passing through flesh and tendon without pause. The suppressed rifle went off, riddling the wall with slugs. Captain Riot brought the knife back towards himself, opening up the rest of the artery, and severing the kommandos vocal cords in one quick motion. A gurgling wheeze escaped the zebra’s lips before he flopped to the ground, his limbs moving slowly as he tried to outrun death. Riot picked up the cigarette package with his magic, before pulling one out, along with a gold officer’s lighter.

“Thanks for the smoke.”

A burst of machine gun fire ripped through the flimsy home, driving the captain to the floor. Riot poked his head out the window before firing a short burst from his rifle. “Shit... They definitely want revenge for that lightshow.” Moving to the rear of the cottage, Riot peeked out past the broken wall.

Riot burst out of the back of the cottage just as the artillery barrage opened up. He couldn’t tell whose it was, and it was obvious the shells didn’t care who they tore to bits. As he broke over the halfway point, bullets of all sizes started whizzing past him from both sides.

A massive shell landed several meters ahead of Riot, but the shockwave gave him pause as it buffeted his tattered armour and worn being. “Sonuva!!” He spat out a glob of dirty blood; absentmindedly running his tongue over his teeth.

“Almost there!” Riot managed a grin as he mentally recited the challenge, and the answer. He jumped over the large blast crater, then turned around to check his surroundings..

It was hell on Equis. all he could see was the burned out husks of trees, and homes. There were bodies everywhere, from all sides. He was sure that there were no civilians though; they had all been evacuated days before. Turning back to his own lines, he could see the hulking mass of Hoofington far in the distance. That was what it was all over.

He was sorely close to friendly lines now, but Riot could practically smell the enemy as they bore down on him from behind. He lowered his head, forcing himself into a hard gallop that would leave him drained and heaving under normal circumstances.

The last hurdle, a small hill that he had to climb before he could gallop the last bit to the friendly lines. The trench sat ahead, taunting him and goading him forward.

Riot bounded over the hill, his legs roasting in pain. The captain ignored the pain, knowing full well if he stopped, he died. The trench was within a hoofs reach now. Riot sprang forward, his hooves crossing the threshold.

A scared recruit, barely out of bootcamp stood in front of him as he jumped. The recruit screamed in surprise, his rifle barking as his tongue hit the trigger.

The world went black as Riot hit the ground like a sack of apples, rolling head over heels before sliding into the duckboards. The tall stallion skittered in behind cover, just as the recruit fired again, fearful for his life.


The shots stopped in an instant, causing Riot to peek around the corner. The recruit shook heavily, his helmet bouncing to and fro on his head. Riot stood up, causing the recruit to suck in a breath and salute.

‘S-sir! I-I’m so sor-”

Riot held up a hoof as he trotted forward. “Stop saluting me dammit, snipers’ll pick my head off!” The recruit dropped his hoof in an instant, looking devastated.

“I-I thought you were a zebra sir...”

He waved it off, his horn lighting up for a few moments. “Smoke?”

The recruit nodded, taking the cigarette out of his telekinesis. “Sir? These are Red stripes!” He stared at the stick as if it would stab him.

Riot merely chuckled as he started trotting towards the company CP. “I decided to help the other guy quit.” He turned his head away from the recruit, his thoughts focused and sharp.

The door of the company CP was only a couple twists away, and the captain knew the trench by heart. He passed by several fire teams, their carbines and assault rifles barking continuously as they beat back the tide. The guard at the command post looked up in time to see the captain approaching. He pulled back in surprise. “Captain Riot! We thought we had lost the 221st!”

Riot paused, his sure demeanor wavering for a moment. “I hope we didn’t. How many made it back during the retreat?”

The guards mouth opened, then closed again as he fought for words. “Sir.... Not enough.”

The captain sucked in a breath, before letting out a low sigh through clenched teeth. “Yeah. made those bastards pay for it though. Bet they weren’t expecting a D-charge in the munitions stock.” Riot smirked darkly, and the guard waved him in.

Colonel Star Flight didn’t even look up from his map and markers as he stood hunched over the table. Riot saluted quickly, making his presence know. “Sir. Captain Riot of the 221st, Easy company, reporting.”

Star Flight looked up for a moment, before letting his gaze fall back down. “Captain. Glad we didn’t lose all of our officers.”

“We nearly did sir. I owe my life to Corporal Mulberry for that.”

The general cracked a smile. “That’s good, we’ll put him up for a medal. Did he make it?”

Riot paused. “No sir.”

Before the conversation could go any further, a cleanly dressed Lt. trotted up to Riot, saluting smartly before speaking. “Captain, we have one of your soldiers here at the moment. He was trying to go awol.” The Lt. smirked. “Just wanted to get you to confirm his ID. He gave us one, but that soldier is actually guarding the door right now.” The pony smirked wider.

Riot rolled his hoof. “Make it quick, I gotta get back out there.”

“And see a medic.” The Colonel chuckled dryly. “You look like you’re a dead pony walking. I can’t have my officers looking like that.”

The captain rolled his eyes. “Sorry I can’t keep my cammies pressed sir, Stripes took out my ironing board last week with a mortar.” He shared a chuckle with some of the other officers, before he caught a look at the pony who had tried to go awol.

Vinyl opened her eyes, yawned, and stretched. The young mare smiled when she felt Riot’s warmth along her spine. She thought for a moment; Cuddle? Or no cuddle? Her choice was made for her when Riot began to move in his sleep.

“How....Long was I....” He fidgeted a bit, but was otherwise calm.

“Hmm?” She asked, yawning and stretching again, wanting nothing more than to cuddle up with him and sleep the day away.

“How long do we...Have...”

“We have like...” She looked at her alarm clock. “A few hours. At least until we might have to get up so we can be ready to get to work today.” The stallion twitched suddenly, his back hooves kicking lightly. His facial features contorted as if he were stressed.

Vinyl giggled, it was like watching a dog running in it’s sleep. She gave his side a stroke. “Go get that rabbit, boy! Go get it!” She said quietly, patting his side as she smiled.

The private shook his head. “Sorry sirs, I can’t.”

Riot’s muzzle scrunched up as he moved forward. “What do you mean private?”

Skyrunner shrugged, his wings stretching out. “I’ve got a transaction to complete.”

BRAKKABRAK Riots chest convulsed heavily, and his head jerked back. His eyes snapped open and he sucked in a terrified breath of air as he plummeted off the edge of the bed.

Vinyl’s eyes widened as the buck careened off the side of the bed. Her head poked over the side. “Hey, are you alright, Tiger?”

He clenched his eyes shut, just wanting to hide in the deepest hole he could find until the boiling pain in his head went away. Riot whimpered in pain; curling into a tight ball on the floor.

The mare was at his side immediately, hugging him to her. “Are you okay? What happened?”

Riot sucked in a ragged breath. Mumbles had saved his life time and time again, as Riot had saved his. They had fought clear across Equestria, and in some of the nastiest places Equis could dish out. They had bled together, lived together, and fought together. Mumbles, Riot’s best friend, had been murdered in an instant by a slimy little prick. “I’m fine....I’m fine.”

Her red irises showed a unique blend of concern, fear, and relief. She nuzzled the stallion under the neck. “You’re sure?”

Riot nodded as he opened his eyes. “Yeah...Recruits are assholes.” He pushed her back, gently though.

The mare pulled back slightly, blushing in embarrassment. “Sorry.....”

“Fer what?” He sat up, cracking his neck. He lifted a hoof, feeling the curve of his scar.

“You know....the whole hugging thing...” She said, clambering back onto the bed, and rolling onto her back.

He grunted in acknowledgement before getting up onto his hooves. “Celestia, I feel like hammered shit.”

Vinyl stretched out on the bed. “Come on back to bed, Tiger. Get some more sleep.”

“I think I better figure out where I’ll be sleeping tonight.” He scratched his scruffy chin for a moment. “Maybe get a bedroll or something.”

The mare tried her hardest not to look disappointed. “Well.....You don’t have to.....”

Riot looked over at the mare. “I have to. That, and I should prolly figure out where to sleep so that I won’t wake you up everytime I get shot or sliced up.”

“It’s okay.....” She said, looking down. “Wait....what the fuck are you talking about? You haven’t been anywhere for something like that to happen for weeks.”

He shook his head slowly. “You wouldn’t understand Vinyl, I’m sorry.” Riot turned towards the door and trotted out into the hall. He had appointments today, and he was hoping for answers.

Vinyl got out of bed, and followed him. “What do you mean I won’t understand?”

“Did you hear anything about the skirmishes with the Zebras out by Hoofington?”

The mare looked at him with a sad expression. “Yeah.....yeah I did.”

“You hear about it in the papers?” He trotted out into the living room, then looked about for the kitchen.
Vinyl nodded. “Yeah, mostly.”

“Then you have no idea how bad it really was.”

Vinyl cocked her head, looking at the stallion. “What do you mean? We won after all, and the newspapers said we didn’t lose that many ponies.”

Riot chuckled darkly as he leaned against the wall. “They had Flamethrowers and artillery support. I lost a full squad of ponies to a single moment. A single pull of the trigger by some ultra nationalist Zebra who didn’t want to follow the nation’s rule anymore.” He looked at the mare; his eyes glossy. “They were incinerated in an instant.”

The mare sat on her haunches, sadder than Riot had ever seen her, tears beginning to brim her eyes. He winced, suddenly feeling like he was the one pulling the trigger. “I’m sorry Vinyl... I need to remember that ponies don’t want to know what happened there. I keep forgetting...” Riot looked away from her; his brain trying to overcome guilt with the thought of hay bacon.

Vinyl swallowed, and looked up at him. “I-it’s n-not all that......I-I had a c-coltfriend for a long time.....almost a year. He had to join the equestrian forces to pay to put his brother through school......He shipped out to Hoofington.....I n-never saw him again....”

Riot clenched his eyes closed. A hundred fresh faced stallions came to mind. “What was his name?” He didn’t want to know. Putting names to dead faces hurt more than it looked.

“Skyrunner....” She said, covering her tearing eyes with a foreleg.”H-he was so brave....kind....strong. He never wanted to f-fight.”

The captain saw Skyrunner out of the corner of his eye, but the other pony didn’t see him. Skyrunner was too busy chatting up a storm with the pony who was bringing him forward. Something inside Riot snapped, its conjoined gears left to spin freely. Riot let out a roar as he charged forward. He was on top of the scrawny pegasus before any of the other officers could figure out what was going on. He had his bayonet hilt deep by the time somepony yelled. Primal rage overcame Riot as his knife punched through Skyrunners rib cage like it was paper mache. Somepony was pulling at his shoulders, trying to drag him off of the little traitor. They wouldn’t stop him. He would make Skyrunner pay for what he had done. For what he had cost Riot.

Riot exhaled slowly as he put a hoof on Vinyls shoulder. “He was a good pony.” A crying foal, barely big enough to fill his armour. A club hound with a penance for cheap Hoofington tail lifters.. “He was a brave pony.” The little voice in Riot’s head hissed at the sentence, both it and Riot despised saying it, but Vinyl couldn’t know about what he did, how he had gutted Skyrunner in the span of six seconds in front of the company commander and his retinue..

She sniffled, and nuzzled into the hoof. “T-thank you....”

Bringing the mare into a hug, Riot rested her head on his chest. “He loved you more than anything.” Unless that anything had to do with a mare named Candy, or various club drugs. Riot had kicked him out of bed and into line more than once, only to find that the kid was still rolling off the high from the night before.

Vinyl curled her hooves under herself, and laid on her stomach, giving a pathetic whimper as her tears slid down her white face. It was Riots turn to comfort her. His hooves wrapped around the mare in a tight hug. He leaned over, cooing into her ear as she sobbed into his chest.

“Y-y-you j-just r-reminded me of h-him s-so much.....” She pulled back to wipe her face with a hoof. “I-it-it’s not the s-stallion’s f-fault f-f-for hitting and qu-quiting....I-I’m the pr-problem.”

“What do you mean?” He was never good at dealing with private matters. It was what made him a good soldier. He rarely got attached to his fellow comrades anymore. Not on any kind of level where it would matter or hurt if they died. Unlike Mumbles, or any of the others.

He was a good soldier. Riot focused for a moment. I am a good soldier.

“I-I p-push them a-away be-because I d-don’t want to get h-hurt anymore.......I d-don’t want them to l-leave me again....”

She was hiding something. She wanted him invested, wanted him close for something. But what was it? The little voice growled, before disappearing from his thoughts. “It’s alright Vinyl, you’re not going to get hurt anymore.” He would keep her at a hoofs length. He couldn’t afford trust her, or anypony else. Love was out of the question.

She pushed his hooves away. “I-I’m sorry....G-go, you pr-probably have something to d-do today.” The mare said, standing.

“I’ve got to see that psychologist in an hour or so, maybe swing by the post office and see if they can reroute any mail here.” He thought for a moment. Was he supposed to receive any mail at all, other than his pension and injury checks? “Maybe try and get a few more of my things while the ex is at work.”

“Mmhmm.” Vinyl said, wiping the last tears away, and slowly trotting back into her bedroom. “I-I’ll see you later, yeah?”

“Yeah, I’ll drop in every now and then to check up on ya.” He smiled at her, it was an honest smile.

She nodded, and closed the door to her room. Riot could hear the bed springs squeak as she hopped onto the bed. He shook his head slowly. He had things to do today, he couldn’t comfort a mare when everything was conspiring against him.

The sky was grey, a few pegasi hurriedly moving clouds into position above him. Looked like another day of rain. Riot huffed, and started his meander over to the hospital. Halfway there, he was struck with a thought.

He hadn’t visited Redheart yesterday like he had said he would. You care about that? She’s a quack, just like the army medics. She’ll sugar coat things, and write your death warrant while she smiles at you.

Riot blinked, then turned towards sugarcube corner. The place was nearly empty, with just Mrs. Cake sitting at the front, sipping at a cup of coffee. The door chime jingled merrily as Riot pushed into the sickly sweet building.

The mare perked up, putting on her hostess face. She placed the coffee down. “Hello dearie!” She said warmly.

“Mornin’ Mrs. Cake.” He trotted up to the display case and peered inside.

She gulped when she looked at his face, wincing at him for just a moment before perking back up. “R-rough night?”

“Not really, just wet, like usual.” He looked closer at the display, before pointing a hoof at a pair of fresh cinnamon raisin bagels. “I’ll take those two, with cream cheese. Two coffees as well, triple triples if you will.”

The blue mare nodded slowly, turning away to fetch the food. Riot turned to one of the benches in the store, then opted to take a seat. His stomach growled in agreement as he smelt the fresh baked goods being worked on in the kitchen.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Mr. and Mrs. Cake whispering to one another, the blue mare visibly frightened as they looked at him. Riot exhaled in exasperation before looking out the window. He caught a bit of his reflection in it.

I look like shit. Like I just crawled out of a trench.” He cringed a bit, before noticing the days paper sitting at the edge of the table.


Later today will be the time for when our beloved Princess Celestia will hold conference with the Zebra Prime Minister over what to do with the recent veterans of the defence of Hoofington. The minister displayed heartfelt sadness after hearing about the loss of life of our soldiers on the battlefield.

While the attackers were not sent or supported in anyway by the Zebrican government, the Minister assures us that he will do everything in his power to ensure that those responsible for the coup attempt will pay dearly.

Riot snorted, but kept reading.

This raises the question, what should we do with our veterans? They seem to have trouble fitting into normal society, and are more prone to violent tendencies. Various schools of thought have converged on the veterans in curiousity. Several tests are being performed as I type this!

As always, we will be accepting letters from the community about our veteran soldiers of the REA. If you missed the chance to send in, check out our newest question below!

He didn’t even notice as the food was plopped down next to him in a plain brown bag. Riot had to keep reading, some morbid curiosity held his eyes to the page; and the communities response to stallions like him. You need to see this.

Our veterans have become monsters.

Hold on, what? Riot squinted, re-reading the passage.

Our veterans have become monsters. They defy the peace and harmony the princesses have worked so hard to bring us. If it weren’t for armies, the attack on Hoofington would have never happened! We only need the royal guard to keep us safe! And even they push their boundaries, cracking down on helpless protestors and ponies like me!

The message was signed by one B. Timbers. Riot was consumed with the desire to find this pony and stick him/her on the firing line. Or make them see just how fuckin’ dangerous a real veteran can be. The pony in his head growled, and Riot shared its sentiment

He was much more reluctant to read on, and his reluctance paid off. The veterans of the Hoofington attack are little more than privileged and well armed animals. They’re a foul bunch of disillusioned colts and fillies who have no idea about how Equestria works. We don’t need an army, and we don’t need THEM.

Riot threw the paper to the other side of the table in disgust and got to his hooves. He grumbled darkly as he placed a number of bits on the counter. Mr cake looked them over before lifting a timid hoof. “You left too much sir...”

His words came out more as a growl than anything as he trotted out the door.. “Keep the change.”

The trek to the hospital was uneventful, the streets empty in preparation for the coming rainstorm. The relatively small building loomed ahead. Riot stopped short, taking in the building. He hated hospitals. Any medical area really. He had spent too much time in them. He had visited to many comrades lying in the pure white beds. They were always fucked up beyond all repair, or were mental wrecks. He hated this place already. Riot sucked in a breath and he trotted in. He stopped in the lobby long enough to speak to the mare at the front desk.

“Hello sir, how may I help you today?” She forced a smile at him.

“Is Nurse Redheart in today? I have an appointment.”

The light purple and blue mare blinked, then smiled honestly at him. “Yes, yes she is. I’ll call her down right away.” The mare turned away from Riot, then pressed a button on the intercom. “Nurse Redheart to the front desk please, Nurse Redheart to the front desk.”

After a few short minutes, the white nurse had made her way to the lobby, trotting purposefully toward Riot. She smiled warmly at him. “Hello, Mr. Venture. It’s good to see you.”

He waved weakly, before lifting up the food bag. “I brought breakfast.” Riot looked around for a moment. “Can we sit somewhere?”

Her eyes widened at the mention of food. “Oh you shouldn’t have! I’m starving, and I’d love to eat while we talk, follow me. We can eat in my office.” She said, trotting merrily down the hall, Riot in tow.

He walked into her office, taking note of the small bench with a soaked pillow near the corner. He sat down in a small chair; shifting uncomfortably as he did so.

“Oh, I’m sorry for the chair, most ponies aren’t as big as you are.” She said, leaning back in her seat, sighing in content. “You didn’t have to go get me breakfast! You’re great, really.” She said, smiling at him.

Riot shrugged as he pulled out their food and passed the mare her coffee. “Don’t mention it, I didn’t get much of a chance to come down yesterday.” His eyes wandered around the office, taking in the sparseness, while taking in the fact that she probably spent more time here than at home. A lot of awards on the walls here... Fancy paper and shiny certificates... Like a veteran with his chest full of metal and ribbon.

She blushed slightly, seeing him looking at her home away from home, and how empty it was despite for the awards. “I-it’s alright, have you had any more episodes lately?”

Recounting his vivid dream and his sudden awakening, Riot nodded. “Yeah, but it was a dream, not a hallucination.”

She took a bite of her bagel, and a sip of coffee. “Well, it was better that than a hallucination.” The mare said, rubbing her tired eyes.

He nodded again. “Yeah, nopony got hurt.” The stallion closed his eyes, his features regaining a bit of the fear he had felt that day.

“Are you alright, Mr. Venture?” She asked, cocking her head, leaning across her desk to put a hoof over his.

Riot jerked away at the contact; opening his eyes he stared at his hooves. “Yeah. I’m fine, really.”

“No, Mr. Venture. You’re really not.” She said, sighing. “I’ve got a psychologist coming in from Canterlot, who is acclaimed for his abilities when dealing with ponies who suffer with PTSD.”

His interest was peaked at the acronym. “PTSD?”

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is common in ponies who have seen some of the things you’ve seen.”

A short snort cut her train of thought in half. “Sounds like a fancy terming for shell shock.” He looked at the mare, a trail of confidence in his eyes. “I’m not shell shocked. Sergeant Wild was shell shocked in the last battle, wandered off like he was in a park somewhere, with his dismembered wing in tow.” He closed his eyes as the image came back to the front of his mind, along with the feeling of betrayal and abandonment. He didn’t blame Wild, and was actually quite glad the jaunty little bastard had survived.

Redheart ignored the nasty scene that Riot painted in her mind. “Shell shock is often what the short-term version is called. PTSD is the long-term. Take a look at this.” She said, handing him a sheet of paper. “I’ve drawn this up for you to read.”

Symptoms of PTSD fall into three main categories:
1. "Reliving" the event, which disturbs day-to-day activity
Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again
Repeated upsetting memories of the event
Repeated nightmares of the event
Strong, uncomfortable reactions to situations that remind you of the event

2. Avoidance
Emotional "numbing," or feeling as though you don't care about anything
Feeling detached
Being unable to remember important aspects of the trauma
Having a lack of interest in normal activities
Showing less of your moods
Avoiding places, people, or thoughts that remind you of the event
Feeling like you have no future

3. Arousal
Difficulty concentrating
Startling easily
Having an exaggerated response to things that startle you
Feeling more aware (hypervigilance)
Feeling irritable or having outbursts of anger
Having trouble falling or staying asleep
You might feel guilt about the event (including "survivor guilt"). You might also have some of the following symptoms, which are typical of anxiety, stress, and tension:
Agitation or excitability
Feeling your heartbeat in your chest

Riot put down the sheet and rubbed his eyes slowly. “Well shit.”

“I take it these are your symptoms?”

“Yes.” His answer was quick and to the point. The mare lifted a hoof to say something, but let it fall back down when she looked over the buck. He looked like he belonged in extensive care.

She swallowed, not looking much like the pretty mare she was at the club. Her hair was greying slightly in her tight pink bun, her eyes had large bags under them from lack of sleep, and wrinkles were forming along her pretty face.

The stallion leaned back, his hooves covering his face for a moment. “What are the threats of this...Disease.

“It’s not a disease, Mr. Venture, it’s a disorder. And for threats, are the symptoms not bad enough?”

“No.” He looked up, conviction in his eyes. “I can handle things. Always have. It’s possible threats to others that I want control of. And to me, it is a disease.” He frowned heavily as he spoke.

“Well, I won’t be able to help you. Only Doctor Stuart can help you now.” She said, sighing. “I’m very sorry, Mr. Venture.”

“It’s alright ma’am. I’m used to being shuffled down the line, it was actually in my job description.” Riot chuckled, recalling several times where he had been looped around for days. His smile disappeared. That wasn’t a memory he should have been happy about.

The mare stood, finishing her coffee and trotting around the desk to the large soldier. She placed a ginger hoof on his shoulder, doing her best to ensure his calm remained. “Do you mind? I.. I want to take a look at that scar of yours.”

Riot just accepted his fate and nodded half heartedly. His features remained stoic and unchanged as the mare trailed a hoof down his neck and to his large scar.

“This is amazing.....” She said, feeling the bit of scar tissue with a hoof. “How could you have survived so much......”

“I had a good friend help me.” His features remained neutral, despite the return of the coppery burn in his mouth.

Her head pulled back slightly, looking at his face. “Who do you mean? Your friend who got ‘shellshock’?”

“No. That friend lived.”

She frowned, looking down. “W-who then?”

“Corporal Flaky Mulberry. Mumbles.” Riot closed his eyes, wishing he had something left of the stallion other than terrified memories and trinkets.

The mare gave him a sympathetic look, and pulled away, sitting back behind the desk. “I’m very sorry for what has happened to you, and I hope that we can get you some help. You of all ponies deserve some normality after what you’ve suffered.”

“I keep hearing that statement getting tossed around. Doesn’t make it true Redheart.” He stood up from the tiny chair. “Do you know when this doctor will be coming in?”

“Should be later this week, he is a busy stallion, lots of clients after that last time the military was brought in.” She said, shuddering, and choosing to ignore his first statement.

“Alright. Enjoy your breakfast, I’ll see you around.” Riot turned to leave, his hoof pushing the door open.

She nodded, and went back to her bagel, chewing heartily as he disappeared out the door. “Try not to get into any physical confrontations, they may compound the problem.”

Riot didn’t hear the mares last statement as he exited into the hallway. He wanted to be somewhere else. Anywhere but this sordid place that hated him for helping it. Riot passed the front desk, giving a half hearted wave to Flitter.

He exited out into the dreary afternoon, and immediately regretted not having planned for something else to do. The immediate thought of buying a bedroll or the like came to mind. He could also go back to his new home, but he would have to fend off Vinyl. Not to mention every other mare that knows you’re single now. The stallion grimaced at the thought.

Seeing as how he needed a bedroll, Riot figured he could try and find a store to grab what he needed. Heading through town, the stallion found himself wandering aimlessly. If he didn’t find something soon, he would probably just declare the mission a lost cause. Riot thought about going through the market, but that would have to be a last resort, especially if Applejack was there.

The stallion wandered a bit more, but eventually spotted a small shop tucked away between a flower shop and a magic shop. The sign above read ‘Albernies Camping Supplies and Military Surplus’.

Riot shrugged to himself before heading inside, what was the worst that could happen?

The shop walls were lined to the roof with various assortments of camping gear and general supplies. Riot glanced around, taking in the bright colours that marked civilian stuff. The shop owner gave him a quick glance, but found his attention consumed by the pony he was already talking to. A dash of olive drab and a faintly familiar camouflage pattern caught Riots eye; off near the corner of the store sat a small selection of infantry gear. The stallion trotted forward, looking over each bit of gear. Most of it looked new, but some was definitely used. Turning away from the selection, Riot found his way over to the sleeping bags and mattresses. It didn’t take long to find one that would work for what he needed.

“Come on bro! I was in the army, I deserve this stuff!”

The sudden burst of whiny conversation filled Riot ears, pulling his head up. The pony at the counter was arguing with the clerk about prices, but something was off about it. Riot trotted up closer to the counter, semi-curious about the conversation.

“I already told you Buck, I can’t give you free stuff, no matter what you did in the army.”

The brown pony pointed a hoof at the clerk. “That’s bull man! I killed ponies for you!”

Riot scrunched up his muzzle; the brown pony was wearing a zebra field jacket. The mere sight of it made his fur stand on end. The shopkeeper looked up, seeing Riot approaching. “Hello sir! Have you found everything you were looking for?”

“Yeah, just came in for a bed roll. Didn’t get mine back.” Riot let out a light chuckle, figuring it was probably under six metres of dirt by now. Before either of them could speak again though, the brown pony butted in again.

“Hey asshole! I was talking to you!” He jabbed a hoof at the shopkeeper again. He shot Riot a sour look. “Back up civie.”

Oh you did not just fuckin say that.

Riot bristled visibly as the brown pony turned around. The shopkeeper saw it however, and a look of realization crossed his muzzle. “Buck, why don’t you just go browse for a bit while I ring this customer through?”

Buck, the brown earth pony, snorted angrily before turning to Riot. “And what gives this loser the right to go in front of me? It’s not like he gave up anything like I did!” Buck jabbed Riot in the chest with his hoof. “You’re just-” The stallions eyes went wide for a moment. “You’re that asshole bouncer who chased me and Flutts out of the club!” He stepped away from the counter and took a step closer to Riot. “What gives you the right man!? I’m a veteran! I deserve better treatment!”

Riots muzzle contorted into a bastard child between soul consuming rage and sickening amusement. “You? A veteran? Please. What army did you serve in? It definitely wasn’t the zebras, they would have torn you to pieces.” Riot poked at the autumn camo jacket the pony wore. “So this jacket definitely ain’t yours.” Thinking for a moment, Riot spoke again. “You’re definitely not REA though, you wouldn’t be begging for hoof outs.” Buck fumed at the comment, but was cut off again. “That, and you wouldn’t have survived a day on any battlefield.”

Buck spat, narrowly missing Riots face. “Fuck you! I don’t answer to you man!” The stallion pulled a fat blade from his jacket and waved it in front of Riot. “I’ll shove my knife up yo-EAUCH!”

The ponies face made a resounding ‘thump’ as Riot slammed it into the counter, the bowie knife that had been waved at him mere moments ago now in a light blue magical grasp. Riot pressed his foreleg deep into Bucks throat, cutting off his breath for the most part. He leaned in close as the shopkeeper watched in morbid fascination. “You just made a very, very big mistake.” Riot lifted the knife up, causing the other two stallions to freeze in fear. “I’m not in a good mood today. I just found out that I suffer from a disorder that could cause me to just SNAP at any moment.” He drew a line across Bucks neck with the knife. “If you had done something like that and I had, I would have jammed this shitty little knife into your neck here, and I would tear everything from there, to here.” Riot drew a nice line across the stallions twitching flesh. “You’d be dead in a matter of seconds, and you wouldn’t make a sound.” Flipping the knife around in his magic, Riot jabbed the stallion hard in the chest with the dull end of the handle. “If I had my bayonet, I would have impaled your heart through your ribs, and twisted” He twisted the handle for effect. “If I was feeling vicious, I would have stabbed you in the lungs, then crushed your sternum with the butt of my rifle, just to watch you choke to death on your own flem.” Riot slammed the knife into the counter, and tossed the brown stallion to the ground.

“I’ve killed more ponies than you’ve ever met you arrogant little shit. I’ve lost more friends than you’ve ever had.” Riot took a dangerous step forward, causing both the shopkeeper, and Buck to shrink in size. “I am a Devil Dog. I am a trained killer whose hooves have drawn blood on almost every continent on this sordid little shithole we call Equis.” Riot kneeled down next to the floored pony and smiled. “Ponies like you make me sick. You take the suffering of others and bend it to your will. I didn’t bleed for you. And given the chance, I would make you bleed.” Riot stood tall, and motioned to the door with his head. “Get out of my sight.”

Buck bounded to his hooves, and rocketed out of the store without a second to spare. Riot let out a breath, and closed his eyes for a moment.


Cracking one eye open, he looked over at the shopkeeper, who was doing his best to suppress a broad smile. “Yeah?”

“That was fuckin sweet.” The shopkeeper saluted properly, his posture going straight. “Corporal Sails, second artillery division. You just made my week by driving off that little fucker!’ Corporal Sails grinned ear to ear before yarding the knife off of the counter. “He’s been coming in here continually trying to get free shit and discounts on our stuff, seems like he’s been doing it all over town since a few of the other vets started rolling in. I’ve tried to send him off, but he’s a tenacious little shit.” The stallion sighed happily, before looking at the captain. “So, let me ring you up here, and send you on your way!”

Nodding, Riot stepped up to the counter and plopped down the bed roll he had chosen. “I just need this. Oh, you wouldn’t happen to have any butane refills for lighters by any chance?” Riot pulled out his gold officers lighter, which had seen some serious action. The Corporal nodded quickly, before placing two cans of butane on the counter. “I only want one Corporal, don’t have too much cash.”

The shopkeeper shook his head, and placed a hoof on the cans. “On the house.” He smiled, before ringing up the bedroll. “That’s ten bits sir.”


“Discounted.” The pony smiled broadly, before placing the bits Riot gave him in the till. ‘Thank you sir, please come again!”

Riot nodded his thanks, and headed for the door. As the door opened, he could barely hear the corporal say something quietly. “And good luck.”

One thing off the list. Now for the mail. Riot nickered, then started trotting towards the small post office building. When he arrived, there was nopony but a grey pegasus trotting about with a brown mailbag draped over her. She spotted him, and fluttered over to the counter.

“Mornin Miss. Just came in to see if you had any mail for me, and if you could redirect any packages to this address.” He slipped over a bit of paper containing the clubs address.

The mare smiled at him, containing nothing but pure, unbridled happiness. “Hello, Mister! How are you today?” She asked, taking the piece of paper, and going over to the main desk.

“Just peachy.” He cocked an eyebrow as she came back with what looked like an army trunk.

“Wow, Mister, you sure do have a big package.” She said, smiling at him as she pushed on it.

Riot rolled his eyes before speaking. “Thanks for the mail, did it say who it was from?”

“Nope, just a big ol’ seal from the army stamped on it.” She said, patting the side with a hoof.

“Thanks, by the way, did you know Flaky Mulberry by any chance?” He asked out of feigned curiosity, she had the same condition Mumbles had.

The mare shook her head. “Nope, sorry mister.” She smiled even wider. ‘Why?”

Riot once again immediately regretted the fact that he had been born with a mouth. “He uhh...He had the same condition as you.” Riot smiled for a moment, but his smile quickly faded. “ He was my friend... I owe him my life.” Riot felt his scar. “He was my friend.”

The mailmare took a deep breath through her nostrils, eyes filling with realization. “He sounds like a nice stallion!” She said merrily, hoping to cheer the strange pony up. “I probably would have liked him. I like a lot of ponies!” She continued her smile.

He closed his eyes, realizing how easily it could have been Mumbles in his place. “I’m sorry. I’m just here for my mail.” He nodded his head at her. “Thanks for the package.”

She nodded, swallowing dryly, closing her eyes for a moment.The grey mare reopened them after a few moments, and pressed a smile, shouldering the mailbag.

“Yeah...Have a good day ma’am.” Riot lifted the trunk up in his magic, then carried it out the door. The mailmare stood by the counter, a rare frown gracing her muzzle. She looked down for a moment, then gasped.

The mare galloped out after him, and accidentally, knocking the trunk to the ground in his surprise. It opened, and a few of the items spilled out. She frowned. “Oh Celestia...I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She said, trying to gather them up with her hooves before the growing wind blew them away.

The trunk lid closed quickly just as the winds picked up. Riot turned to the mare, his face betraying his sadness. “It’s alright.. I’ve got it.” He started just shoving the trunks contents back in, not looking at what was in it. he already knew. The mare stooped next to him, grabbing several slips of paper and some pictures.

The mailmare stood up, a picture cradled in her hooves. “Is this him?” She turned the photo, showing it to Riot.

The stallions face fell, and he looked away. “Yeah. Keep it.” She lifted a hoof to protest, but the stallion was already gone.

Feeling even worse than he had when the day started, Riot pushed open the door to Vinyl’s house. The vibrations of her wubs emanated from the club downstairs. It seemed like she was practicing something new for tonight. Riot plopped the trunk down on the floor, then scraped off the tag covers.

His hooves stopped dead as they uncovered the name. His name. The trunk clicked open, revealing a multitude of his things. The most pronounced being his armour. The stallion pulled out a torn uniform. It was clean as a whistle, but there was blood on it. There would always be blood on it. It was torn at the collar, denoting the exact position of his new scar. His armour bore the same wound.

Riot scrunched his muzzle, and dug further in. His hoof made contact with what he was looking for. Riot pulled out his service pistol. The weapon was clean as well, and with a click of the mag release, he found it had a full load. A couple of bayonets were in the box as well, but they were of little consequence. He pulled back the slide on the heavy Mk23, finding solace in its clean action and return. He placed it on the table in front of him, taking special care to place it with its holster.

Riot floated out the bits and pieces, finally coming to some things that were all his. His eyes floated over pictures of his platoon, which were scattered about among other pictures of friends and family from many of the guardcolts. Riot pulled up a small trinket, something he hadn’t believed to have survived the defence of Hoofington.

It was a simple thing, a small picture case that was built to hold out water and the like. It was only meant to hold one picture. That picture was dog-eared and faded beyond belief, considering where it had been for the past fifteen years, the condition wasn’t surprising.

Riot went to toss the thing back in, but something in the bottom of the trunk drew his attention. He placed the trinket down, then reached in.

Riot pulled up a bundle of dogtags, each denoting the friends he had lost. He had all of the ones who mattered in that bag.

Flaky Mulberry
Diamond Cutter
Killjoy O’Har
Crumpets Lilly
Cherry Cola
Pepper Shilling
Mint Peach

The list went on and on, but he only had a few of the tags. Riot closed his eyes; wrapping his hoof around the bundle, not noticing when the music stopped downstairs as he threw Skyrunners tag back into the box with vindication. Buy a blowtorch while you’re out, we’ll melt that fuckin thing.

Vinyl entered the apartment, and closed the door behind her. “Oh, hi Riot.” She said, noticing him. “What do you have there?” He didn’t answer. It was likely that he hadn’t even heard her; he was so consumed in his thoughts.

She came up behind him, putting her hooves on his back. “Whatcha got there?” Her eyes floated down over the massive, sundered armour and onto a large pistol.

“Where did you get that?!” She shouted, backpedaling away from the weapon.

Riot came to; placing the dog tags down with great care. He sat there for a moment, his eyes going over the trunk in which held the literal manifestation of his life. He smirked lightly, still not realizing the mare was right behind him.

“Riot!” She yelled, not amused at his unawareness.

He blinked, then turned his head. “Oh, hi Vinyl.”

“‘Oh, hi Vinyl’” She said, waving her hooves. “I’m only dragging a chest full of weaponry into your house, and putting my killing tools on your floor!”

Riot looked down at the trunk and sighed; closing the lid on it. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to get anything like this in the mail.”

“Alright, but you could have come and told me that you had a weapon in my living room......Is it.....is it loaded?” She asked, taking a cautious step forward.

“No.” He lied “And I have no desire to ever touch it again.” He lied again. Riot looked down over the trunk. “Or anything inside that trunk for that matter.”

She nodded, and stood next to him. “T-that’s y-your army stuff, right? I-is there anything fr-from Skyrunner in there?”

“Maybe. You may as well take a look.” He kicked the latch with a hoof for emphasis. “I think I need a shower.” The mare sat, transfixed at the box. She waved him off, before opening it. Riot trotted into the bathroom, shaking his head to ignore whatever noise she would make.

She moved some of the objects out of the way with her magic, balking at the state of Riot’s armor. The thing looked like it would let a pony withstand a meteor strike, but it was dented, and nearly destroyed. The next thing was his pistol, which she very, very carefully rested on the floor. Vinyl went through pictures of ponies, loved ones, dead ones......so many dead ponies, staring up at her with eyes so full of life. She brought up one last picture, and it cut her to the core.

It was Skyrunner, and he was in the midst of making out with, and groping a young mare, a green one, with freckles. Riot was in the background, seemingly trying to carry two very drunk ponies. He was trying to pull at Skyrunner, but to no avail.

Her Skyrunner, the one that’d talked about living with, and having a life with......all over that.....that.....green whore. She growled, and threw the picture across the room. Good pony, brave pony my ass, Riot fucking knew about this shit, why didn’t he tell me?! The enraged mare pushed the trunk out of the way, and knocked loudly on the bathroom door.

Riot pulled the door open, his eyes shallow and pale. “Hey, everything-”

She pushed into the bathroom, hooves on the stallion’s shoulders. “How could you lie to me like that!?”

“What? What do you mean?” He was honestly curious, he didn’t know why she would be so angry with him.

“Skyrunner! You let me believe that he was some good stallion, but no. I saw the picture of him with his hooves all other that tramp at the bar!” She put a hoof in his chest. “You told me he loved me.”

“Do you want the truth Vinyl?” Riot stared at the mare; he was tired of this game. Vinyl deserved the truth, but it would hurt more than she realized.

She growled. “Yes, no more lies.”

“He defected.”

“What?” The mare asked, eyes wide.

Riot continued, unabated. “He betrayed us. Fed the enemy strategic info, led to the massacre of the 221st mobile infantry company, 1st Battalion, Easy company. He was a coward, and a liar. He was responsible for the deaths of many of my friends and brothers.” Riot took a breath, trying not to let his seething hate for the stallion seep through towards Vinyl. “He didn’t live long enough to use the bits the Zebras gave him.”

The mare snorted, still trying to be angry, but her resolve was weakening. She turned, and left the bathroom. “Couch.” She said simply, entering her bedroom, slamming the door with a bang.

The stallion shook his head slowly as he trotted out towards the living room. Today had been a shit day, and it wasn’t anywhere close to being finished. He sat down heavily on the couch, sinking into it as he stared at the open trunk. His pistol sat on the floor, alongside the rifle that killed the stallion that killed his brothers.

Riot picked up the pistol, feeling along the comfortable grip and the stamped steel slide. The pistols barrel had little teeth on it, making it easy to jab into things.

The hours trickled away, leaving Riot restless. His things had long since gone back into the trunk, and he had managed to get a fairly nice setup for when he needed to sleep. He looked up at the clock, realizing it was almost time for work. He wondered if there would be any work at all tonight if Vinyl didn’t come out of her room.

There was a knock at the door. Riot lifted his head up from his floored pillow. He sighed, then got up and trotted to the door.

It was Wildman and Berry; totally drenched, they looked pitiful, like puppies whining to come inside.

Berry blinked at the sight of the buck “Oh, Hi Riot. Didn’t think you’d be here this early.”

He shrugged, stepping out of their way. “Yeah.”

“We knocked downstairs, it’s nearly time for work, why aren't you two getting ready?” Wild asked, looking around Riot. “Where is Vinyl, anyway?”

“She’s in her room. And I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.” He looked at the trunk and his now collapsing friendship. Riot quickly packed his things up, then tied them all down to the trunk. Wild cocked his head to the side, recognizing the trunk.

“What is that doing here?” He asked, confused.

“Came in the mail. Guess somepony didn’t want my stuff taking up valuable space in a warehouse somewhere.” Riot shook his head slowly, levitating the trunk. “I better get going.”

“Is Vinyl okay? Why is she in her room? The club opens in less than an hour.” Berry asked.

One of Wild’s eyebrows rose, he didn’t say anything, but Riot knew the question he was asking. What did you do?

“She found out something about somepony she knew. It wasn’t good.” He looked at Wildman for a moment before speaking. “Remember Skyrunner?”

“Yeah, we had some crazy times, especially with that mare Candy.....He was a little fuck.” He said, exhaling hotly.

Riot snorted, looking across the room. “Then you don’t know what he did Wild.” He trotted towards the couch and plopped down. “Or why he got what he deserved.”

“Riot, what do you mean? Got what he deserved?!” The red pegasus asked, cocking his head at the stallion. Berry backpedaled away from Riot as his mood went visibly dark.

“I. Killed. Him.” Riot locked eyes with Wild.

The smaller pegasus blinked, backing away for a moment. “You what?” He shook his head. “You fucking did what!?”

Riot snorted angrily. “I gutted that little traitor in the company CP.” He took another step forward. “I slit that little bastards throat.” Finding his fight washing away, Riot pulled out his flask; taking a deep swig, he stared down at the coffee table. “Didn’t you ever wonder why we didn’t get any warning when the ultras attacked? Or how they got our codes?”

The pegasus stood a bit back, with a clearly terrified Berry behind him. “That’s how sneak attacks, and spies work, Riot.” Wild said, flatly, crossing his hooves.

“A spy named Skyrunner! who betrayed his friends for four thousand bits. Too bad he got caught trying to go AWOL.” Riot stood up, staring the pegasus down as he hissed out his words. “He’s the reason why Mumbles ain't living. He shot Mumbles in the throat without a second thought. He left me to the mercy of a Kommando.”

Wild snorted hotly, and slammed a hoof into the floor. “That fucker! I went to his fucking funeral! I actually prayed for that cunt!” He growled, and bucked the wall, sending a small crack up it.

“What the fuck is going on out here!?” Vinyl yelled, opening her door. “Putting holes in my walls as well as my heart?”

Riot closed his eyes as he lifted up the trunk and its carry ons. “I’m sorry for lying to you Vinyl. Some things just shouldn’t be shared.” He started towards the door, nudging past the fuming Wild and the horribly confused Berry Punch.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Vinyl asked him as he went to leave.

He shrugged, not looking back. “Somewhere, where I won’t hurt anypony. Physically, or emotionally.” The rain was pouring down, but he had become accustomed to it.

“Wait! Wait! You can stay here, I just got angry......I’m o-okay now....please, don’t go out there, stay here where it’s warm.” Vinyl said, standing in the doorway..

Shaking his head, Riot continued out into the rain. “I need to go.”

“B-but....where will you go? I’m not going to let you sleep outside on a fucking park bench because you think you deserve it!”

“I need to give something to my son.” He didn’t look back as the light began to diminish from the house. In all realism, he was barely twenty feet away from the door, but the rain had cast a dark shroud over the unlit street. Vinyl sat on her haunches, frowning as Riot disappeared.

Wild trotted up behind her; his fuming had come to a middle. “You alright?”

The mare sighed, looking at the floor. “Yeah.....I’m just worried about him. He’s going to end up getting himself killed.”


Riot finally reached his home, soaking wet and run down. He stopped at the door, just under the small awning. His trunk clicked open, and the pistol was pulled out, along with any undesirable items. He quickly strapped the pistol holster to his chest, where it would be concealed by his jacket. Everything that had been removed was placed inside his duffle bag, which clung to the trunk lid via rope. The pistol now lay comfortably against his chest.

Exhaling slowly, Riot knocked on the door. The pitter patter of tiny hooves rocketed towards the door. The door flew open, and a tiny grey bullet slammed into Riot.

“Dad!” Hunter squealed, tackling his father’s chest with a hug.

Riot wrapped a hoof around the colts body; nuzzling him gently. “Hey buddy, I missed you.”

“I missed you too!” The colt said, nuzzling his neck. “Momma’s not home, so we can hang out....Unless we’re going somewhere else?” He said, up at his father.

Riot stepped inside, using a quick spell to dry himself off. “Why isn’t Aurora home?”

“She’s....At the grocery store?” The colt seemed to question his own answer.

He stooped down, placing a hoof on Hunters shoulder. “It’s way too late to go to the grocery store Hunter, did Aurora tell you where she was going?”

“Umm, no.....” He said, looking down. “I-I think I kn-know where she is, though.....”

“That’s alright Buddy, but I’ll have a talk with her about leaving you alone. Again.” He brought his load in. “First things first. I brought you something.”

“Really?” He said, perking up instantly; little tufted ears springing up.

“Sure did champ! Why don’t we go take a seat on the couch, and I’ll let you see what I brought you.” Riot followed the bouncing colt to the couch; where he laid the trunk down on the floor in front of both himself and Hunter. “Go ahead, open it up.”

He opened it with some effort, the old hinges creaking. “Wooooow.” He said in awe at all the military paraphernalia inside.

Riot lifted out a large flak helmet, then placed it on the colts head. “Heh, perfect fit!”

The colt smiled happily, before the helmet slid down his face, covering his eyes completely. “Gah! I’m blind!” He said, flailing.

“Hah, hold on, let me free you.” He pulled the helmet off, then placed it on the table. “Go ahead Hunter. It’s all yours.”

“What?” The colt asked, holding the tattered armor in his hooves. “M-mine?”

He nodded slowly, pulling out the crumpled uniform. His hoof went through the tear in the collar as he did. “Some of it needs some patching up, but I think you’ll fill it nicely in a couple years.” Riot let his hoof rest on the colts shoulder as he pulled up the armoured chest piece.

“No way, I’m never gonna be as big as you.” The colt said, brushing the armor with a hoof. “Wow....”

Reaching into the top of his shirt, Riot pulled out a familiar set of tags. “Here, I want you to wear these for me.” He passed the tags to the colt, ensuring that he held them tightly. “They’re too heavy for me.”

“W-what are they?” He asked, eyes huge as he looked them over.

“They’re my identification tags, so if anything happened to me, somepony could tell you.” He pulled back, looking at the small bag near the bottom that held so many more versions of his bit of stamped metal. “In essence, those tags are a piece of you. Don’t ever lose them Hunter, because for as long as you hold onto those tags, I’ll be with you.” He looked back down at the bag. “No matter what.”

The colt’s mouth fell open, looking in awe at the bits of metal. “L-Luna......I’ll n-never lose them.” He said, clutching them to his chest before putting them on.

Nodding, Riot turned to the next piece in the bin. “I’d like you to meet some of my friends.”

“W-what do you mean?” He asked, trying to peek inside.

Riot pulled up a hoof full of photos. “My friends.” He passed the first one over to the colt, it was a picture of the whole platoon, standing in full battle dress. Riot stood front and center, his stature proud and unmovable.

Hunter stared at the picture in awe, and put the tip of his hoof on Riot. “Y-you look so....Happy.” He said, tilting his head. “Who are the other ponies?”

Ignoring the foals first comment, he pointed at the ponies who surrounded him, making faces and goofing off just as the picture was taken. “Those are ponies just like you and Sweetie. A lot of them were more than friends Hunter. They were my family.”

He nodded, looking down at them. “Can I meet them someday?” The colt asked, looking at a green earth pony giving a yellow unicorn a noogie.

“Sure you can buddy...Sure you can.” He rifled through the pile, looking for a specific picture. “I want you to meet one of my best friends...” He pulled out a small picture of both himself and Mumbles in full dress uniform, standing in a puddle that went up to their bellies. Both bucks were laughing heavily, barely noticing the camera. “Flaky Mulberry. Or as we all called him, Mumbles.”

The colt smiled. “He looks like fun! Why did you call him Mumbles, anyway?”

Riot chuckled, remembering one cold night at boot camp. “Sometimes he would talk so fast it would sound like he was mumbling...But most of the time it was when he was around mares in boot camp.” He broke out into a low laugh, shaking his head. “He could barely talk to any of them he was so shy.”

Hunter giggled. “Can I meet him? He sounds like a fun pony.”

Riots laughing died, and he looked down at the picture. “He had to go away, but I’m sure he would have loved to meet you. Heck, he prolly would have helped you terrorize all the fillies at school.”

The little pony frowned slightly. “Aww....Who are the other ponies?”

Riot nestled up to the colt, wrapping his left hoof around him as he pointed out various ponies in the picture. “That’s Wild. His real name is Sunshine, but he doesn’t know that I know.” Riot chuckled for a moment. “That’s Minty, Mumbles’ best friend. That mare right there is Cherry Cola, our medic. That’s Kratonis, our big lumbering behemoth. That pony right there is.....”

The hour bled by quickly as Riot shared his memories with the colt. He eventually found his army beret, and had promptly shown Hunter how to put it on properly. Luckily, the beret actually fit the colt. He had eventually run out of new things to show the colt, but that didn’t seem to matter. He was currently drooling over Riots medals and campaign ribbons.

“What’s this one?” He asked, holding up a purple heart. “Wow, there’s a whole lot of these ones.”

“Those are my purple hearts. I actually started giving them away to some of my buddies so they wouldn’t have to get them.” He chuckled at the memory.

The colt smiled, and placed it back. “Why is all this stuff in a trunk? Shouldn’t you have it all in a display case, or something? Like Granny Smith.”

“Granny Smith? Don’t think I’ve met her before.”

“Oh, she’s Applebloom’s grandma. She runs the farm with Applejack and Big Macintosh.”

Riot picked up a small box that had been separated from the others. “I’ll have to talk to her some time.”

“What’s in there?” The little colt asked.

“Something called the Cross of Valour.” He popped it open, looking into the small cardboard box.

“Wow, sounds cool.” Hunter said, a touch of reverence in his voice.

“It’s a paper weight.” He hoofed it to the colt, then grabbed another one. “This one is extra special, it’s called The Lance of Equestria.”

“Why is it so special?” Hunter asked, looking at the beautiful piece of metal.

“It came with this.” He held up a small bit of torn ribbon. The fabric fluttered about despite the lack of natural wind in the home. It shimmered lightly as Hunter touched it.

“W-what is it?” The colt asked, in awe at the item.

“All that remains of a bad pony.”

The colt immediately pulled his hoof back. “W-what do you mean?”

Riot placed the ribbon down on the table, then stared at it for a moment. “It was given to me by somepony very important after a battle. I had...Defeated, a very bad pony.” Hunter nodded, his eyes going from the fabric to the rest of the stars and shields and crosses that sat in tiny little unassuming boxes.

Hunters fathers eyes fell on a bit off paper, nestled deep within the confines of the trunk. He reached in, grasping it with a hoof.

“What is this?” Hunter asked, looking up at Riot expectantly.

.”I’m not sure, give me a moment.”

Royal Equestrian Military

Dear Captain Venture,

It pains me to send this messages, given your time, dedication and sacrifice to and for the Equestrian cause. With my most heartfelt apologies, I must declare you unfit for battle, and unfit for leadership as of recent events.

Your sacrifice at Hoofington will not be forgotten, but the blows of that battle are apparent in you. While the death of one ‘Corporal Skyrunner was being investigated, we had finally established that he was the mole in our lines. We would commemorate you for your action against him, but we cannot condone the act of killing a soldier of the REA, spy or not.

Your mental stability has been questioned by many ponies in power here, and I cannot say that I haven’t started to question you myself. I realize the loss of your friend, ‘Corporal Mulberry’ was especially hard on you. Recent studies have shown that soldiers like yourself are basically time bombs, due to a condition known as post traumatic stress disorder. We’ve had numerous problems with it, thus we must take action before any damage is done. You are to be immediately removed from service to avoid any kind of psychotic breakdown, resulting in death and/or dismemberment.

Hopefully you can find peace in the civilian world. I wish you the best, and I hope you remember that we do not turn our back on our own. We will help you get back on your hooves and to serve as a helping hoof if you are ever in need.

Sincerely, General Thundershot.

Riot crumpled the letter up in his hooves. “It’s nothing Hunter, just some junk mail that got in with the rest of my things.”

“Alright. Wow, dad. I can’t believe you’re giving all of this to me.....” He said, eyes slightly sad. “Y-you a-aren’t doing this j-just to leave, are you?”

“No, I’m not leaving Hunter. I’m not letting you grow up without a dad.” Riot hugged the colt tightly as he let the crumpled note fall to the floor.

Hunter snuggled into his father. “T-that’s good.....C-can you help me put this in my room?”

He picked up the trunk in his magic; feigning strain, he lowered it to the ground. “Guhh, I’m so tired, maybe my super awesome son can show me just how powerful his magic is!”

Hunter planted his hooves, in the same power stance that his father had shown him. He focused hard, strain making him scrunch up his face. His horn began to glow, trying to pull the heavy object. The trunk shook, then lifted up. It started to float towards the colts room.

“You can do it Hunter! Just a little further!” Riot grinned broadly as he just held the trunk up with his magic. Hunter was doing all of the pushing.

The small grey horn’s glow increased, another layer beginning to take form around it. The trunk began to move slowly through the air, and the little colt’s eyes were shining with excitement, moving the thing along. Riot smiled at the colt as the trunk came to rest in Hunters room.

“That was awesome Hunter, thanks for the help.” He ruffled the colts mane before pointing to the bed. “But if I’m right, it’s just about bedtime for little soldiers.”

“Hey! I-I’m not little!” He said with an adorable growl.

“No, you’re not.” He picked the colt up by the scruff of his neck. “Buh biwg shtallionsh need shweep too.” He was speaking through fur, but he was sure his message got across.

Hunter exhaled loudly. “Okay, Dad.....” Thunder crashed outside, causing the colt to squeak. “I-I wonder if momma will be home tonight.” He asked, laying out on the bed.

Riot pulled the covers over Hunter, then hugged him tightly. “I’ll make you a deal.”

“What is it?” The colt asked, snuggling into the warmth.

“I’ll stay here, right by your side until Aurora gets home.” He sat down next to the bed, shifting slightly.

Hunter smiled widely, cuddling into his father. “Then I hope I never see her again.”

He cringed a bit at the colt’s words. “On two conditions though.”

“Hmm?” Hunter asked, looking up at Riot.

“Condition one, you remember that I will always love you, no matter what.”

“Of course! I know that!.” He said, hugging the large stallion.

“Condition two...You need to listen to your momma. She loves you just as much as I do. Never forget that Hunter.” He hugged the colt tightly. “You’re growing up so fast...”

The colt snorted. “Alright, alright.....School tomorrow is going to be awkward....”

Riot nodded, knowing exactly what the colt meant. “Yeah. Be good alright? I don’t think Cheerilee wants me coming by because you stuck a tack in her chair.” He leaned in a bit closer. “Not that I wouldn’t reward you with ice cream....”

Hunter nodded, smiling weakly. “Alright...” The colt yawned, stretching his hooves around Riot’s back.

In a few moments, Hunter was fast asleep with his face buried in Riots mane and neck. He smiled, almost falling asleep there himself. He would have, if the sound of keys in a lock didn’t draw his attention.

“Hunter? I’m home...” The sound of hooves neared the bedroom, causing Riot to close his eyes and wish for a better ending than what he was getting.

“He’s asleep Aurora.” The hooves stopped short of the door.

“A-ash?” A bit of light leaked into the room, just enough to show her that he was getting up. She went to speak, but he silenced her by placing a hoof against his lips. Aurora nodded, then backed into the living room. Once the door to Hunters room was closed though, she advanced on the buck, placing an accusing hoof on his chest. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to see him before he went to bed. You weren’t here.” He looked up at the clock. “That was almost two hours ago Aurora. Why did you leave Hunter alone for two hours?”

She swallowed dryly. “I-I....I was with Cheerilee.....I just w-wanted to tell her t-that Hunter knew, a-and n-not to bother him too much tomorrow....T-things got out of hoof.”

“I figured as much.” Riot trotted past her and towards the door. The mare fumed angrily behind him, then cantered in front of him.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you came into my house without permission!” She said, poking him in the chest with a hoof.

“My names still on the agreement, and Hunter let me in. I can come and go as I please Aurora, because it’s not your house. This isn’t my home, but It’s my gorram house.”

The mare sputtered. “I-I....Y-you.......J-just go.” Aurora pointed towards the door.

Riot had been leveled headed throughout the interaction, but it was obvious he was not impressed. “No. Why don’t you go and spend the night at Cheerilee's, I’ll take care of Hunter.”

“This is my house! You can’t kick me out just because I went to see Cheerilee for a few hours!” She exclaimed angrily.

His features twisted angrily and he closed the distance between himself and Aurora. “It’s not your house Aurora, it’s mine. I’m kicking you out for leaving my son alone for three hours in the middle of a bloody storm to go fuck your marefriend.”

The small bat pony seemed to shrink even smaller under the rage of Riot, she crouched slightly, eyes squeezed shut. “A-alright...I-I’ll go...” She said, picking her umbrella back up, and heading out the door.

Riot followed her to the door; once the mare was outside he spoke. “When you’re done acting like foal, you can come back and tell Hunter the truth.”

“T-the truth?” She asked.

“The truth Aurora. That you’re losing interest in your family. That you don’t care anymore.” He looked down on her.

“Are you insane!? I love Hunter more than life itself!” She said, angrily, but quietly.

“Prove it.” He took a step towards her, his hoof pressing into her chest.

Her mouth opened, and then closed again, a hoof raised. “W-what? How!?”

His words came out venomous. “Start acting like a fuckin mother, think of him before yourself.” The mare’s eyes hardened, and she left the house, slamming the door with a bang. There was a rustling from Hunter’s room. Riot locked the front door, then quickly turned around and trotted quietly into the colts room.

He poked his head in, seeing that Hunter was hiding his head under his pillow and the colt was crying softly. Riot cringed sadly, then sat down next to the bed. His hooves went around his son. “Shhshh, It’s alright Hunter. Daddy’s got you.”

“D-Dad? W-w-what happened to m-momma?” He asked, wiping tears from his eyes with hoof.

“She went to spend the night at her friends.” Riot hugged Hunter tighter. “I’ll spend the night here to make sure you’re safe.”

He smiled, and he shook his head to get rid of the tears. Hunter cuddled into his father, sighing happily. “I-I thought M-momma w-was gonna kick you out....”

Riot laid the colt back out on his bed, then tucked in the covers. “I’m not leaving you Hunter. I’m done with that.”

“A-are you sure? W-what about when momma comes back?”

“She can go suck a rock.” He nuzzled the foal as he made himself comfortable on the floor. “I’ll be right here Hunter, if you need anything just let me know.”

“Th-there’s room up here, Dad...” He said, patting the side of the bed. “Y-you don’t have to sleep on the floor.”

“You sure Hunter? I take up a lot of room.”

“I don’t care, you’re big and warm, and soft.” The colt said said, nodding. Thunder cracked outside, causing the colt to squeak in fear. His tufted ears twitched, then flattened. “I-It’s n-not because I’m af-afraid......Stallions aren’t allowed to be afraid....” He was stuttering, obviously scared.

Riot climbed up into the small single bed. Hunter grasped at his fur, then snuggled in. Riot laid his head down on the pillow, then laid a hoof over Hunters side. “I’ll keep you safe little one.”

Hunter immediately relaxed, sinking into his father’s fur. “Y-you’re so warm....Will I ever get as big as you?”

“Of course, You’ll be just as big a me, and definitely bigger than your uncle Enfield.” He chuckled lightly at his own joke.

The colt raised his eyebrow, not understanding. “I-I hope so....”

Hunter had grown since Riot had arrived, actually. He had hit a growth spurt just before Riot arrived, and he was taller by about an inch, and his legs and chest had begun to fill out.

The larger stallion closed his eyes, wishing for his arduous day to be over and done with. His mind blurred a bit, hazing out his thoughts as they came up. He kissed Hunters forehead just before falling asleep. “I love you Hunter.”

“I love you too, daddy....” The colt yawned, and closed his eyes, his breath settling into steady beats.

Please Luna, let me sleep without dreams....Let me have this moment without another waking nightmare.