• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 1,028 Views, 28 Comments

If I Were a Pegasus... - Church

I would be there for you. Always.

  • ...


If I were a pegasus...

I would scale misty mountain tops and roaring, cascading waterfalls. I would hop from tall treetop to taller treetop with agile ease using cunning flying techniques and extravagant, borderline impossible aerial stunts. I would combat the harsh desert and test the dismal tundra. If I were a pegasus, there would be nothing that I couldn’t do. I could fly from north to south pole. I could traverse the world in eighty days. No, make it twenty. I would hold nothing back. I would be invincible. I would be undefeatable. And I would do it for you.

And if I had you, we’d be together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would have a flare for the dramatic. With every opportunity, I’d strut my stuff, because that’s what I’d be made of. I’d flaunt my wings without a second thought, and the audience would ooh and aah with every sharp flexing motion I’d make. The world would be my oyster, and the clams of the everyday would be left to sulk at the bottom of the ocean. I would be undeniably upstanding, even you would be impressed.

And if I had you, we’d strut together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would climb to see where my wings could take me. Higher and higher I would go, until the air grew thin and my lungs started to complain. Higher still, I would go. I would leave the atmosphere, see the far reaches of space and beyond. I would climb to Luna’s moon, and beyond that, her stars. There I would die among them, perfectly happy, perfectly safe, as it should be. I will have a grand funeral, and the stars will perform the eulogy, for they are the only ones who know my name.

And if I had you, we’d die together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would not tarry here or there. I would always have something to do, even if that something was nothing. There would always be clouds to gather or rain to drift through. There would always be friends to meet or places to visit. I could do all of these things, because my wings would take me there. My wings would be my companion, my pride, and my joy. My wings would never leave me, never let me down, like a leaf caught in a strong gale of wind. I would be forever in motion, and they’d release me from my thoughts of you.

And if I had you, we’d fly together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would be free. I would release these shackles that bind me to the earth, and I would simply float away. I would float away on the breeze, the gentle current taking me willingly, and to wherever it so pleased. There would be no thoughts. There would be no thoughts of tragedy, or loss, or hate. Because in the sky, you are carefree. Because in the sky, you are unreachable. Because in the sky, the world is something that is below you.

And if I had you, we’d drift together.

If I were a pegasus...

I’d take you there. To that place we’ve never been to. To that place you’ve always wanted to go. But the sky is a hard place to reach without wings. And so, if I were a pegasus, I would sail across the sky for you. You could ride on my back; I would be your wings. We could finally taste one of those clouds, as I know you are curious. I could take you there. I, too, feel your longing.

And if I had you, we’d live together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would visit the grandest of cities in the sky. I would bring back gifts for you, because I know what you like, and what you’ve become. There would be shimmering diamonds and other goodies the likes of which you’ve never seen before. And perhaps you will finally be happy. And perhaps I will finally be happy.

And if I had you, we’d be happy together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would not hesitate to kiss you. Those wings would give me a confidence never shown in my eyes before. Maybe, if only for a day, we could be lost in each other’s eyes. I would float through yours like the sky itself. You could float through mine like a single boat in the ocean. But one can only dream of these things, because reality has become a place too close for comfort.

And if I had you, we’d dream together.

If I were a pegasus...

I’d wrap you up in my feathery wings. I’d hide you from the darkness, all of your fears and troubles. I’d conceal you when fate comes for you. I’d be everlasting. And if the day were to ever stray from us, let the night sky guide us as we fly onward, into the harrowing black.

And if I had you, we’d be here together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would be there for you. In your sickness, I would stand. I would stand tall for you. I would sail into your ears and tell you that everything was going to be all right... even though everything was not going to be all right. And in your slumber, I would be there. We would both have our wings, like the angel you will soon become. We could fly away together, on the passing wind that lifts us higher as we go. Go. Go away. Away from here.

And if I had you, we’d go together.

If I were a pegasus...

I would save you. I would save you from what’s been done to you. I would fly through that golden gate and find you. There, I would bring you back. For me. For us. And we could be together. As it should be.

If I were a pegasus...

it would be all right.

If I were a pegasus...

I wouldn’t have to cry.

If I were a pegasus...

I would love you until the world came to an end, came to a startling conclusion, and I would greet it with open hooves, because I would have you by my side.

Alas... I am not a pegasus...

And so I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. And on this day, as the sky you love so very much passes me by, I lift my wings to you. I know that you cannot see them, but they are there. They wait for you to stand beneath them. They wait for you to come home.

I am not a pegasus, and so I miss you.

If I were a pegasus...

I would scale misty mountain tops and roaring, cascading waterfalls...

Comments ( 26 )

This is something I had in my head. It is sort of reminiscent of n's Happy Birthday To You, which has been a inspiration of mine since the beginning. This one didn't take much doing, but I hope that it was worth reading.

- Church

My "Dead Pegasus" jacket exists for a reason, you know.

It certainly is worth reading! Very different from most of what one finds here. It flows really smoothly and quickly, which surprised me. I actually found the words going by me so fast that I had some trouble remembering them. By the time I got towards the end, I had resolved that I'd have to re-read the story... and then I got to the last line and I was like :rainbowderp: "you got me!"

In shot, it was pretty cool seeing my exact sentiment being reflected back at me, and I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you!

I'm curious if you had any context in mind when you were writing this. It seems like it would fit really well in your "Who Makes the Wind Blow?" stuffs, but I'd need a confirmation from you about that before I'd let myself believe it :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Twifight Sparkill deleted Dec 23rd, 2012

1843291 :moustache:

1843294 Thanks for the kind words! It did seem like it flowed quickly, didn't it? I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet. I don't know.

And, to be fair, it is sort of Who Makes the Wind Blow?ish, even though it really isn't, you know? The story is entirely different. But I think that OC tag sort of makes it so.

1843299 Thank you for reading :twilightsmile:

Damn you... damn you for making me feel the feels :raritydespair:

... But I love you because you did :raritystarry:

Truly beautiful :heart:

1843928 Gee, thanks for the comment :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

1843897 Keeps a reminder, you know?

1844166 Thank you for the kind words :heart:

I know the ending was foreseeable. I didn't truly try for any sort of plot twist. I just wanted to write it down, and honestly, I wrote it with a sort of "ho hum" mentality, so I wasn't so sure how it would transfer onto the page. But thank you for your comment. I'm happy that you enjoyed the story.

1844256 it keeps a reminder, yes yes...

Thanks for reading, btw, even if it wasn't so great.

Yeah, I figured that it wasn't a sequel or anything, but I felt that it continued that wistful tone and the whole "self-worthlesness/powerlessness" motif that stuck with me in Who Makes the Wind Blow?. You'll have to pardon me if it's some kind of undercurrent in all of your writing or something. After reading Who Makes the Wind Blow? and lovin' it I downloaded the rest of your stuff, but I'm reading all of these things in order, and so have to finish the rest of Pen Stroke's stuff and then theswimminbrony's stuff before I get to your backlog. I'll get to it, though! Really soon, too!

1844719 You know... starting out on this site... I didn't think my name would even be in the same paragraph as those two superstars. Perhaps it still shouldn't be, but I'll take what I can get. You downloaded my stuff? My stuff? Hm. Now I feel all weird and stuff.

I'm a wistful person, and a zany person, so what I have in my arsenal is what I put on the page. Thank you for reading my stuff, though I'll admit, I get better as I go along.

Hahah! Well, unfortunately for you I downloaded it in the order of oldest-to-newest! Though I don't think that I've downloaded anything past Cloud Fishin' yet... I should fix that!

(On a side note, let me tell you that you really know how to write a description! I've been loathe to start Pen Stroke's stuff because Past Sins is such a huge read and a lot of his best stuff is crossovers with other works, but I finally pushed myself into it because your description for Packge in the Rain made me want to get to as soon as possible!)

That... Wow.

1844629 It didn't make me wish I was dusted, and it kept me in high selves, so all in all, not that bad.


1844930 Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:

1845967 Thanks for reading! I'm happy that you enjoyed the read. I just had the thought in my head 'n stuff.

My god. Words. Words are what I do not have. That was beautiful.

Rather poetic. Loved it.

1847796 Thanks a bunch :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you liked it.

1848619 Say, thanks! I appreciate the read :heart:

Reminds me a little of Dr. Suess. But with a little... Extra. Fav'd.

1851161 Thank you! I appreciate the read :heart:

Wow! Awesome! but.....who's it about?

1853597 It's OC. Nopony in particular, really. :derpytongue2:

I read Golden Gate as Golden Gate Bridge, so that gave me the impression this was about a human on earth, no ponies whatsoever except in the imagery, and "you" (not "I") committed suicide by jumping off the bridge.

1871660 Hm. Well, that's saddening to think about. It is true that the story is loosely based on ponies. But when you think about it, there are a lot of stories like that. If I would have had the main character be Rainbow Dash or something, crying over Pinkie Pie, then you might not have thought that.

Thank you for reading though, and that observation is accurate :heart:

If I were a Pegasus... I could catch you when you fall, And you'd never have to know what it's like to hit The bottom because I would always be there to carry you back up again.

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