• Published 25th Dec 2012
  • 1,652 Views, 28 Comments

Tale Chasing - Astrocity

My life was normal until some girl drops into my life, claiming she's from Equestria. At this point, you're probably wondering which pony I met. Instead of some girl saying she's a pony, I get a girl who acts literally like a dog.

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Meeting Man's Best Friend

The day started off normally like any other day. It was cloudy with temperatures at low seventies and had just rained not too long ago. The chilly weather seemed fitting for winter in California. Anyway, I had just gotten home after finishing my classes and it was now getting dark. I pulled up to my driveway, pulled out my keys, and got into my house. I lived alone in my quiet little home, so when I got inside, only darkness and silence welcomed me home like usual. After I had put my stuff away, I was warming myself yesterday’s leftover pizza while thinking about my life at the moment.

God damn it’s really quiet in here. Maybe I should get a dog? From what I heard, getting a dog is an amazing experience. Who knows, maybe a dog will liven things up around here?


Instead of the microwave’s beeping bringing me out of my thoughts, the sound of what I assumed was thunder and lightning ripped me away from my thoughts. The sound of where the lightning struck sounded really close judging by how loud and deafening it was.

Holy shit, that was fucking loud!

I went to the sliding glass door that led to my backyard to check on the weather and to assess for any damages. It was drizzling outside, and it had gotten dark already. I looked around from behind the glass door, expecting something to be burnt or on fire from the lightning. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find anything charred or burnt black, though it was dark and made it kind of hard to see anything that went beyond the light of my kitchen. However, I did notice something strange lying in the flowerbed of my backyard.

What the hell? I thought to myself. I waited a few minutes to see if anymore lightning would strike again. After waiting for about five minutes in silence, I grabbed my flashlight and opened the door to my backyard. I shined my flashlight at the odd figure in my flowerbed and what I saw surprised me. In the light of my flashlight, I saw a foot and trailed my flashlight up to the body that connected it. The person who was lying down on her stomach with her face in the flowers had light skin and long, brown hair.

So what’s the first thing you do when you see a naked and unconscious girl in your backyard? You freak the fuck out. When I saw the girl, I thought she was dead. Holy shit! What the fuck?! Oh god, oh god. Did somebody fucking drop a dead body in my backyard?! Oh shit, I do not want to go to jail if the cops get the wrong idea! Pull yourself together, Alex! Freak the fuck out later. Check to see if she’s alive now.

With my flashlight still shining on the girl, I used one hand to turn her over to see if she was wounded anywhere else on her body. Thankfully, there weren’t any injuries that covered her front, though she was partially covered in the mud from the garden. I took my trembling hand and placed two fingers on her neck to check her pulse. I let out a sigh of relief when I found out she was alive.

Oh thank god, she’s alive. I wouldn’t know what to do if she was dead. Now, what the hell do I do?

A chilling wind blew through me, and looking at the girl, I could see she was shivering with goosebumps starting to form on her skin. I didn’t want to leave the naked girl outside in the cold, so I placed both my arms under her and carried her inside. She was light in my arms as I carried her to the couch of my living room. She was still wet and covered in mud, but at the moment, this girl’s health was more important than the couch.

In the light of the living room, I got a better look at the girl. She looked like she was in her early twenties about my age, and she was about five feet five inches tall, just a few inches shorter than me. She had some freckles on her face and some above her breasts, which I realized were neither small nor too large. I tore my eyes away from her chest and kept myself from looking farther down. Even though she was cute, I didn’t want to take advantage of her vulnerability. I forced my eyes to look back at her face again. She looked peaceful while she was unconscious, that is until her eyes shot open.

Seeing how this girl was awake and naked in a stranger’s home, I tried to explain myself before any misunderstandings were made. “Hey, are you alrig-“ I didn’t get to finish my question as the girl leapt from where she was lying down and pinned me down to the floor. Hard. She had both of her arms keeping my arms pinned while she had her knees sitting on my thighs. Despite my efforts to get her off of me, she was deceptively strong for a girl her size. Her hold on me was firm and was causing some slight pain to me. When I looked at her face, she wore an angry scowl and even showed her teeth as she growled. Instead of the happy feeling of a naked girl being on top of me, I was scared shitless.

Great… I help out a girl in her time of need, only to find out she’s fucking batshit crazy. I thought if I did something nice, something good would happen to me. Isn’t that how karma works?

At last she finally spoke, or growled in this case. “Who are ya?” she asked with a slight southern accent. As soon as she said those words, she wore a look of confusion. “Why does my voice sound different?” Her eyes widened when she saw her hands. “What are these?!”

As soon as she took her hand off of my right arm, I used that chance to push her off of me and scramble away from her, hitting my back against the wall as I shakily tried to stand up. She glared back at me again and took on some sort of defensive stance while standing on all fours with her butt sticking upward. If she wasn’t a psychotic girl, I would have totally found this scene erotic.

She then pounced onto me, trapping me between her arms and the wall behind me. I was forced to look into her dark brown eyes since I couldn’t look anywhere else, especially with a hot, nude girl in front of me. “What did you do to me?!” she snarled. I could feel her piercing gaze burning into me.

“I-I didn’t do anything to you. Honest!” I blurted out.

She still kept her harsh gaze at me. “Okay, who are ya? What are ya?”

The first question I get, but the second question seemed very strange. Okay, she’s either crazy or on drugs. Both seem very likely at this point. “As for who I am, my name is Alex. And you and I are human,” I replied as calmly as I could. If I was going to deal with some psycho, I was going to have to calm her down so that she wouldn’t do anything rash.

Her glare softened a bit, but still held a bit of wariness. “Alright, where am I?”

“You’re at my house.”

“And where’s that at?” I could see her muscles starting to relax the more I answered her questions.

“California.” I got a blank stare from her. “The United States of America?” More blanks stares from her. “Earth?” She tilted her head in confusion.

Wow, she must be really drugged up if she doesn’t even know we’re on Earth. As soon as our interrogation reached a pause, I couldn’t help but look down. She was still covered in some mud, and she was starting to leave tracks of dirt on the floor. I couldn’t help blushing as soon as I saw the rest of her body. I tried to take my mind off of her body by asking her questions of my own. “So what’s your name?”

“Winona,” she simply replied. Winona? Why does that name sound familiar?

“Well Winona, it’s nice to meet you,” I said as I brought my right hand out between us for a handshake. She finally brought her arms down and released me, though she did something unexpected and started sniffing my hand instead of shaking it. Do my hands smell like leftover pizza? Oh I should probably get those out of the microwave now. She awkwardly sniffed my hand, and then walked around me while sniffing the rest of me.

“Why are you sniffing me?” I asked, feeling uncomfortable when she lingered behind me for quite a while.

“I’m gettin' your scent.”

“Okay…” I replied as I gently pushed her away from me. She seemed more relaxed around me now and was now sitting with her arms in front of her and her legs spread apart. I quickly looked away from her. This girl has no modesty. I don’t know whether I should be feeling happy or awkward. “Well, I can offer you my shower, some food, and a place to stay at for the night. You can use my phone to call your folks. How does that sound?” I asked.

She didn’t seem to have heard me while I was talking. Her face was scrunched up in a pained expression, and her legs were close together, no longer spread apart. I felt a bit of disappointment when she closed her legs, but I quickly shook off that perverted thought and focused on the girl who seemed troubled. “Hey, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?”

Her eyes were closed, and she was fidgeting in place. “Do you have a tree I can use?” she asked.

I was really confused by her question. Tree? Why would she need a tree? I then saw Winona give a sigh with a happy and relieved expression on her face. Looking down, I saw a yellow puddle spilling out from under her. Oh. So that’s what she meant…

She looked back at me with an apologetic, sad look. “Sorry…”

I gave a sigh and rubbed the temples of my head. “It’s…alright. I’ll just clean it up. Though first, I’ll show you the way to the bathroom.” I got a roll of paper towels and placed squares of paper towels on the floor leading towards the bathroom.

I put out my hand towards her in a gesture of helping her up. She slowly took my hand, which I found out was also covered in her piss when she had her hands on the floor but I ignored it so that I didn’t embarrass her further. I pulled her up so that she was on her feet. However as soon as she got onto her feet, she lost her balance and tipped forward, hugging onto my body. I knew that I was going to need a bath and a change of clothes after this ordeal. I brought my arms around her to help her steady herself and led her towards the bathroom. Even with her body pressed against mine, I tried my damnedest to ignore the piss and her naked body.

We had finally reached the bathroom after walking at a snail’s pace. She had a wondrous look in her eyes as she looked around my bathroom. To me, it was just a bathroom that everybody else had. It had a shower combined with a bathtub, a sink, and a toilet.

“What’s that?” she asked as she pointed at the showerhead.

“That’s a shower. You’ve never heard of a shower before?” I replied. She shook her head. Wow, what is she, Amish? “Well, now that I’ve shown you the bathroom, you can now clean yourself while I take care of the mess.”

I tried to walk out of the bathroom, but she still clung onto me. “Wait, aren’t you going to wash me?” What?

“What?” I asked, voicing my own thoughts.

“The Apple family usually gives me a bath, and since they’re not here right now, you’re goin' to have to do it,” she innocently replied.

My brain stopped processing for a second when she asked me to wash her. “I’m sorry, what?!” Wow, I didn’t think she would be so fucked up that she needed people to give her a bath. She gave me a sad and irresistibly cute pout when she looked up at me. Gah! I still have piss on the living room floor, and I need to get this girl cleaned up so that I can get cleaned up. “Fine…”

I waddled over to the bathtub with Winona still clinging onto me. I turned on the faucet so that warm water was pouring out. Once the tub was mostly filled, I had Winona let go of me and get into the tub. When she tried to get in the tub, she cautiously dipped her toes in the water before slowly submerging into the water. Now for the awkward part. Before the bath could begin, I told Winona to remember how I’m going to wash her so that she didn’t need my help, or anyone else’s help, for her future baths.

I got a small glob of shampoo in my hand. “Close your eyes. I don’t want you to get any of the shampoo in your eyes.” She did as she was told, and I lathered the shampoo in her hair. Once I finished lathering her hair, I began to rinse the suds out of her hair using the hand held shower head. She wasn’t kidding when she said she’s never heard of a shower because when the shower head sprayed water on her, she let out a yelp.

“Ah! It feels like rain,” she said as she started to shake her head to get the water out, covering me with water as well.

“Winona, stop! You’re getting me wet too.”

“Sorry,” she giggled as she saw my drenched hair and shirt.

I continued with her bath, trying really hard not to look at her chest or other private areas as I lathered, scrubbed, and rinsed her body. I avoided her privates, leaving them for last hoping Winona could take care of it. When I got to that point, I asked Winona: “Can you handle cleaning your private areas?” She tilted her head at me with a blank expression. Oh…wow. I guess this is my lucky (or unlucky) day.

I had no idea how I was going to approach this. She pretty much gave me permission to touch her naked body, but that was mostly because of her ignorance to the concept of modesty. I took some body soap in my hands and hesitantly brought my hands closer to her breasts. I can’t believe I’m doing this. As soon as my hands made contact with her soft skin, she let out a gasp of air. I backed away as fast as possible while spouting apologies. “I am so sorry! Please don’t think I’m some kind of pervert.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked innocently. She is really naïve.

“What am I talking about? I’m talking about me being a guy and you being a girl who doesn’t mind being naked and touched by said guy!”

“Where I come from, everyone’s naked.” Oh, so she’s from a nudist colony. That explains the whole being naked thing. “I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s just a bath.”

I gave a groan at her obliviousness. “It may work that way wherever you’re from. But here and in most parts of the world, when a girl let’s a guy touch her breasts and other parts, it usually means she wants sex.”

Winona looked shocked as my words finally sunk in. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean ta cause trouble,” she apologized. “Everything seems really different here. I don’t feel like I’m in heat in this body.”

Ignore that last part, Alex. She’s already confused, so there’s no need to make sense of it. “It’s okay. If I tell you how to wash the rest of yourself, do you think you can handle it?” she gave a small nod.

“Alright, just let me go on Google to find out how to go about washing the rest of you because even I don’t know.” Winona again gave me the same look of confusion as I walked out the bathroom to get my laptop. Of course I wouldn’t know how women wash themselves. I’m a guy. Thankfully, the internet has the answers to everything.

So one awkward explanation and a bath later, Winona was finally cleaned and wrapped in clean towels. I brought her some of my clothes – my black gym shorts and an old white shirt. Like everything else so far, I had to put the clothes on for her while at the same time forcing my eyes not to look down. Putting a shirt on her was more difficult than it should have been since I had to explain to her which hole to put her arms and head through. Even when I wasn't looking, I felt something soft brush against my hands as I was pulling down the shirt. Temptation is a dirty bastard. It was a miracle that I was even able to put the shorts on her. After I dressed her, she looked pretty good with the clothes I gave her. The clothes didn’t look too big on her since I’ve always been scrawny. I didn’t have any underwear to give her, so I hoped she wouldn’t mind.

With Winona taken care of, I brought her to another chair in the living room to sit in while I cleaned up the mess she made. After about twenty minutes of scrubbing the floors and cleaning the couch, I put away all the cleaning supplies and looked at the clock. It was 7:22 PM and I still hadn’t eaten dinner yet. My pizza was probably cold by now and would need to be reheated again.

Food later, shower first. After cleaning up Winona and her mess, I could really use a shower. I grabbed a new change of clothes - a black T-shirt and jeans - and a towel before heading towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower and hopped in, letting the warm water hit me. While I was washing myself, I heard the door open. Did I lock the door...? SHIT! I had gotten so used to living alone that I didn't even bother locking the door. Sitting on the floor of the doorway was Winona, staring at my naked body curiously.

I grabbed the shower curtains and tried to cover myself, though that didn’t do much since the curtains were translucent. “Winona, what are you doing here?!”

She crawled on all fours up to the shower I was in while trying to get a good look at my body. “You’ve done so much for me. I thought I could pay ya back by helpin' you now that I have this new body.”

“I-It’s fine, Winona. I don’t need your help. Really! Just go wait in the living room, and I’ll be right out. Also close the door on the way out.”

She shrugged her shoulders before leaving the bathroom and closing the door with her mouth. I’m going to have to clean that later. After finishing my shower and cleaning the doorknob of the bathroom, I went back to the living room to see Winona curled up on the couch.

I looked at Winona, who was starting to look sleepy. “Hey, do you want something to eat? Right now I’ve got leftover pizza if that’s okay with you.”

She perked up at the mention of food. “Pizza? What’s that? Is it good?”

I wasn’t surprised anymore when she said she didn’t know what pizza was. “I got the Smokehouse Pizza, which is pretty much bread with a bunch of toppings, and it’s really good.” I warmed up the slices of pizza again. There were only three slices, but I decided I would let her have two and I could get something else to eat later.

Once the slices were warmed up, I went back to the living room and handed her a plate with two slices. While I dug into my own slice, she stared at hers. “Is there a problem?” I asked.

“Yeah, how do I eat it?”

I gave a small chuckle. “You eat it with your hands like so,” I said as I demonstrated how to eat a pizza by holding the slice up with one hand and taking a bite out of it.

She looked at her hand and then back at her pizza. It looked like she was having trouble just holding one of the slices up. It’s like she had no control of her fingers, and she would end up pawing at the slices in front of her. She then gave up holding it up and dug her face into the slices, ripping them apart with her teeth. I couldn’t help but stare at her as she ate like an animal, while I continued eating.

“It’s delicious!” she said with pizza still in her mouth.

“Glad you like it,” I replied with a smile.

Once dinner was finished, I decided now was a good time for her to explain how she ended up in my backyard. We both sat on the now-cleaned couch and got ourselves comfortable. “So Winona, how did you end up in my backyard?” I asked.

She thought about it for a minute. “Well, the day started off normal until cotton candy clouds began raining chocolate milk.” This explanation started off so normally and then it took a sharp turn towards crazy town. I didn’t interrupt her explanation and let her continued, even though I was sure that her explanation was going to get crazier and more far-fetched. “I was watching over the rest of the Apple family while Applejack went off to save Equestria. Then, a weird-looking creature with different body parts showed up and started causing chaos.”

Equestria and Applejack? Those sound really familiar now. But where did I hear it from? “Uh huh, and this creature you saw had something to do with you being here?”

She gave a nod. “Yeah, and when he stopped by the farm, I did my best to protect the family and managed to chomp on his tail. The next thing I know, he threw me into a hole in the air and here I am.”

I tried my best to make sense of her explanation, but the problem was that there was no sense in it at all. A hole in the air? What the hell? That doesn’t even make sense. I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my fingers through my black hair. “Okay, can you just call your folks and tell them where you are?”

“How? I can’t find their scent here.”

Now it’s my turn to be confused. “What? I meant give them a call on the phone.”

“Phone?” she asked tilting her head.

“You know, a phone. A device used to talk to other people.” I pulled out my cellphone to show her what I mean. “One of these?” I asked as I turned my phone’s screen on.

She let out another yelp of surprise when she saw the screen light up. She jumped off the couch and hid behind the other side of it. “H-How did you do that? Do you know magic?”

I raised my brow at this. “Magic? It’s technology. Now can you call your family and let them know how you are?”

“My family doesn’t own a phone, and I’ve never seen one in Equestria.”

What the hell? Is her entire town filled with Amish people? Just how isolated from modern society is she? I checked the clock again and it read 10:44 PM. Looking back at Winona, who was still hiding behind the couch, I saw that she looked tired and sleepy when she let out a yawn. I was starting to feel tired too after what I just went through. “How about we continue this talk tomorrow? It’s getting pretty late.”

She gave a nod of agreement. When I walked towards the stairs that led upstairs to show her the guest room, she followed behind me still crawling on all fours. I paid no attention to it and began walking up the stairs. I looked back to see if she followed me, but I found her still at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the steps hesitantly. I went back downstairs to help her. “Need a hand?” I asked.

She looked puzzled at the figure of speech. “What?”

“It’s just a way of asking ‘Need some help?’”

She then smiled and held tightly onto my arm. She had a death grip on my arm as we slowly walked upstairs. I was starting to lose feeling in my arm by the time we reached the top of the stairs. She then went back to standing on all fours and followed me to the guest room.

I opened the door to the guest room for her. “Here’s where you’ll be staying for the night.” The room was plain and contained only a bed and an empty dresser. The only thing that stood out from the whole room was the window, which was currently covered by the curtains. I left her to do what she wants while I went to my own room. “If you need me, I’ll be just down the hall in the room next to this one.” I then went to my room and closed the door behind me.

I didn’t know if it was smart to leave a crazy/drugged girl alone while I slept, but I was too tired to even think about the consequences. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into bed and let sleep takeover. I would find out more about her the next day. All that mattered at the moment was sleep. The night was quiet with only the sound of rain falling.

For some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night. I heard my door open and close, followed by the soft thumps of something hitting the floor. I felt someone get into my bed and snuggle up to me. Without even opening my eyes, I knew Winona had crawled into bed with me. “Winona, what are you doing over here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your room?”

I heard some quiet sniffling and crying coming from the girl next to me. “Can I sleep with you?” I couldn’t say no to a girl who was crying.

“Sure, Winona,” I said in a soothing tone.



“I miss my home and family.”

I felt a tug on my heartstrings when I heard her say that. I wrapped my arms around Winona in a comforting embrace. “I’ll help you get you home, Winona.”

I could feel her bury her head in my chest, and I felt the dampness of her tears. “Thank you,” she said. I didn’t care if she was in bed with me when I only had boxers on. Right now, there was a girl in need of help and someone to comfort her. I slept with Winona that night, our bodies’ heat keeping us warm on a cold winter night.

Author's Note:

This is just a little story I'm going to work on whenever I need a break from my other story. Hope you enjoyed it.