• Published 25th Dec 2012
  • 1,653 Views, 28 Comments

Tale Chasing - Astrocity

My life was normal until some girl drops into my life, claiming she's from Equestria. At this point, you're probably wondering which pony I met. Instead of some girl saying she's a pony, I get a girl who acts literally like a dog.

  • ...

Lost Dog Found

My eyes cracked open, revealing my dimly lit bedroom. Rays of light seeped through the small opening between the curtains, signaling the arrival of morning. I woke up well-rested and ready to tackle my day.

That was the best sleep I have ever had. That dream last night with the naked girl was awesome! Crazy, but awesome!

I didn’t notice it at first, but as my grogginess wore off, I became more aware of the pressure on my right leg and arm. I slowly turned my head towards the source of the pressure and froze at what I saw. I found a naked brunette sleeping with her head on my arm and one of her legs draped over mine. Did I mention she was naked? The covers of my bed managed to cover her from the waist below, but still there was a hot, naked girl sleeping right next to me. Using my other arm, I pinched myself to wake myself up. The girl still remained in my bed and I definitely felt my pinch.

Okay…so that wasn’t a dream.

My arm fell asleep with Winona lying on it, so I decided to extract myself from her. First, I slipped my legs out from under her leg. That was the easy part. The hard part was trying to get my arm out without waking her up. How the hell am I going to do this? I thought to myself. I decided to do something risky and started slowly sliding my arm out. For a second, I thought I woke her up but instead she cuddled closer to me so that a good portion of her body was now touching me. I wanted to stay in the position we were in, but I had to go pee.

All my efforts to sneak away quietly were futile because when she moved closer to me, a strand of her hair tickled my nose. I tried my best to not sneeze but the feeling didn’t go away, and I let out a quiet sneeze.


Apparently that was enough to wake up Winona as she opened her eyes. When she saw me, she pinned my arms to the bed much like she did yesterday. She had a scowl on her face, but when she looked at my face, hers softened into a smile. “Oh hi Alex! I thought you were a scary monster, but it turned out to be you, not that I think you’re a monster since I found out you were nice yesterday. Though, I still think you look as weird as one.”

“Uh, thanks?” I wasn’t sure if what she said was a compliment or an insult. Winona was still on top of me without clothes, and without the blanket covering her bottom half, I got a full view of her. I tore my eyes away to look back at her face and she was still wearing a grin, oblivious to our current position. “Um Winona, could you please get off of me now?”

It was then she noticed that she still had me pinned down. “Oh! Sorry.” She released me from her hold and sat down on the bed in the same odd sitting position she did yesterday. Again, her lack of clothes exposed everything to me. I looked around my room to find her clothes, which were lying on the floor.

I picked up her clothes while getting a set of clothes for myself. I threw her the clothes she had on yesterday. “Winona, why are naked again?” I asked as I pulled on a pair of jeans.

“Clothes make me feel hot and uncomfortable. I don’t understand why ya need to wear so much.”

I slipped a white T-shirt over me. “It just makes me uncomfortable when there’s a naked girl next to me. Also, you have to wear clothes when you go out.”

“Well that’s stupid. Can ya help me with this again?” she said as she struggled to put on the shirt. I gave a sigh after I got dressed and went over to her to help her put on her clothes. Thankfully, it was just the shirt this time. “Thanks.” What she did caught me off guard when she crawled over to me on the bed and gave me a lick on the cheek.

I, however, backed away from her, resulting in me falling on the floor. “What the hell, Winona?!” I shouted as I wiped the saliva off my face with my hand.

She winced at my shouting and had a sad look on her face. “Sorry, was it something I did? Are you mad at me?”

I managed to calm my pounding heart down. “I’m not mad, just surprised is all. Why did you lick me all of a sudden?”

“It’s just to show that I like ya.”

She likes me? We haven’t even known each other that long. Winona was beautiful and when she wasn’t pinning me down, she was really nice. I wouldn’t mind having her around even though she was strange, but then again I have said that I always wanted to meet an interesting girl. Winona just took it a step further in being interesting.

"Well...the gesture is nice and all, but can you not lick my face or at least give me a warning next time?" I said.

She tilted her to the side. "Why?"

"It's just...not normal for a girl, or anybody, to lick another person's face. People usually show their affection in other ways."

"Oh..." she said as she looked down at her hands.

I gently cupped her face in my hand and lifted it up so that we were looking at each other. "It's okay. You didn't know. We all make mistakes sometimes so cheer up." I emphasized my last statement with a warm smile, which she returned.

Now that we were clothed, I went to my bathroom to do my morning business, making sure to lock the door this time. When I went to the kitchen, I found Winona looking at the many objects that were lying around my kitchen. I found her, still on all fours, sniffing at the refrigerator when I walked in. When she noticed me, she asked, “Where do you keep your food? And what is this thing?” she asked as she pointed at the object she was sniffing.

I walked up to the refrigerator and put a hand on the door’s handle. “This, my dear Winona, is a remarkable invention crafted by mankind.” I decided to entertain my guest by introducing to her to some common household appliances.

“It looks like a shiny box,” she said as she gave a knock on the side of the fridge.

“Ah, but it’s no ordinary box! You see, this box can make anything inside it cold, thus preserving any kind of food for a longer period of time. I give you, the refrigerator!” I exclaimed as I opened the door of my fridge, revealing the variety of food stored inside it.

Winona’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. She let out an “Ooooh” and got a closer look inside. There wasn’t much inside since I cleaned out the last of my leftovers yesterday. I had milk, orange juice, soda, bread, butter, eggs, and some fruits. It was pretty much what you would find in any other person’s fridge. I took out two eggs, bread, and orange juice and began working on breakfast. “What makes the box so cool inside without any ice and what lights it up? Is this magic?” Winona asked as she repetitively opened and close the fridge door so that the light inside turned on and off.

I gave a chuckle at her simple pleasure in the workings of a fridge. “Like I said about the phone, it’s technology. I’m not exactly sure how it works, but I know it’s not magic,” I replied as I started cooking the eggs on the hot pan.

I saw Winona poke her head in the fridge and brought her head out with an apple in her mouth. She took a bite of it and held the apple with both her hands. “You have apples here too!” she said after swallowing. “It’s not as great as my family’s apples, but it’s still pretty good.” She took another bite out of the red apple.

“So you and your family are apple farmers?” I asked as I put the eggs on some plates and dropped two slices of bread in the toaster.

She took another bite of her apple. “Yeah! Applejack and Big Macintosh do most of the bucking around the orchard since Granny Smith is too old and Apple Bloom is too little. I usually help Applejack corral the sheep.”

I’m really hoping ‘bucking’ isn’t what I think it means. Get your mind out of the gutter, Alex. It’s probably their term for picking the apples. But where does Winona live? There isn’t an apple farm around here.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the toast popped out of the toaster, startling Winona who hid behind me. I stifled my laughter at seeing Winona cling to me as she watched the toaster warily.. "There's no need to be afraid, Winona. It's just the toaster." Before she could ask what it was, I explained what a toaster was. "It's a machine that toasts bread by heating it up. Again, it's technology." She loosened her grip on me but still remained wary of the toaster.

I grabbed the toast out of the toaster and set them on another plate. I then got two glass cups and filled them with orange juice, completing the breakfast meal. I placed everything on the dining table including utensils and pulled a seat out for Winona. "Breakfast is ready. Hope you like eggs and toast."

She gave me a smile and sat on the chair in her odd way of sitting. I didn't want to point it out since she was probably used to sitting like that. I moved to my seat and began eating my eggs. When I looked back at Winona, I saw her looking at me before mirroring my sitting position. I saw her staring at her fingers and flexing them. She carefully closed her fingers around a fork and lifted it up. She stabbed the egg with her fork and lifted the whole thing up. Winona then took a large bite out of her egg, causing the yolk to drip onto her plate as well as the table.

"Thish taysh great!" Winona exclaimed with her mouth full.

"I'm glad you like my cooking." I drank some of my orange juice. Winona used two hands to hold up her glass of juice and lapped the drink with her tongue. I raised one eye brow at this. Ever since I found her, she's been behaving like some kind of wild animal. After waiting for Winona to finish scarfing down her breakfast, I brought the dirty dishes to the sink and washed them and also cleaned up the mess on the table. I decided now was the time to do some research on where she came from. "Winona, stay right here. I need to go get something."

I went up to my room to get my laptop and came back to see Winona unsuccessfully trying to scratch herself with her foot. I brought the laptop to the table and opened it.

"What's that?" She asked while sniffing the laptop.

"It's called a computer. It's what I use to do my work, play games, listen to music, and a bunch of other stuff."

"This box thingy can do all that?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Yep and we're going to use it to find out where you live and get some directions there." I turned on the laptop and it whirred to life. The screen lit up with a wallpaper of the Royal Crest from The Legend of Zelda. Winona watched with awe while I moved the cursor around the screen and opened up a browser. I got on Google and turned to Winona. "So where do you live?"

"Sweet Apple Acres."

I typed the name of the place and a bunch of results filled the screen. The strange part about the list of results was that all of them had something to do with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There were some image results depicting a red house that looked almost like a barn. Now I remember where I heard those names. My friend, Lyle, introduced me to the show since he was a brony. He's really into the show and even wrote a fanfic about meeting one of the ponies. He showed me a few episodes like the one where Applejack was tired and loopy from the lack of rest. The show was okay, but I didn't see the big deal about it so I never really got into the show as he did.

"That's my home!" Winona shouted while pointing at the picture on the screen.

"You're from My Little Pony?" I found that really hard to believe. I assumed she was just a fan of the show.

"What's My Little Pony?"

I found it unbelievable that she didn't what the show was while claiming that she's from a fictional place in the show. "It's the show about colorful talking ponies and the magic of friendship?" I got a blank stare as her answer. I clicked one of the links and opened up a page about the Apple family.

"It's the entire Apple family! Applejack, it's me Winona!" She pawed at the screen. "Why are they standing still? Can't they hear me?"

Her mental instability was starting to show again. "Winona...that's just a picture of them from the show." I hesitated on what I was about to say next. "They're not real like everything else in the show."

"What do you mean they're not real?! Of course they're real! They're my family!" she shouted, her anger starting to show.

I was starting to worry about Winona's mental state, but I couldn't let her go on believing in this fantasy. There were probably people worried about her, and her pretending to live in ponyland was not going to help. "Winona is your name, right?"

She crossed her arms and gave a nod. "It's the name I was given by my own family."

I typed Winona's name in the search bar of the page I was on and brought up a page with a picture of a smiling dog with brown and white fur. I looked at Winona who had a shocked expression on her face. "Winona from the show is a dog and you're...not."

"I was a dog! I just got turned into one of you huma-whatchamacallits."

"Humans," I corrected.

"Whatever! The point is that I was a dog before and they're my family and I want ta go home!" She was mad at this point and was now shouting at me.

"Winona, Equestria isn't real and neither is anybody else in the show!" There was a brief, tense silence until it was shattered by Winona's quiet sobbing. Oh no. What have I done...

After an awkward minute filled with Winona's crying, she spoke up. "I thought you were my friend. But I guess we're not since you don't think I'm real."

"Winona, that's not what I said. I'm just trying to help."

"Alex, they may not seem real to you, but they are real to me. I had a family that loved and cared about me - a home."

Before I could say anything else, she ran off on all fours and went to my room, slamming the door behind her. "Why did things have to get so complicated?" I groaned as I dropped my head on the table, not caring about the pain on my forehead. I didn't mean to make Winona get so upset. I just wanted her to face reality and get her home. I am such an idiot.

I turned my head so that I was looking out at my backyard as I thought of a way to apologize to Winona. Everything outside glimmered in the sunlight as the rays hit the droplets of rain that clung on the leaves, flowers, and grass. However, there was something else shining brightly that caught my attention. I stood up out of my chair and opened the door to my backyard. There was something that was a golden color that was shining in the light. I walked outside in my bare feet and crossed the wet grass towards the flowerbed where I found Winona. There was a small object sticking out of the flowerbed, and I carefully picked it up.

It was the tag of a red dog collar that was shining. It wasn't there before so it could have been with Winona when I found her. I probably missed it since it was too dark to see it last night. On the dog tag, it read:

Apple family
Sweet Apple Acres

The tag was engraved with the location of "Winona's" home. The collar looked familiar, and after going back inside and checking, I found out that the collar I was holding and the one in dog Winona's picture looked strikingly similar. It wasn’t really concrete evidence of the Winona with me being the Winona from the show, but it was still suspicious to find Winona carrying a dog collar. She behaved like a dog and genuinely looked like she didn’t know the things everyone should know, like being human. Her story seemed somewhat believable despite how crazy it sounds. I felt a headache growing as I tried to make sense of Winona’s situation.

I decided the first thing I had to do was apologize to her even the story of how she ended up in my backyard seemed impossible. The way she cried and talked about her family made me believe her a little. There was no way those tears were fake and from acting. She actually missed her family and home and really believed that her family was a group of colorful ponies. I may seem just as crazy as she is, but I was starting to believe she was telling the truth. I had to go apologize to her and hopefully amend our friendship.

I walked upstairs towards my bedroom. The door was shut, and I was about to knock on the door but then I heard some light snoring coming from the other side. I reached for the doorknob and slowly and quietly opened the door. The clothes Winona borrowed were lying on the floor again, and I found Winona sleeping peacefully on my bed naked again. I started picking up the clothes on the floor to keep myself from looking at her body. With the clothes picked up and folded, I set them on the chair in my room. I then sat down on the edge of my bed next to the sleeping girl. She didn’t wake up when I sat down.

“Winona, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said the things I said about you and your family. I shouldn’t have said they weren’t real because if you’re real and you say they’re real, then I guess they’re real too.” I looked back at Winona, who was still sleeping and quietly breathing. “Winona, I really meant it when I said I would help you get home. I hope we could be friends again, but I don’t blame you if you still hate me. I’m really sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”

I was about to get up and walk out the room, but then two arms latched around me and I felt something press against my back. “Do ya really mean it?” she asked as she hugged me from behind.

I gave a nod. “Yes. I meant every single word.”

I couldn’t see her face from behind me, but I could tell she was smiling. “Then of course we can be friends!” I saw her face appear on the left side of me, and she gave me another wet lick on the cheek, causing me to blush a bit. Winona realized what she did and began apologizing. “Sorry about that. It’s kind of a habit.”

I gave a chuckle. “It’s alright. It’s who you are, or were. Just one question, how long were you awake? You looked like you were sleeping the whole time.”

She sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. “Oh I woke up the moment you opened the door,” she replied.

“Wow, you must have some really good ears.”

She let out a giggle. “I used to be a dog, remember?”

I gave her a smile. “Right. Well now that we know you’re from another universe or dimension or whatever, Applejack and her friends are probably trying to find you now. I’m sure they’ll find you since they have magic and all that. So until then, you’re welcome to stay at my place for as long as you like.”

She wrapped her arms around me, almost cutting off my air supply, and began licking all over my face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You really are a good friend.”

As she was covering my face in her saliva, I became more aware of the soft mounds that were pressing against me. “Winona…air…let go,” I managed to wheeze out. She released me and my lungs were refilled with precious air.

“Oops. Sorry!” She gave a sheepish grin as I wiped my face again. She noticed the dog collar that was in my hand. “Hey, it’s my collar!” I gave her the collar and she held it to her chest, showing how precious it was to her. “Alex, can you help me put on this collar?”

“Wait, what?!”

“I’m still not used to using these, what do you call them, hands? So can you put it on for me?” she asked innocently.

“Is that really necessary? What if you have trouble breathing?”

She looked at me and gave me her cutest pout. “Please? I just don’t feel like myself without it, and it’s one of the few things that remind me of home.”

I couldn’t say no to her face. “Okay, fine.” I fastened the collar around her neck, making sure that it wasn’t too tight and didn’t suffocate her. Once the collar was around her, she perked up.

“Thanks, Alex. I’m feeling more like myself again.”

Winona looked kinky being naked with the collar around her neck. The collar was like a necklace around her neck. I found myself staring again and blushing at her nudity. “Again, it’s no problem, but could you, uh, cover yourself?” I asked, trying not to gawk at her, while I gave her the set of clothes I let her borrow.

Once she made herself presentable, she said, “You keep mentioning this 'My Little Pony'. Can I see what it is?”

“Sure. Let me just get my computer.” I walked downstairs, got my laptop, and went back to my room. We both sat on the bed with the laptop sitting on my lap. I opened up the browser again and went on Youtube. I searched for the My Little Pony episode called “Applebuck Season”. I clicked on one of the high-definition videos and played it. The video opened with Applejack and Big Macintosh.

“Hey, it’s Applejack and Big Macintosh!” she exclaimed. She watched the rest of the opening scene with awe. As soon as it got to the part with the stampede, she said, “I remember this day. I remember Applejack being tired when she went to buck apples almost nonstop. I saw her sleeping with her face in her dinner during that week.” Winona laughed as she reminisced that time during applebuck season. “It’s so weird to watch myself.” While Winona was basking in nostalgia, I could see her mood dampen when she thought of her family and friends.

“Do you want me to stop the video?” I asked. She gave a small nod. I stopped the video and closed the laptop.

“How are you watchin' us?” she asked.

“Er, this may seem hard to believe for you but your world is a show people watch for entertainment.” When she looked like she was about to cry again, I put a hand on her shoulder. “But since you’re here, I now know that you and everyone else in the show are real.”

She wiped away the tears that were in the corners of her eyes. “Thank you fer everything, Alex.” Her face was inches away from mine, and we gazed into each other’s eyes. My ice-blue eyes were locked on to hers, and time seemed to stand still. I could feel myself lean forward slightly, but I pulled away and looked away from her shyly.

“You’re welcome.” What am I doing? I just found out she was a dog. This isn’t right. But then again, she’s a beautiful girl at the moment…

I felt a tug on my shirt, and I found Winona looking at me. “Um Alex, where’s your tree again?” she asked while blushing.

But she’s still a dog… Well, I asked for a dog, and I got one. When I said I wanted to liven up this place, I didn’t mean like this. At least things are going to get interesting around here.

Author's Note:

This story is non-canon to Follow the Melody.