• Published 26th Dec 2012
  • 4,017 Views, 108 Comments

The Beat of Their Hearts - Silentpegasus

A lonely DJ and a depressed musician meet in an unfortunte way. Can Vinyl help this poor soul or will his life forever be singing the blues.

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Chapter 9: Uninvited Guests

Chapter 9

Uninvited Guests

Beat sat alone in the bar with a drink on the table and a pen and pad in his hoof. He tapped the pencil on the table as he thought of the lyrics to his new song. He took another sip from his drink and let out sigh.

“Beat?” As the stallion looked up his eyes shrank as his eyes fell upon a pink Pegasus mare wearing a dark hood. The same mare that had shattered his heart months ago. He gritted his teeth in frustration and cracked his neck. “Can we talk?” She asked in a timid tone.

“You’ve got some nerve showing up here.” He said in a cold tone.

“I know what I did was wrong and-”

“Wrong? It was more than wrong. You tore my heart out and stomped on it!” He bellowed with rage in his eyes.

“I know and I feel awful about it.” She said as she lowered her head.

“Why? We were together for three years! Three bucking years!” He yelled as tears formed in her eyes.

“I don’t know. I felt vulnerable and weak.” Lilly said with tears in her eyes.

“That’s your excuse?” He said with words so sharp they could cut through iron. “You were weak? If something was wrong you could have told me! Instead you go and sleep with a jack off like Thunderlane!” He yelled.

“I know.” She said as she started to cry. “You have every right to hate me.” She said as she lowered her head. “I just....”

“You just what?”

“I just thought that it wasn’t going anywhere!” She yelled with a river of tears running down her face.

“What wasn’t going anywhere?”

“Us! Whatever we had! It felt like a stagnant pond!” Beat looked at her with rage in his eyes. Beat thanked Celestia that it was only him the mare in the bar.

“NOT GOING ANYWHERE?” Beat yelled causing the hanging light to shake.

“Yes! You hadn’t taken me out in months, I barely saw you and it was driving me crazy!” She fire back.

“Did you ever think that there was a reason for that, huh?” He bellowed.

“Like what?”

“This.” His horn flared and a small magazine clipping holding a picture of a golden band with a diamond on it. The mare felt distraught at the sight of the wedding band. “I loved you Lilly. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said as he made the piece of paper vanish.

“Is there.....Is there still a chance for us?” She asked.

“Not in the slightest.” He said in a flat tone. The mare rested her head on the table and cried harder than she had in her life. “You hurt me Lilly. You hurt me in a way I thought you never could.” He cocked an eyebrow as he saw her dark attire. “Why are you wearing that thing?”

“What?” She asked as she lifted her head up.

“You always told me that you’d rather have your wings clipped than wear black.” The mare fell silent and lowered her head. As the light from the bar hit her face Beat could see some discoloration in her pink coat. “Lilly, what aren’t you telling me?” The stallion’s horn glowed and the hood came off. Beat’s eyes narrowed as he saw a massive black and blue bruise on the right side of her face. “What happened?”

“Thinderlane.....he.....hits me.” She said as she broke down and cried. Beat hurried over to her side and wrapped a hoof around her. “That’s why I came here. To get away. I didn’t know that you moved here, I swear.” She said as she cried into his chest. “I saw you the other night at the talent show and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I just don’t know what to think anymore.”

“Why come to me?” Beat asked in a flat tone.

“I’ve got no one else. I needed to get away from Thunderlane not just for my sake.” She said as she wiped the tears away.

“What?” He asked in a confused tone

“Beat......I’m pregnant.” The musician felt as though somepony had just dropped an anvil on his head. He looked down at the mare’s stomach and noticed that it was a tad larger than the last time he saw it.

“Is it-”

“I don’t know. I Haven’t been to the hospital recently.” She said as she pointed to her face.

“Does Thunderlane know?”

“I’m not sure. He’s bound to wonder where I’ve run off to.” She said in a frightened tone. “He’s horrible Beat!” She said as she buried her face in his chest. “He drove my friends away, practically bankrupted me and he brags about it to his friends. I thought.....I thought he was nice.” She said with a sniffle.

“Just when you think you know a pony.” He said in a flat tone.

“Okay, I deserved that and I’m really, really sorry for what happened. I never told Thunderlane to say those things when you came to collect your stuff.” She said as she cried again. “I know that no matter what I say won’t change how you feel. I just wanted to say it.” The blue stallion comforted her and gently rocked her body back and forth as they sat there.

“How much money do you have?” He asked.

“Not a lot. I took whatever I had left in my purse and booked.”

“There’s an inn two houses down. The rooms are good and cheap.” He said as he put pile of bits in front of her. “Three houses down from that there’s a flower shop run by a mare named Roseluck. She’s nice and is looking for some help.” He said as she let go of her and got to his hooves.

“Thank you Beat I-”

“Save it. I’m not doing this for you.” He said as he looked at her bulging stomach. “Better get going.” He said in a flat tone. The mare took the bits and wrapped him in a hug. Beat stood still as a statue as the mare exited the bar. As the door closed The blue stallion quietly walked over to the bar and slammed his hoof on the wooden counter. A loud yelp and a groan was heard from the stallion who was laying down on the floor. “Whiskey.” He said in a flat tone.

“Oh....Hi there Beat....I was just um.....dusting! That’s it dusting.” He lied.

“If you tell anypony about what you heard then-”

“I swear on my mothers grave that I won’t tell a soul.” He said as he raised his right hoof. The blue stallion let out a sigh. As Beat opened the door to leave the tan stallion spoke up. “You’re a good stallion Beat. Don’t let anypony else tell you different.”

“How so?”

“I’ve seen plenty of stallions that would have kicked her sorry plot to the curb without a shred of remorse. Even if they had a foal.” He said as he cleaned a glass with a wash rag.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t make my situation any better and I’m not a heartless bastard.”

“True. If you need the night off then your welcome to it. You might need it to think.”

“Thanks Whiskey.” The earth pony then trotted over to the bar and handed him a bottle of Applejack Daniels. “What’s this for?”

“To help you think. On the house.” The stallion said with a smile. The unicorn took the bottle and shook his hoof. The blue unicorn put the bottle in a bag and trotted out of the bar with his head held low. The stallion walked to the park in silence. He sat down on a bench and pulled out his phone. He selected a contact and dialed.

"Hello?" The voice belonged to the charcoal mare.

“Hey Octy. Are you doing anything?” He asked.

“No, I just got done with practice. What’s up?”

“I just.....need to talk to you. It’s important.”

“Sure. Where?”

“I’m in the park and come alone. Please don’t tell Vinyl.”

“Okay.....Is everything alright?”

“I just.....I just need to talk to somepony right now.” He said as he hung up the phone. The stallion let out a groan and sat back against the bench. Beat picked up the bottle and took a swig from it. The stallion hung his head and tried to sort out the utter chaos in his mind.

“Beat?” The stallion looked up to see Octavia staring at him with a concerned look on her face. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she sat next to him and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Lilly is in Ponyville.” He said in a reluctant tone. The cellist put a hoof to her mouth in shock. The mare wrapped him in a hug and sighed.

“What did she say?”

“She apologized and I rejected it.”

“I see. What else?”

“She came here to get away from Thunderlane, the stallion she cheated on me with.” The blue stallion said in a low tone. “He beats her. The right side of her face looked like a swelling eggplant.” He said in a low tone.

“What did you do?” Octavia asked.

“I.....gave her some bits to pay for a room and told her that Rose has a job opening.” The grey mare looked at him in confusion. “Despite what she did to me, no pony deserves to be treated like that.”

“I see. I still can’t believe that you did that.” She said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Honestly, it wasn’t for her.” The mare looked at him in confusion. “Lilly is pregnant.” He said in a low tone. The cellist let out a gasp and wrapped the blue stallion in a hug. “She doesn’t know if it’s mine or not.” He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. “I just don’t know what to do.” He said as the mare put a hoof on his back. “If it’s not mine then I don’t have to worry if it is......I just don’t know.”

“What about Vinyl?”

“Vinyl is the best thing to happen to me since she cheated on me. I don’t want to lose her.” He said as he lowered his head.

“We’ll figure something out.” She said as she comforted him. “I suggest you at least tell Vinyl.”

“NO! I can’t tell her, not yet.” He said in a worried tone. flared “I can’t think right now.” He said as his horn flared and a lighter along with a packed of cigarettes appeared in his hooves. Octavia immediately snatched the items away from the stallion.

“NO! You quit remember?” She said as she narrowed her eyes.

“I know. I just....I just don’t know what to do anymore!” The charcoal mare drew him in tighter.

“You’re a smart stallion. Just give yourself some time.” The blue stallion wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded.

“Y-you’re right. Please don’t tell Vinyl. This is my mess and I have to fix it.” He said in a reluctant tone.

“Of course Beat. Whatever you need I’m here for you.” Octavia said as she got to her hooves. “I think you should tell Vinyl soon. The sooner the better.” She said before trotting away. As she reached the edge of the park she pulled out her phone and selected a contact.


“Velvet? It’s Octavia.”

"Hey boo. What’s up?"

“Beat is in serious trouble and he needs your help.”

"What? What happened? Is he alright?"

“He’s fine for now. I can’t give you the details over the phone.”

"I’ll be there by three is that okay?"

“Perfect I’ll see you then.” Octavia said as she closed the phone. The charcoal mare let out a sigh and made her way through town towards a flower shop. As she entered she saw a familiar pink Pegasus mare shaking hooves with Roseluck. As Lilly turned towards the door she froze as she saw the cellist.

“Octavia? It’s been ages how have you-” She stopped talking as she saw the mare narrow her eyes. “I take it Beat told you?”

“Yes.” She said in a stagnant tone. “I just came here to tell you one thing.” The charcoal mare closed the gap between them and bore holes through her eyes. “I’m not as forgiving as Beat. Try to screw him or Vinyl over and I will personally kick you out of this town.” She said in a stern tone.

“Beat made it clear that we’re through. I didn’t come here on purpose, I just had to get away from Thunderlane.” She said as she hung her head.

“You won’t get any sympathy from me.” She said in a flat tone. “If I find out that this is some act then I’ll send you home in a match box.” With that Octavia turned and left the store in a calm fashion.

Across town Beat made his way into the library to see Twilight sitting with a white unicorn stallion and a pink Alicorn mare.

“Oh hey Beat!” Twilight said with a smile. The blue stallion put on a fake smile and nodded.

“Hey Twilight, I was wondering if you had any Colt Brown books.” He then noticed the other two ponies in the room. “Oh sorry I didn’t know you had company.”

“It’s fine.” The white stallion said with a smile. “Shining Armor.” He said as he walked over and shook his hoof.

“Steady Beat. How do you know Twilight Captain?”

“She’s my little sister.” He said with a grin. “Twilight says you’re quite the musician.”

“I’m okay.” He said with a shrug.

“Oh he’s being modest.” Twilight said as she levitated the book over to him. “Here you go. It’s the new one.”


“So how are things with Vinyl?” Twilight asked. Beat felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead.

“We’re good.” He said with a smile. The pink Alicorn felt a small shiver run down her spine.

“Oh right this is my wife Princess Cadence.” Shining said as he looked at the pink mare.

“Hello.” She said with a wave.

“Nice to meet you. Sorry, but I gotta get going.” He said as he made his way out of the library. Cadence watched the stallion leave and looked back at her husband and sister in law.

“Something wrong hun?” Shining asked.

“Sorry dear, but duty calls.” She said as she walked out the door and went after the stallion. The alicorn trotted beside the blue stallion as he made it to his door step.

“Can I help you Princess?” Beat asked as he looked at the Alicorn.

“Look Beat, I know that you don’t know me at all but I can tell that there’s something bugging you and I want to help.” She said with a weak grin. The blue stallion looked at her in surprise.

“No offense Princess, but I don’t see how my love life is any of your business.” He said in a flat tone.

“I’m not one to brag, but I am the Princess of love.” She said with a sigh. “The least I can do is help you talk about it.” She said as she lowered her head. The blue stallion weighed his options and held the door open for her.

“Okay fine. Just don’t tell anypony about this okay?”

“I give you my word.” She said with a nod. “Thank you for allowing me to help.” Beat let out a groan and closed the door behind her.

Octavia waited in the park for her mare friend to arrive. She looked towards the park entrance to see the light orange Unicorn mare trot up to her. She gave the cellist a small peck on the cheek and sat down next to her.

“Sorry I’m late, the meeting lasted a little longer than I had intended.”

“It’s okay, I just got here ten minutes ago.”

“So what’s wrong Tavi? You sounded serious when you spoke on the phone.” She said in a worried tone.

“Yes, Lilly is in Ponyville.” The Unicorn’s eyes shrank and she cracked her hooves.

“Where is she? I’ll grind her into dust!” She snarled as her mane started to become flames. Octavia put a hoof on her shoulder.

“I know how you feel but you can’t.”

“WHY NOT?” She yelled.

“Lilly is pregnant.” The business mare looked at her mare friend in shock. Her mane had returned to normal and she sat back in her seat. “Neither she or Beat knows if it’s his or not.” The orange mare held her head low. “I talked with her and she’s not after Beat. At least from where I’m standing.”

“If she tries anything, then I’ll end her!” Velvet said with another snarl.

“I understand, but right now Beat needs our help.”

“Does Vinyl know?”

“Not yet. I told Beat that he should tell her.”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna be easy.” Velvet said with a sigh. “I guess all we can do is hope for the best.” Octavia put a hoof around her mare friend.

Beat sat across from the pink Alicorn as he finished his predicament. The pink Alicorn cleared her throat and gathered her thoughts.

“Well, I’m not gonna lie to you Beat. That is an issue.”

“Yeah. So have any advice?”

“First, tell your mare friend. Vinyl right?”

“Yeah, I’m just scared.” He said as he hung his head. “I love Vinyl and I don’t want to lose her. I just don’t know what to do.” The pink mare walked over to him and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Just tell her the truth and it will all work out.” She said with a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry but I must go.”

“Thanks Princess. Sorry I was so....defensive before.” He said with a small nod.

“It’s alright.” She said with a smile. After the Alicorn left the musician trotted down to the studio and started to sing. He stopped as he heard his phone ring.


"Beat you need to get down to the bar pronto!"

“Tavi? Why? What’s wrong?”

"Lilly is here and Vinyl just walked in! I’ll try to stall her until......Oh shit too late! Get down here NOW!" The stallion closed his phone and teleported in front of the bar where a group of ponies had gathered. The musician forced his way through the crowd to see the charcoal mare and orange Unicorn holding back the enraged DJ while Lilly backed into a corner.

“You got some nerve bitch!” Vinyl yelled.

“P-please I don’t want any trouble she said in a fear filled voice.”

“You got trouble!” Vinyl broke free and galloped at the Pegasus only to be held back by a blue aura. She spun around to see Beat with his horn glowing. “Beat? What are you doing?”

“Vi we need to talk.” He said in a flat tone. “We all do.” he said as he looked at Octavia, his sister and the Pegasus. The DJ looked at him in shock and worry. “Let’s just talk about this like adults and in private.” He said with a sigh as he set the mare back down on the wooden floor.

“Fine. For you Beat.” Vinyl said as she glared at the pink Pegasus who was still shaking in fear.

“Alright show’s over folks!” Whiskey said as he slammed his hoof on the bar. The crowd quickly dispersed and the group of ponies left towards Beat’s home. The stallion was trying how to break the news to his mare friend about his potential child with his ex. As the group walked out of the bar Beat’s and Lilly’s eyes shrank as they saw a grey Pegasus stallion glaring at them with rage in his eyes.

“Well, look who it is.”

Author's Note:

So Sorry for the long update! Other fics and what not.