• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,684 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 18: The election part 7

Today was it, today is the day. Election day. The day when the citizens of Ponyville vote for their new mayor. It's all or nothing. Now is not the time for screw ups. No mistakes. No running away. No-

“Marey Mare?”


“Are you alright?”

Marey found herself in Connors home, Carrot Tops house actually, eating breakfast with his roommate's. The mare blushed as she was thinking about today's event.

“Y-Yes, of course I am! Just a little nervous today that's all!”

Connor smiled and said.

“It's ok to be nervous, everypony feels that way when something important appears.”

“Yes, but it's not everyday something like this important happens.” replied Marey.

“Come on Marey, I'm sure it can't be that bad?” said Scootaloo across the table. “I mean, I grew out my nervousness when it was me and Dinky’s first day at school! Plus we made some new friends along the way!”

“That's nice dear, but what does that even have to do with me?”

“Think of this election as the first day of school, meaning if you do a great impression to everypony, you'll be more confident!”

Marey put some thought to this idea, if she showed the people how friendly she is, then her nervousness will be gone! Either this filly is smart, or just a child at heart.

“You know what, I'll just do that. Thank you young one.”

“Thanks! I guess?”

“Come on everypony! We only got an hour left until the election! Finish up and get cleaned up!” Said Carrot Top as she warned the others.

With that, everypony speed themselves up to finish their breakfast and get ready.

It was going to be a long day after all.


After a long walk to ponyville city hall, Marey and the others looked around and saw many people cheering on about the election and giving out their support to their selected mayor. One side for Novelty Quill, and the other, Marey Mare.

Seeing this surprised Marey.

“Amazing! I didn't realize I had his much support!”

“This all came from your promises you made to the people Marey,” said Connor. ”and these people will follow you until those promises have been fulfilled. If that happens, you'll be viewed as a mare who can make things happen!”

“Oh dear…this...is a bit too much! I don't think I can do this!”

Carrot Top walked towards Marey and said.

“Marey listen to me, take deep breaths, focus on me, don't let it get to you!””

Marey did as she was told, she took deep breaths and kept her eyes on Carrot Top.

After a moment.

“Better?” said Carrot Top.

“A little.”

“That's good enough. Come on, let's go get you up there!”

Everypony in the group walked backstage and met a royal guard blocking the entrance. Marey told the guard who she was and the others behind her. After a moment of confirming the information, she and the others was allowed to enter. As they made it inside, they were met by the current mayor, Novelty Quill.

“Ah, Marey Mare! At long last we finally meet!”

“Mayor Novelty, what a surprise to see you here! I thought you would be practicing on your speech?”

“Oh please, I've been running this position for years! I know what to do, don't worry I'm not being too confident, I just know what I'm doing. You'll understand if you were in my place.”

“I-I suppose you are correct about that.”

“Of course I am!”

Novelty looked at Marey’s group and said.

“Ah, I see you brought your family here.”

“They're not my family Mayor Novelty,” said Marey. “these are just some friends I invited as they supported me during my campaign.”

“I see…” said Novelty as she looked at the group. Until she saw a familiar stallion with them. “Who are you sir?”

“Connor Kenway, Mayor Novlety.”

Hearing his name shocked Novelty.


“Uh, Mayor Novelty?” Said Connor as Novelty was just staring at him.


“Are you alright?”

“Oh! Um...y-yes! Of course I am! Haha! I was just er...just admiring your handsomeness! That's all! Haha! I mean just look at you! A stallion such as yourself would attract almost any mare around you!”

Novelty sweated bullets as she hoped that lie worked.

Connor slightly backed away as he figured out that the Mayor just attracted his attention.

“Uh...thank you Mayor Novelty, er...I gotta go.”

With that Connor left the area. Leaving everypony his group looking at the Mayor with a grossed look.

“He seems nice!” said Mayor Novelty as she knew this situation just turned south.

As Connor left the backstage he found a nearby trash can, ran towards it and threw up.


“*Cough* Cough* Cough* By the spirits…”

“Heh, drinking already? The election hasn't even started.”

Connor looked up and saw a familiar figure.

“Commander Shining Armor?”

“Yup, care to explain why you were throwing up?”

“You don't want to know, it's disturbing.”

“Hey, I'm a soldier. I can take it. It can't that bad.”

“Very well, have you ever been, what's the word...flirted before?”

“Heh, sure I have! Many times since high school. Those mares just couldn't leave me alone.”

“Try having the Mayor whose older flirt with you.”

Shining Armor ran towards same trash can Connor used and threw up.


“*Cough* Cough* Cough* Oh dear sweet Celestia! That is disturbing!”

“I told you.”

“Ugh...now I know why, I rather not hear the details. Anyway, excited for the election?”

“I suppose I am. I've never been to this kind of event.”

“Meh, that's alright, it's not that exciting. It's mostly just speeches and stuff.”

“I see. But enough about that, most importantly, how is our situation?”

Shining Armor’s attitude turned from friendly to serious.

“So far everything is alright, my guards are on patrolling the area every square inch. Whoever their working for is definitely here, I just know it. But what worries me is how are we going to capture their leader and how?”

“Ultimately that decision went to me, and should anything happen, I will take responsibility.” replied Connor.

“Tsk, you don't have to remind me twice. I just hope you know what are doing, I don't want to hunt down a good friend such as you. I'll see you at the election.” replied Shining Armor as he left to continue his patrol.

“I hope so as well.” Said Connor as he remembered the events before today.

Two days ago…

It was a rainy night in town, Connor was taking Lobo for a walk while underneath an umbrella he borrowed from Carrot Top. As the wolf pup was sniffing the ground, Connor said.

“It's been an interesting week hasn't it boy?”


“I agree, a long one at that. Helping Marey Mare with her campaign to become leader of this great town, and going location to location to promote each of our friends business. It's not easy I tell you that.”


“Heh, I agree, we must be rewarded. But I think seeing the happiness our friends and thanking us is rewardful enough. Perhaps a long sleep would do.”


“I'm glad you agree.”

After moment's of walking further, and letting Lobo using the restroom, it was time to head home.

“I think that's far enough boy, it's time to return home.”



“Was that gunfire?! And Screaming?!”


“Come on boy, let's go!”

With that, Connor, and Lobo ran to find where the gunshot and screaming came from. As they ran, both saw a large group of ponies gathering around a place that's familiar to Connor. As he and, Lobo got close he recognized the place.

It was Sugar Cube Corner.

Feeling extremely worried, Connor calmly walked towards the group of people and gently passed through. As he got to the front, he was shocked to see Mr. Cake on the ground, bleeding from his stomach as his wife, Mrs. Cake, was screaming for help!

“Somepony help please! H-He's been shot, I-I don't know what to do! P-Please! Don't just stand there, get help!”

“Mrs. Cake!”

The poor Mare looked and saw Connor running towards her.

“Connor! Thank Celestia, you're here!”

“What happen Mrs. Cake. Tell me who caused this.”

“This happened not too long ago, we were asleep until we heard a noise downstairs. Mr. Cake went to go check and when he got there I heard crashing. I quickly ran down and saw my own husband getting shot!”

“Where is the shooter? Where did they go?”

“I got him right here Connor!”

The Pegasus turned and saw Pinkie Pie carrying a pony wearing a black outfit with a mark on tied up by a rope.

“Good work Pinkie Pie, where was he?”

“As soon as, well...Mr. Cake got hurt, this bad pony was trying to runaway! Luckily I got him with a frying pan and tied him up.”

“Excellent work. Quickly, get help as I take care of things from here. And drop the thief, he's not going anywhere for the moment.”

With that, Pinkie Pie dropped the assassin and left to get help.

“Lobo, it's best you head home and tell Carrot Top I'll be late for dinner.”


“Mr. Cake, can you hear me?”

“C-Connor?” Said Carrot Cake as he focused his eyes on the Pegasus.

“Yes, it's me. Listen, I'm going to need to remove the bullet. It's going to be painful, and I need you to be strong if you're going to recover.”

“*Cough* I-I understand…let's get it over with…”

“Very well.” said Connor as he pulled out his hidden blade.

Before he could continue, he spoke to the crowd.

“I need volunteers to hold him down or he won't survive!”

No pony moved as they were too scared to move.

Running out of time and patience, Connor took out one of his flintlocks and fired in the air.



A few stallions quickly ran towards Mr. Cake and held him down and waited for further instructions.

“Alright, Mr. Cake, here we go.”



Ponyville hospital, an hour later.

“Your husband is in stable condition Mrs. Cake. We stitch up his wound and is recovering.” Said the doctor.

“Thank you doctor, I'm just glad my husband is doing fine.”

It had been a crazy hour as Connor successfully removed the bullet back at sugar cube corner, along with some ‘help’ from the citizens. With that over with, Pinkie Pie returned with the royal guard and saw the scene. Quickly and carefully, the royal guard took Mr. Cake to the hospital.

As the doctor left, Connor entered the room and spoke to Mrs. Cake.

“Mrs. Cake, how is your husband?”

“He's doing well Connor, thank you so much for help us. I couldn't do anything without your help.”

“I am glad I was able to help, I was just walking my pet when I heard the scream.”

“Then I'm glad you we're near the area when it happened. *Sigh* Please forgive me, it's been a crazy night.”

Connor smiled and said.

“I understand, please, get some rest. Your husband wouldn't want to see you like this.”

Mrs. Cake nodded and slept on the couch as it was next to her husband that was on a bed resting peacefully.

As Connor left the room, he was greeted by Shining Armor.

“Connor, glad to see you here.”

“Commander Shining Armor.”

“Heh, no matter the situation we always meet huh?”

“Quite a coincidence yes?”

“I guess. But more importantly, we have our ‘guest’ in a room that's guarded. Ready to interrogate him?”

“Yes, lead the way.”

As Connor followed Shining Armor to the thief's room, the royal guard commander spoke.

“Connor, before we go in how do you wanna play this out?”


“I mean, who should be bad cop or good cop?”

Connor raised an eyebrow as he didn't quite understand what the unicorn meant.

Seeing this, Shining Armor said.

“Er, what I meant was, who's going to treat him nicely and who's going to treat him horrible.”

“Ah, I see. Seeing you're a royal guard, I suppose you could treat him fair as I be the opposite.”

“Alright, let's go in.”

With that, both stallions went inside the room. Inside was the assassin yelling the guards to let him go, but his shouts was stopped when two stallions entered the room.

“Who the hell are you two?! Doesn't matter, let me go or else!”

“Or else what?” Said Shining Armor.

“Or else you'll regret this.”

“*Scoff* Such a weak threat.” Said Connor.

“You think I'm joking pal? You just don't get it, my boss is a very serious pony. If it they find out something has happened, you and everything you care and love will disappear.”

“Is that right? Tell me, who's your boss?” Said Shining Armor.

“Heh, wouldn't you like to know.”



The assassin looked up and saw Connor next to him and realized he slammed his head on the table.

“Damn it stallion! What the hell are you doing?!”

“You're not cooperating, if you do, then this will be easy for you.” replied Connor.

“Screw you!”


“Gah!” Screamed the assassin in pain as he was punched in the face.

“Come on buddy, just help us out. Just tell us what we want and you'll be hurt less. Deal?” Said Shining Armor.

“Grr…fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. You see, my boss is not a very nice person. You get on their bad side, well, let's just say you won't be seen ever again.”

“Go on.”

“Well, apparently your friend, Marey Mare, has gotten the bad side of my boss. For what we were never told, except get rid of her along with the people she worked with.”


“Argh! Celestia damn it stallion! What is your problem?!” Said the assassin to Connor as his head was slammed in the table again. Only this time, his head was held on the table.

“What people did your leader mention!”

“Argh! Grr...I believe you know what people I mean. Such as the catering family I failed to take care of, Hehehe.

It took a moment to realize what the assassin said, his leader plans to kill his friends and family!

Feeling rage inside of him, Connor lifted the assassin and placed him against a nearby window and said.

“You bastard! Give me the information on the attacks or I will cut your testicles off and feed it to my pet wolf!

The assassin felt nervous but held strong. This stallion would never break him.

“Pfft, you're bluffing.”


“Do I look like I am?” Said Connor as he held his hidden blade near the assassin's crotch.

The assassin started to sweat nervously now. This stallion is crazy!

“Y-You wouldn't…”



“Tell me, and I will consider not doing it.”

Not wanting to lose what makes him a stallion, the assassin gave up.

“Alright! Alright! I'll talk! Just please get that away from me!”

Seeing he'll cooperate, Connor removed the blade and said.

“I'm not going ask again, give me the information!”

“The info is in my pocket, I swear! Please!”

Digging his hoof into the assassin's pocket, Connor found a piece of paper and gave it to Shining Armor. As the unicorn took the paper and read it, his expression turned from serious to anger.

“You son of a bitch!”

“What happened?” Asked Connor.

“This scum has been wasting our time as the plans on this paper mentions that the attack on our friends is starting to now!”

“That's right!” Said the assassin . “Now that I spoke, I'm a dead pony. So I got nothing more to say to you, if you kill me-”



“How about farewell.” Said Connor as he pushed the assassin out the window.

Seeing this Shining Armor shouted.

“Connor, what the hell are you doing?!”

“He'll live, this is a hospital after all.” replied Connor.

“Grr…I know but still.”

“It matters not, we have to stop those murderers!”

Knowing Connor was right and running out of time, Shining Armor said.

“*Sigh* Alright, I'll have my men be in those locations right now!”

“Leave the cottage to me, you handle the rest.”

Present day.

“Connor! Connor! Come on! The election is starting!” Shouted Carrot Top from the crowd of ponies.

Shaking his head from remembering, Connor met up with Carrot Top and the others as they enjoyed the event.

“Ladies and gentlecolts!” Said the announcer. “Today is an historical event! This election determines who will be Ponyville's newest or same mayor!”

*Whoooo! Yeah! Alright!*

“But before we begin, let me tell you a quick history about how our town was formed and put on the map by our favorite Apple farmers.”

Back stage as both running candidates were preparing themselves, Novelty was speaking on a walkie talkie in secret.

“Alright boys there's has been a change of plan, Connor Kenway is here. We must take him out now! But not in public you idiots! We have to do this in secret, and be careful he's extremely dangerous. We capture him when he's vulnerable, got it? He's a Pegasus wearing white robes, he should be very easy to find since that look stands out of the crowd. And no screw ups! Good luck gentlecolts.”

“And now, without further ado, let us met our candidates for the next four years!”

Novelty turned off the walkie talkie and said.

“Show time.”

After receiving their orders, Novelty’s goons began their search for Connor as he was dressed in white robes. Should be easy to find right?

Listening to Ponyville's history impressed Connor, it gave him a new meaning calling this place home. Who knew that Applejacks family was responsible for putting this village on the map, all because of an Apple they produced called ‘Zap Apples’. That sounded delicious. He wondered if-


“Don't move.”


“I said, don't move.”

Connor felt the barrel of a gun against his back, and the welder. One wrong move and it's over. Plus, in a very packed crowed, nopony notices the situation he's in. He had no choice but to cooperate.

“What do you want?” Said Connor in a calmed voice.

“Just do as I say, and I won't pull the trigger.”

“...Very well. At least let me tell my friends I will return.”

“Heh, I see no harm in that. Make it quick!”

Connor turned to Carrot Top and said.

“Carrot Top! I will be back I have to use the restroom!”

“Alright! Just make sure to wash your hands, it's filthy in those restrooms!”

With that Connor nodded and walked away with his ‘guest’ to the ‘restroom’. As they walked far from the event, the crook spoke.

“Alright, that's far enough. Turn around slowly, and no funny business.”

Connor turned to face the thug.

“Heh, look at you.” Said the thug. “Not looking so tough now are we? Now then, here's what we're going to do.”

At an unknown location, a group of thugs were hanging in a large warehouse, minding their own business.

“*Sigh* Hey?”


“Ever wonder why we are here?”

“Isn't that the question of the day. Why are we here I mean, is it a cosmic force that placed us here? Or is it the work of Faust, who put us here for a reason. I don't know man. But it keeps me up at night.

“...What?! I meant why are we here?! In this warehouse!”

“Oh uh...we got a job to do, that's why! Boss ordered us here.”

“What was stuff about Faust?”


“You wanna talk about it?”



“Right...But seriously though, why are we here? It’s just another guarding this place or that job.”

“True, but its good bits right? I mean I joined up to be a badflank gangster and shoot some people. Next thing I know some hooded murder is killing our guys and here I am guarding this warehouse. Yay…”

“Yeah, it's scary stuff man. One time I heard that the hooded guy killed almost all our guys in one of the assassinations and Rocky was the only survivor. He even ripped out a stallions skull and beat him to death with his own skull!”

“What?! How's that even physically possible?!”

“That's exactly what the guy said when he was being beaten to death!”

“Yeah, I think that's a load of bull-”

“Hey guys look what I found!”

All of the thugs in the warehouse turned around and saw one of their own carrying a familiar figure over his shoulder.

“No way, it can't be!”

“Holy crap it's him!”

“Well I'll be…”

The thug threw the hooded pony in the ground and said.

“This guy was too easy to find, I mean who wears a hoodie in the middle of the day?”

The other thugs agreed to this as they picked up the stallion a placed him a chair and tied him up.

“What do we do now?” Said one of the thugs.

“I say kill him! This bastard killed my best friend!”

“How about we check his pockets and take his stuff!”

“What good does that do?”

“SHUT UP!!!”

Everypony turned and saw Rocky walking the group and said.

“Let me deal with this bastard, he and I got some unfinished business.”

Rocky walked towards the hooded pony and said.

“Look at ya, so weak. So helpless.”


“That's for killing my men!”


That's for humiliating me!”


“That's for breaking my arm!”


“And that's for getting in our way!”


With that last punch it send the hooded stallion on the ground, bleeding from the abuse he took.

“Damn Rocky, you showed him who's boss.”

“Damn right I did! Now let's look what's underneath that hood of yours Connor Kenway, and see your face begging me to stop.”

Rocky got down and lifted the hood and saw the stallion's face.

“What the hell?!”

Rocky jumped back as he saw a familiar face. The other thugs saw this and said.

“What the buck?!”

“Is that…”

“Ah man...it's Bumper…”

“Damn it! Bastard got him too.”

“Yeah, he slit his throat open.”

“Bad way to go.”

“Yeah, not only that he switched placed with him.”

“You mean he's still out there?!”

“Sounds about right, but where?”

“Right behind you.”


Everybody turned and saw one of their own packing two flintlocks, a sword, a tomahawk, a bow and a quiver on his back and two bracelets on his arms.

“Looking for me?”

“Holy shit It's him!”

“It’s Connor Kenway, get him!”

One of the thugs charged towards Connor in attempt to put him on the ground, but the Pegasus was too quick as he roundhouse kick the thug to the side. Only to hit a mysteriously placed jukebox nearby and it played unfitting, yet good music.

“What are you idiots standing around for?! Get that bastard!” Said Rocky.

“What about you?” Said one of the thugs.

“Sticking to the plan”

With that, Rocky left the area to stop Marey Mare. In truth, he ran away from Connor, for he knows that it's going to be a bloodbath in that place.

Connor stood his ground ready to defend himself. He has to find out what is going on and why. And he knew who to talk to, but first, these thugs are in his way.

The thugs quickly took out their weapons such as knives, guns, and other types of weapons. The other however, looked around and picked up that could provide them some protection, like a pipe, a crowbar, and a pencil?

All the thugs surrounded Connor and wait for Somepony to make the first move.

After a moment of waiting.

“You're mine you bastard!”

A thug armed with a knife ran towards Connor at full speed, but the assassin was too quick as he unsheath his sword and slashed the thug’s torso. Instantly killing him as he fell on the ground lifeless.

Seeing this another thug screamed.

“Buddy! You son of a bitch!”

To avenge his fallen friend, the second thug charged at the pegasus with a spear. However this was his downfall as Connor dodged to the side and slashed his sword on the thug’s back, causing him to scream in pain as he fell on the ground.

The third thug, armed with a sword, slashed at Connor. The assassin blocked the attacks the thug gave, but quickly ended the fight as he parried the final slash and stabbed the thug in the chest.


Connors sword broke in half. It was from a rifle! He looked for where the direction of where the shot came from, as he looked he saw a thug on the other side of the area and saw him on the second floor with the rifle. Before he could act, Connor was grabbed from behind and couldn't move.

“Ha! I got the bastard! Quick! Kill him!”

One of the thugs ran with a knife towards Connor, ready to end this.

As the thug got close, his neck was grabbed by Connor’s hind hooves and snapped. Causing him to fall on the ground dead.

Connor then grabbed the thug that held him on the head and applied pressure. Not able to take the pain, the thug let go the assassin to care his head. This was his big mistake as Connor grabbed the thug and threw him over his shoulder towards the ground, knocking him out.

With no more holding back Connor grabbed his tomahawk, and unsheath his hidden blade and prepared himself as he had to end this quick or Marey Mare will die! Because if she does, them everything they worked for will be for nothing! This is it, it's all or nothing...

With no time to waste, Connor charged to attack.

The assassin ran towards one of the thugs with a knife, the pegasus quickly grabbed his arm before he could attack and stabbed the thugs torso repeatedly with his tomahawk, killing him and falling on the ground.

The second thug, with a rifle with a knife attachment, ran towards him to avenge his fallen comrade, but the attack was stopped when Connor jumped back as the blade pierced the ground. He then grabbed the rifle and swinged on it and kicked the thug onto the ground and stabbed him with his hidden blade in his chest.

Another thug walked up from the crowd, and unsheath his sword and spinned it around stylishly, showing off his skills to Connor as a threat. Seeing this just made him a yawn. To end this, Connor sheathed his tomahawk, pulled out his one of his flintlocks and shot the thug in the head, putting an end to him. He then blew on the barrel of the gun as smoke came out, and spinned his flintlock back into the holster.

With that done, Connor released his hidden blades and charged towards the rest of the others. The assassin ran towards the first two thugs and quickly slit their throat open without giving them a chance to fight back.

The third thug fought back with a metal pipe but was too slow as Connor grabbed the pipe with one hoof and with his other hoof punched the thugs arm inwards causing it to break. With the thug’s weapon taken, Connor beat the thug to death on the head with the pipe.

The fourth thug attack with a pencil, least to say his death was odd but quick as Connor grabbed the thugs arm that held the pencil and shoved it into one of his eyes.

The fifth thug, who was a pegasus, flew straight towards Connor. The assassin did the same, but was faster than the thug as he grabbed his head and slammed it on the ground.

The sixth thug attacked with no weapon, as this happened, there more thugs armed with rifles aimed at Connor. Quickly, the pegasus grabbed the thug, and used him as a body shield as the bullets fired at him, this caused the poor shield thug to die painfully. Throwing the lifeless corpse, Connor grabbed his tomahawk, and ran towards the three thugs as they reloaded their rifles. Getting close, Connor flew towards one of the armed thug, tackles him down and swinged his weapon on the victim's neck. The assassin dashed and grabbed the second thug and viciously stabbed his chest and kicked him away. The third thug ran away, but was stopped when Connor threw tomahawk towards him and impaled his back and fell on his face. The thug tried to crawl away, but felt a hoof stomp on his back. The last thing he heard was a-


Blowing his head off with his flintlock, Connor looked up to the rest of the group of thugs with a look of pure hatred.

The rest of the living thugs looked in horror as they saw the brutal attacks this stallion gave out to their comrades! Just who is this guy!

The last thing they saw was a white blur and screams.

Everything was all quiet, almost as if the entire warehouse is empty. Just what is going on? Rocky exited his hiding spot and searched for his guys to see what happened, as he left the spot the stallion tripped on something. Rocky looked up and saw a face, it was one of his thugs! The head of one of his thugs! As he stood up I looked around and saw more of his thugs everywhere! Literally! Bits and pieces, and corpses lying around on the ground, hanging on the ceiling, body parts,and necks have been sliced open. More bodies filled bullet holes and arrows. It looked like no pony had survived. All except him… he was the last survivor.

“Sweet Celestia…”

Rocky looked around, and saw an exit. It was his chance to get out of here! The stallion ran fast as he could, he could almost smell it. Freedom! Good bye ponyville! Good bye Novelty! And good bye-


“Ugh… wha-what happened?”

Rocky looked around to see what happened, until he saw everything upside down!


“Feeling comfortable?”

Rocky looked in front of him and saw Connor, back in his robes and holding a rope for some reason.

“You! You bastard! You killed all my men!”

“To defend myself.”

“You showed no mercy!”

“They were criminals!”

“They had families!”

“They will be missed!”

“You son of a-”


Rocky fell towards the ground quick as he screamed. Only to stop a few inches before he could touch the ground.

Connor pulled Rocky back up using the rope he tied him earlier.

After pulling Rocky backup, Connor said.

“What is your goal?! Why are you doing this?!”

“M-My boss is trying to get rid of the competition of the election!”

“For what?!”

“Because if Marey wins we lose control over this town!”

“Since when?!”

“Like I'm telling you back sh-”



Connor stopped the rope from falling and pulled Rocky back up once more.

“I am not in the mood!”

Alright! Alright! We've been doing this since Novelty became mayor! We saw this town as a weak place so we could do whatever we want!”

“Such as?!”

“Wouldn't you like to know.”

Connor loosen his grip on the rope a little.

“Ah! Ok! Ok! We did whatever we want to this town, such as taking their money, killing those who got in our way, bribing the cops and guards to look the other way, and uh...well...ya know...to mares…”

Connor’s face turned to anger to rage!

“Celestia damn you! You ruined the lives of these people who didn't deserve all of this! Just as what you almost did to my friends! And Fluttershy...

“I'm sorry! But look! You saved them before all of that could happen right? L-Look just let me go!”

“Why should I?!”

“B-Because I have the information here that will put Novelty out of the election for good! Here!”

Rocky gave Connor a book from his jacket, The assassin took the book and read it. Here it explained everything Rocky and his men did. It sicken him to his stomach...what's worse is he found out who is leading this operation.

“It all makes sense...Novelty is your leader.”

“That's right!”

“But why give this to me? And why have this book?”

“In case Novelty betrayed us, so we can blackmail her to not replace us or something. Ya know, leverage!”

“I see…”

Rocky smiled.

“See? There. I gave you information! As payment, you let me go! Alright?”

“...You're right, you are free to go.”

Connor let go of the rope. Only to let Rocky fall onto the ground.



Rocky is dead, now, all those lives he ruined were avenged. Justice has been served. Now the lasting was to stop Novelty.

Back in ponyville, everypony were cheering their chosen mayor as they sat down and listen to the announcer's speech. As they waited the announcer said.

“And that's how ponyville was founded!”

Everypony in the crowd clapped their hooves as they cheered for the history lesson.

“Thank you! Thank you! Now without further ado, let's hear it for our future mayors, Novelty Scroll, and Marey Mare!”

With that, both mares walked towards the stage and waved to the crowd as they cheered for them.

“Oh my, what a crowd.” said Marey.

“Don't worry about them, just smile and wave. It's what I do.” Said Novelty as she waved to the crowd.

“Right, smile and wave.” Said Marey as she was told.

As the crowd stopped clapping, the announcer said.

“Alright then let's gets this election started! The rules are simple, first we'll start with a Q and A’s, that stands for question and answer, then our candidates will speak about why you should vote for them and finally, our newest mayor will be chosen by you ponyville. Now let's get this started!”

Far from the area a lone thug with a rifle sat on a roof waiting for the right moment to take Marey out. Sadly he had to wait and listen to the boring speeches and junk. Least to say hearing all of that made laugh as his boss was doing a better job than Marey, she was doing not so well. As they got the speech part, the sniper readied himself and aimed the rifle at Marey’s head.
As he waited he saw a shadow in front of him, he turned around and-


“Alright everypony! This is it! The speech! This is our candidate's last chance to convince you to vote for them, and then the decision is up to you to decide Ponyville's newest or re elected mayor!”

Everypony cheered as they clapped their hooves in excitement as they waited for what happens next.

Back with Marey and Novelty, both wondered who would be up first.

“Well let's get this over with,” said Novelty. “Somepony’s gotta start this.”

“Right, good luck!” Said Marey.

Novelty stood up and walked up to the stage and began her speech.

“Ladies and gentlecolts! Thank you for your attention! Today, this is the beginning of a new day, a day where a mayor will-”



Novelty grabbed her arm as it began to bleed everywhere! Everypony panicked as they witness what happened!

Before the royal guards could act, a robed pegasus flew towards Novelty and pointed a flintlock at her.

One of the royal guards recognised the would be murderer.


Shining Armor ran towards Connor and pointed his rifle towards his friend.

“Connor what the hell are you doing?!”

Hearing this name shocked Carrot Top and the others.


“Auntie Carrot Top! What is uncle Connor doing!” Said Dinky.

“Connor?” Said Scootaloo as she saw somepony she cared about attempt to kill for no reason. But why? He never would never do something like! Right?

“Huh?! Wha-what happened? I-I wasn't sleeping! I was just resting my eyes!” Said Derpy.

“Connor! Put the gun down damn it! I don't want to shoot you!” shouted Shining Armor!

“Then shoot me after I explain I am doing this!”

“...Damn it!”

Shining Armor ordered his men to stand down for and said.

“Make it quick!”

“Connor nodded and said.

“Very well. Ponyville! I will explain why I have done this act to Novelty is because she is a murderer and a thief!”

Everypony in the crowd gasped from what they heard.

Hearing this caused Novelty to shout.

“What?! How ridiculous! This stallion is crazy! Guards! Shoot that stallion!”

“And what?” Interrupted Connor. “Kill me so you can rule this town with your rules you can rule more lives as your thugs did?!”


Everypony went silent as they heard what Novelty would do.

After a moment of silence.

“He's right! Ever since that mare made into office my son was killed by a group of thugs, and the cops nor the guards did a damn thing!”

“Your right! Since then my husband mugged, and murdered by thugs as well!”

“My daughter would still be alive if my home wasn't burned to the ground by thugs as well!”

One by one everypony complained what happened to them and their lives ones when Novelty became mayor.

With the voices acting all at once, Novelty shouted.

“Enough! How dare you accuse me of such things that by I've never done! What proof do you have?!”

“This book!” Said Connor as he pulled out a book from his robes. In this book contains the actions Novelty and her thugs have done!”

Shining Armor didn't know who to trust, but listening to his gut, the commander took the book from his friend and read the book. As he read it, he immediately stopped, and closed it. His eyes started to tear as he just couldn't believe what this mare and done.

“You...You monster… why…?”

“Why?” Said Novelty as she knew everything she worked for is over. “This town, was weak. It needed protection, and I gave it. If you want to be strong you have to break a couple of people to make them strong. I mean, being happy for the rest of your life and pretend the problems outside of equestria doesn't exists! You should be thanking me for doing this you, I made you ponied strong!”

“But these kind of crimes doesn't make you a great person, nor helping this village to become strong as you hoped it would be! You ruined the lives of these people in secret! And for that you are under arrest!”

Shining Armor grabbed Novelty, despite her injury, and placed cuffs on her.

Seeing this, the crowd roar in cheer as the one who made their lives miserable had been arrested. It may not bring back their loved ones, but they now can finally rest in piece for the one who taken them away had been stopped by a stallion of white robes who swoop down from the sky and spoke the truth of what crimes Novelty had committed.

With Novelty taken away, Shining Armor spoke to Connor.

“Geez, you never catch a break from of this huh?”

“Apparently it found me, I was enjoying the show until I was pulled into this.”

“Heh, yeah. Listen Connor, despite what happened you are a hero to these people. They need a figure to look up to, and give them hope.”

“You're not saying I should become mayor?”

“Woah! Don't need to take it that far.”

Both stallions laughed as Connor said.

“Perhaps not, the burden is too much for me. But I know some pony who could fill in the position.”

“My thoughts exactly.”


Later that day, Novelty had been arrested and was accused of many crimes many had not thought of. Including one that brought a shocking revelation to the Apple family, that Novelty murdered both the mother and father of Applejack and the remaining family. This gave the apple family a relief that their mysterious disappearance had been solved and received justice for it. Novelty’s sister, Raven, attended the court and confessed what her sister did as mayor and tried her best to stop her actions. Raven had been cleared of the crimes she had not been part of, but Novelty was sentenced life in prison. With the election interrupted, only Marey was the only candidate left, and by default she was elected as mayor of ponyville. She refused to accept as it didn't felt right to her. That is until they promised her free liquor for long as she doesn't abuse this privilege, and with that, ponyville had their new mayor! As for Connor, he explained what happened during all of this, and it was not a pretty story. Thankfully, he was cleared of any charges that he had committed since it was self-defense against those who tried to capture him and protect those who tried to murder his friends and family. Things were starting to look up for ponyville, things couldn't be better.

Or can they?

One week later, ponyville city hall.

“Mr. Kenway, Mayor Mare so ready to speak to you.”

Connor stood up and followed the pony to meet the mayor. As they entered the office, Mayor Mare and her assistant/vice mayor Raven, were waiting for the stallion to arrive. As the pony escorted Connor, they left room and let the three ponies to their business.

“Connor Kenway! My friend! It's good to see you!” Said Marey.

“It is good to see you as well Marey. Or should I say Mayor Mare? It does have ring to it doesn't it?” Said Connor.

“Ha! Indeed it does! What do you think Raven?”

“I agree Mayor Mare.”

“Ha! Ah...good to be the mayor.”

“Yes, but anyways why am I here?” Said Connor.

“Ah yes, right down to business. Connor, we've been friends for a while now and I must know who are you really? Not everypony can fight like, nor brutal as you. So please, tell me everything. And don't Worry what has been said will stay in this office, just the three of us will keep this a secret. And you don't have to explain everything, I understand you have secrets to keep. But that's alright, many people have secrets, I will not force you to say what they are, nor should you. So please, explain when you are ready.

Knowing this would happen one day, Connor took a moment to think I'm what to say. After a while the pegasus spoke.

“My name is not truly Connor Kenway, it was a name given to me by a stallion who took me in after my village was nearly burned to the ground by an attack from an unknown enemy. My real name is ratonhnhaké ton, given to me by my mother who didn't survive the fire. After I left my home to be with Achilles, the stallion who took me in, somewhat raised me to be more than what I use be as a young stallion. He gave me an education, taught me how to fight and became what you see me as of now. An Assassin. I used what he taught me to find out who attacked my village, stop those who would cause harm to the innocent, and give those who couldn't be safe nor accepted a place to call home. As time passed I completed my mission to find the truth, and eliminated those who caused the fire and an learned the truth behind the cause. After that I left to find a place where I can live in peace, apparently I found it here, in ponyville. That is until the recent events that had happened, and apparently I had to do something. I believe we know the rest.

After listening to Connor's Past, both mares took in what they could listen as they were impressed with his accomplishments. This convinced them what of happens next.

Oh my,” said Marey. “That's quite a story.”

“Indeed,” Said Raven. “Mayor Mare, I believe I have made my decision.”

“So have I.”

Connor raised an eyebrow as he didn't understand what's going on until Marey spoke.

“Connor Kenway, as Mayor of ponyville, I hereby authorize you to become our town's newest police force as it's leader. And don't worry about recruits, me and Raven will handle that.”

“Wha-What?!” Said Connor as he still couldn't understand what's going.

“I'm offering you a job Mr. Kenway,” Said Marey. “If you remember, Novelty’s speech, before the election, she wanted to create a police force to protect ponyville. But in reality, she wanted her thugs to control the streets and rule the town under her rule. But with the three of us controlling her plan, we can use it for the right thing. What do you say Mr. Kenway? Will you accept?”

Connor took a moment to think. If he accepted Marey’s plan to create a proper police force, then he would have a job and become the leader to protect the innocent.

How could he refuse?

“Mayor Mare, I accept.”

“Excellent! Let us celebrate with a Drink!” Said Marey as she brought out a bottle of scotch and three cups glass. She then poured the liquor in the cups and gave them to Connor and Raven. She raised her glass and said. “A toast, to a better future for ponyville. Today shall mark the day when the three of us make a better tomorrow. For justice.

“For Equestria.” said Raven as she raised her glass.

“For freedom.” said Connor as he also raised his glass.

With that all three drank their drinks.

History has been made, ponyville will be forever changed.

And the rebirth of the brotherhood will emerge…

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Holy crap...I have missed you all! I hope you guys missed me too... Anyway I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter and after all these years, literally, we get to the main series! I am so sorry for I have been out of commission for I had personal things to take care of. I hope you guys understand.

See ya!