• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,684 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 8: Welcome to ponyville part 5

Chapter : 8 welcome to ponyville part 5

It is night time. Connor and Scootaloo walked around ponyville looking for a place to spend the night, however there was no pony in the buildings, and the lights were out.

But why?

“Well that’s just great!” shouted Scootaloo. “Looks like I’ll be sleeping in the streets! Again…”

“It seems that way,” said Connor. “however you won’t be alone.”


“If you’ll be sleeping in the streets, then I’ll be there with you.”

Hearing this surprised Scootaloo.

“Y-You don’t have to do that!”

“Were both in this together,” Connor replied. “I do not want you to be alone again.”


“No Buts.”

Scootaloo knew if is she continued to argue with Connor it would be pointless, he will just keep replying no until she said yes.

“*sigh* Fine…”

“Then it is settled, we’ll start searching for a place that might be suitable for us, I have a feeling it will be a long night.”

The two pegasi started to walk as they looked for a place to sleep, however their search was quickly interrupted when they saw something in front of them.

A white sign with a black arrow pointing to the right.

Both pegasi stared at the sign with confusion, until Scootaloo spoke.

“Is that…a sign pointing to the right?”

Connor looked at the sign and studied it.

(“A sign pointing to the right…I wonder.”)

Connor looked to his right and saw another sign at the end of the street, only this time it’s pointing to the right.

“I believe I know why, look.” Said Connor as he pointed towards the other sign.

Scootaloo looked to where Connor pointed and saw the sign.

“Whoa! Another sign! And that one is pointing to the left.”

“Correct,” said Connor. “It seems that these signs are telling us where to go.”

“You think it could be a trap?”

Hearing this got Connor on his guard, he didn’t realize it until Scootaloo mention it.

“Perhaps…if we investigate do you promise to hide somewhere safe if it’s a trap?”

“I promise.”

After minutes if following sign after sign, both Connor and Scootaloo stopped in front of a building that they didn’t expect.


“This is where the sign have taken us? A building that’s-“


Scootaloo ran towards the candy building and said.

“I wonder what kind of flavor this building is made out of!”

She opened her mouth and-


Bit it.


“YUCK! *spit spit* Ew…”

“I take it is not made out of candy?” said Connor.

“Does wood flavor make a good candy?”


“Then its not made out of candy!”


“Yeah, yeah laugh it up.”

After their moment Connor wondered why would the signs lead them here?”


“We have to get inside.”

“Inside!?” said Scootaloo. “But the lights are out, it’s closed!”

“True,” he said. “But why would the signs lead us here? Surely they didn’t took us here to eat the building.”

Scootaloo gave Connor an angry look.

“Let’s never mention that again, ever!”

Connor slightly laughed.

“Heh, very well.”

He then turned his attention to the door and wondered if it was locked, curiously he walked towards it, touches the handle, twists it , and pushed it.


It’s open!

Connor faced Scootaloo and said.

“Get behind me, it could be a trap like you said.”

Scootaloo nodded and did what she was told.

Cautiously, both pegasi walked inside the building as Connor took out one of his hidden blades, just in case if it was a trap.

When they were inside it was completely dark, the moonlight was the only thing that was providing light for them.

As they took another step, a bright light blinded them both!

Connor pulled Scootaloo close to him to protect her from harms way as he readied his blade.



As Connors and Scootaloos vision came back, they both saw multiple colored ponies in the building with smiles on their faces as they laughed in excitement.

“What trickery is this!” shouted Connor.

Suddenly a familiar mare appeared in front of him.

“Surprise!” she shouted.

“You! You’re that pink mare from this morning!” said Connor.

“That’s right!”

The pink mare then grabbed his hoof and shook it.

“My names Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you and you!” she said to Connor and Scootaloo.

“T-That’s v-very k-k-ind o-of y-you!” said Connor as he shook uncontrollably because of Pinkie Pies hoof shake with his eyes closed.

Pinkie Pie let go of Connors ending the hoof shake, but the pegasi continued to shake not knowing Pinkie Pie stopped. Scootaloo grabbed his arm and tried to hold him still, feeling another hoof Connor opened his eyes and realized that the hoof shake was over.

Pinkie pie continued to speak.

“So what’d ya think? Were you surprised? Huh? Huh? Huh? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya? I bet you were! Cuz that’ll be totally awesome!”

She then continued to ramble random things none stop without taking a single breath! Connor tried to speak to her.

“Um… Pinkie Pie?”

“And then we were like whoa! And then I was like whoa! And then you were like whoa…”

“Pinkie Pie?”

“She then said ‘fruit spray?’ and I said ‘fruit spray? Sure!’ but when I tried it didn’t taste like fruit at all!”

“Pinkie Pie…”

“One time I asked for a discount, they said I have to endorse their store. So I did by saying ‘I’m Pinkie Pie and this is my favorite store in ponyville!”




“Oh sorry! What were we talking about?”

“…I apologize for saying this but, has anypony told you that you’re…well…random?”

“Oh sure I get that all the time!”

Scootaloo then spoke.

“Doesn’t that bother you?”



“Really really!”


Connor spoke this time.

“What is happening here Pinkie Pie? Why are we celebrating?”

“Were celebrating for you and the filly! Duh!

Scootaloo then spoke into the conversation.

“Why is that Ms. Pinkie Pie?”

“For coming into ponyville, everypony I see that are new here deserve a party!”

Connor then spoke.

“I still don’t see why-“

“Enough chit chat!” shouted Pinkie Pie. “This part of the chapter is getting boring! Come on everypony! LET’S PARTY!”


Suddenly, music started to play and the ponies danced.

Connor and Scootaloo stood in the middle of the dance floor wondering what the heck just happened.

Until Pinkie Pie spoke to them.

“Ya know I never got your names.”

“Connor Kenway.”


“Alright then Connor and Scootaloo you two hungry? Thirsty?”

“Not to be rude but yes, I am getting hungry.” said Connor.

“Yeah, me too!” said Scootaloo.

“Great! Come on I’ll show you were the food is at!”

She grabbed both Connor and Scootaloo’s arms and zoomed to the food table, as they got there both pegasi couldn’t believe what they saw.

“This is food?” said Connor. “It looks-“

“DELICIOUS!” shouted Scootaloo.

“Thanks!” said Pinkie Pie. “I made them myself! Go on try some!”

“Don’t mind if I do!” replied Scootaloo as she grabbed some food from the table and ate them.

Connor however picked up one of the food and inspected it.

“What is this?”

Pinkie Pie replied back.

“It’s a cupcake silly!”

“A cupcake?”

“That’s right! Don’t tell me you never seen and had a one before!”

“Actually no, I haven’t.”

“*gasp* W-What did you say…”

“I said I never had a cupcake before.”


“Um…Pinkie Pie?”

“This calls for extreme measures…PINKIE PIE STYLE!”

Pinkie Pie suddenly grabbed Connors arm that was holding the cupcake and shoved it into his mouth, forcing him to eat the cupcake.

As soon as the cupcake was in his mouth, the taste of sweetness, sugary, mouth watery taste made him chew they food slowly as possible as he tried to keep the taste. After a few seconds later of devouring the cupcake, Connor wanted more. He looked at the table that is filled with more cupcakes and screamed.


One by one, cupcake by cupcake was being eaten by Connor himself.

No cupcake was safe from a crazy white Pegasus, whose first taste of cupcakes made him want more…

Pinkie Pie watched Connor eat every cupcake that was on the table, as she saw this it made her proud.

As Connor continued to eat whatever was left on the table, he heard a familiar voice.

“What ah tell ya, he has the table manners of pig!”


“My word…what horrible table manners!”

“Meh, I’ve seen worse.”

Hearing those voices made Connor turn around and saw who they were.

“A-Applejack, Fluttershy, M-Ms. Rarity, Rainbow Dash!”

“Pinkie Pie!” said Pinkie Pie.

Seeing himself in the situation he’s in, he quickly cleaned himself and spoke.

“L-Ladies! It’s…good to see you again! May I ask why are you here?”

Applejack answered first.

“Were invited to the party because a new pony is in town.”

Connor slightly smiled for her response and replied.

“Does this pony happen to be Pegasus?”

“Well um…y-yes.” said Fluttershy.

“And is his coat white?”

“As white as snow!” said Rairy.

“And did this pony defeated a group of thugs with the help of two mares?”

“You know it!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Then I believe that is me.”

“That’s right!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Well this party is not just for you sugar cube,” said Applejack. “It’s also for Scootaloo.”

“Speaking of which, where is Scoots?” said Rainbow Dash.


Connor and the others turned around and saw Scootaloo laying on the table with a smile.

“Hehehe…*sign* that was good…”

“Heh, looks like Scootaloo has the tables manners of a pig like somepony ah know.” said Applejack.

Hearing that made the girls laugh as Connor blushed in embarrassment.

“I-I do not eat like a pig!” he said.

Rainbow Dash wrapped her arm around Connors shoulders and said.

“Relax Connor, were just messin with ya!”

“That’s Right!” said Pinkie Pie. “Speaking of which, it’s time to play some games!”


“Oh, I love to play some games.” said Fluttershy.”

“YEEHAW! Now the party’s startin!” said Applejack.

“You girls better watch out, cuz I never lose!” said Rainbow Dash.

“I suppose I could play a few.” said Rarity.

“Great!” said Pinkie pie. ”Now who wants to play pin the tail on the pony?”

“Oh my favorite!” said Rarity. “I haven’t played that game since I was a filly!”

“Then get in line Rarity cuz Connor is the guest of honor, meaning he’s going first!”

“Uh, I suggest Ms. Rarity should go first.” said Connor. “This is the first time I am playing a game like this.”

“Oki doki loki! Rarity, do you remember how to play?”

“Why yes I do, blindfold the player, spin him or her around, and the player must pin the tail on the pony while being dizzy.”

“That’s right!”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie blinded folded Rarity, spins her around, and gave her the pin with the tail and slightly pushed her towards the a poster eith s pony whose tail is missing.

“Oh dear, I didn’t know we started playing.

“Come on Rarity! You can do it!”

“Ah know can do it!”

“Yeah! Show em how it’s done!”

“Um…g-good luck!”

Hearing those voices got Rarity pumped, she started to walk with the help of other ponies telling her where to go thanks to being blind folded and dizzy. There were moments when she almost fell tripped and fell down, but she stood strong as she proved the other ponies how good she was. As soon as she heard the others telling her she is close to the poster, Rarity readied the pin and ran forward.


She removed the blind fold and saw where she hit.

Right where the tail exactly should be.

“Yes! Bulls eye!”

The crowed cheered and congratulated Rarity for doing a great job.

Seeing how the game was played, Connor thought this will be easy.

“Ok Connor your turn!” said Pinkie Pie as she got the blind fold ready.

“The game looks easy enough to play, very well then let us start.”

Like Rarity, Connor was blind folded, spun him around, given a pin with the tail, sand slightly push towards the poster.

“I-It looked easy when Rarity played it!” said Connor felling dizzy.

“Just listen to the crowed Mr. Connor! shouted Rarity. “they will help you get to where you are!”

Listening to her instructions, he heard the crowd telling him where to go left. He slowly walked, trying to find his balance and tried not to fall.




Connor suddenly felt a hoof and pushed him down to the floor, as he fell down something went into his mouth. Connor panicked, before he could react a familiar taste hit his tongue.

(“This taste… its familiar…was…was that a cupcake?”)

Suddenly a new taste hit his tounge, and it wasn’t pretty.

(“Wait…this taste…ow!...ow!ow!ow!ow!ow!ow!ow!”)

Connor quickly stood up, removed the blind fold and looked at his tounge.

It’s burning red!


He quickly stood on his hooves and searched for a drink that will cool his tongue down.

“Connor quick, drink this!” said Pinkie Pie holding a cup of punch.

Connor quickly grabbed the cup and gulped it down.

That’s when things when from bad to worse, as he drank the last drop Connor suddenly opened his mouth and a great big ball of fire came out!


The poor Pegasus ran around the area like a mad pony.

“Huh? That’s odd…”

Pinkie Pie looked at the bottle she poured into the cup and realized was it was.

Mr. Macho’s hot sauce



Use at your own risk!


Still running like a mad pony, Connors mouth still burned like crazy! He continued to search for something cold, until he spotted a bowl of juice on one of the tables. Without haste he quickly ran towards it and dunked his whole head in, as that happened steam came form the bowl and the hot burning taste in Connors mouth ended.

With that done, Connor pulled hi head out of the bowl and took in deep breaths.

Suddenly a laugh was heard.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! T-That was classic!”

“Pinkie Pie how could you!” shouted Rarity.

“What? You got admit that was funny!”

“Tippin him, makin him eat spicy cupcake, and trickin him to drink a cup that looked like punch but actually is hot sauce is kinda mean.” said Applejack.

“But it was kinda funny! Nice prank Pinkie Pie.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Um…it was kinda rude…”said Fluttershy.

“Aw come on girls, it’s just a prank!”

“Well I agree with Rainbow Dash,” said Scootaloo. “It was kinda funny!”

“See! Even Scoots agrees!”

“A prank you said…”

Everypony turned around to see Connor, still looking at the bowl.

“A prank…”

Pinkie Pie responded back.


Connor then began to shake.

“A prank…you mean like a joke?”


Connor shook even more.

Everypony started to get worried, was he angry?

“What has happened to me was a joke?”

“Y-Yes…” said Pinkie Pie as she was on the verge of tears.





Everypony couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Is Connor laughing?


Pinkie Pie then started to laugh, then Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Scootaloo, and everypony in the building!

It looks like everything is ok!

After a minute of laughing, Connor then faced and spoke to Pinkie Pie.

“Hehehe, I don’t remember the last time I acted this way. Thank you for the laugh Pinkie Pie, you do know how to make others ‘laugh’.

“Meh, I try!” she replied.

“I do believe that the celebration has just begun, shall we continue?”

“You bet it has! Come on everypony Lets party!”


After that, everypony started dancing again, and the games have started.

The pin the tail on the pony had a champion, and the title belonged to Rarity.

Another game called ‘hoof wrestling’ became popular at the moment, however there was no champion at the end. In fact it stated a rivalry competition between Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Lastly, a game called ‘who can be quite the longest’ had an unexpected champion, Fluttershy, who earned the title ‘world champion’!

Later that night, Connor and Scootaloo received many gifts form others.

For Connor he received an apple pie form Applejack, a job invitation for weather patrol from Rainbow Dash, a thank you letter from Fluttershy for saving Angel, more cupcakes from Pinkie Pie, and last but not least also surprisingly, Connor’s new coat created by Rarity herself.

For Scootaloo she received a few things, which she did not mind. Basically, some toys, a hair brush to keep her hair and tail nice and curly, a few books to read, and a diary.

After receiving their gifts, Connor immediately wore his new robes and it fit him perfectly. His wings were now exposed through the back of the robes with the proper holes he had asked for.

Seeing Connor in his new robes, the girls commented him on his new look.

“Well Ah’ll be, those threads look good on ya Connor.” said Applejack.

“Heh, I say it makes you cooler!” said Rainbow Dash.

“I-It makes you look brave…” said Fluttershy.

“I think you look rather dashing.” said Rarity.

“Thank you all for everything you have done,” said Connor. “I feel like his is a bit too much.”

“That’s nonsense Connor,” said Applejack. “you deserve it for helping us all!”

“Applejack is right Mr. Connor,” said Rarity. “you have helped us in everyway! For example, you gave me a chance to work on a master piece!”

“You helped me save Angel when there was nothing I could do…” said Fluttershy.

“You turned this party from a regular party into one crazy but fun party!” said Pinkie Pie.

”And you helped me and Applejack beat up those thugs and saved Derpy! said Rainbow Dash.

“Hey! Don’t forget about me! I was there too you know!” said Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash flew over to Scootaloo and gave her a quick noogie.

“Hehehe, don’t worry Scoots we haven’t forgotten about you!”

“That reminds me,” said Connor. “Where is Derpy Rainbow Dash?”





Before anypony could react, a mysterious object crashed into Connor and pushed him inside a wall along with the object. Everypony saw what happened and winced and went “ooooooh.”

A voice was heard from the hole in the wall.

“Oops! My bad!”

Scootaloo and the others ran towards to the wall to help Connor out of the wall

As soon as they helped a familiar figure came out.


“Oh! Hello Rainbow Dash!”

The girls helped Connor and Derpy out of the wall and checked them to see if they were hurt. Luckily they weren’t.

Shaking of the dizziness Connor spoke.

“Derpy? you were her the whole time?”


“What about your injuries? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“Oh that, doctor said no flying for about a month so I’ll be fine.”

“But you flew right into me!”

“Actually, cannon shot me towards you while I was looking for more muffins underneath the table until I accidentally went inside it.”


“Cannon? You mean my party connon?” said Pinkie Pie. “You found it! I’ve been looking for that thing since this morning!”

“…Anyway, I’m glad you’re doing well after being attacked by those thugs.”

“Yup! It takes more than that to keep me down!”

Derpy then flexes her arms as if she has muscles and smiles innocently.

Connor and the others laughed at gray Pegasus’s cute but funny pose.


“*Yawn* wow am I tired…” said Scootaloo as she rubbed her eyes.

“I believe all of us are tired,” said Connor. “it has been a long day for us all.”

“Ah agree with Connor,” said Applejack. “the farm ain’t gonna take care of it’s self.”

“Oh dear, tomorrow is the day I clean the animals homes,” said Fluttershy. “I almost for got.”

“Well a unicorn such as myself does need her beauty sleep,” said Rarity. “I might as well go home and rest.”

“Yeah I have to get back home too,” said Rainbow Dash. “the boss is going to have a hay day if I don’t show up at work.”

“Same as here,” said Pinkie Pie. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake are going to show me a new recipe!”

“Then this is where we part ways,” said Connor. “Scootaloo and I must find a place to rest.”

Before Connor and Scootaloo could leave, Derpy spoke.

“If you two are looking for a place to stay, then you’re welcome to stay with me!”

Hearing this got both pegasi’s attention.

“You…want us to stay with you?” said Scootaloo.


“That’s very kind of you Derpy,” said Connor. “but you don’t have to do this. We don’t want to over stay our welcome.”

“Nonsense Mr. Connor, it’s the lease I could do.”

Its hope less, no matter what he says to Derpy she wont take no for an answer. Looks like there’s no choice.

“Very well then Derpy, lead the way.”

“Yes sir Mr. Connor! Follow me!”

After the following Derpy to her home, the three pegasi went inside quietly, trying not to make a sound. moments later, Derpy took Connor and Scootaloo to the guest room. The room has two separate beds, a bathroom, and a window.

(“This is where you two will be sleeping,”) whispered Derpy. (“it’s not much but it will do.”)

(“This is perfect Derpy, Thank you.”) Connor replied.

(“You’re welcome, see you in the morning.”)

Derpy quietly closed the door and left to sleep, leaving Connor and Scootaloo alone.

(“Let us sleep Scootaloo, tomorrow we have a long day a head of us.”) said Connor he quietly put his bag down and removed hid robes.

(“What are we going to do?”) said Scootaloo.

(“I do not know, but I will think about it tomorrow in the morning.”)

(“Oh, ok.”)

Both pegasi climbed onto their beds and made themselves comfortable.

(“Ahhh…this feels great,”) said Scootaloo. (“I cant remember the last time I slept in a bed this good.”)

(“Heh, I have to agree with on that Scootaloo.”) said Connor.

(“Well…I’m tired…good night Connor.”)

(“Good night Scootaloo.”)

Both pegasi then closed their eyes and let the sleep take over.

For tomorrow is a brand new day.

To be continued…