• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 3,470 Views, 186 Comments

Heart Of Fire: You'll Be In My Heart - Music Brush

A stallion helps, and falls in love with a changeling who experiences a huge change in her life for her love for him.

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Ch. XIV: Who's Trixie?



The day was going so beautiully for Blazing and Chocolate. They started the day by going out to breakfast at Chocolate's favourite restaurant. Blazing wanted to go visit Zecora, but both he and his fianceé wanted to avoid the forest for a while after their ordeal three nights ago.

Blazing's attention was drawn to the sky when he saw a streek of rainbow dashing through the sky. "Dash!" He called. The pegasus stopped for a second before resuming her flight toward the forest. Blazing looked over to Chocolate, concern in his eyes. They took flight in the direction she flew and found her with Twilight and Fluttershy heading back into town. Fluttershy stopped infront of the two looking like she just went through the biggest scare of her life.

"What's wrong, Fluttershy?" Chocolate asked.

"Oh, um..." Fluttershy stammered, a little shaken from whatever it was she just went through. "Rainbow flew into Twilight saying Trixie is causing trouble in town."

"Trixie?!" Blazing asked. Fluttershy hid behind her mane at his burst.

"Who's Trixie, honey?" Chocolate asked. Blazing looked at her, his eyes filled with frustrated annoyance.

"She's a showmare who humiliated Twilight and he others. She claimed to have vanquished and Ursa Mager the last time she was in town and cowered in fear when a miner showed up in a frenzy." Chocolate was wide eyed at the discription of Trixie. "If she's back, that most likely means she's up to more trouble." The trio flew back to town to find Twilight and Dash.

They found a crowd gathered in awe and her a mare screaming about accents. "We need to get her in a nice shade of pink, STAT!" Came Pinkie's voice.

Chocolate was about to go and find Pinkie when she was stopped by Blazing's hoof. She looked up at him and saw he had a serious face on, looking at a cloaked figure in the middle of the croud, casting spells on random things, turning Spike into a ball and bounced him in her magic like he was a basketball. Blazing was filled with rage when she made Pinkie's mouth vanish like it was a puzzle piece on a computer screen.

Twilight tried to convince Trixie to stop, but her efferts were in vain. The only way Trixie 'said' she would stop was if Twilight beet her in a duel.

"A duel?" Chocolate asked. Blazing leaned his head toward Chocolate keeping his eyes locked on the blue unicorn.

"To put it simple, things are going to get prety crazy around here." He answered. Chocolate glanced between the two unicorns, the duel beginning with Trixie making the first move. Blazing let out a laugh when Twilight gave Trixie a loong mustache.

Trixie heated things up when she used her magic to change the town goofs, Snips and Snails, into a foal and aged old stallion.

"How could 'you' know an aging spell?" Twilight asked. "Aging spells are only for higher level unicorns." Trixie chuckled.

"Do you give up?" Trixie asked. Twilight heaved a sigh then lit her horn up, her magic engulfing Snips and Snails, only to resulting in a crying foal and a cranky stallion. Trixie boasted that she was the highest level unicorn and sent Twilight flying out of town toward the forest. The girls ran after Twilight, but Blazing and Chocolate stayed behind, Blazing glaring at Trixie. Trixie smiled at the zebra striped pegasus.

"And, who are you?" She asked. Her horn flashed red and a large fish bowl was placed upsidedown over the entire town. "Do you think you're better then the Great and Powerfull Trixie?"

"Leave my fianceé alone!" Chocolate snapped. Trixie's gaze locked onto the brown mare, causing Blazing to stand guard between her and Chocolate.

"You do anything to my fianceé," Blazing started. "... I'll make sure you never wished you did." Chocolate never saw Blazing so serious. Trixie just chuckled.

"You think you can take on the Great and Powerfull Trixie?" She asked.

"No, but I sure as hell will make you regret messing with my bride." Blazing glared.

"Alright." Trixie said. "I won't do anything to her. You, on the other hoof, Trixie will have fun with." Her horn flashed red as her magic engulfed Blazing. He felt the enrgy surround him as he lost controll of his body. Chocolate gasped when he fell to the ground, his wings were gone making him just a yellow and orange zebra. She flew down to his side embracing him with her wings and forlegs.

He looked up at Trixie, his eyes wide with shock when he noticed the necklace she was wearing. He looked at Chocolate, fear now filled his eyes. "Chocolate," he whispered. "you go find someplace to hide and don't let anypony see you, not even me, untill things calm down."

"I'm not goi.."

"Do it! Trixie's not herself right now and she's out of controll." She looked like she was about to protest. "Go!" She did nothin for a minute, then kissed him before she flew off in the distance. Trixie aimed her horn at Chocolate, about to strike. Blazing expected this and immediately jumped infront of her to intercept what ever spell she was about to cast. Chocolate wanted to stop and help Blazing but fallowed his wishes and flew away from the scene.

Trixie glared at Chocolate as she watched the brown pegasus fly away. She directed her glare at Blazing, now laying on the ground as though he was tied up real tight, struggling againsed his invisable bonds to no avail as Trixie walked up to him slowly. He glared up at her from the ground as she crouched down to meet his gaze.

"Where is the lucky bride?" She asked.

"Take off that necklace and I'll help you look for her." He replied.

"And just what do you know about this necklace?" She asked.

"More then you think." Trixie chuckled.

"Trixie'll ask again. Where is you fianceé going?" She glared into his eyes as hers flashed a threatening red.

"I don't know." Blazing answered after a minute.

"Don't lie to me like that!" She snapped. "Trixie knows you told her something before she flew away!" Blazing just stared her in the eye.

"Trixie, even now you can be forgiven. Take off the necklace and bring Twilight back." Blazing said calmy.

"Trixie grows tired of hearing you speek." She said as her horn lit up. Blazing's mouth was sealed by a zipper that just appeared inplace of his lips. "You'll make a fine trophy when Trixie's palace is built." Blazing struggled furiously to break free, but it was useless. Trixie's magic was to strong, especially when she wearing the alicorn amulet around her neck.


Trixie's torment carried on for the next few days as everpony was forced to redecorate the town to honor her. Red flags with Trixie's image etched on them were hung on every flag poll and window. The mayer was locked in a cage like a bird and the girls were forced to be Trixie's personal staff, dancing, making the flags, setting up a throne and Applejack was even told to grow apples without the peal.

Blazing was ment to watch the whole thing as he was now frozen in place by another spell, making him seam like a life like statue guarding the town hall Trixie was turning into her throne. The sky was filled with unnatural storm clouds trapped in the giant fish bowl keeping everypony in and Twilight out.

Trixie had left the town hall earlier with Snips and Snails pulling her on a bed fitvfor Celestia. Blazing's thoughts turned to Chocolate, hoping she was safe. He wanted to cry out, but the spell he was trapped in prevented that. His grief was soon replaced with joy when he saw Twilight back with Zecora by her side. She was wearing a grean stone necklace proudly. What is that necklace? He asked himself.

The two unicorns began another duel, Trixie starting off with the same age spell she used on Snips and Snails, this time turning them both to foals. Twilight made a come back by turning Applejack and Rarity into fillies, then made one old whith the other balanced on top of the other and various other things with the others before she turned them back to their normal age.

Blazing was awe struck, but his jaw would not drop. "I can even turn a mare into a colt." Twilight said, aiming her horn at Applejack, who started to run away, but was too late as Twilight's magic flashed around her and she was a stallion as big and musclular as Big Mac. Twilight soon turned her back to a mare, wich earned a swipe of the head with a 'fyew' from her friend.

This drove Trixie past the breaking point. Trixie snatched Twilight's amulet from her neck and removed the alicorn amulet from her own neck. Dash swooped in and took the alicorn amulet from Trixie, who shrugged as she placed the new amulet around her neck.

Blazing felt the magic holding him in place vanish and his wings back on his back where they belong. The clouds in the sky also vanished revealing a clear blue sky not seen in days. Blazing looked at Twilight with realization. She tricked Trixie into thinking the stone she had was more powerfull then the alicorn amulet so she would take it off and loose its strength.

After Twilight and the rest of the girls explained how she was able to pull off such powerfull magic Chocolate came flying in and embraced Blazing with her forlegs and a good long passionate kiss, knocking him to the ground. The two remained locked in each others embrace for a good several minutes after that.


Blazing and Chocolate were now at home, drinking hot chocolate while just listening to beautiful piano music done by The Piano Colts. They were so lost in the music, they jumped when there was a knock on the door.

Blazing got up as Chocolate transformed into her pony form. When she was ready Blazing opened the door. Who he saw made his heart stop and his stomach sink. Standing at his front door was the tall, regal white coated, colorful maned, high princess of Equestria.

"P-p-princess Celestia."