• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 3,473 Views, 186 Comments

Heart Of Fire: You'll Be In My Heart - Music Brush

A stallion helps, and falls in love with a changeling who experiences a huge change in her life for her love for him.

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Chapter XX: Love And Loss



Spark went to Ditzy's home and told her to gather all the pegasi with Rainbow Dash in Poyville and Cloudsdale while Blazing and Chocolate gathered with Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy to wake up the whole town and prepare for an attack.

The whole town was gathering at town hall, tired and wondering what was going on. The crowd was whispering to one another as time went on before Twilight stepped up on the stage. She began to explain the situation to everypony when Blazing turned to Chocolate and kissed her. She leaned into the kiss, wrapping her forelegs around his neck. He pulled from her and stared into her eyes, a look of fear in his eyes.

"Chocolate, marry me right now." He said. She blinked.

"Blaze, this isn't the time." She said, both joy and concern in her eyes.

"Chocolate, we don't know what's going to happen today. Chrysalis is coming for you and we may never get to see each other again if she gets to you, so please. Marry me here and now infront of the town with our friends at our side." Chocolate looked into his tear filled eyes, tears filling her own eyes. "Please." Chocolate started sobbing as she nodded her head.

"okay." She whispered. Blazing smiled and kissed her before he looked up. A few ponies were looking their way, looks of shock on some of their faces while others looked pleased and joyfull to their commitment. Twilight was still up on stage instrucking everpony on what to do to prepare when Blazing and Chocolate flew up on stage and interrupted Twilight.

"Where's the mayer?" He asked, looking down at the crowd. "Maye Mare, we need you up here right now." He looked down as a single earth pony with a grey mane walked through the crowd to the stage.

"Yes, I'm here, how can I help you?" The mayer asked, smiling up at them. Twilight leaned up to Blazing.

"What are you doing? We're in the middle of a crisis here!" She whispered in his ear. He helped the mayer up onto the stage and looked back at Twilight.

"Chocolate and I are getting married right now." He said aloud for the whole room to hear earning a bit of whisperes coming from the crowd. Blazing looked around the room and saw Rainbow hovering in place. "Dash, I'm sure Spark is outside. Go get him in here." Dash nodded once with a smile then turned to fly out an open window. She soon came back in with Spark flying behind her toward the stage. Upon seeing Spark flying into the building the crowd began rambling. Blazing was sure he heard a few ponies saying 'what is he doing here' 'that monster' and 'monster hunter'.

The mayer turned to look at Blazing with a look of confusion. "Spark is my best colt, mayer." He ansered her before she could ask. She started to protest but Blazing raised a hoof to silence her. "Mayer, this is very important to me and Chocolate. Please, let it go for now and perform the wedding." The mayer looked at him like she wanted to protest but she soon smiled as she nodded her head. She walked past them so she could face the crowd, Blazing and Chocolate stood on either side of her facing each other with Spark standing beside Blazing and Dash beside Chocolate.

The crowd began to speak out against Spark being in town and walk away but all of the younger groups stopped them. Ditzy, the Crusaders and several others included. Blazing even heard Fluttershy protest against everypony walking out on a wedding, especially because of one outcast. "We better hurry here." Rainbow said.

"She's right, the changelings are coming." Spark added.

When the crowd quieted, the mayer spoke up to be heard. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here at this time to witness the marriege of Blazing Feathers and Chocolate." She turned to Chocolate with a smile on her face. "Do you, Chocolate, take Blazing to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes!" Chocolate answered without hesitation and tears in her eyes. The mayer then turned to Blazing.

"And do you, Blazing, take Chocolate to be your lawfully wedded wife?" She asked.

"Not only to death, but to the ends of the earth." He answered.

"And do you have the ring?" Thd mayer asked. Blazing and Chocolate frowned, she did not even have her necklace to give to him so he could wrap it around her neck.

"Hey!" Came a cheery voice from the crowd. "Don't worry, Feathers! I got your back!" Pinkie called out from the crowd. Soon the crowd cleared a path and three fillies came bouning up to the stage. The Crusaders, with the help of a few ponies at the front of the crowd, climbed up onto the stage, they each were holding a pink pillow with the necklace laying neatly on top of it.

Blazing smiled, silently thanking his pink energetic friend as he took the necklace and wrapped it around Chocolate's neck. The two faced each other once again as the Crusaders stepped behind Chocolate.

"If any believes these two should not be married, then speak now or forever hold your peace." The mayer said and waited for just amoment before speaking again. "Then, I now pronounce this couple stallion and wife." Blazing and Chocolate did not wait for Mayer Mare to finish before leening into each other in a passionate kiss. The whole room exploded with cheers and applause causing the floor to vibrate.

Blazing and Chocolate looked out over the crowd, smiling with tears in their eyes as they waved their hooves at everypony. Blazing looked up and saw the light of the sun peeking through the window.

"Okay everypony!" He called. "Fallow Twilight's instructions and let's go!"


Queen Chrysalis stood in the bushes at the edge of the Everfree Forest glaring at the small peacefull town. The town was quiet, all the lights were off and there was no noise through out the town. She looked left and right and saw her subjects standing at the ready, waiting for her command.

She looked up to see Celestia was raising the sun to start the day and flew up into the open toward the town. "Find my daughter and that stallion!" She ordered and the changelings flew toward the town, screeching and hissing as they flew. They spread across the town breaking windows and blasting signs with blasts of green energy.

Soon in their assault the clouds started covering the town, blanketing the sky in a deep grey canvas. The town lit up with life as the towns ponies charged the changelings, the unicorns blasted the changelings with enegy of all colors lead by Twilight and Rarity while Pinkie and Applejack lead the rest in takling and bucking the changelings. Blazing, Chocolate and Rainbow came flying down with all of the pegasi as the clouds they had just placed in the sky started a downpour of rain on the town.

Chrysalis spotted the yellow pegasus in the crowd of pegasi and flew straight for him but was cut off by a lightning bolt. She looked down, knowing full well who could have cast that bolt and she spotted a single dark blue pegasus standing on top of the town hall with an 'I don't think so' smirk on his face as his wings sparkled with lightning.

She began to charge the pegasus with full force but was knocked out of the sky by Blazing ramming into her back. She looked back and saw Blazing glaring at her as he used his wings to push her to the ground.

"I said it before!" He yelled through the roar of the wind mixed with the rain. "Stay the hell away from my family, Mother!" They came crashing to the ground, knocking the air out of Chrysalis as she hit the ground first. Blazing sat up on Chrysalis, staring at her as she regained her breath. "I'll let you go if you leave right now and never come back!" Chrysalis caughed and glared at Blazing.

"I will leave when I bring my daughter back to her throne!" She turned her head to Blazing and a flash of green light from her horn sent him flying back. He landed on his back and quickly scrambled to his hooves and looked up to find the queen aiming her horn at him again. The blast of green energy nearly hit him as he took to the sky, bucking a few changelings that tried to attack him. He dodged another blast of green energy aimed at him by the queen.

Blazing flew in, dodging energy blasts as he charged his mother-in-law again. They collided into each other and began swinging hooves at each other. Blazing barely got any hit on Chrysalis as she blocked all his blowes and countered with a cross over. She swung at him again hitting him in the face, knocking him to the ground. She stepped over him, iluminating her horn with green light as she aimed it at him.

"I don't think so!" Came a voice from over head. Chrysalis looked up at the last second to see a cyan pegasus crash into her. "Don't you dare hurt my best friend!" Rainbow called as she swung a hoof toward the queen. She never came in contact with the Chrysalis as a changeling crashed into her, freeing Chrysalis from her attacker.

Chrysalis quickly scrambled to her feet and saw Blazing standing a few feet away from her, a smile on his face. He was bruised and cut up from a few changelings that attacked him while she was hit by Rainbow. "What are you smiling at, pegasus?!" He let at a chuckle as he spat blood to the ground.

"I was just thinking. This is my first fight with my mother-in-law and I only just married your daughter this morning." Chrysalis blinked.

"I am 'not' you mother-in-law and she is 'never' going to be your wife!" She snapped. "She is Princess if the Changelings and shall soon take my place as Queen!" She charged at Blazing, her horn glowing as she shot blasts of energy at him, blasting him in the chest and making him fall on his back.

Blazing gasped as he looked up to the queen as she slowly approached him, a smile on her face as her horn continued to glow. "I'll admit you have done better then any other pony that stood against me, but now you must die." Blazing tried to move but he winced with pain in his back. Looking up at the queen, he closed his eyes and braced himself for the blast.

"NOOO!" Came a scream. He heard hoofsteps coming from behind, a blast of magical energy and the sound of somepony splashing in the mud. He opened his eyes to see a flash of green light and a changeling laying infront of him. He took a closer look at the changeling, his heart stopped as he saw a necklace wrapped with diamonds shaped like a flaming wing and a golden heart around her neck. He gasped as his jaw dropped and tears streamed down his face when he saw the changeling laying before him. He looked up at the queen, a look of horror, disbalief and shock in her eyes as she stared at the changeling on the ground.

Anger burned inside of him, his body shaking with the rage building up. Chrysalis looked up at him, her expression replaced with pure horror and fear as she saw him. He pushed himself to his hooves, his eyes never leaving the queen. Blazing's wings were glowing, the rain turning to steam with each drop.

"Y-your wings..." Chrysalis stammered. "... they're... w-what are you?" Blazing never answered, he just glared at with queen, his eyes burning with pure rage. He slowly stepped toward Chrysalis, she backed away untill she bumped into a wall behind her. Blazing continued his approach, his wings outstretched with the rain evaporating into steam as they landed.

A changeling landed on top of Blazing in an attempt to stop him before he got to the queen, but as soon as he touched Blazing's wings he sreamed out in pain as his hooves were severely burned and Blazing whirled around to buck the changeling in the nose. When Chrysalis saw her subjects burns as he lay on the ground in pain her fear escalated. Blazing was now right infront of her, glaring into her eyes like he was about to burn her soul.

"Get... the hell... out of my town!" Blazing said through gritted teeth. Blazing lowered his right wing toward Chrysalis' left foreleg, she screamed in pain as he held it there, burning her shelly flesh with his wing for a few seconds before removing it. She gasped from the burning pain as she looked down to her foreleg, a burn mark shaped like feathers permanently imprinted where Blazing touched her. She looked up st him with tears in her eyes as he glared at her, breathing through gritted teeth.

"Let this serve as a reminder to you. If I 'ever' find out you decided to show your face around here again, or sent any of your subjects to keep an eye on us, the next time I won't be as gentle."

Chrysalis looked into his eyes for a few seconds before taking flight, ordering her subjects to stand down and retreat and they all left for the Everfree Forest. It was not until after the last of the changelings were gone before Blazing turned to the only changeling left in the town, the one laying silent in the mud. He slowly walked up to the body as the pegasi cleared the sky, allowing the sun to shine down on the town.

Blazing layed down beside Chocolate, his eyes filled with tears as he made no effert to hide his sobs. He let his head drop down and layed his chin on his quiet wife as he let his cries fill the air and everypony gathered around, a few sharing his tears while the rest remained quiet.

It was over. The changelings were gone and another loved one was lost to time.