• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 8 Comments

NightLife: Bite Mark Bound - Shadow Spirit

After a meeting with Luna, Twilight is thrown into a wolrd she did`t know exsited; or rather believe it exsited.

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Chapter one: Walk Through Everfree

Chapter one:

Walk Through Everfree

Twilight ran to the blue alicorn in the distance. Oh, i hope i`m not late! The daybreak unicorn thought hurriedly, her feet practically flying over the bright summer grass. Why did Luna call me here? Why not Celestia? Was Celestia gone? Had Chrysalis come back and stolen the sun goddess? Did Luna have top secret information that regarded the solar pony`s disappearance?

On and on her thoughts went, stress getting the best of her. As Twilight neared princess Luna, she slowed to a trot and stopped a few paces in front of the Night Pony, all the while her thoughts flashing in her mind like posters on a Loss Pegasuses sign. The royal pony stared at the stars, unaware of the Element of Magic,and appeared to be counting the twinkling lights in the sky. Her eyebrows came together when she realized that there was thirty more than last night.

Twilight cleared her throat softly. Luna whipped her head around towards the purple unicorn. Luna smiled, though it looked a little forced. Worried even. Her eyes held some fear, and when she spoke, it sounded rushed; her voice sounding with a unexplainable need to hurry.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle, we are- I am glad you could make it. I was worried you would not come." She said as she stood up on her hoofs. Twilight noticed her slip in speech. She had been doing really well speaking normal, why did she break it now?

Deciding it was nothing, Twilight replied earnestly, "I would`nt miss it! Now why did you call me here? Is everything alright? Is princess Celestia okay? Did Chrysalis come back?" Twilight saw a slight flinch before Luna put on a calm face. Was that a change of eye color Twilight just saw?

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." With that, the Night Pony herself turned and started to walk into the Everfree forest. Without looking back Luna said, "Come, Twilight Sparkle. It is time we show you the true meaning of night." Luna normally spoke this way, changing, 'me' to 'we', or 'I' to 'us'. But the way she said it in this sentence, it sounded like she really meant more than one pony. Like alot of ponies wanted to 'show the true meaning of night.'

Before Twilight could question the meaning of her words, Luna was already half-way hidden by the Everfree forest bushes, no doubt in her mind the solar apprentice would follow her. Of course, the title,'solar apprentice' would not apply to Twilight for much longer.

Twilight hesitated before following Luna. Something was not right. Go on! Don`t keep royalty waiting! She thought.But she could not get her hooves to move. Like a part of her knew something was going on and didn`t want it. It was like Luna was planning something. And why meet in Everfree? It is such a dangerous place, full of Timber wolves and who-knows-what.

Come on! Part of her groaned. Luna would never hurt you! With that in her mind, Twilight tore her hooves from the ground; unaware that grass had actually wrapped itself around her legs when Twilight was standing still. The Element of Magic ran to Luna`s side, and together they descended into the Everfree forest.


Luna nodded slightly, and the wolf took off in the forest. She felt the NightLife all around her, waiting for the moment. There was so many of Luna`s subjects that even Twilight, a Natural, felt their presence.

Luna slightly bared her pointed teeth. Her blue eyes became more dark and purple, her mane grew less tidy. Most of the NightLife backed off, but only a small distance. They will hold me to this. Luna thought. If I don`t do it, they will. They want me to set this in motion.

Luna set her eyes back to normal, her mane and coat to their natural looking appearance, but let her teeth stay sharp and pointed. She would need them soon enough.


Twilight stepped on the uneven and mossy cobblestone ground. Why did she take me here? I thought she would never want to see this place again. The place seemed to be a palace, or at least was one at one point. The walls were crumbled and cracked; vines hung from the walls, the floor mossy and eroded away.

Her and Luna had walked through the Everfree forest for a long time, and they finally reached the Ancient Temple of the Royal Pony Sisters. Luna had walked right on in, but Twilight had hesitated. She felt something unnatural about this place. All of her instincts told her to run, to leave Everfree and stay away from Luna. But, against her better judgement, she relented and had followed Luna inside.

Luna interrupted her thoughts. "Do you remember this place?" Twilight thought her teeth looked slightly longer than before when she spoke. More pointed and canine-like.

Twilight shivered slightly and took a step back unconsciously. "Yes. This is where me and the other Elements of Harmony took away your....dark self." Twilight had almost said 'insane', but she didn`t want to be rude.

However, the cover-up was unnecessary, as Luna seemed to hear her thoughts.Twilight heard the alicorn laugh lightly, and the feeling of being watched increased dramatically. "Insane would be the perfect word for ponies like you..." Luna almost whispered, her laughing almost covering up her voice.

When Twilight and Luna were walking in the forest on their way here, Twilight felt something. A feeling of being watched, of a drastic event about to take place, and the watchers could`nt wait. Twilight had saw Luna`s eyes glow softly at the time, and the feeling had decreased. But it was slightly still there. At the time, Twilight had assumed the lunar princess had simply cast a spell of which the creatures of Everfree would not bother them.

But the feeling of unease was back now, and stronger than ever. Twilight looked around, expecting nothing to meet her gaze. Instead she saw eyes. Thousands of eyes of all colors, staring at her; Twilight could`nt breathe. She turned and tried to gallop towards the door, only to find it was guarded by wolves. Not Timberwolves, more like.... pony wolves.

There was a pink one, with bright blue eyes that held too much intelligence and excitement for any normal animal. It`s tail seemed curly, bouncy, and frizzy. And it`s... mane? Yes, it`s mane was popped out in front of it`s eyes, with a slight curl at the end. Compared to the wolf standing next to it, it was a female.

The other wolf was not much to look at. He wore what looked like armour, and his navy blue coat matched it well. He seemed like a young wolf, and would have reminded Twilight of a Night Guard, if not for the complete horror of the situation freezing her mind and body. Twilight gulped and tried to step back, away from the wolves and towards Luna. Luna would protect me, right? Twilight thought desperately.

Luna giggled softly, and Twilight whipped around to see a most bizarre sight. Luna`s eyes became darker and more like the purple in Twilight`s mane. Luna`s own mane was becoming more flowing, unkempt but still breathtakingly beautiful, with the star like pattern making constellations. Twilight would have loved to study Luna`s star mane is she was not paralyzed in fear at the moment.

Luna kept changing, her coat becoming more black and teeth becoming even longer than before.Her wings expanded and became in resemblance to a bat. Her horn grew exceptionally sharper and more crooked.

When Luna`s transformation was complete, she stood over Twilight and smiled. It was still Luna`s sweet smile, her eyes still holding the shy happiness that they would usually carry. But the the fangs, the dark purple eireses and the dragon like pupils; they twisted the smile into a beautiful horror. The face of a murder.

Luna could not stop laughing. It was not from joy; nor from happiness. No, her laugh was from completely insane adrenaline.

'How can I do this?! Stop! I can`t!' Luna fought inside with her other self.

'But how you can! You did too! You will again!' Nightmare Moon laughed back hysterically.

'N-No! It was by accident that I let her see you! That I let you take control!'

'Oh really? Then why are you doing it again? Twilight is no different than Celestia, and this time I will beat the Elements of harmony!'

Luna stomped her hoof on the ground, her wings flared out. Not like it mattered, Nightmare Moon could not see her movements, only hear her thoughts. Which at the moment they were quite loud, might I add.

'NO! My sister defeated you for a reason! She was better than you! You should not even have survived that attack!" Nightmare seemed to wince as these words were shouted at her from her other side; Luna`s Canterlot voice was way more powerful inside her head it seemed.

Luna forced the dark spirit from her head. She could not have Nightmare take control at a time like this. The NightLife noticed her struggle, and as usual used some of their powers to help banish Nightmare Moon.


Luna opened her eyes to see Twilight facing her, her eyes wide as they could go, her mouth locked in a silent scream. Luna looked at herself to find she had already transformed. 'Great. So much for a calm, nice explanation with Twilight. Thanks, Nightmare.'

"Twilight, I-" Luna tried to have a go at 'Nice, calm, explanation', but as she looked upon Twilight frozen features, she realized she had no choice.

"I am sorry, Twilight. I know you will understand. Hate me, but understand." Before Luna used her power, she looked at Twilight`s eyes and thought, how can I cause one pony so much fear?

She sighed as her eyes glowed more deeply than before.

"Twilight, Look at me." Luna commanded.

Despite Twilight`s best efforts to keep her eyes shut, Twilight was somehow forced to open her eyes and look into Luna`s.

Instantly the power took hold, turning any of Twilight`s resistance to mush. The deeper Twilight stared, the more she feel under the spell. Luna`s eyes seemed to grow large, and swallow Twilight hole. Twilight stood still, her eyes locked on Luna`s, unable to look away. all her senses were taken away and Twilight was left with nothing but the urge to do whatever Luna said.

"Twilight, i need you to listen to me, OK?" Luna said to the unicorn; who was now a slave to Luna`s every word. Twilight nodded lethargically.

"You and your friends are in danger. Celestia cannot know, nor any pony else. The Elements of Harmony are being hunted, and you are at risk. I will try to provide as much protection as I can, however I cannot be by your side every second. You will need a way to defend yourselves, but magic will not help you much. You must match strength for strength, power for power."

Luna felt a whisper go through the Nightlife, but she did not break eye contact with Twilight. Breaking eye contact meant breaking the spell.One of the marewolves came to Luna, her exotic blue eyes warning her to hurry. The Ancients are near, the whisper ran through her mind slightly;not far enough to penetrate Luna`s thought barrier, but enough for Luna to hear.

Luna muttered under her breath, and Twilight simply stood, waiting for Luna`s orders. Luna broke eye-contact; it was better to do it while the victim was awake. Twilight blinked rapidly, her senses comming back to her.

Luna bent down swiftly, before Twilight could fully realize what was going on. Luna parted her lips, pushed her teeth out, and bit Twilight`s neck; at the same time injecting the poison through her teeth like a snake.

Twilight gasped at the sudden pain in her neck. She felt teeth biting her, draining all the blood and energy she had. And Twilight felt so tired, like she had spent another night studying with no sleep. Twilight collapsed, most of the energy gone from her. Yet Luna still continued to drain her. Slowly, Twilight's vision began to darken.

Then, with sudden determination, Luna ripped herself from Twilight`s neck. Luna was panting slightly, energized and full of life. She restrained herself from diving back in and taking the rest of Twilight's blood.

Twilight could not see very clearly. Blurs and shapes moved across her vision. All her senses died away, fading into the distance. She barely heard Luna say, "Embrace the night, Twilight Sparkle" before Twilight fell away into the darkness.

Author's Note:

Please tell me any grammar errors or spelling errors. I am still new to this, Thanks! Also, if someone would be kind enough to help me with editing, I would really appreciate it.

Comments ( 6 )

Errors everywhere, the pacing is too fast and a few things need more time to settle.
But there's potential, you're looking to improve and you'll probably follow through on it.

Here's some advice from someone further down the same path.
Get a good text editor: Google Docs is a good start (it's free and it can text dump to FIMfic) but I'd suggest going for Libre office or Microsoft word as well. any of those will solve a lot of your problems.
Next, take a gander at the writing guide in the site FAQ. Good hints are always welcome.
The final bit of advice (if you're willing to go down the rabbit hole) is to visit the /fic board on MLPChan: http://mlpchan.net/
Visit this thread in particular, read the guide post at the top of the page and post your Fic's details and ask nicely for help. The people there may be rude occasionally, but they are often willing to help.

Good Luck and have a upvote.

Couldn't rather than could'nt. I saw that mistake at least twice. Also, you capitalize I when one is referring to themselves.

2373435 Thanks so much for the advice!

2373227 Thank you so much! I plan on fixing this chapter soon, though I am a bit busy with school right now. ( That`s why it took so long to post :twilightsmile: )

And I would really appreciate if you could help with editing! ( As you can probably guess, I am very new to this kind of stuff )

Hmm... interesting, really, really interesting. Not exactly what I had in my mind when I made the picture, but still an interesting take =)

2376379 that'sss got to hurt

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