• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 2,224 Views, 30 Comments

Her Candidates - Nyte-Blade

When their plane mysteriously crash lands in Equestria, a journalism club's investigative skills are put to the test while trying to find a way home, as they soon discover that the inexplicable plane crash might not be the only mystery...

  • ...

Picking up the Pieces

After the intense confrontation with the Shadowbolts, minions of Nightmare Moon, one of them is revealed to be an actual pony unlike the others. A pony Rainbow Dash knows all too well, going by the name of Lightning Dust.The Shadowbolts make a hasty retreat. As for Mina, who had been attacked by the monster, she looked as if she was suffering from a seizure. Her words she muttered as she stared off into space were enough to make even Kitsu horrified, but he held her tight, hoping she'll snap out of it. Twilight then decides it's time to return to the royal palace, and meet with Princess Celestia.

Upon arriving at Celestia's throne room, she saw Mina's condition, and immediately used a spell, causing Mina to fall asleep.

"She will return to her normal self once she has a good rest. I'm afraid she has experienced the prison of darkness, just as my sister has. Thankfully, her spirit can make a recovery since you all saved her in time, but for the time being, I have put her in a slumber to calm her down." Celestia said, which made them all breathe a sigh of relief. "As for you, humans, I already have a room reserved for you."

"Really? I mean, we are humans... and we're not exactly in any position to be staying at your palace..." Trisha said, being humble.

"Then I'd like for you to think of it as a protection program." Celestia said, giving a warm smile.

"Sounds like witness protection... I never thought I'd see the day where ponies would offer it..." Trisha thought to herself.

Celestia then summoned a Royal Guard to the chamber. "Guard, please escort my guests to their rooms."

"Yes princess!"

From there, Kitsu picks the sleeping Mina off the ground and carries her like a princess, following the guard. Jeremy however, stayed far behind his friends, as he looked down at the ground, wanting to find something to kick... something to punch... anything to relieve the frustration he's feeling. But then he stops, letting everyone else walk away.

"Yo, Princess. Got two questions for ya, if I may?" Jeremy asked, his with his politeness being a bit rough around the edges.

"You will not speak to her highness like-" The guard's attempt to scold Jeremy was interrupted with a simple glance from Celestia, which let the guard know to stand down. She then turned back to the disgruntled human.

"What would you like to ask?" Celestia responded in kind, as if she expected him to ask her something.

Jeremy proceeded to ask his questions, with only his head turned to her. "First... you're an important figure, so why didn't those dark pegasus ponies attack you instead?"

"You already know the answer to that one." Celestia answered, making Jeremy look down and remember how they said he and his crew are their targets.

"Okay. Question number two..." Jeremy trailed off, took a deep breath, and asked, albeit skeptically, "Mina. She'll be fine with a simple rest, right?"

"I can give you my word. But perhaps, you would prefer to watch over her yourself?" Celestia suggested, knowing how Jeremy reacted before.

"I got my crew doing that for me. No need for me to get involved." Jeremy scoffed at the idea, wearing a wry smile.

"Quite an interesting friendship you have." Celestia said, giving a gentle smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jeremy scowled in response, feeling like she was definitely implying something. Before he could get the answer to that, he heard a voice grab his attention.

"Jeremy, you coming?" Trisha called out to him. He didn't respond, and simply followed Trisha along.

Once the humans were escorted to their room, Kitsu laid Mina on the first bed he saw, to the right. The room they were assigned had six beds (three on one side, three on the other), with a window, which gave a nice view of the palace garden. The floor was covered with a nice red carpet and the walls were nicely with rounded corners. There was even a ceiling fan above their heads.

"If you have any questions, ask me first. I will be your escort if you need to go anywhere important. I will not escort you to the Princesses' chambers unless her highness says otherwise." The guard said, before walking out of the room and standing by the entrance.

"Are we really living with the queen of England?" Eva asked after walking up to a bed and feeling the nice silk sheets on it.

"No, she's Princess Celestia!" Mia answered, laying in one of the beds, and hugging one of the pillows. "She's pretty awesome with that ever-flowing mane of hers! It's like an aurora or something! Or a Rainbow!"

"No, I mean like, she may be this world's counterpart to the Queen of England! Think about it!" Eva asked, laying down on the bed, hugging her pillow as well.

"Ah, who knows... this world is a lot like ours, with the way civilization works... it even has some of the flaws our world has." Mia sighed a breath of relief, laying on her bed, as she felt that the bed she was in was definitely more comfortable than the ones at the hotel they stayed in.

"Yo, guard!" Jeremy walked outside the room to speak to the guard outside.

"What is it, human?" The guard asked.

"Remember that big living room with the couch and fireplace we passed up? I'd like to go there and think. I want to be alone for a while. Is that okay?" Jeremy calmly asked.

"Hmm... I suppose. The room's right around the corner, and there's already another guard stationed by her highness's throne room. So I'll escort you."

"Fair enough." Jeremy said, as he left with the guard.

"He's... still feeling angry over what happened, isn't he?" Mia asked out of concern.

"That's because he and Kitsu got into a serious argument, throwing accusations around..." Trisha said, laying in a bed next to Mia's and giving a deep sigh.

"Was I too harsh on the dude? I mean, I know I was mad, worrying about Mina here, but... I just want her to be okay..." Kitsu said, sounding somewhat bitter. "When I held her in my arms, even I was horrified. I don't know if she suffered any brain injuries or not, and if she did, I wouldn't know what to do!"

"We have to stay away from the star mist..." Trisha rose from her bed and focused on Kitsu. "What happened to Mina might be the same for us if one of us got engulfed in it."

"Yeah... All I wanted to do was make the best of this whole ordeal... being in a world with talking ponies... and then I just had to tell that guy that we're in a world of sunshine and rainbows. Am I that stupid...?" Kitsu asked, feeling really bad as he watched over Mina.

"Nah, you're not stupid." Trisha said, reassuringly.

"Trisha's right! You only wanted to just see the good of this world so none of us would panic!" Mia said, holding on to her hand that's still wrapped in bandages, remembering her encounter with the Timberwolves.

"Right! And I'm sure my brother and the others are out there, waiting for us to catch up with them! We can't give up! We just need to be more careful" Eva smiled, hoping to reassure him.

"Yeah... you're right..." Kitsu said, wearing a bitter smile, as he still felt depressed seeing Mina in her sleep. "I wonder what'll happen to us if we stay in this world for too long...?"

It'll be awesome to go to Italy I guess. But I really wanted to go to Japan! Oh well. I'm not complaining. I just wanted to take Mina to maid cafe and have her dress up. That would've been hot! Well, maybe Italy has a maid cafe somewhere... Heh, I guess I could do some research a bit.

And so, I'm walking home from school with Mia, Mina, and Trisha, who's the newest face of our group. I already did my share of pranks on her, such as putting gum in her hand on our first meeting. That was hilarious.

"So, since we all got outvoted in our Japan vote, let's try to make the best of Italy!" I shouted. I wanted to come up with some plans, maybe have a cool party or something.

"Umm... I didn't vote for Japan." Trisha said, sighing. I knew she'd point that out, but she needs to understand! Once you know the wonders of Japan and it's weirdness, you'll want to be apart of it! And then deconstruct it a little!

"Oh, but if you had gone, you'd know the wonders of going to a maid cafe!" I let her know. Just gotta appeal it a little.

"Aren't you just trying to turn her into a weaboo?" My lovely Mina asked.

"Le gasp! I wouldn't do something so heinous!" I literally gasped. Kinda. I wonder if she too me seriously...

"Right..." Hah, of course Mina wouldn't take me serious like usual. But that's the way I like it. She's always got that wall up about as tall and strong as Mason, and I'm kicking it down, little by little! I wonder if she'll see me as an older brother or something? Wait, she's older than me. Well, by one year, but still!

"Hey, what's wrong with being a Weaboo?" Mia asked. Ah, Mia can be like my comrade in arms at times. If anyone could get someone to watch anime, It'd be her. It's because of her that just about all of us watch it. Megan likes to think his taste is better than everyone else though. I already watched anime by the time she tried to get me on it.

"Because you'd just somehow get me involved and turn me into a yaoi fangirl." Trisha quipped, noting that Mia likes yaoi. I don't mind hitting on other guys if it fuels her imagination, since her reactions are hilarious. It probably makes her all the more crazy since she knows I kinda go both ways, so she and I actually recommend yaoi to each other sometimes.

"Hey, nothing wrong with that!" I proclaimed.

"Well... eh... I still wanna fit in with you guys, but I'm pretty certain yaoi isn't the way. I might be up for watching some anime though." Trisha said, folding her arms.

"Oh, I know the perfect one!" I'm so gonna recommend a quick yaoi to her... just to see what happens.

"Kitsu, if you recommend that garbage to her, I'm decking you." Mina, why so serious? Hehe, but that honesty is what I love about you, even though you're glaring at me through those glasses of yours!

"Haha, you got me!" I played the defeat card.

"Umm, what was his recommendation?" Trisha asked.

"Oh, it was going to be Bok- mmmmmm!" Mina covered Mia's mouth before she could finish that sentence. Of course Mia knew what I was going to say. But that was all part of the plan!

"Come on, tell me! I'm curious now!" Trisha becoming curious was all part of my magnificent plot. Ha! Am I trolling her though? Avu's more creative at trolling than I am. But unlike him, I do it in good fun and make everyone laugh and have a good time.

"You're kidding, right, Trisha? The anime they're going on about is garbage! It's something you don't need to ever watch. Your eyes are still pure! Look, I'll bring some anime with me during our trip, and I'll watch it with you, okay? It'll be good anime too. Stuff you can really get into! Stuff that even that elitist Megan likes!"

"Boo, that stuff's boring! If you make her watch Honey and Clover, I'll break your DVD of it!" Mia said, as she had an uncanny hatred for Honey and Clover.

"Hey, I like Honey and Clover myself." I let them know, which only irritated Mia even more.

"But that anime only teaches you it's okay to be an asshole! You can't just lead a poor girl on while chasing after another!" Mia argued with me and Mina about this before.

"Mia, I respect your opinion, but there are things you're kinda blind to.

"I'm kinda curious about Honey and Clover too..." Trisha said, pondering about what we're even babbling about. Her trying to fit in with us is cute in it's own way.

"Whoa, wait, what about that other one Kitsu and I were gonna recommend? Still curious about that, riiiiiiiight?" Mia desperately tried to divert her attention.

"Can't I watch both?" Trisha asked. My answer to that is obvious.

"Certainly! I'll bring a torrent of it and we can watch it on Megan's laptop, since he'll definitely have his with him!" Yep. That's the best way.

"Guys, Megan will kill us if we watched that on his laptop!" Mina worried. But it's okay, really!

"Well, let's become cats and have nine lives!" And there, I said it, making a cat gesture.

"Actually, that sounds like something Jeremy would say..." Mina pointed out, palming her face.

"Jeremy, really?" Trisha asked. Guess she doesn't know about how Jeremy's old self would come out every now and again in contrast to his super serious business self of today.

"Yeaaaaah... he has a tendency to say really stupid stuff when he's arguing, irritated, or dumbfounded, or all it at the same time. It's... a sight. Kinda rare, but still." Mina might've exaggerated a bit, but she's right.

"Yeah, I remember when we were at the Dashboard doing a podcast, Mina said that it's 2 AM in the morning when we finished, and he shouted 'And I'm the MOON!' Most hilarious thing ever! We didn't shut up about it for a while, just getting on his nerves! Next time you call him, be sure to say that. He'll get super embarrassed, it's cute!" I rambled. But I wasn't kidding when I said that he could be cute at times when he goes all tsundere on us.

But really, when I'm with my friends, with the crew, it's so much fun. I love laughing together with them. It just keeps a smile on my face every time. This is my kind of life. I hope nothing breaks us apart, really. Because I love the crew. All of them.

Jeremy sat in the large room, presumably a living room, since he didn't know what kind of room it was. All he could see around him were windows with a fireplace in between, well crafted walls, a painting of Celestia on one side and a painting of Luna on the other side, and a large carpet which had Celestia's cutie mark embedded in it. He's sitting in the middle of the floor with his legs crossed together, staring at the fire while deep in thought, almost as if he stared off into space.

"Was today's incident really my fault...? I just can't see it..." Jeremy thought to himself, while sitting down.

"Ugh... I have to rely on ponies to actually do everything for us...? I hate feeling powerless..." He said out loud, then sighed, laying on the floor. "I wanna go home... I'm sick of this crap..."

"Talking to yourself?" Jeremy heard a familiar voice, making him sigh in annoyance.

"Jeremy's not home right now. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP." Jeremy sarcastically joked, sounding very annoyed the moment he heard Mia's voice. He knew it was her, and he didn't want to be bothered by anyone right now.

"Well, this is Mia, and I hope you call me in a bit! DING." Mia played along with the sarcasm before taking a seat next to Jeremy.

"What the hell do you want?" Jeremy asked, sitting up and turning his attention to the girl next to him, greeting her with a scowl.

"I just wanna see if you're okay. I know Kitsu got mad at you, but are you really gonna let that come between you guys?"

"Yeah, well, Kitsu did say it's my fault." Jeremy muttered, grabbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "But that's not the issue here."

"Then what's wrong?" Mia looked at him with eyes of concern, which made Jeremy answer her.

"Because I'm... actually GLAD all of that happened. That's the problem." Jeremy sighed deeply, covering his face in shame.

"Really? Why?"

"Because I wanna be on you guys' wavelength. You guys kept telling me to calm down, but I was impatient, so I wanted something to happen. Trish said pursuers would come for us, but it'd been too long since she said that. And now I know that these guys are serious and not dicking around." Jeremy answered, looking at Mia.

"Don't feel bad about it. Sure, it's a little twisted that you want that, and Mina got hurt too, but it's not like you can call bad ponies at will." Mia said, holding her knees close, resting her head on them and still looking into Jeremy's dark eyes.

"No, but wanting that to happen just to get back on the same wavelength with the others... it's what happens to you when a series of unfortunate events drives you a little insane, catch my drift?" Jeremy looked at Mia, and gave a kind of smile that's hard to determine if it's genuine or bitter.

"You're still bothered by that day?" Mia sighed

"Hey, I never said I was proud of it. Why do you think I'm frustrated to begin with?" Jeremy then scowled at Mia, expecting her to have figured that out.

"So are you just gonna give up now that this all happened, staring at this fire all day?" Mia's expression turned serious, as she outstretched her legs.

"No." Jeremy clinched his fist and glared at the fire. "That just means we're gonna try harder. I won't let what happened to Mina be in vain."

"Well, let's start by having you and Kitsu kiss and make-up!" Mia said, suddenly grinning.

"It sounds bad when you say it..." Jeremy stood up and walked away to their assigned room.

"Hahaha, I couldn't resist! Wait up!" Mia went after him, with both of them laughing in good fun.

Upon having a guard escort them back to their room, Jeremy walked towards the bed where Mina rested, and sat on the bed next to it. Jeremy gave Kitsu a stern look, but he never budged, as he held Mina's hand, holding it against his face.

"Haaaaaaah..." Jeremy sighed, then broke the ice. "Look, I'm sorry, okay, dude?"

"It's fine. I blamed you blindly since I was mad that this happened to Mina. She didn't deserve it." Kitsu said, looking at Jeremy for a moment.

"You're right." Jeremy walked into the room and plopped on the bed closest to the door; the bed next to Mina's.

"Despite that... this is all happening for a reason." Trisha chimed in as she lied in her bed.

"Happening for a reason? The only reason we're in Equestria in the first place is that the Nightmare monster wants to turn one of us into it!" Jeremy said, scowling at Trisha.

"Yeah, but I feel like we're missing something. There was a normal pony among them, right? She didn't seem like the other two dark ponies." Trisha rose from her bed and put her feet on the floor.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eva asked.

"Well, like those dark ponies that fired those wind blade attacks at us-" Trisha trailed off before being cut off by Jeremy.

"Hate to break it to you, but that 'normal pony' you're talking about? She's able to do that attack too." Jeremy said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that she IS a normal pony unlike the dark ones." Trisha went on explaining. "The dark ponies combined together to become a monster, right? But as soon as the normal pony crashed into it, the monster became the two dark ponies."

"That doesn't explain why this pony called 'Lighting Dust' can use the same attack as them." Jeremy said, wanting to know more.

"Well... she did refer to the dark ponies as 'numbers', right?" Trisha asked.

"I think she said... Number twelve, and number twenty-one?" Eva asked, making sure she was right.

"Yeah, she did, now that I think about it." Jeremy agreed, but still felt unsure.

"Right! Well, let's ask ourselves... the fact that there's a normal pegasus with them... can we really say that this whole mess is ALL Nightmare Moon?" Trisha asked.

Mia gave Trisha a curious look.

"W-what?" Trisha asked, confused.

"You're smarter than you look." Jeremy said, giving a teasing smile.

"Well, not really. It's just, with you guys here, it's easier to piece this whole mystery together." Trisha said in embarrassment.

"Yeah, a mystery we don't got time to be solving." Jeremy said in annoyance. "It's not like we're gonna write a whole report on this when we get back."

"I thought you were on our wavelength!" Mia scolded Jeremy.

"I am. I'm willing to wait. But the second we can find out where the others are, I'd like to go to them as soon as possible. All I'm saying, is that we'll have to be a lot more careful from now on, okay?" Jeremy suggested.


Kitsu rose his head in response to a familiar groan... The moment he opened his eyes to look at Mina, he grew ecstatic.

"Um... guys...? Where are we...?" Mina asked, feeling groggy and wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"MINA!!!" Kitsu jumped onto her and gave a huge embrace, happy to see her awake and fine, compared to earlier. Mina responded to his hug by pinching his cheek pretty hard. "ACK!" Kitsu rubbed his cheek. "What was that for??"

"Letting you know this isn't a dream. Well, I don't think it is." Mina said, winking at Kitsu. Suddenly, everyone except Jeremy hugged Mina in a group as a group. "G-guys, please!"

"Mina, we were worried!" Mia said, getting teary-eyed.

"We thought you suffered some brain damage or something!" Eva cried out.

"Brain damage?!" Mina was surprised to hear that, as if she didn't remember what happened after being pulled into the darkness. Everyone then released her from their warm, yet chocking embrace.

"Do you have any idea what you looked like when Fluttershy saved you!?" Trisha asked. As she looked into Mina's eyes, she remembered just how horrifying she looked when she came out of the monster's grasp.

"Err... everything went... black when I got caught by that thing. I don't remember much else..." Mina said solemnly.

"Really? Not a thing?" Trisha asked, worried.

"Really. Literally, everything just went black for me. I found myself trying to find a way out, but it was just an infinite void with no end in sight." Mina, placing a hand on her forehead, groaned in frustration.

"Heh, I'm glad you're okay at least!" Kitsu didn't mind the pain, as Mina being herself only made him all the happier.

"As for you, Jeremy..." Mina gave the dark skinned man a scowl.

"What, you wanna chew me out too?" Jeremy rested his head on a hand, looking at Mina suspiciously.

"No, but you really are stupid for being in such a hurry. We're not in our world, so things won't go our pace or how we want them to." Mina gave her usual brutal honesty. "We have to conform to this world's logic if we're going to survive."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I get it already. I'm just glad you're alright." Jeremy said, tilting his head, wanting to lay down, but didn't.

"I'll be right back." Trisha began walking out of the room.

"Where ya headed?" Jeremy looked at Trisha.

"I'm going to see Twilight and the others. I want to get a little more information." Trisha said, walking out of the room, and asking the guard to take her to Twilight.

Meanwhile, The six ponies are on their way to their assigned room, located right next to the humans' room, from the chamber holding the Elements of Harmony, having retrieved them.

"We'll be able to fight the Shadowbolts with these!" Twilight said, wearing her Element of Magic, which is a tiara unlike the other five elements, which were necklaces.

"Yeah... guess this means I'll have to blast Lightning Dust while we're at it." Rainbow scowled, unable to forget the smug smile on Lightning Dust's face.

"Rainbow..." Twilight felt bad for Rainbow, knowing that Lightning Dust isn't just 'anypony'.

"Ain't that the pony who nearly blew us away when we came to see you?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah... but I helped make that tornado, remember? I just didn't like how she didn't feel guilty at all for nearly getting rid of you guys!" Rainbow griped.

"We got to see you anyway, so what's the problem? It's not like we would've been sent flying like birds if you hadn't saved us!" Pinkie rambled.

"Well, I might want to teach that Lightning Dust a lesson myself!" Rarity chimed in.

"What she'd do to you?" Twilight asked.

"Why that tornado really roughed up my beautiful mane that day! Why, I was flabbergasted when I saw the damage it had done!" Rarity complained, showing off her mane.

"Why would she want to bring Nightmare Moon back?" Fluttershy asked.

"She said she wanted to make me and Spitfire pay for what happened back at the academy, remember?" Rainbow said.

Twilight shook her head in denial. "That can't be all! There has to be much more to it that we're not seeing! Like, for one, how did she get in contact with Nightmare Moon in the first place?"

"Perhaps she can communicate through dreams, just like Princess Luna can." Rarity speculated.

"Maybe, but... that just doesn't sound right." Twilight closed her eyes, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"What I wanna know, is how is she able to charge her wings up like that!" Rainbow said, annoyed.

"Charge her wings up...?" Twilight paused momentarily, putting a hoof to her mouth. She suddenly gasps at what she just heard. "Wait, just like the other two Shadowbolts!"

"So they can do it too, huh? But yeah, that's what she did! She kept firing some sort of wind slicing thing at us after her wings charged up!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Turns out that them Shadowbolts can turn into a bunch of mist when they join together!" Applejack said.

"What if that's what the humans saw when their plane crashed?" Twilight speculated, then looked ahead to see a familiar human at their room door, knocking. "Trisha?"

"Oh, Twilight! I was just looking for you! I have questions about today. Got a minute?" Trisha asked.

"Sure. We wanted to talk to you and your friends as well." Twilight said. "I guess it's about Nightmare Moon, right?"

"Yeah. My friends and I were talking about the Shadowbolts and that normal pony that's with them." Trisha answered.

"We were talking about the same thing just now, actually!" Twilight said, enthusiastically. "At this point, I think we all want answers..."

Trisha decides to take the ponies to her room with the humans so they can carry on their discussion.

Meanwhile, in the distant sky at the Wonderbolt Academy, Spitfire is in her office, currently looking through one of her file cabinets; the one drawer with the "Expelled" label. As she flipped through the alphabetized folder lids, she decides to take out the "L" Folder with her mouth and walk to her desk with it. Once she set it on the desk and opened the folder with a hoof, she began flipping through the pages until she stopped at one particular pony.

"Lightning Dust..." Spitfire thought to herself. "I wonder if it was a wise decision to let such great potential go to waste like that? She pushed herself to the limit, even more than Rainbow Dash." Pondering while looking at the photo, she looks at Lightning Dust's incredible record even when starting off. "I might bring her back if she's learned her lesson..."

Suddenly, her thoughts are derailed at the sound of a lightning bolt crashing outside. She jumped, looking around, to find where the sound came from. "It's not scheduled to rain today..." She thought, getting out of her chair and rushing out of her office. Once she arrives outside, she finds a Pegasus standing on a storm cloud, wearing a suit similar to that of the Wonderbolts, except for the black and purple colors.

"I knew you'd come running out here, Spitfire! Any pegasus would if they heard a bolt of lightning strike when it's not supposed to!" The pegasus shouted, standing on the cloud, ready to stomp her hoof once more to strike the academy with lightning.

Spitfire of course, flew up and knocked the cloud away immediately, knocking the pony off balance momentarily.

"Whoa, careful there Spitfire, you wouldn't want to harm an innocent pony with 'RECKLESS BEHAVIOR', now would you?" The mask of the dark Wonderbolt soon faded into a starry sky-like mist, revealing the face of the pony Spitfire was just thinking about...

"Lightning Dust?! Just what do you think you're doing!?" Spitfire seethed, not taking too kindly to Lightning Dust's behavior.

"I just wanted your attention, SPITZ!" Lighting Dust mocked.

"I'm your-" Spitfire intended to remind her of her position.

"SAVE IT! Don't you DARE call yourself MY superior!" Lightning Dust suddenly snapped, cutting off Spitfire's words with absolute ferocity.

"You're right. I'm not. But I considered giving you another chance..." Spitfire said, scowling at Lightning Dust, looking at her outfit.

"Really??" Lightning Dust asked, smiles and all.

"Yeah. But I changed my mind. You haven't changed at all. In fact, you've gotten worse." Spitfire words seemingly cut into Lighting Dust like a knife. She looked genuinely hurt for a moment, but...!

"YOU DON'T SAY?!" Lightning Dust gave a very unnatural smile, as if she was proud to be rejected. "I knew it, you were only messing with me... But...! I have every intention to make this whole academy see what Everlasting Night is all about! I'll be living the dream, while you live in the DARKNESS!!"

"Maybe I should incorporate capital punishment into school regulations, for ponies like you." Spitfire said, glaring at Lightning Dust.

"Assuming you CAN." Lightning Dust said in a smug manner, giving a delightful smile...

Author's Note:

Ah, I love the new description of this fic. Like, it blows that crappy description I had before out of the water. And I give credit to Mysterious Stranger. When he made the example, I seen it, and well, I loved the description way too much to just let it slip by. So yeah. Hats off to ya, bud!

As usual, the bold text, is a flashback. I might've said it before, but a friendly reminder doesn't hurt. :p

Cliffhangers... gotta love'em, right?

Am I portraying Lightning Dust right? Because I love how psychotic she's getting... I'd love to see some comments on what you guys think, really.

I also listened to track, "Speculation" from Persona 4's OST during the speculation part of this chapter. Totally fitting.. Gotta love it when the characters get together, discuss what happened, and piece together the mystery, bit by bit. Because the mystery, I find fun putting together.

Did i forget to mention that Mina wears glasses? I know she wears glasses.

And the Dashboard mentioned in the brief flashback earlier? It's a place that'll get expanded on as we get more backstories and go more in-depth with the humans.

And as for Kitsu and Mina's relationship? I'll expand on that later too. I don't want to delve TOO much into the romance bits of this story when I'm still developing our mystery with each chapter.

Answering questions, adding on even more questions... that's the way to do it.

Heh, I love writing this fic so much. Especially mysteries and speculation. It's enough for me as long as people get to see what I write, love or hate.