• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 2,224 Views, 30 Comments

Her Candidates - Nyte-Blade

When their plane mysteriously crash lands in Equestria, a journalism club's investigative skills are put to the test while trying to find a way home, as they soon discover that the inexplicable plane crash might not be the only mystery...

  • ...

Pleading Self Defense


After arriving at Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle, Raimbow Dash, and the humans all notice a large gathering of ponies by the river, near the entrance of the Everfree Forest. Going to see the crowd, Twilight finds Applejack amongst the crowd and informs her that something crashed over where the smoke was seen. The humans quickly deduce that their plane must be there, but there were other tasks that had to be done. So Trisha went with Twilight Sparkle to the Golden Oaks library, only to receive a letter from Princess Celestia, informing them that Princess Luna has a message. Rarity on the other hand, is given a task as well: to make enchanted clothes for the humans.

As for Jeremy and Rainbow, they head to Sugar Cube Corner to locate Kitsu and Pinkie Pie. Upon finding his friend, he drags him out of the confectionery shop and chews Kitsu out, only to realize that he himself is overreacting.

As for Mina, Mia, and Eva, they went with Applejack to cut through the Everfree Forest and get to Rambling Rock Ridge, where their plane was located. Along the way, the group is attacked by Timberwolves, but Applejack effectively defeats them. Upon reaching the plane, the girls meet Fluttershy, another Pegasus pony with yellow fur and a long pink mane. After getting their items from the plane, the Timberwolves attack once again and nearly kill Mia, which made Mina use the gasoline and matches to kill the timberwolves. Fluttershy however, was upset at the humans killing the beasts, but Mina told her off, causing her to fly home upset.

Once the girls arrive back to the Town Square, Mia runs into Jeremy's chest and holds him tight, crying, making Jeremy, Trisha, and Kitsu grow mortified...

"Uhh... what happened...?" Jeremy could easily tell that they just went through something terrible. Even after Jeremy asked that, Mia cried for several minutes, while Mina could look away, emotionless.

Applejack spoke for them finally. "They... had to defend themselves."

"Huh...?" Trisha asked. Everyone was naturally confused.

Applejack explained everything that happened in the forest, from the Timberwolves attacking, to Fluttershy flying home crying. Everything all happened so fast, and Mia felt really bad about Mina making Fluttershy cry, since her nearly getting killed is what made Mina kill the Timberwolves.

"Oh, wow... I'm sorry you girls had to go through that." Twilight said. "You guys go to Pinkie Pie's party. I'm sure she'll get you all to feel better. Me and the other ponies will talk to Fluttershy... she doesn't know anything after all."

"Yes... I would imagine she's quite shaken up, poor girl." Rarity said.

"Yeah..." Rainbow agreed.

"Spike, could you stay with the humans for a little while until we get back?" Twilight requested of the little dragon.

"Aww, why do I have to?" Spike griped.

"Well, they don't know their way around Ponyville, remember? Please, just take them to the party at Sugar Cube Corner, okay? If you're lucky, maybe Pinkie Pie might give you another sapphire cupcake!"

"Mmm... okay! I'd definitely love another one of those!" Spike said, licking his lips.

"Okay, we'll see ya later, okay Spike?" Twilight said, bidding farewell for now.

"See ya later Twilight!" Spike waved goodbye to the mares, and then turned his attention to the humans... then he suddenly felt a bit speechless, as he had to deal with a new species by himself. "Soooooo..."

"So?" Jeremy said.

"Umm... I... kinda don't want to go to the party right now." Mia said, still looking a bit crestfallen. Eva as well. Mina was the only one of the girls who didn't want to dwell on what happened.

"Moping about it won't change anything. If they come to treat us like fiends, then well, that's life. It had to be done." Mina said.

"Yeah... but I just... feel really bad. I mean, even if that Timber thing nearly killed me, I still felt a little bad for killing something from another world." Mia said, holding her injured hand a little more tightly.

"That's just it. Mina did what needed to be done. I would've done it without a moment's notice. No one harms my crew and gets away with it. No person, no pony, no creature, no whatever. They should be glad I wasn't there, because I would've taken them out without hesitation." Jeremy boldly said, showing that he was glad that Mina saved them.

"You would've been scared like the rest of us and you know it! You spout that nonesense, but when the time comes, you'll definitely be scared!" Mina snapped, remembering at how she too was scared.

"Oh yeah?! Then just what do you want me to do, run like a little bitch and watch my friends get hurt!? HELL NO. Someone has to step up. Don't get angry with me, just because you made some weak willed pony cry! You did what you had to do and personally, I commend you for it!" Jeremy firmly stated, as it was obvious Mina felt a little bad for making Fluttershy cry when she told her off.

"Let's just go to the party. It'll cool our heads, right guys?" Kitsu said.

"Yeaaaaaaaah, but one problem..." Trisha said, pointing to the large amount of luggage.

"Ugh... that IS gonna be a problem." Jeremy said, grabbing his head in frustration. "We might need to leave some of this stuff back at the plane. Can't we pick out some of the stuff we can leave behind, while we keep what we need?"

"I could guide you guys to some hotel rooms near Sugar Cube Corner?" Spike nonchalantly suggested.

"Wait, this town has hotels!?" Trisha asked.

"Well yeah! But you're gonna need to pay to get inside!" Spike noted.

"Oh hell, we got that covered!" Jeremy boasted, flashing his wallet.

"Wait, stop!" Mina called out to Jeremy, making him stop abruptly. She suddenly turned her attention to the little dragon and asked, "Spike, right? What's the currency here?"

"Currency? Uhh..." Spike was confused at the term.

"MONEY. What kind of money do ponies use?" Mina asked.

"Oh, we pay in bits!" Spike answered.

"Bits? What the hell are bits?!" Jeremy asked, as he was just thrown for a loop.

"Well, bits are gold coins! You can't buy anything without'em." Spike said.

"Oh, hell no." Jeremy said, as he just didn't want to realize that they're technically broke.

"Don't be stupid. Look around. Do you see an ATM anywhere? And even if we had our own money, we can't use it! I doubt anyone in our world knows about Equestria or it's currency to convert our money into bits!" Mina chided.

"Ugggggh... well, we're not gonna get by without money!" Jeremy complained.

"Guys, chill out, will ya? We'll ask Pinkie if we might be able to find a way to make some bits." Kitsu suggested.

"The fox face is right! Let's just go to the party! You never know who'll help you out." Spike agreed.

"This better not end in some one telling me to get a job..." Jeremy grumbled.

With that, the humans all divided each bit of luggage among themselves and get going. Being led by Spike, they head to Sugar Cube Corner to attend their party. Upon arrival, they're chastised by Pinkie for being late to the party, but thanks to her, there are ponies from town who greeted them and gave them a warm welcome. According to Pinkie, some of the ponies were really nervous about meeting the humans, but being who she is, and of course, wanting her party to work out, she convinced them to give the humans a chance.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity all are at Fluttershy's home. The one to let the sullen yellow mare's friends in was none other than her pet rabbit, Angel.

Her home was a large cottage with beige walls and a green tree-like rooftop, that sat at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Inside the house, Fluttershy is curled into a little ball, shaking in fear and sadness, surrounded by various little animals and birds trying their best to cheer her up, especially her pet rabbit.

"Fluttershy..." Twilight tried to speak to her, but continued to not say anything.

"They were crying..." Fluttershy muttered.

"Wha...?" Rainbow couldn't hear what she said. Neither could the other mares.

"They were crying." Fluttershy expressed more strongly. She didn't need to speak up, but the strength in her voice was enough to be heard. "Did they have to go that far...?"

"Fluttershy, listen... the humans... they're not even from Equestria. They're not even from this world. They're here because of Nightmare Moon." Twilight sheepishly explained, not wanting to upset Fluttershy any further.

"So Nightmare Moon wanted some... animals to kill other animals?" Fluttershy asked.

"Wha, NO! That's not it! They were brought here against their will! They just want to find their friends and go home. You have to understand." Twilight pleaded.

"Why are you even saying that...? I thought Nightmare Moon was gone... that Princess Luna is good now." Fluttershy was confused. She really doesn't know the situation at all. So Twilight took the liberty to explain everything from the top, leading to now in hopes that Fluttershy would calm down.

"I see... I... I don't know... I just... I... they didn't deserve that..." Fluttershy said, referring to the Timberwolves.

"Well, Ah' tried to tell ya that it's just a survival thing." Applejack said.


Rarity and Rainbow Dash, unsure of what to say to Fluttershy, both suddenly hear the door knocking.

"Twilight, I believe Fluttershy might have an extra guest." Rarity said.

"Well, check outside! Who is it?" Twilight asked, anxious to know.

"Well, it's... one of those human girls." Rarity answered.

"How did she find this place!?" Fluttershy asked, as she became very nervous and scared.

"Ah' uh... mighta told'er where ya live..." Applejack said, remembering that she mentioned to the human girls that Fluttershy lives by the forest.

"Umm... I don't need to come in. But I have to say something!" Mia spoke loud enough for the ponies inside to hear.

"That one sounds like the one named Mia..." Twilight noticed, as she walked up to listen.

"On behalf of my friends, I'm sorry! I understand why you're upset, Fluttershy, I do! Seeing what happened would be like you guys coming to our world and killing a few cats!" Mia said, making up a really odd analogy.

"I don't quite understand that analogy..." Rarity couldn't imagine herself, nor her friends killing a cat. It's just implausible.

"It's weird, but It makes sense." Twilight agreed with a wry smile.

"I mean... I was nervous too when I heard the wolves' cries of pain as they died! I just couldn't stand listening to that! It sucks it had to happen, but Mina only did it to save my life, and she's not the only one who would've done it either!" Mia said, hoping to convince Fluttershy that the humans don't kill needlessly. "But please, I just don't want you guys to think we're bad, okay? Mina might have been right in what she said, but she didn't have to put it that way!"

After a bit of silence, Mia, after a sigh of defeat, starts to walk away. But she then stops when she hears the door opening up. Turning around, Mia could see Fluttershy at her doorstep, meekly looking at her.

"I... I overreacted." Fluttershy said.

"You didn't overreact, you just care for all animals, don't you?" Mia asked, but she knew, judging from Fluttershy's actions today.

"Well... now that THAT's resolved, let's go party!" Rainbow abruptly said, flying ahead of the group.

"Yeah, I'm surprised it's still going!" Mia said. "My friends are still there, so let's hurry!"

"Aren't they worried?" Twilight asked.

"Nope! I told them I wanted to talk to you girls! I felt really bad and I had to clear the air, ya know? I don't want you to hate us." Mia answered, feeling much better than before.

"Umm... about your hand..." Fluttershy wanted to ask about her bandaged hand out of concern.

"Oh, It'll be fine! It's not THAT bad! It's just a cut!" Mia said, waving off the worry.

"You might wanna see the doctor for that." Twilight advised.

"Well, you'll just have to show me the way after the party, okay?" Mia said.

Mia returned to Pinkie Pie's party with the other mares leading the way. The party was filled with various ponies from town, talking to the humans.

"It's about TIME you guys came back! Let's hurry and PARRRTY! WHOO HOO!" Pinkie shouted.

"Mia! How'd it go?" Trisha asked Mia after pulling her aside. She knew to talk low so none of the ponies would hear them.

"It went okay for the most part..." Mia said, only confident to a degree.

"So... they don't hate us, right...?" Trisha asked, worried still.

"No, they don't hate or fear us... I mean, as long as neither of that happens, we'll be fine, right?" Mia asked, just to be sure.

"Right. It'd be trouble if the ponies were scared or hated us, and they're our only hope to finding answers." Trisha said.

"About why we're in this world?" Mia asked.

"Yeah... I'm feeling a strange need to just... have all the answers. And if more questions keep coming up, I'm gonna wanna know the answers." Trisha said.

"Come on, aren't we here to find our friends and go home?" Mia asked.

"Yeah, sure... but It'd be nice to have some... you know, answers." Trisha said.

Meanwhile, during the party, Rainbow checks on Jeremy who's sitting in a chair, as he ate only an apple and a slice of cake. He never ate any of the sandwiches, so naturally, she was bothered.

"How's the party? Pretty awesome, riiiiiight?" Rainbow nudged Jeremy, getting his attention.

"It's... okay, I guess." Jeremy looked at the table, wearing an expression of discomfort.

"Just WHAT could be wrong with Pinkie's party?" Rainbow asked, annoyed that he's not enjoying the party. "Can't this guy enjoy anything?"

"There's SOME foods that we humans don't eat." Jeremy said.

"You've GOT to be kidding! Mr. and Mrs. Cake bake delicious sweets ALL THE TIME! And how could you complain about that!?"

"Yeah, but that's not the problem!" Jeremy retorted, pointing to the hay on a plate, and sandwiches with flowers in between the bread. "See those flowers in that sandwich? WE CAN'T EAT THAT CRAP!"

"Hey, those daisy sandwiches are good!" Rainbow argued.

"No! HELL NO! Humans eat things that aren't flowers or hay!" Jeremy complained.

"You're crazy!" Rainbow yelled back with a scowl.

"Guys, stop!" Twilight got in between the two, using her magic to hold up the book of Humans, reading it. "Look, see? It says here that humans are omnivores, but they're picky about what they eat!"

"Yeah! Err........wait, you're taking her side..." Jeremy realized, causing his eye to twitch.

"HAH! IN YOUR FACE! Now eat that sandwich!" Rainbow rubbed in the fact that Jeremy's technically an Omnivore due to being a human.

"NO! We have this thing called a tongue. It contains our TASTE SENSE. And I predict that sandwich is gonna taste like sh- MMMMMMPH!!" Jeremy was cut off by Rainbow stuffing a sandwich into his mouth, forcing him to eat it.

"How is it? It's good isn't it? Yeah, I know." Rainbow said, getting a little arrogant. Jeremy didn't even respond, only moaned in defeat as he was on his hands and knees, sulking that he just basically ate a flower.

Later that night, the humans are outside the house with the six mares, who asked for their help regarding their luggage and a place to stay.

"Oh, I forgot, you guys wouldn't have any bits at all, huh?" Twilight said.

"Well, I could just provide you fair folks with the bits needed for your hotel stay." Rarity suggested.

"No, it's okay, we'll find a place to camp." Mia said.

"Rarity, hang on a second!" Trisha stopped her, then went over to the pile of suitcases. "Umm... which one is Alice's suitcase again?"

"Oh, this one!" Mia pointed out the pink suitcase with at bat pattern on it.

Trisha got to the suitcase and opened it up, searching for something. "Okay... umm... let's see... she's gotta have one..."

Eventually, Trisha finds a few fashion catalogs at the very bottom of Alice's bag. She flips through the pages of the Italian one first to make sure that the clothes are right, and then gives it to Rarity.

"Oh my! A catalog! Hmm... let's see... my word, whoever owned this has quite the unique taste in fashion!" Rarity said, simply looking at just the pictures of the various clothes. "I must meet the owner of this catalog!"

"Let me see that!" Rainbow said, taking a look too out of curiosity. "Huh..."

"What'd you give Rarity that thing for?" Applejack asked.

"Princess Celestia for some reason wants yours truly to make clothes for the humans, you see." Rarity answered.

"The princess is giving special treatment??" Pinkie asked.

"Actually..." Twilight started to explain. She told her friends about the letters that Princess Celestia sent to the humans and Rarity, and how she's to make them some enchanted clothes to act as some sort of armor.

"Enchanted huh? Even we didn't know about that." Jeremy said, as he and the other humans besides Trisha didn't know about the plan.

"Huh... well, can't we pick what we want?" Eva asked.

"NO." Mina firmly said as if she were scolding her. "We're doing good that she's even willing to make us anything to begin with. We shouldn't push it."

"Well, you're quite the generous person yourself, aren't you? I've already resolved myself to love and tolerate you humans afterall." Rarity said.

"We just don't feel like being a burden, that's all." Mina said.

"Hey, I like surprises, so I'm down with that." Kitsu said.

"Me too! I can't wait to see what you come up with!" Mia agreed.

"Well, okay. I'm a little nervous though." Jeremy griped, but decided to put up with it for now.

"Heh, I doubt nothing could be worse than what you're wearing, big guy!" Rainbow chimed a quick insult.

"What was that?" Jeremy instantly shot a glare at Rainbow.

"Calm down, you two!" Twilight scolded them both.

"Well, in any case, I'm going to need your sizes, so why don't you all come down to the Carousel Boutique tomorrow?" Rarity asked, pointing with her hoof to where the shop is.

"Sure thing!" Trisha agreed.

"How long is it gonna take?" Jeremy asked in his usual demeanor. "In my world, it takes several days, hell, even weeks for my friend Alice to make anything."

"Jeremy, it's because she has to study for exams like the rest of us." Mina chided.

"Bah. I'm just saying!" Jeremy said.

"Well, proper fashion takes a bit of time you see, so with the occasional break in between, I say, at least four days." Rarity said.

"Wait, what?!" Jeremy was shocked at Rarity's estimate.

"My word, is there a problem? I simply refuse to go any faster!" Rarity protested.

"No, no, I mean, I'm saying that's faster than I thought! Do you use magic or something to help in the process?" Jeremy asked out of curiosity.

"Why, of course! I am a fabulous unicorn afterall." Rarity answered proudly.

"Go figure." Trisha thought to herself.

"Lastly, we're gonna need some money. Is there any way to convert our currency into bits?" Mina asked.

"I highly doubt that, considering you're not from this world." Twilight said.

"Thankfully the hotels are Really really really really Reeaaaaaaaaaaaally cheap, so I can loan a few bits to help!" Pinkie said.

"And we'll make it even cheaper by staying in the same room. All six of us." Mina suggested.

"Whoa, that's a bit much, don't you think??" Jeremy wasn't comfortable with the idea of being in a single room, cramped together.

"Well, if they're willing to loan us a little money, we can't make them spend too much. It'd be stupid!" Mina answered.

"Well, that idea makes me a little more comfortable helping ya'll folks out!" Applejack said.

By this point, Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, and Applejack tell the humans to wait for them to get a few bits together, as the rest were much more agreeing to the suggestion that the humans stay at the hotel for four nights in the same room. The plan saves money, and it gives the humans a place to stay until they're ready to head for Canterlot. Once the mares return with the bits, the humans are led by Spike to the hotel and check into one of the bigger rooms they had.

Going up to the second floor, up to room no.30, the humans open the door to see white walls, a couch, a table to the side, a record player, and two beds by the window.

"Okay... well, before we decide where we're sleeping, we're gonna need to put our stuff away so there's enough room. I normally hate being chivalrous, but let's have the girls sleep on the beds and couch, okay? Kitsu and I will sleep on the floor." Jeremy said.

"Are you sure? You're not gonna wake up screaming if you see a roach crawling on your leg, are you?" Mia jokingly asked.

"W-w-w-well... that... I mean, we're in a different world! Why would there be any roaches here? Hahaha... ha?" Jeremy said in a nervous fit, trying his hardest to not show his apparent fear of roaches.

"Hehehe... why don't I sleep next to ya so you don't be afraid? You big baby you~!" Mia playfully teased.

"How about no. I'll be alright! Besides, I don't have time to fear any stupid roaches. We still have to find our friends. If I happen to find whoever is behind our vacation being ruined, I'm gonna knock it's teeth down it's throat. It doesn't matter if it's that Nightmare monster, or something else entirely. That goes double for separating us from our friends." Jeremy said, clinching his fist.

"Heh, you're stupid for saying something so absurd, but if, and that's a big if, you could pull that off, then do it for us all." Mina said, since she knew that any chance of actually punching out the culprit might be impossible if it's Nightmare Moon.

"I wanna deck her too actually." Trisha said. "Come on, I just wanted to have fun, and here we are stuck in this world. I just want to find all the answers, then we'll know who to punch!"

"Heh, you raise a good point, but this place? This... Equestria? It wasn't part of our vacation plan. I don't think we can just punch a pony and come out of that unscathed." Mina said.

"I'm sure my brother's feeling really bad about it right now... he's the one who suggested the trip. I... really hope he's okay..." Eva said, sitting on the bed, hugging her knees, as she worried for her brother.

"We'll find'em. If we start fearing the worst, that'll just mean that we don't believe in our friends." Jeremy said.

"Well said, dude!" Kitsu sat on the couch with Mina, clapping his hands, like he had no influence. "Anyway, since we're still here, we should try increasing our social links with the ponies who've helped us so far."

"You're still playing that game?!" Jeremy asked, irritated, as he's heard Kitsu crack references to that game all the time back at school.

"It's a good game!" Kitsu retorted.

"Kitsu's right, guys; we do need to keep our relationship with the ponies on good terms. That's why I went to talk to Fluttershy earlier. I don't think we'll live long if they hated us."

"Yeah. We know the rest of the crew aren't in Ponyville. They could be at some part of this world we don't even know about. The ponies are the ones with magic, not us. They're practically helping us out in kindness, so we need to return the favor somehow, to show we're not taking advantage of their generosity." Mina said.

"Well of course! When this is all said and done, we'll show our gratitude to'em somehow before going home! Maybe make'em honorary crew members or something." Jeremy said.

"We have a clear objective in mind... and I agree with it definitely... it's just... why us? Why are we here? I really want to know." Trisha thought to herself.

With the unanimous agreement, the human six began organizing their luggage, setting up their spots to sleep, and turned off the lights.

Author's Note:

I... find it difficult to write Spike. >_> I really do. I should've had him on "Official Canterlot Business". In fact, I changed my mind about him volunteering to help carry the humans' items. I mean, WHY WOULD HE? What's in it for him? And besides, there's six humans, two being guys. They can carry that stuff.

I wanted this to be the chapter where Luna shows up, but It kinda got overshadowed by Fluttershy and her tears. To be honest, I'm not sure if I flubbed in writing her character, but I'd like to think I've seen enough of Fluttershy to remember her character development too throughout the seasons.

Well, in any case, I changed the title to this fic. Because "The Journey" is way overused now that I just now did a freakin' search on it. ugh.

Anyway, anyone catch that Persona reference in there? Anyone? It's not even subtle either.

Anyway, the next chapter, we'll finally have Princess Luna! HEY-OH!