• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 3,591 Views, 161 Comments

The Smokeless Flame - BIGBLACKINTOSH

A mid-night trip to the fridge ends up with me going to Equestria. Great. (Chess-game of gods universe story)

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Nightmare part 2

I woke up, expecting to see the muddy dirt my face fell in. No. what I saw, was darkness. An endless void that Sithis would probably be proud of. The darkness was like oil on water, murky and constantly shifting. My forehead throbbed with pain. I tried rubbing my forehead, but noticed my arm couldn't move. In Fact, my entire body couldn't move. The moment I realized this, I opened my eyes and saw that my arm was caught on some white sticky material. The substance stuck to my arm and kept it in place. Another realization, I was in a web...

And I started to freak the fuck out...

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” I screamed, desperately thrashing in my bonds..

I looked down to see my legs, also caught in a web and more oppressive darkness below. It was as if I was caught in a web in the middle of space, just floating there. I slumped my head against the web, surprised I could still fully move it. Welp, you dun fucked up this time Mitchell. You didn't listen and now you're trapped in a web in the middle of nowhere, I thought to myself. Thats when the clicking started.

A rapid clicking went off above my head. Immediately, I thought it was a bomb of some kind. But no, it was a sort of organic clicking, As if someone was doing it with their tongue. However organic it was, it sounded like it was creeping closer to me. I started thrashing at my bonds again, desperate not to see what ever was coming from above me.

But it was too late.

The clicking was close now, right above my head. I tried not to look up, I truly did, but what it was put a gnarly, furry hand over my face and forced it to look up. All I could see was eight pulsating purple humanlike eyes. “Welcome to my home and you're grave,” it said, laughing. Its voice was high-pitched and hollow.

I screamed.

I woke up to the sound of beautiful music Must have left my xbox on last night, I thought. As the wonderful song carried on, I sat up to examine myself. Flexing my fingers, I came to the conclusion that I turned back into a human, Which didn't surprise me. Had to wake up at some point. Oh well. Let me turn off my xbox before-, my thought process was cut off when I noticed that I wasn't on my basement couch where I normally pass out. I was sitting in a patch of grass in the middle of a room made out of yellow stone. Though there was a straight path of grey stone that led to something even more beautiful than the music...

“Lapis! Real lapis! I knew you cared lord Kathulu!” I yelled running towards a pile of floating cubes of my favorite mineral. I picked up the pile of blue cubes, hugging them close to my chest, not even questioning my situation.

Thats when the growling started. Behind me came a rumbling sound that shook the ground below me. The roof above opened to an endless void that looked like a starless space. As much as I didn't want to turn around, curiosity got the better of me. I turned around to see...My dog?


My golden retriever, Maddie, stood three feet taller than me. Her fur, or what used to be her fur, was black scales. Spines extended from the top of her head and her eyes glowing red. She growled again, this time escalating into a dragon’s roar. The moment she opened her mouth, a small fire ball shot out. Reacting faster than I thought I could, I rolled out of the way of the fire.

I got back on one knee and quickly remembered my surroundings.Yellow stone arena, random lapis, giant dragon trying to kill me...

“Aww, fuck my life. I’m in the fucking Ender!” And my temperamental dog was the damn Ender-Dragon.
The dome of the cave laid an oppressive darkness over my head. The softness of animal pelts surrounded my hooves. Dammit. I’m back in the cave, I thought, spitting on a pelt. I hated and will forever hate my birthplace. I was born here by a shitty parent and raised by a shitty parent here. Just being back here made my blood boil.

Over my head I felt a familiar presence. A presence filled with anger, resentment and .worst of all, judgement. The same presence that has been a part of me for my entire life. “Turn to me half-bred welp.” my mother commanded, using her normal greeting that always angered me to no fair extent.

I turned around to respond and immediately slapped across the room by her tail. I landed on the wall with a thud, the impact knocking the air out of me. I layed there, face down in a pelt groaning in annoyance. This wasn't the first time she sent me flying but with her death I thought it would be her last.

“So *cough* What's up ma?”

Her face scrunched up into a scowl. She was the same as she was when she died; her left leg was gone, the stump still bleeding. Her face was still bleeding from Gh0st’s assault too, making me giggle just looking at her.

“You disgust me,” she said lamely. I snorted, almost laughing. “You watched my murder. You watched as those buffoons and that slut kill me! You watch your own mother get murdered! You think I was a monster? I raised you! I birthed you! And. You. Just. Watched.” With each word she edged closer to me. Well, more like crawled. As she edged closer, her new smell hit me. as expected, she reeked of decay. And after almost a week, the stink was settling in.

I really didn't know what to say to my mother’s walking corpse. The same dragoness who beat me for being alive. The same one who, every day, would almost push me to suicide. The same one who would berate me delaying it by smoking. The same one who lit me on fire knowing it would hurt me Burn me for exploring. Burn me for being seen. Burn me for being alive...

For being alive...

I started laughing hysterically, earning a glare from my mother. “You think I actually care what you think? I just went into town to feed an addiction that you caused! And what was your reaction to that? You go tear a town apart! You never even cared about me neither, you just cared about your non-existent image. And fire! You knew I’m not a full dragon. You knew I would be in pain. So much pain for days at a time! And you just did it anyway. Why? Because you were bored! Well guess what ma? I was bored of your shit. So when one of the most beautiful beings decided to stand up to you, I sat back, stole some popcorn and watched. And you know what ma? I loved every. Single. Second of it.” I said, slowly. Seriously. Watching Mother die was the most satisfying thing I ever seen. Though she couldn't be burned as I was, seeing her suffer the same way I punished myself was even sweeter.

Mother snorted, amused. “So you consider a crumbling pile of rock beauty. And the fact that she’s made of thing you fear disgusts me even more. You claim to had hate me and loath our living space for much, when running to the dock was always an option. You could have stowed away on a ship, got away from me. But you stayed. You stayed because you were afraid. You like being afraid.”

“Shut up.”

“You want to be by this abomination, to follow her to the ends of Equis, because you're afraid of her.”

“Shut up!”

That did it. That brought out my anger. That was what made me use my magic. My magic was something that stumped me when ever I thought about it. Whenever something made me so angry, my body starts glowing with green magic. What I could do was very limited; sometimes I could do some illusions. Other times I do something that scared me, throw fire.

I was in the mood for my own fire.

I built up all my frustration, all my anger into my hands. They lit up in a horrifying green flame that tingled my skin. Mother’s decrepit face turned from smugness to fear.
“Come in Idilah! Help me move him,” Asad ordered me, trying to pick up my father's body by the crooks of his shoulders. The room we were in had changed. We were now in our bathroom. Dim light filled the room, barely illuminating the large blood trail in front of me. I was still a corner in fetal position. Asad had dragged the body to the bathtub. The air was thick with the smelled of chemicals. Every breath was like trying to breathe in molasses.

I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I could only stay in my ball. My safe ball where I couldn't hear-

My undead looking brother smacked me with a decrepit hand. I rubbed my cheek and got to my feet, ready to return the blow, but choked up when I saw his dead, deceased face. I saw him in the casket dammit! I buried him! And here he was, helping me bury our father...Again.

Asad stared me with a disapproving glare. “You need to get your shit together. You did this and you are to help me get him in the back yard,” he commanded.

My father laughed like a hyena, his voice like wood on sandpaper. “You really think you can just bury me and be done with it? Come on boy, you're the son for fucks sakes! I thought you'd have better brains than that!” he yelled, giggling. Thats what made all of this worse.

Dad never stopped talking.

He continued to berate and talk down to me, even while blood crept out of his mouth. Even in death, he never stopped. Even as Asad chopped him up, he never stopped. Thats when I started paying attention. Asad had let go of me and went back chopping dad into pieces. The chemicals from all the cleaners in the bathtub had made dad’s body weak. Weak enough to chop to pieces. As Asad used a hatchet to chop off dad’s arms and legs, blood spilled everywhere, some getting on me. I closed my eyes tight and started screaming non-stop.
On the other side of the forest...

BOOM! went a spot in the marshy jungle, making a new clearing. Boom giggled and yelled, “Boom goes the weasel!" she squealed from on a tree branch.

“Another critter in the pot,” said Tick as he picked up an animal carcass that resembled a rabbit. Except this rabbit had horns and teeth big enough to nearly bite Terk’s arm off. Much to his annoyance when he had to knock it off his arm earlier.

“Little diablo. So what's the haul Tick?” he asked the punk pony.

Tick brushed off his muzzle, realizing he just had a dead animal in it. He took off his saddlebag just as Boom jumped out of her tree next to him, checking her bag as well. Inside the bags were bundles and bundles of meat and small animals. Most had extra limbs but looked good to eat to the rest of the hunting party.

Terk triumphantly took out a multi-tailed weasel and laughed. “I told him that we’d find some good eats! Alright, lets get back to the ship,” he suggested.

Tick shook his head. “Not yet. We might have enough for a week, maybe for the carnivores, but we need to find some plants for us ponies,” Tick said rubbing his chin.

Terk groaned in annoyance. “Alright, considering the fact that this place is teeming with flowers and such, you guys are set. We have to find something bigger to eat.”

“Uh, guys?” Boom said nervously.

Tick snorted. “We don't even know what some of these plants can do and you're suggesting we eat them?”


“Well since you guys eat everything else green, I figured-”

“Guys!” Boom shouted desperately.

A growl came from behind them and both guys froze. “Uh, Boom...What’s behind us?” Tick asked nervously. Boom squeaked. “Well that says a lot doesn't it?” he said sarcastically.

Terk chuckled nervously. “Oh come on, it can't be that-” he started as he turned around to see a chimera.

And not just any chimera...

“CHINGAO! GRAND CHIMERA!! INTO THE CLOUDS! ANDELE! ANDELE!” he yelled to the twins. They wordlessly complied and flew directly up, avoiding a fireball from the goats head. Grand Chimeras were a rare sight in Equestria. Unlike the chimeras of the Everfree, Grand Chimeras have a level of untamed magical talent, allowing them to the most basic but most devastating of spells. Such as the lightning bolt it shot at Boom.

The chimera’s goat head shot a bolt of pure energy at the trio, just grazing Boom’s wing. The wing went numb and Boom went down screaming.

“Boom!” Tick screamed, tucking his wing and diving after his sister.

“Coja mi vida,” Terk groaned diving after them.

Boom was screaming her head off, trying to straighten out her wing. Tick came up on her right side and hugged her close, opening his wings. The force of the sudden turbulence forced Boom’s saddle bag to fall off. Terk flew past them and went after the bag, remembering the explosives Boom had tucked away. He stretched out his arm and grabbed the back strap, and flew straight up, searching for the Grand Chimera.

He found it when a fireball flew right past him, completely missing him and letting him know where it was. He quickly rummaged through the bag and ripped the pin off a tin can grenade tossing it back in the bag full of over a dozen more grenades. Terk smiled and underhanded the bag watching the confused face of the Chimera staring at the small yet significant object.

What followed was an explosion that could be heard around the world.

After doing a victory dance, on the air no less, he noticed Tick and Boom were nowhere in sight. He scanned the ground, passed the scorched ground full of meat and to the patch of bright pink flowers. Out in the blindingly bright pink field was the twin ponies, tending each other's wounds. As soon as Terk was positive it was them and not some other two ponies in the middle of a jungle and dived towards them.

Little did Terk know...
I tried to struggle against the webs again, this time putting all my energy in my arms. The spider didn't like that. It made a tsk tsk tsk noise and dug its fangs into my shoulder. The pain started but then suddenly stopped. I noticed that I couldn't move my arm anymore. I tried to scream but couldn't even move my jaw. That bitch just paralyzed me! I thought staring at my captor. It stared back with blank yet intelligent eyes. “Oh my. Look at the meat try to struggle. Look at it trying to live. Meat shouldn't struggle. Meat should just stay dead. Stay dead and be more delicious!” It said, its voice becoming more ragged as it went on.

Its fangs edged closer to my jugular, taking its sweet time. Why should it have to hurry when its got me where it wants? I had lost all hope the moment I lost all the feeling in my arms. I was just meat on a webby slap now, just waiting to get devoured by a predator. I used all my energy left in me to shut my eyes, waiting for the end.

That is, until a giant ass explosion from hell ruptured my ear drums.

The spider staggered, groaning in annoyance. I looked at the spider’s hairy face and realized...I fucking kill spiders. When ever I would see one as a kid, sure I would be afraid of them but the moment I noticed a weight difference, I squashed that thing with the might of a vengeful god.

As the memory hit me, all the feeling in my arms came back again and I ripped them from my bonds. The room we were in suddenly became bright green and yellow. Below my feet was fresh grass and in the sky was a bright gleaming sun. To my right a dozen meters away was a wooden mansion big enough to make Hugh Hefner jealous. This was my first minecraft house that I had worked on for nearly two weeks.

The moment I saw that house I jumped off the web, hitting the ground running.

“Get back meat! Delicious meat!” The spider yelled at me, most likely scuttling after me. Considering the fact that I was hauling ass to the mansion, I couldn't see. Well, that and the fact he wasn't burning in the sunlight was scaring the crap out of me. Remember Mitchell, might of a vengeful god.

I stopped at a steel door and frantically searched for the open switch. I remembered where it was and smiled as I punch the wall to my right, revealing the switch. I quickly pressed it and got inside. I leaned against the door sighing in relief. That is until teeth and mandibles started chewing through the door. Shit, shit, shit! Got to get to the armory! I thought running through the house.

Being that it was the first house I made, the layout was very simple. On the this wing, there were only two rooms; a freaking huge bedroom and an underground room where I stored all my made stuff. AKA the armory. I sprinted to a door on my right, bashing through the door. Inside the room on the right side was my first bed, a workbench and an oven. What really surprised me was the fact that all the items in the room looked like what they were supposed to be; a velvet double bed, a table with tools on it and a square oven. Wow, this looks realistic. Huh, I wonder if the nether is-


Armory, right. I quickly thought. Running towards the velvet bed. It was big enough to fit two people in and was now realistically proportioned to real people. In normal circumstances, this would be a hindrance, considering this is my happy place, moving this thing is as easy as kicking it to fucking dust and descending down a set of stone stairs. Down the stairs was a torch lit basement filled with chests. All of them were filled with weapons and tools that I could use to defend myself, but the one I wanted was on the far side of the room, which I gladly sprinted to. I rummaged through piles of seeds dirt and white dust that I was sure was sugar but called it cocaine to see the fruits of my loins and labors. It might have looked a little- scratch that, A LOT different, but my well made enchanted diamond armor gleamed.

The spider busted through the doorway, blowing away about five feet of wall with it. Its eyes bored into me, letting me know its hunger and hatred towards me. Or at least thats what I thought it was doing, my back was to him. “Oh beautiful meat. Are you ready for dinner?” It asked.

I turned around, fully adorned in my diamond armor, holding the helmet in my hands. I smiled at the spider. “First off; I’m not fucking meat. Second, you're about to get your ass kicked,” I said harshly, putting on my helmet and brandishing my diamond sword.

The spider let out a screech that could shatter glass and charged at me, I charged right back, gripping the diamond sword in one hand. Must hero guys make some one liner during moments like these. Me, I decided to name this moment...

“BLITZKREIG!” I shouted, stabbing my sword right between the spider’s eyes.

The spider made a gurgling noise, most likely about me being meat. I giggled in amusement “Bitch please, get off my sword,” I said calmly, kicking the spider off my blade. The sword had gone hilt deep into its face. The moment the spider fell to the ground, its body started to dissolve into a purple mist. I dismissed that thought and went back to the fact that I was wearing a somewhat realistic version of my diamond armor. This is awesome! Its a shame that I can't use it for real. I thought solemnly. Yeah I figured out this was a dream, wasn't hard. One of my greatest fears was spiders and something was using it against me.

But was worrying me was the fact that I was just with three other people with way weirder fears than me. My fear nearly killed me and if weren't for that explosion, I’d definitely be meat. Guys I hope you can figure it out soon. Because we’re fucked if you don't.

Then my world went white...
“Shitshitshitshitshit!” I yelled while running away from Maddie the fucking Ender dragon. I dodged another fireball, it landing a few feet from me. Holy shit she’s getting accurate! I got to get to cover! I thought desperately. But there was none to found. All the walls that had been there when I woke up were gone. I was defenceless and I had nowhere to go. I threw up my arms in frustration, screaming. Maddie was getting closer, I could see the fireballs flying past me getting more accurate. I stood there just...Confused. Really? This is how I die? Honestly I expected my little brother being the end of me. I thought disappointingly.

Thats when the loudest fucking noise I ever heard reached my ears.

The mere size of the sound knocked me off my feet. Along with staggering Maddie, giving a chance to figure out what the hell happened. “What the hell was that? Sounded like something I could pull off if I actually used my powers,” I thought, agitated. As I got to my feet, I suddenly remembered with perfect clarity...I didn't come here alone. That was one rule in the Ender, you didn't go alone. No matter what, you never went into the ender alone.

As the memory of that rule went through my head, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jerked my body around to see one of my friends Tyler. Tyler was a fairly chubby kid, about five foot eight and looked like he had lost weight recently. His short black hair was burned on one side, as if one of the fireballs clipped him.

Though most of the fat in his cheeks hadn't gone away so seeing him in diamond armor was chuckle inducing. “Dude, what the hell are you doing?” he asked agitated. I rose an eyebrow and open my mouth to say something but he cut me off. “Doesn't matter. Mitchells got the distraction down. Get suited up and get back in the fight!” he shouted, running past me. Suddenly the whole island we were on changed. Instead of the dead stone that was there before, the floor suddenly lit up like the friggin sun and purple-blue mist surrounded me.

Suddenly the lapis shard in my pocket floated out and landed on my wrist. Faster than I could react the lapis started encasing me in more lapis, spreading across my body. I’m going to be honest, I nearly flipped shit when it started doing that. But as soon as it was done spreading, it began to smooth out, taking shape into something that I could only describe as awesome. The lapis on my wrists became circular gauntlets, the lapis on my feet taking the shape of boots and the lapis on my body became some sort of chest piece I never seen before.

“Hell the fuck yes! This is my fetish!” I shouted in astonishment. I didn't know how that happened, I didn't care. I had armor made out of something people perceived to be useless. And that made me want to kick the shit out of the Ender dragon.

“Hey if you're done jacking off to your armor, we could could use some help!” Tyler yelled, dodging a fireball and throwing a grenade, trying to get closer to the dragon. I saw Mitchell attacking it too but kept getting swiped by the dragon’s tail. Mitchell was a bit chubby but not as much as Tyler. He was about five foot six and wore glasses. His blond-ish hair was currently on fire, which I gladly pointed out and laughed. He playfully scowled at me, patting out the flames. “Haha funnyballs. Why don't you be usefully and use that power you've been bragging non-stop about,” he ordered.

That made me raise a brow in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Tyler was thrown back and landed next to us. He shook his head and got to his feet. “Don’t you remember? Its that enchantment you put on the gauntlets,” he said as if I knew what the hell he was talking about.

Thats when my hand started tingling, making me raise my arm. The right gauntlet was glowing a bright blue that nearly blinded me. For some reason I can't explain, I felt the need to raise my hand into the air. What happened next would give me the chills for the rest of my life.

A burst of energy shot out of my gauntlet and into the endless expanse of space that surrounded the Ender island. Suddenly a valley of clouds appeared above us and the Ender dragon. I smiled and walked up to the Ender dragon. Or Maddie. Or whatever the hell my mind was thinking of because this attack is definitely something I created...

“Lapis Rain!” I shouted, bring my arm down as if giving the order to fire. Shard upon shards of lapis literally rained from the makeshift sky and onto the Ender Maddie. Shard after shard pierced her hide, pinning her to the ground. When the rain was over, she looked like a lapis porcupine.

I fistpumped into the air. “Hell yeah! Taste the tears of the gods, bitch!” I shouted.

And then disappointingly, my vision went white

Okay, so trying to go head to head with my mom wasn't the best idea.

As soon as I shot fire out of my hands, he countered by releasing her own fire. Our flames met and it was as if a wall had come between them. For a second, our flames were perfectly even. A meeting of power. But the second that I thought I had her on the ropes, she upped the power of her flames. Mine were getting pushed back, getting closer and closer to me. Not again! If there is any god out there, please don't let this hit me! I thought frantically.

But nothing came. Nothing stopped her flames from overcoming mine. Nothing gave me anymore strength that I so desperately needed. All that happened was my mother’s flames covering my body and engulfing me in the infinite sea of pain that I experience so many times in my life.

Being that I had been in this situation a dozen times before, you’d think that I would get used to it. But heres a fact, you can't get used to fire. My skin under my misleading fur had been too damaged that I could barely feel pain under normal circumstances. I could be stabbed, cut, maimed and I wouldn't even feel it. But when I get so much as near fire, my nerves come back to me and I can't help but feel the flames. Thats what happened when I used my own fire and its getting magnified by a hundred fold all over my body.

I closed my eyes as I always did and curled into a ball. I stopped begging after the third time it happened when I was kid. I knew she would never stop. After all, why would you stop doing something fun, something that made you feel powerful. So I just stayed in my ball knowing I’d be there, in the most agonizing amount of pain for a long time.

A noise that I would forever thank knocked me out of that attitude.

My mother for the first time, stopped for a minute. For one precious minute and my anger starting building again. Of course when she would stop from exhaustion in the past, I would be angry. I would be angry that I was punished for something I knew was stupid. For being born, being alive, for surviving and something that always confused me, for being a hybrid in general.

Once, after my biweekly burning, she called me something...

“You insignificant half-ling!” shouted, tired from breathing so much fire. “You brought that on yourself!” After that I pretty much blocked out everything else. A half-ling? How could I be half of anything? As far I knew back then and know now, I was nothing. I sure as shit wasn't a pony but the way she said it, I wasn't a dragon. After she said that, something grew in my gut, something primal, something I couldn't hold back. That was the first time I ever coughed up real dragonfire.

Don't get it confused. What came out of hands before was fire, but what I coughed up long ago was true dragonfire, the fire that had just bathed me in pain. I remembered that moment. The primal feeling I couldn't hold back. It was pride. She had insulted my pride and that couldn't stand. That would not stand...

I got to my hooves and felt my dragonpride rush through my body. “I. AM. DRAGON!” I yelled, my voice turning deeper and more ragged. After saying that, I opened my muzzle wide and shot out pure green flames. Well more like I screamed pure green flames.

“AAAAHHHHH!” I screamed for what seemed like forever. First off, I didn't feel pain. It was weird, instead feeling the agonizing pain from the inside, all I felt was the need to cough. I resisted the urge and continued my assault. Mother for the first time screamed in pain. She screamed in pain. For once in my life, I was giving the pain. I was causing her agony. I didn't want to stop. In fact, I didn't. I couldn't. I couldn't stop giving her what she gave me for all these years. My hatred. That was what was coming out of my mouth, my pure hatred for the decease dragoness.

I couldn't see past the gout of hellfire I was shooting, but I saw a glimpse of what looked like a pile of ashes in the shape of a body. I finally stopped and clutched my throat. I hadn't drunk anything recently and was more parched than ever.

Oh and I kinda passed out from pure exhaustion a second later...
“Dig.” Asad said flatly, passing me a shovel.

Tears streamed down my face as I started to dig a hole in the ground. We were in our backyard now. It was relatively small yard, empty save for the one lawn chair against the back of the house. As I dug the hole, I couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong. Yes it was a fact that I was burying my chemically deformed father (who was leaking out of the bag) but I guess I sensed something was wrong where I was.

“Keep digging Idilah!” Asad yelled at me but I ignored him. This isn't right. I know for a fact this isn't right. I wasn't here. I thought leaning on the shovel. Asad put his service revolver to my head. “Idilah, if you don't start digging, you will join him! Dig!” he shouted in my ear.

Ignoring him and going back to that day, I remembered more of what happened rather than what was said. One afternoon, I came home from school and Dad, after consuming a fair amount of alcohol that day, decided to sling another barrage of insults at me. Which was a regular thing as even while growing up, dad liked to remind me that I looked like my mother and my birth was the reason she died.

That was the day he was laying into me, calling me an ugly skank, whore, antichrist, the regular stuff. But out of all the typical bullshit he said, there was one thing that set me off..,

“Why don’t you just kill yourself? I wouldn't” he shouted in the middle of of his sentence, it was the .

When he said that, I think my eye twitched.

Everything that’d he said before that was just white noise at that point. What he said made me think... Why don't you die? Why do I have to deal with you dad? Why do I have to constantly deal with never being able to change how I was born? Change my face that looks so much like some woman I never met and could less about? Why don't you die dad? Why don't I kill you?!

This all came out of my mouth and in response he decked me in the jaw, sending me to the ground. That hit was what really did it. He had bruised my face. My o so apparently ugly face. He made me even more ugly. He made me feel ugly. Right then, I wanted to make him ugly.

Before I knew what was happening, I was standing over his body. His face and chest were bloody and I was clutching Asad’s knife. He had left it to me when he shipped out. A farewell present. There was a rapid knock at the door. “Idilah, Dad! Guess whos home?!”

And what laid at my feet was one hell of a welcome present.

What was really wrong with the situation I was in now, was the fact that I was digging the hole and crying over dad being dead. That day, I was the one chopping up the body. I was the one telling Asad to get his shit together. I was the one holding the gun-, well, I had wished it was a gun at the time, the knife to his head. Me, it was me.

The moment I remembered this, the loudest explosion noise made the Faux Asad stumble, forcing him fall to the ground but barely bothering me. Why? Because I too busy laughing. I was too busy relentlessly bashing Asad’s face in with the shovel. I was too busy remembering who I was before all this pony shit. I remembered who I really was and what I called myself after getting away with murder.

As the fake Asad put his hand up in surrender, I raised the shovel again and angled it at his neck. “I am Jann. And you. Are. Not. My. Brother!” I snarled, stabbing down the shovel into his neck with each word. The head rolled into the small hole I had started and for shits and giggles, I made the sky start raining.

“Hehehe. Hahahaheh. HAHAHAHEHA!” I cackled before my world went white.

Author's Note:

DARK DEVELOPMENTS! So just to clear this up, that last line is how Mark Hamill reads the Joker laugh.