• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 3,593 Views, 161 Comments

The Smokeless Flame - BIGBLACKINTOSH

A mid-night trip to the fridge ends up with me going to Equestria. Great. (Chess-game of gods universe story)

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Because fuck pacing...

“DYNAMIC ENTRY BITCH!” I yelled while kicking a monster in the face. Did I mention I did this while dropping out of the freaking air? The monster was a mix of an alligator and a minotaur. He had a long snout and green scales like Gummy but had the bipedal body of a minotaur. He wore ragged shorts similar to Nightheart’s and was also was taller than Ule. But that didn't help him when I jumped from a ship 500 feet in the air, only to land directly on his head. This monstrosity was named Gataur and just air-drop kicked him.

Okay recap time. After fighting to recharge She, we immediately found the den entrance under attack by former Kings now being used as foot soldiers by Jill. So after much debate, in order to protect possible civilians, we decided to let me be a distraction so I can lure the remaining opposition so Boom and Tick can do their thing.. Well, more like I wanted to be a distraction. I seriously needed to test a power I came up with so I volunteered. In short, I literally jumped into the middle of a war. The battle was at its climax as the diamond dogs were getting their asses kicked by a dozen Kings with Gatuar leading the charge.

The battlefield was simple; being composed of mostly barren ground with the entrance of the mine facing south. What used to be battlements littered the field, destroyed by the overwhelming force of the trained mercenaries and the hybrid leader.

Back to my situation. After yelling my profanity, I backflipped off Gatuar’s head and landed behind him. “Damned annoyances! Show yourself so I may break your spine!” he yelled, looking right to left. Or at least thats what I thought I heard, I was too busy pulling out my revolver to care.

“Yeah, how about no and you take this bullet,” I replied flatly and took aim.

The moment I spoke Gatuar whipped around and tried hitting me with a double haymaker. I backflipped out of the way and put a good 2 yards between us. Gotta stop doing that. This is the exact reason I quit gymnastics! I thought rubbing my back.

While I was doing that, Gataur did the smart thing and pressed on the attack, coming at me with claw swipes and punches. His movements had a certain logic to them, as he would not put as much power into an attack as he thought needed to reach me. Of course I was still faster than him, but he managed to keep me on my toes.

I punch nearly hit me and would have put a dent in my face. Sensing the hit, I smoked myself and backed away from the hybrid. Jebus, that was close, I thought as I materialized a few more feet away from him.

Gatuar looked amused, his snout growing a smirk. “That was an impressive trick. It must have taken some effort. Tell me, would you be able to do it again?” he asked running at me with more speed than I thought he had.

I avoided another blow and smoked away again. How did he know that? I must have looked more pained than I thought, I thought, avoiding another hit. Each smoke-dodge I did was rapidly draining me. I knew that he was too strong to get close but that wasn't what I was there for. What even furthered my goal was the fact that the attacking King dogs had decided it was necessary to come and help Gatuar by throwing spears at me. Meaning, while I was dodging Gataur’s blows I was also dodging spears.

I made one last smoke dodge into a clearing in the forest and fell to my knees. My newfound ability was taking the life out of me. Even if I went on the offensive, I would have been too tired to do any real damage. Damnit Connor, how did you do it? I thought to myself, chuckling.

A dozen dogs surrounded me, each having retrieved their spear. Gataur crossed his arms, looking pleased. “Well, it seems we ran out of juice. Tell me, what were you doing here? This den was far too well hidden for you to have been here on coincidence,” he mused, arching an alligator eyebrow. “Also, forgive me for being rude on you're execution day, but what in tartarus are you?” he asked.

There was a sudden whooshing sound above and I smiled . “You're going to have to figure that out on your way to hell,” I replied, cheesing.

Suddenly, Sheytan came into view, whipping around to her side to reveal a firing line of ballistae manned by my crew....
On the ship

“Do you see Idilah there?” asked Gh0st, wondering how the hell Tick tick was holding a set of binoculars.

Tick tick stared out of a set of binoculars, and shook his head. “Nope we are free to fire-” he replied, being interrupted by Ule and Boom yelling. “LETS LIGHT ‘EM UP!” They yelled, firing their shots. The rest of the crew did the same and launch their bolts, all of them hitting the spot where the dogs and hybrid once were.

“Big motherfuck’n boom!” yelled Boom-bewn, flailing her hooves with glee..

“Hell yes, now lets go rescue me family,” said Ule, confidently.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Vito chimed, waving a single claw.

Kitty was poking her head out of a ballista firing window, giggling. “Silly ponies! You can't kill Gatuar with fire!” she giggled, smiling at the black patch of land.

The ballistae strike worked its magic alright. The clearing and what little forest was left near the strike zone, was nothing but a scorched crisp. The entire bit of land was blackened with soot and smoke. All the dogs were nothing but scorched bone and remnants of meat. The only thing alive was me and the giant pissed alligator.

He rose to his feet, shaking his head. His body had barely taken any damage and the only noticeable change was that he was now covered in soot. He wiped some soot out of his eyes and looked around, disappointed at the carnage. “Well, this is unfortunate,” he said.

I stood up and rolled my neck casually, dusting off my coat. “Why is that?”

He chuckled in response. “Because I hate wasting free toys,” he said, his voice changing to something oddly feminine.

I stared at him, bewildered at his change in tone. “Um, what the hell happened to your voice?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, just finally getting this damn speaker to work. You got no idea how hard it is to get this thing to match my voice. Now answer my question, what the hell are you doing here? You come out of absolutely nowhere and kill all my free soldiers. You have any idea how much its going to cost me to replace these retards?!” He/she drabbled on, waving at the carnage.

Okay, aside from the fact that this guy just survived a goddamn mortar strike, someone’s using Gatuar here as a radio. I thought. “Why did you attack this place?” I asked.

Jill (yes, I figured that much out) stopped dead in her rant and stared at me suspiciously. Then, out of nowhere, she started laughing. I cringed because it was creepily close to The Jokers laugh.

She came down from the laugh, Gatuar’s eyes leaking crocodile tears. “Oh thats cute. You're after the SaddleArabian treasure too! I mean, you must be. Why else would openly attack me and follow me to a den?” She asked rhetorically.

I rose an annoyed eyebrow at her statement. “First off, I never said anything about some damn treasure. Second, the only reason I’m here is to help an acquaintance. Third, Considering the fact that you cheated two people out of a small army, I’d say theres more to worry about than some other treasure hunt-” I said before Gataur moved toward me with unnatural speed and wrapped a huge hand around my neck, almost crushing my plate-like skin in.

I grabbed at his fingers around my neck, trying to find more air. All I could do was stare into Gataur’s eyes and see the sadness in them. She was controlling him somehow and I’m pretty sure he wanted no part in what was happening, but was powerless to stop it. I tried looking somewhere else and switched my view to his knuckles. On a single scaly finger had a huge ring with a pinkish ruby in it.

“Don’t lie to me,” Jill said, murderously. “I remember what you are and I know what you're after now. So let me give you a fair warning; if you follow me, I will end you in the one way I know is painful for your kind.” I rose an eyebrow confused and about to pass out. “Oh, you think I don't know about you're kind? I know more than any other pony that isn't from SaddleArabia. From the way you dress, you're not a true Jann. No, you must have been cursed or something. Oh, if thats the case, I can just imagine how confusing this is right now,” she continued.

“So let me give you fair warning; if you try to follow me, I will end you in the worst way possible,” Gatuar’s head jerked to the left suddenly. “You done yet?! Woah, what are you trying to do, wake that thing?! Hurry up!” she yelled and turned back to me. “Well, that’s my que. I hope we never have to see eachother again. I might just have fun. Also, keep this pile of scales, he’s useless to me now anyway,” Jill said, her voice fading and being replaced by the raspy, masculine voice from before.

“BLITZKRIEG!!” I heard someone yell before something exploded on Gataur’s head. The hybrid finally let go of my neck, dropping to the ground. All I could hear was fighting, my entire attention pointed at the scorched earth. I began coughing in fit, trying to regulate my intake of presious air. Next time I see that red douchbag, we are having a serious discussion on my skin. I thought.

“Idilah. Idilah!” someone yelled. “Come on, we need your help taking down this thing!”

My eyes shot open and I ignored my pain and got right up to assess the situation. The beast was currently fighting Crow, Mastodon,and Vito were fighting against the thing. Gatuar was obviously stronger than all of them, but like me they were all swifter than him. What was surprising to me was the fact that Vito was using some set of knuckle-dusters to fight. He moved like Crow was doing his screech and strike maneuver and managed to stun the monster, making him stager back. Crow moved in from behind, while Mastodon and Vito jumped into the air and unveiled his blade.

Everyone went in for a combined attack.

And failed horribly.

With only one arm,Gataur swiped all of them out of the air sending them sprawling. I honestly didn't know what I could do. Right before decided to take out gun and start shooting, Kitty swooped from out of nowhere and landed on Gatuar’s head. “Hiii!” she yelled before punching a single scale on his back.

The hybrid’s entire body went slack and he dropped to the ground.

Everybody stomped on the ground and yelled “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!”
Kitty immediately went to Gatuar’s hand and ripped off his huge ring. I started to Kitty with curious rage. “How the hell did you do that?” I asked.

She giggled. “Its simple silly, all us Abominations are very special but we all have one failing that makes us vulnerable,” she explained.

“Very well said Kitty, almost as well as I explained it,”said Gatuar.

Everyone got back in a defensive stance, ready to fight again. Gatuar got back on his feet and groaned. “Don't worry everyone. I no longer mean you harm. But if you desire to catch Jill, I suggest you hurry back to the mine before she-” he about to say before there was a whooshing sound. Suddenly, an airship lifted off in the distance.


“Dammit!” I shouted, stomping. “Great, now we have no clue where she went or what she wanted with this place.”

I would not say that yet my friend. Come, let us release the prisoners and then we shall talk,” he suggested, smiling. I looked to the everyone else but all I got was shrugging in response.

“Alright, lets go get Ule first. They’re not going anywhere,” I respond.

After an hour, Sheytan found a landing zone close to the mine. After another hour, everyone rendezvoused on the former battlefield, that of which was still covered in bodies. Everyone stepped over the bodies and waited my orders. “Okay, Ule, Gatuar, and Crow, you're with me. Lets get down there and see what we’re working with. Everyone else, pick this place clean. Mine crew lets go,” I ordered sternly.

“Sure, Miss Idilah, but please, call me Arige,” Gatuar responded.

Everyone else started picking through the bodies and the remains of the battlements and we started our descent into the underground.

“Wow...this is simple,” I started, staring at the large but incredibly simple room. After making a decent down a well used tunnel, we entered a very large room that was lit up by torches and only had a few features. On the opposite side of the room was another tunnel that I suspected led to the actual mine. To the far left of the room was another tunnel, but this one looked brand new. However, my interest in it was lost when I saw Ule running to what was in the wooden cages right next to it...

Zebras...Over two dozen zebras were cower or sleeping in a set of wooden pens...

Ule ripped the doors off of both cages without a second thought and grabbed a zebra with wispy white hair and embraced her in a hug. After two minutes of hugging, the zebra pushed him off and started bonking him over the head.

“Well this makes sense,” thought aloud. I directed everyone else to examine the freshly made hole and let Ule have his moment. We walked towards the hole and peeked inside, seeing nothing but darkness. “Crow, grab a torch and head inside,” I ordered.

Crow sighed. “Why is it the black guy that gets sent in first? No, you couldn't get the blond dog, you had to get the black griffin to inspect the mysterious hole in the wall,” he complained, grabbing a nearby torch off the wall, returning with an annoyed look on his face.

I sighed. “Dude, last time I checked, you were white back on earth. Just shut up and check the thing.” He groaned in response and went inside, with me and Arige following. The hole led to an even bigger room that was barely illuminated by our torch. I looked to Arige who was rubbing his chin.

“So what was she after here?” I asked him.

“Two things,” he answered back. “The ore here and a dragon. This was the chamber she had me smash me into. Immediately, whatever dragon it was killed off most of her guard-”

“Wait, hold up. When I drop kicked you, you already were in the middle of attacking the den. How did you guys get inside already?”

Arige chuckled. “Oh no. What you saw was the clean up. We had already taken over before you came,” he explained, amused. “Anyway, Jill used some kind of powder she had even before she stole us Abominations to subdue the beast. Then, she had me and some of the kings load the beast onto her ship. The odd thing is how she acted. She made me take special care to not hurt it. As if it was a priceless vase.”

He was about to continue but was interrupted by Crow screaming. Well, screaming would be doing the noise justice. What came out of Crow’s beak was something closer to the noise when an anime fangirl sees her favorite character on screen.

“Idilah! Idilah! Idilah!” he called in quick succession. Arige and I ran over to him to see Crow hugging a small blue boulder. “Isn't she beautiful?” she asked dreamily.

Arige stared at him and then me wordlessly. I rubbed the back of my neck, nervously. “Yeah, he...Has problems,” I said not looking away from the spectacle.
When we came above ground we walked into another party of reunions in front of the mine’s entrance. While there were nothing but reunions around, Ule was being cussed out by who I could only assume was his mother. “What the hell were you THINKING! You knew we needed you. You knew the only reason why they weren't attacking was because of you! And what did you do?!” she yelled at him.

“Leave,” he answered in shame, abandoning his accent.

“You left! You left your family and you're home. And for what?!” she asked.

“Come on ma. I felt like the town scarecrow. I-” he was interrupted by a smack on the head. “Ow!” he wailed.

“That was your duty. Hell, you chose that duty. It was your responsibility and you abandoned it just to leave. Now lets go thank your former captain and get started on moving the town here,” she ordered with more authority than I could ever muster. She somehow took grabbed one of Ule’s ears and pulled him along as she started walking towards me.

When she stood in front of me, she put on possibly the most fakest smiles I’d ever seen. “Thank you so much for saving us. My son has told me you are the one reponsible for bringing him home. Is there anyway I can repay you?” she asked.

I respectfully returned the smile. “Don't worry about it. I just need to know if you heard anything that pony that stormed in said.”

She made a sour face. “Oh, that bitch. She stormed right in and refused to set us free! She said something about going to Trotland. Didn't hear much more than that but if you plan on kill’n her, its going to be rough. She took that dragon they had with her,” she warned.

“I already know. Take care of yourselves and keep that boy close,” said walking past her.

She tugged his ear tighter, making him wince. “Oh, I will.”

As soon as the reunions started, everyone had got back onto the ship. I turned to Arige, concerned. “You don't have to come with us if you don't want to. The zebras are building a new town and I don't think Ule’s mom wasn't too mad at you,” I suggested.

Arige held up his claw defensively. “I don't belong here, that I know for sure. What I want is to return to The Professor. Me and my fellow Abominations need to go back there. If we can get to her lab, I’m sure she’d know more about what Jill seeks. Her lab is in the Froke Mountains, a few miles from Germane,” he explained.

I nodded and notice Crow coming on board with a wheelbarrow full of blue rocks. I sighed. “Crow, what are you doing?” I asked.

Crow smiled wickedly. “Feeding my addiction and getting us fuel. I’ll take half for projects and Sheytan can have the rest!” he suggested.

I shook my head and noticed a small group of zebras walking onto the gangplank. There were 5 of them, none of them were really different from the other. One of them walked up to me nervously scratching his hooves. “Um, we’re here to join up?” he said, nervously.

“Wait what?”. I thought.

Vito came out of absolutely nowhere and shook the hooves of all the zebras with an insane grin on his face. “Hello, new recruits! So you took me up on my offer. Lets get you settled downstairs,” he announced cheerfully.

“Wait, what?!” I said again.

As he ushered the zebras past me, he whispered in my ear, “Started a recruiting campaign while you were underground. Don't worry they're adults and they’ll make perfect interns,” he said quickly.

I was absolutely speechless. Damn he works fast.

I shook my head and telepathically connected to Sheytan. So, the fat oaf is off my vessel. Good. Now, where to next Jann? she asked.

I turned to terk, who was checking the top deck ballistas. “Terk! Go down below and plot a course to Germane. We have a doctor to visit,” I yelled.

Lets see what kind of trouble we can make along the way...

Author's Note:

A-ree-gay (Arige) is japanese for alligator. Trottland is scottland. Germane is germany.

Let me make this abundantly clear: I hate pacing. I hate it with a burning passion. So because I'm the author, the story will be paced to my mood and whether of not you read it is your choice.

The next update is going to come out soon. You'll see why...