• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 1,664 Views, 64 Comments

A Second Chance - nimaru

Not everyone is given a second chance at a life. And if they are given the gift, does it mean anything if they don't know it? A series of encounters with ponies of Canterlot will bring two ponies together who desperately need each other.

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The Dream

Why is my room so bright? I wondered, squinting tightly. But the light would not be ignored and started dancing across my face, flickering away and then back again playfully. With an irritated sigh, I opened my eyes to an unexpected scene.

Directly above, the waving branches of a grand oak tree let sparkling sunlight down in patches. Leaning over me on all sides was tall, cool grass that swayed gently in the breeze. The sounds of nature were everywhere; chirping birds, the rustling of wind through leaves, and the happy gurgling of a nearby stream.

Confused, I stared skyward until I noticed a white animal of some kind resting on my face. At the same moment I reach up to brush it away, another one appeared at my side. I froze and it froze in response. I made a few more attempts to shoo the critter away before understanding what it was that I was seeing.

I let my “arm” down and relaxed into the grass for the moment as I tried to remember what I had been doing before I woke up.

I was at singing lessons. It hadn’t been going well and I was frustrated. Coach had “given it to me straight” that he thought I was about as good as I’d ever be. We fought; I said a few things I shouldn’t have, and then stormed out. I knew he was right, but that didn’t make it any easier to face. I rushed home,went to bed, then… and then I was here.

Here where every sight and sound spoke of nature and harmony. Where I felt entirely at peace even though I possessed fuzzy lumps where my nose and arm should be. I rolled to my stomach and crawl-kicked to the nearby stream where I pulled up to full height and leaned over the water to gaze at my reflection.

Yup, I thought, I’m a pony.

In every genre from fantasy to sci-fi to ancient history, there are some stories told with such depth and intensity that you can’t help but feel like the world they describe is almost real; or wish that it were. But unlike those who yearned for the magic of wizards or the adventure of time travel, the world I most admired was far more peaceful and kind. That didn’t mean I didn’t love an epic space saga like everyone else, but something about the pony world spoke to my heart. For me, it was just on a different level.

Of course, I never went nuts over it or anything. Sure I tried lucid dreaming a few times, but that was years ago and I’d never actually succeed. Until now, I thought.

As upset as I had been yesterday I supposed it made sense that my subconscious would send me here as a defense… though my appearance wasn’t what I would have expected.

The “pony me” in the water stared with familiar blue eyes framed by a face covered in bright white fur. My mane was long; falling in waves and curls, but was just as colorless. The little horn on my head meant I should be able to do magic, but before I had the chance to try, I remembered an even more important feature and whipped my head back to examine my flank. Blank as a sheet of paper.

Great, I grumbled inwardly. Even in my dreams I have no idea what I should be.

I sighed in the most ugly, frustrated way I could, and then giggled when I discovered it was quite impossible to make uncute noises while in pony form.

Finished with self-examination for the moment, I looked up to see a soft wind running down the valley and through distant trees. The sky was crisp and clear and the mountains tall and stoic. The landscape was almost cartoonish vibrant and every direction I turned showed signs of creatures living harmoniously.

If I had known lucid dreaming would be this amazing, I would tried a lot harder. But it won’t mean anything if I spend all my time sitting here!

I stood carefully and took a step forward… before crashing to the ground. I tried again… and again.

After my fourth or fifth crash, I was starting to feel a little frustrated, but considering how real the dream felt, I supposed it made sense to start with the basics. Unfortunately, balancing and coordinating four legs was anything but “basic”.

As I readied myself for the next attempt, a strong gust blew noisily through the gale. I smiled, closed my eyes, and let the wind whip around me. I relaxed into the wind’s embrace and wondered if, as an adult, I had too often forgotten to appreciate life’s little moments.

But soon enough it was gone and I returned to the task at hand… with the same results. I was so preoccupied staring at my front hooves, trying to figure out what I’d been doing wrong, that I almost didn’t notice I had company until she spoke.

“Are you alright?” said a little pony before sitting down.

I rose to her eye level and blurted the first thing that came to mind: “Hi!”

So it wasn’t awe-inspiring for first contact, but I was too excited to think clearly. She was light-green with a soft pink mane and tail and had a flowery-looking cutie-mark on her flank. A “proper” pony from horn to tail and utterly adorable.

I wanted to ask her how to use magic, but I couldn’t help but giggle at the odd face she was making.

“My name is Rose Petal. What’s yours?” she finally asked.

“Rose Petal” huh? That certainly made sense. But as for myself… what could I tell her? Obviously “Sam” wasn’t much of a pony name and, if the dream lasted long enough, I might get a chance to learn about a new side of myself. Maybe I’d earn a cutie mark and matching name; discovering a hidden inner truth in the process. Given the way my week had gone, it was a very attractive option.

“Can you stand?” Rose Petal asked, clearly tired of waiting for a response.

Thankful for the change of subject, I answered affirmatively, though perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

“Can you walk?” she asked next to which I truthfully replied, “That’s harder…”

She looked thoroughly confused, and started circling me. She might have said something, but I was far too preoccupied watching her legs to notice. After a moment studying how each leg and hoof moved in sequence, I was ready to try again, but it appeared to be harder than I expected.

Realizing my intention, “Rose Petal”, walked in front of me again, but slower so I could better observe the movement. After a few cycles of demonstration then practice, I soon found myself walking by her side through the forest.

I was ecstatic! I watched my hooves and marveled and how easy and light the movement felt. After a few minutes, I was able to look at the scenery without concentrating so hard on my feet.

Hooves rather, I corrected myself with a smile.

We paced lazily through the forest, though for how long, I’m not sure. Usually great dreams never lasted, but along with all the other strangeness, I hadn’t yet felt even the slightest pull towards wakefulness.

It looks like I might actually have some time to enjoy this! I thought happily.

Just then, we exited the woods and I could see a grand city just ahead.

Canterlot! What better place to be to see and experience the pony world? Rose Petal seemed eager to return and picked up the pace. Being excited myself, I tried to match her speed…


…and with predictable results.


I could tell that my frustrated escort wanted to move quickly, but the best I could manage was a fast walk. Still, it wasn’t long before we reached the gates where bored-looking guard ponies eyed the incoming and outgoing traffic.

When we were close enough, I gleefully met a guard’s gaze and smiled. He glanced at me in a routine fashion before doing a double-take; most likely noticing my… bareness. I saw his eyes pass to Rose Petal who must have reassured him somehow because he nodded slightly and returned to his work.

I looked at her curiously and she wordlessly returned the gaze. I wondered just how important my new friend must be to mollify the guards with only a look. But I didn’t have time to dwell as the entrance opened to a bustling street full of ponies of all kinds; pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies milling about on various errands. There were shops, stalls, tall houses and buildings; and towering over all of them in the background was majestic Canterlot Castle. It was amazing.

There was a unicorn magically carrying some parcels and a little further off, a pegasus jumped out of a window and flew off between some buildings. I turned excitedly to my escort, but the question died on my lips when I found no one there. Rose Petal was gone.

My heart sunk into my gut. Of course I could explore the dream city on my own, but somehow it didn’t look as friendly and magical as it had the moment prior. I sat down and hung my head, feeling like a lost child.

“… so sorry!”

I looked up to see Rose fade back to existence in front of me.

“It’s a habit and I wasn’t thinking. Please don’t cry!” she pleaded.

Cry? I wondered.

I raised my hoof to wipe away the tears I hadn’t realized I shed and then found myself breathing hard; struggling not to bawl outright. I knew it was irrational and childish, but I couldn’t help it. Whatever mechanism the waking me used to keep emotions under control wasn’t working.

I fought the urge to break down and started to hyperventilate when Rose Petal leaned close to rest her fuzzy forehead on mine. In her soft voice, almost in sing-song, she said “I won’t leave you alone, I promise”. I stared at her wide eyed and open mouthed as she smiled gently. The negative emotions ebbed and in their place was a warmth that was hard to describe.

Was this more of her magic? I wondered. Then I felt foolish as I remembered that this was just a dream and the only magic here was in my imagination. Still, the happiness and relief I felt were real.

She stepped back and waited patiently while I took a few moments to compose myself. After a few slow breaths, I smiled to reassure her that I was alright and asked, “Where are we going?”

“I want you to meet my friend” she answered. Then, seeming to realize she hadn’t given me much information, she added “She’s in the palace gardens.”

Glancing around the crowded square once more, I realized that I really would rather experience this world a few ponies at a time.

“I’d love to!” I responded honestly.

Rose Petal smiled and started walking deeper into the city, being careful to walk at my speed and staying in sight. I dutifully followed her lead and wondered what the next dream-pony would be like.

I can’t wait! I thought.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 of the second half of the story. I expect this might cause some controversy, though many of you probably already knew where this was going. It was never intended to be a secret after all. It's kind of like the Titanic... you know where it's going, but want to see what happens along the way... or something.

Either way, this is the story I want to tell and I hope you guys can bear with me until the end. If it matters, Snow doesn't represent me or anyone I personally know in this story. If anything, I'm more represented by Dusty