• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 1,667 Views, 64 Comments

A Second Chance - nimaru

Not everyone is given a second chance at a life. And if they are given the gift, does it mean anything if they don't know it? A series of encounters with ponies of Canterlot will bring two ponies together who desperately need each other.

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Two Worlds

How long had I lain there? I could barely recall the fevered dash through the city, but I clearly remembered throwing myself on the bed and waiting tearfully for the end that never came. I was left alone and confused; the agonizing thoughts flying like spears, each cutting deeply as it fell.

I was ready to go. To leave the magic, and the wonder… even my friends. But… Dusty…

I was powerless in the face of the assault; shuddering and spasming with each blow. My body felt strange… or did it feel familiar? I had almost forgotten was it was like to be human. Or was I ever human at all?

No! My mother and brother are waiting for me. They’re waiting for me…

I almost felt like I could see their faces. Looking so sad… heartbroken… afraid. Just as Winter Willow and Rose petal had.

Just like Dusty would if she knew… if she could see me now…


Dusty appeared before me, but was the horrified face I saw real? I didn’t know, but it was breaking my heart just the same. I put on a smile and spoke sweetly:

“Dusty. I’m so happy. I wanted to see you one more time before…” I choked over the words. I’d been strong for so long… hiding the panic attacks; burying my worries and fears; pretending not to be conflicted about leaving the pony world.

I rocked back and forth, my head bumping rhythmically against the wall.

How long will this torture last? If I have to leave, why can’t it just happen? Why can’t it just be over with? But I don’t want to go. Oh, Celestia help me, I don’t want to go.

Dusty yelled something… she looked so sad.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. Then, using the swaying to give me strength, I closed my eyes and repeated: “I’m sorry.”

Mom… Dusty… What do I do? What can I do? How can I make the pain stop?

Then I was floating. The ocean of uncertainty and indecision crashed into me again and again; eroding my senses; sapping my strength; erasing my grip on reality. Winter Willow’s face was the next to appear, but then it was Mom’s. I was in Heart Healer Hall… or was it somewhere else?

The steady beeping of equipment needled me, the bright lamps glaring into my unfocused eyes.

“… fading fast. We’re losing…”, two disparate voices said in tandem.

I could feel the activity around me, but was unable to make sense of it. I didn’t know where I was, or where I was going, or why. But at that moment all I wanted was peace.

Somepony was holding me and crying. I heard female voice, “don’t worry Sam.”


And the voice changed pitch and continued, “Princess Celestia will help you”.


In a lucid moment, I found myself in a room that I didn’t recognize. I was confused and disoriented, but then I saw somepony special beside me. “Dusty”, I smiled.

I hope she found the rose, I thought. But why is she crying? Is the ceremony over? Did something happen?

Then my eyes were drawn to movement. Winter Willow was walking towards a majestic pony that I thought I knew. Dreamily, I smiled.

It’s Princess Celestia… Princess… Celestia…?

Princess Celestia!

Limbs locked and my blood ran cold. Everything came rushing back all at once: fear, hope, uncertainty, love, loss… I didn’t know where the screaming was coming from, but the anguish that rode it was my own.

Is this it? Is she the one who sends me back? Do I even want to go back? What about my family? Who is my family? Who am I?

I was drowning and no longer had the power to fight it… I felt my sanity slipping away.

Then there was a burst of magic and the torrent surrounding me settled; if only for the moment. I think Dusty left my side, but I didn’t protest. All I wanted was to think nothing… to feel nothing.

The majestic pony princess stood over me sadly.

Why does everypony look at me that way? I lamented. No more! No more...

Weary and numb, I whispered, “D…do… what you have to.”


I looked up at her, intending to face whatever was to come with dignity.

Princess Celestia’s horn glowed slightly and I heard the door lock slide into place with a click. Then she turned to the window where the bright light of the rapidly setting sun shone.

“Mother,” she said. “I need you.”

The sun… pulsed. The rays bent forward creating a beam of light that filled every part of the room in a flash. Somehow, I was aware that time had stopped and, in the crack in time, there was only me, the princess, and…

“Mother,” Princess Celestia said, walking close to the half-pony, half-sun who stood by the window. She was slightly shorter than Princess Celestia, but radiated power and confidence that made it seem as if she encompassed the entire world. Her hair burned and danced like fire and I felt like I could see the universe through her eyes.

At Princess Celestia’s approach, the sun pony leaned in and nuzzled her with a love as vast as the sky and tenderness like a butterfly’s kiss. After sharing their affections, Princess Celestia stepped back and simply said, “I think this is one of yours? She needs you.”

The sun pony approached; her gravity warping the room around her as she walked. At her approach, every fear and worry inside me sprung forth again, but was powerless in the face of her majesty. Unable to move, to think, to speak, or even look away, I did the only thing that I could; I basked in her radiance and waited.


She reached forward with a blazing hoof and placed it on my paralyzed forehead. Her fire surrounded and filled me and I fell deep, deep into the light. Then, slowly, the light faded away to reveal a strangely familiar scene.

REMEMBER, a faraway voice commanded.


Sam! Sam!

I tried to answer, but coughed wetly into my hand instead. I stared in wonder at the blood covering my fingers and the myriad of wires and tubes springing from every part of my body. My breathing was shallow and I couldn’t feel my feet.

Above me were lights. So many bright lights… but one stood out from the rest. Far away… somehow farther than the ceiling itself was a pinpoint of light that shone like a star. It spoke to me. Or rather, it twinkled and I understood.

SAY YOUR GOODBYES it finally said… or was that the doctor next to me?

“I’ve administered some pain medication, but there’s nothing more we can do. I’ll leave you alone,” he said, moving away and turning off the bright surgery lamps as walked out the door.

Every part of me raised alarms of pain, but whether due to shock or medication, I only felt numb tingling.

“Sam”, a voice sobbed.

I looked for the source and managed to make out the details of her face through my red-tinted vision.

“Mom. What happened?”

She put a hand to her mouth instead of speaking. Tears streamed from both eyes.

“You wrecked,” my little brother said simply. I couldn’t help but laugh at his frankness, but I immediately regretted it.

“Ah! Ugh… Yeah… I guess I did,” I winced, biting off the words between stabs of pain. “Wasn’t too smart of me huh?”

I opened my eyes again and looked directly into their tear-soaked eyes. “Hey buddy, hey Mom.”

I lifted up my heavily-bandaged left hand which they gingerly clasped in their fingertips. They listened quietly; both knowing that they were about to hear my last words.

“I wanted to stay a little longer,” I breathed, relaxing into the bed and looking again at the tiny star beyond the ceiling. “But that light up there says it’s time for me to go.”

Mom sobbed and closed her eyes. My brother, scared and confused, searched the ceiling. Meanwhile, the star neither of them could see steadily approached. I knew that time was short.

“Hey.” I said as sternly as I could. “It’s ok to be sad.” I took another shallow breath before continuing. “It’s ok to cry.”

Another breath. The star crept closer and I began to see a shape within the light.

“But don’t be sad for me. I’ll be ok.”

Another breath. My body started float and the pain seemed far away. The glowing shape drew closer.

“Hey buddy.” My brother had his face buried in Mom’s dress, but peeked at me with one miserable eye. “When it’s hard, remember…*gulp* the smiles.”

“Mom,” I said, looking briefly her way. She was trying so hard to be brave, despite the tears. Hot liquid streamed down my face as well. “Mom…” I repeated weakly.

“She wants me to sing. I get to sing!” I said dreamily. The sun pony was close now; she reached out with her hoof.

“Her wings are so beautiful!” I said.

And then the pain was gone. Every sensation ceased and there was only light. I was sad for the world that was already so far away, but at the same time, I felt peace.

The light’s magic started to fade and a different scene came into view. Directly above, the waving branches of a grand oak tree let sparkling sunlight down in patches…


I cried.

I cried for the family I’d left behind, but mostly I cried for the gift I’d been given. For my second chance.

I looked with tear soaked eyes at Tua Sunflare; Princess Celestia’s mother and so much more; and I wished there was some way for me to express my gratitude.

I ALREADY KNOW, her cavernous voice whispered in my mind.

She turned and shared another nuzzle with the Princess. Unburdened by tormenting thoughts, this time I heard the melodic tone the burst forth as they touched. It was indescribably beautiful; as if love itself had a voice.

I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, she thought.

“I know,” Princess Celestia smiled.

Tau Sunflare looked to the sun, but then briefly reconsidered.

WHAT YOU LACK, YOU’LL FIND BEFORE DAY’S END, She sent briefly before disappearing with a flash.

The room of light began to darken with her departure, but time hadn’t caught up quite yet. I relished the moment, finally free of the darkness, of the doubt, and worry, and panic; marveling at how light my body felt while Princess Celestia looked on patiently.

Feeling grateful, but suddenly self conscious for having put so many ponies through so much trouble, I spoke. “Princess… I…”

“It can be overwhelming.” She said. “But I know what you want to say. After all, you’re not the first person to make that journey,” she said mysteriously. I burned with curiosity, but before I had a chance to ask, she continued.

“But that’s a conversation for another day.”

“Does that mean I can see you again?” Preferably a time when I’m not screaming at you?

“I have no doubt,” she said; a tiny laugh in her voice. “But first you have somepony else to attend to first?”

She looked to the door which was now clearly visible. The room and time with it had returned to normal. From the other side a voice; desperate and heartbreaking, called my name.

Snow! SNOW!

“Are you ready?”

I wasn’t sure I was, but the Princess’s horn glowed anyway. There was an audible click and the then the doors burst open. Dusty bounded into the room, skidding as she found her bearings. She looked to me; her face painted in agony. I’d never wanted to hug somepony so badly… to make their pain go away… than in that moment.

“Dust…” was all I could manage before she’d barreled into me at full speed. We tumbled in a flurry of hooves and pillows leaving me temporarily stunned. When I regained my senses, I was aware of her warmth, of her scent, of the softness of her coat and mane, and the pitiable way her body shook next to mine.

“Snow! Snow…” she cried softly.

“Dusty,” I said. “It’s alright. I’m ok! Everything’s fine now.”

“Snow!” she wailed, inconsolable. “Snow! Snow! Please don’t leave me…”

“Dusty. I’m fine, I won’t. Dusty, I…” I said with a lump in my throat. In danger of breaking down yet again, I swung my head forward and bumped her gently, but firmly on the forehead. Dusty, fell silent in surprise. “I won’t leave you. I’ll stay with you forever… if you’ll have me.”

She blubbered something incomprehensible and the tears returned. I laughed a little and held her tightly, shedding a few tears of my own. The shaking began to subside, but I could sense a tiny broken melody playing deep within.

I’ve wounded you, I thought sadly. But I’ll heal the hurt no matter how long it takes.

I looked around the room while Dusty cried herself out in my hooves. Princess Celestia was speaking quietly to a nervous looking pegasus pony who disappeared a breath later. Then she turned to others.

“Crabapple, we’ve done a good thing here today. Thank you and your assistant for your part in it. And Winter Willow dear, well done.”

Winter Willow beamed, and once again, sourceless music played. Strong, happy, and full of light; it burst forth seeming to come from deep within the green-haired pony herself. I began to realize that it wasn’t just my imagination… all those times before… when I could hear the emotion behind the expression, the unspoken words…

Before I had time to explore it, the little nervous pegasus was back with a haughty looking unicorn in tow. She wasted no time pulling out scissors and a brush with which she vigorously attacked Dusty and me. Too confused to protest, I just looked to the Princess for explanation. Dusty, finally shocked out of her misery, did the same.

With a laugh, she obliged. “You two have had a very busy afternoon. I’m sure that the ponies who care about you are worried enough without having you return looking as if you’ve spent the day in a manticore’s jaws.”

I smiled a little though Dusty, not a pony for fancy appearances, just blushed. “Don’t worry,” the prissy unicorn said. “The request was that I just make you look normal again, not gala-worthy. That would make your friends worry too, yes?”

She put an indifferent act, but I could hear the kindness beneath. “Thank you!” I said with a smile.

Wide-eyed, she blushed, but kept at her work. Soon enough made her exit with a bow to Crabapple and the Princess just as a guard pony entered. He nodded silently and then resumed his place outside.

“It’s seems your ride home is ready,” the Princess said.

I stood, ready to protest, but thinking better of it when my legs nearly gave out on me. With some effort, I kept from falling and then helped Dusty up who seemed no better off. Perhaps a ride was a good idea after all.

”Thank you,” I said to the Princess. She just smiled and took the lead while we followed. It was slow going with Dusty clinging so close, but I didn’t rush her. Even still, it was no time at all before we were in the back of a sky chariot; ready to depart.

“Snow,” the princess started, stepping close to look me in the eyes. “It’s no accident that you’re here. All ponies, regardless of where they’re from,” she said, pausing meaningfully. “has something special to offer. I look forward to seeing what you’ll accomplish.”

I blushed. “I understand Princess Celestia. Thank you again… for everything.”

She nodded once, and then signaled the guard. In a flash, we were airborne.

During the brief trip, I considered her words. What did I have to offer? I’d forgotten Tau Sunflare’s wish for me to sing, but I’d done plenty of that with no prompting. Now I’d discovered an ability to hear music of the heart, but even that realization didn’t make my flank any less bare. There was something else I was missing…

Dusty shifted her weight and I looked her way. She was staring wearily at the horizon where the sun was slowly sinking away. In the light of the warm evening sun, she seemed to me to be the most wonderful pony who ever lived.

She caught me staring and turned towards me. Leaning in, I nuzzled her snout tenderly.

“I love you,” I said.

Dusty blushed and looked away, but she wasn’t fooling anypony. I could hear her heart singing.

Then the chariot tilted and Dusty leaned close. I smiled and rested my head next to hers and, together, we took in the beautiful view as we began our downward spiral. The sun was sliding slowly behind the mountains when we touched down with a light bump by our front door.

I was still relishing the view when I heard the noise of hoof clops behind me. I turned to find myself face-to-face with… everypony. They swarmed the chariot, packed so full on all sides that we couldn’t even get out. The worried craftponies called our names and asked for answers.

The intensity of their worry might have been frightening if their heartfelt concern hadn’t nearly moved me to tears. I wanted from the bottom of my heart to reassure them; to thank them; and let them know how much I cared for them too, but I couldn’t find the words. So instead, I stood tall, leaning my front hooves on the edge of the chariot so they could all see me. And then I sang.

I sang of my sadness and my joy, about the family left behind and the new friends I’d found. About the pony I loved and admired who was so special to me. How she was patient, and caring, and always there for me. About her amazing talent that could transmit emotion and move hearts. And…

Your songs are magical you know…

I fell silent, Ash Carver’s words so clear in my head that I briefly looked to see if he’d actually spoken them.


Every pony was looking at me intently, wordlessly enveloped in my song... just like with Ash Carver by the fountain. Just like the time with Dart Hoof in the park. Not a trace of worry remained, only silent anticipation and light smiles.

I did this! I finally realized.

I eased their fears, just like I salved Ash Carver’s disappointment, just like I lit the light of purpose in Dart Hoof … all because of my singing. I don’t just hear hearts… I can help them heal. I’m a heart healer!

Bright light burst from behind me and again time seemed to slow. On the horizon, the last rays of the sun bent down to touch me and I felt Tau Sunflare smile. But far, far beyond her, deep in the sea of stars, I sensed a greater pony still. She looked upon me and spoke with the voice of all.


Time lurched forward and the sun laid to rest with a final twinkle; but it left something behind. In the spot where it touched me, from both flanks, light burst forth. And the instant my beautiful cutie mark appeared, I knew that I was truly a part of their world and that my real story could begin.


Author's Note:

Wow! This was a LOT of work and took a LONG time, but it was worth it! I learned a lot, I improved my writing and my art, and most importantly, I told the story that I wanted so deeply to tell. I hope you enjoyed this work and this story.