• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 3,073 Views, 40 Comments

Forgotten Son - loststone

1 of Lunas greatest secrets is revieled in this story of one of the people invoved in her banishin

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Chapter 11

Twilight looked up at Bronze, he was staring out in the distance with a concerned look on it.

“Uh Bronze do you mind telling me what’s going on, You look scared of something.”

He turned to look down into her violet eyes, his expression was very grim. He then let out a long sigh closing his eyes. “Twilight this may be hard to hear but I need you to listen and not interrupt me as I speak.”

She gave him a small nod giving him the ok to continue on talking.

“The spell that was on me was keeping me from remembering a horrible past. You see my aunt cut off my horn, wings, and vocal cords when I was just a young colt after I had found out one of her horrible plots to rule Canterlot by herself. She then brought me here to the Everfree forest and left me for dead, but as she was flying away my mother confronted her. The end result was my mother being banished, but before she was I tried to use a spell to save her and lost control of it. The spell went haywire and erased me from the memories of everypony in Equestria." Bronze let out another long sigh before saying a few more words."The name of my mother is Princess Luna.”

Twilight let out a sharp gasp as she heard he was Luna’s son, but then that would mean Celestia…”NO! I refuse to believe Princess Celestia would do those things to you! She is the kindest pony in all of Equestria!”

“Believe it or not I tell only the truth. I must leave now to confront her and bring her to justice for what she has done. I will drop you off at Pony-“

“NO! I’m coming with you to prove that you are wrong about her.” Twilight yelled trying to defend her mentor.

Bronze looked at her for a few moments before saying, “Fine I’ll take you with me, but I guarantee you will not like what you see.” He then lit up his horn and formed a small tan colored bubble around her.

Bronze opened up his massive wings and started moving them up and down making great torrents of wind hit the ground below him. Dust flew outward as he began to rise off the ground, it was slow at first but after a few moments he was up in the air flying at speeds that Rainbow Dash would have a hard time keeping up with. He shot over the trees of the Everfree forest keeping Twilight five feet behind him as he levitated her in the bubble.

Ponyville came into view after ten minutes of flying, Bronze slowed down when he saw the cyan pegasus chasing after him. When she caught up with them her mouth dropped open at the sight of Bronze.

“Twilight what’s going on? Why does Bronze have wings, and why is he flying like a crazed maniac?”

Bronze looked over at the baffled pegasus “She can explain everything later Rainbow but for now I need you to go back into town and stay there. Twilight and I are going to Canterlot, we will send send you and the rest of your friends a letter filling you in on what is happening.” Bronze then sped up and left Rainbow Dash who was now totally confused behind him.

The sun had completely set by the time they arrived over the path leading to Canterlot, but for some reason the moon wasn't rising to take its place in the night sky. There were Ponies covering the road as they tried to escape the city. As Canterlot came into view it was evident why there were so many fleeing ponies.

Nearly all of the once beautiful buildings where on fire. The ones that weren’t were either already burnt down or blown to bits. But the most obvious thing that was wrong was the palace itself. The entire top half of the white castle was missing as if a giant dragon came by and decided to pick it up and fly away with it.

Bronze and Twilight could see flashes of light coming from the center of the city followed by the occasional explosion.


”LUNA THOU ARE STILL A PATHETIC LITTLE FILLY THAT CAN’T DEFEND HERSELF.” Celestia yelled at her sister in her old Canterlot voice as she sent another massive fire ball at Luna’s magic shield. As it made contact it blew up sending fire onto the surrounding buildings. Luna was growing weak and was fighting a battle that she could not win, so she used her last trump card.

She answered her sister by lowering her head and started charging up a ball of purple energy. It slowly grew in size sending blue bolts of lightning out from its edges. Her eyes brimming with rage as Luna put everything she had into this ball of magic. When it was fully charge she released it with a loud BOOM, it whistled as it flew through the air towards Celestia.

Seeing the potential danger of the oncoming attack Celestia put her hooves in front of her and made barriers around them. She caught the ball of energy with her now protected hooves making her slide back from where she was standing. Not being able to completely stop the ball she was forced to redirect it throwing it into the mountain side that Canterlot was build next to.

The ball flew off towards the mountain and for a few seconds there was silence as the whistling died down. BOOOOOOOOMMMM! The ball of energy made contact with the mountain exploding in a great flash of white light. The blast continued on after making contact sending a massive white beam of energy through mountain. It made its way through to the other side and continued onward for a few miles before fading away.

Luna collapsed seeing how Celestia had thrown her last attack, she was too exhausted to stand having put all her energy into it. Celestia only laughed as she looked through the glowing red hot hole that Luna had made.

“Is that all you’ve got sister. I was hoping that I would be able to have a little more fun with you before you gave up.” Celestia said as she flew over to her sister. “Oh well I guess all good things have to come to an end sooner or later. Good bye Luna, and don’t worry I won’t banish you to the moon this time.”


Bronze was flying towards where the two alicorns were fighting when a massive white beam of light shot through the mountain side. The shock wave from it threw him off balance and he fell out of the sky. He had just barely regained control of his wings before the hitting the ground below.

He regained altitude and looked at the newly formed hole in the mountain. It was perfectly symmetrical and glowed red in the darkness caused by the end of the day. It stretched a hundred meters in all directions amazing Bronze that the mountain didn’t collapse because of it.

Bronze’s attention was turned elsewhere as Twilight said “Look I think I see the princesses down there!” When they were close enough to properly see the two princesses she let out a gasp not wanting to believe what she was seeing. Luna was lying on the ground with a grinning Celestia approaching her. The white alicorn was wearing a gold and red armor that resembled the armor Luna would be in when she was in her Nightmare Moon form.


Celestia’s horn lit up as she charged up a spell to end her sister’s life, laughing as it slowly gained power.”Do say hello to Dusk Bringer for me.”She said as she released the spell.

Luna just closed her eyes waiting for the bolt of energy to hit her. “I’m sorry Dawn Bringer that I couldn’t see your face one last time and say I love you.” She whispered to herself as tears started rolling down her face.

She waited and waited but nothing came, she slowly opened her eyes to look at a tan colored barrier that had been erected around her. Celestia looked equally confused about the barrier that had formed around her sister but that confusion quickly turned into frustration as she shot bolt after bolt of deadly magic trying to break the barrier. Suddenly a massive dark form crashed into Celsestia causing her to go flying off into a nearby pile of rubble that had once been a building.

The dark form was a pony that was as tall as Celestia herself, he turned to look at the princess in the bubble before saying.”I love you to mother.” He then turned towards the pile of rubble Celestia had been sent flying into and walked up to it.

Luna watched as the dark pony moved over to the rubble before something jumped in the way of where her line of sight. It was the lavender pony Twilight Sparkle and she looked at Luna with concern.

“Luna are you alright?” Twilight yelled. ”Bronze open up the barrier so I can enter it.”

Luna looked at the lavender pony confused about what was going on as a small rectangle opened in front of Twilight allowing her inside.

“Twilight why are you here and who is that pony who just attacked Celestia?”

“Don’t you recognize him he is you son after all.”

Luna turned her head back towards Bronze in disbelief but it was all there. He had the same flowing mane and dark purple coat from the colt in her memories.


Bronze cautiously made his way to the pile of rubble he had bucked Celestia into. There was no movement as he approached the pile of stones and wood beams that had once been a street side coffee shop. He knew in the back of his mind that his kick would not be enough to beat his aunt.

The rubble started to rumble as a magic started to push its way up through the stones and wood before it suddenly burst sending shrapnel flying in all directions. Celestia was hovering in a ball of magic that she had created around herself, her eyes had the same insane look in them that they had the night that she kidnapped Bronze.

“I see nephew, you’re all grown up now. Did you come back to play another game with me? I don’t know how you got your wings and horn back but I will enjoy cutting them off again.” She said while her evil grin spread back across her face.

“Do not think I am defenseless as I was back then you damned witch, I will have revenge for what you did to me and my mother!”

“Oh will you now? Let’s just see if the dog has the bite to back up the bark.”

Celestia’s horn lit up as she sent three crackling balls of yellow energy at Bronze. They separated and came at him from three different angles, one straight at him and one for each of his sides. He just stood there as they came closer not moving an inch.BOOM

Celestia let out a loud laugh as the attacks made contact with her target. “Your pathetic you couldn’t even defend yourself from that measly attack. I was hop…”She trailed off as there was no pony in the clearing smoke from her attack. She looked around frantically trying to find Bronze.

“Like I said I’m not the same defenseless little colt I was before!” Yelled a voice from above her.

She looked up at a massive ball of swirling energy rapidly approaching her. Celestia was barely able put up a barrier to protect herself before the attack crashed down on her.

Bronzed hoped to finish this fast so the city wouldn’t take any more damage. But when he felt his attack being pushed back up towards him he knew Celestia still had some fight in her. He redoubled his efforts and pushed the ball back downward.

Suddenly he saw a flash of light come from underneath him and before he could react something came racing around the ball of energy and struck him in the side. He was sent flying out of the sky and into a half destroyed house nearby. Celestia took this chance to push the ball of energy off of her and send it flying off into the night sky.

Celestia let out a sigh of relief as the ball few off her before starting to laugh.”I underestimated you Dawn Bringer but that won’t happen again.” She flew over to the building that she had sent Bronze flying into.

As she got closer he came bursting out of the house wings flared sending a beam of energy the size of a freight train at her. Celestia countered by sending her own beam of energy at him. The two attacks collided creating an explosion with enough force to put out the fires engulfing the buildings around them.

Celestia and Bronze flew around exchanging attacks like this for the next thirty minutes causing the city to be filled with multiple caters and holes. They soon grew tired and were force to the ground cause their wings could no longer carry them.

Their breaths were heavy as they touched back down in the center of what was left of the city where they had started. Celestia, no longer smiling, had a look of anger and frustration on her face, Bronze on the other hoof looked completely calm and had a determined.

They looked at each other for a few moments not making any moves. Bronze then took it upon himself to resume their fight by charging up to Celestia and bucking at her left side. She easily avoided the attack and stabbed at him with her horn. She came within inches of one of his wings before he sent her flying away with a magical push.

Celestia knew she wouldn’t be able to continue on for much longer as she slowly got up slowly from where she had landed looking around to find some sort of leverage that she could use against Bronze. Her eyes then fell upon the two mares sitting in the tan looking barrier. She snickered to herself as she came up with a devilish plan.

Bronze noticed where she was looking and before he could make a move to stop her Celestia shot a ball of bright light towards him. It didn’t hurt him, instead it blinded him giving Celestia enough time to move over to the barrier containing Luna and Twilight. As she approached the barrier something grabbed onto her back hoof. She looked down to see green root as thick as her horn wrapped half way up her hind leg.

”ENOUGH!”Shouted a voice loud enough to make the air crackle with energy. A deep rumbling followed the shout as the ground began to shake violently. Suddenly roots like the first one sprang out of the ground and latched themselves onto Celestia pulling her to the ground. She fought with all her might but the roots pinned her to the ground in a matter of seconds.

Celestia was about to cast a spell when a root wrapped itself around her horn. the voice spoke up again. “Don’t even think about it, or I`ll snap your horn off.” The root gave a slight tug making Celestia scream out in pain.

A massive ball of roots shot out from the ground in front of her causing everyone to gaze in amazement at the tangle of moving roots. They started to unwind themselves revealing a colossal unbloomed red flower that had three yellow stripes running up each peddle. It opened revealing Lady Green Bark sitting on a chair made of up of the stamen and pistils of the flower.

“What do you want Green Bark?” Celestia spat out with anger in her voice “This has nothing to do with you so-“

She was cut off as Lady Green Bark waved one of her fingers causing a root to wrap around Celesia’s muzzle “Just whom do you think you are speaking to you little brat. Have you forgotten all that I have done for you, have you forgotten the things I had taught you? Yet you still speak towards me with such venom in your voice.”

No one made a move as Green Bark got up from her chair and continued to scold Celestai. “You have changed in these past few millennia since I let you govern over the world that I had created. To think that you would revert back to your old self when Discord ruled over you. Celestia you have done unspeakable things to your family and you will be rightly punished as I see fit.”

Fear filled Celestia’s eyes as Lady Green Bark started casting a spell sending blue sparks around Celestia and the roots that entangled her. She then disappeared as the roots formed a tight ball around her before slowly moving back under ground with a low rumble.

The three ponies looked in shock as Celestia disappeared underneath the ground. Lady Green Bark then returned to her seat and made the roots holding up the flower move towards the three.

“My Lady.” Luna said bowing her head Bronze and Twilight soon followed suit.

Bronze then looked up at Green Bark with a very solemn expression. “Did you kill her?” He said in a plain and simple voice.

“No Bronze I did not, I merely transported her back to the sanctuary so I could deal with her later. I’m going make sure Tol’kie never goes hungry again by binding Celestia to it so her magic will constantly be sapped away by the tree. I would never be able to bring myself to kill her.”

“What now? With Celestia gone Eqestria is without a ruler and there is no pony to raise the sun anymore.” Twilight asked causing Lady Green Bark to look at her. She was about to speak up when Bronze interrupted her.

“I will take charge of rising the sun in the morning and if my mother so wishes I will raise the moon as well.” To prove that he was serious he focused his magic grabbing hold of the moon and slowly raising it into the night sky causing the three too give him looks of amazement. After raising the moon he staggered a little as a wave of fatigue rushed through his already tired form. He let out a few hard breaths before regaining his composer. “I will also rule if I have your blessing Lady Green Bark, I don’t know how good I will be but I can always turn to my mother if the need arises.”

She smiled at him. “I have no objection to you ruling, just remember don’t let the power get to you head I don’t want to forcefully dethrone another pony. But I am curious about what name you will rule under?”

This question caught him off guard as he contemplated on which of his two names he should use. He thought for a few more minutes before giving them his answer.

“I think I will use my old name, but that doesn’t mean I will want ponies to stop calling me by the name my master Ballahmar gave me.”

At hearing the name Ballahmar Lady Green Bark’s eyes widened. “You can’t be talking about the Great Blue Dragon Ballahmar could you?” She asked getting a nod in response. “So the old kook is still alive, I can honestly say I am amazed that he is, and even more so that you were his student...Unfortunately you will have to tell me about it some other time. I must return to my sanctuary for now, it seems Nardien is having a few problems with Celestia.”

She waved goodbye to them as the great flower she was sitting on closed up. It slowly returned under the ground with a low rumble, leaving behind a large circle of loose dirt where she had been.

Luna then looked at her son and embraced him in a big hug while tears started running down her face. “I missed you so much my son.”

“I missed you to mother.” He replied having tears in his eyes as he put his hoof around her.

Twilight just looked at the two as the hugged before breaking the silence. “Uh…not to ruin the moment or anything but can you tell me what you meant when you said your old name Bronze?”

He separated from Luna and looked down at the lavender pony before letting out a loud laugh. “I`ll tell you all about it later Twilight but for now I think we need to try and sort things out with all the ponies fleeing the city.”

She giggled at him before nuzzling his side. Luna also nuzzled his side as they looked up to the starry night sky before heading out of the city to calm everypony down.


After the battle was decided Bronze took over ruling Equestria. Many ponies had died that day and many more were injered. It took a few months but the ponies of Canterlot and Ponyville soon rebuilt the city to its former glory.

It took a few weeks but the ponies throughout the kingdom accepted Bronze as their new leader. He had few problems raising the sun and he would often raise the moon at night. Whenever he needed help dealing with political problems he would turn to his mother for assistance for matters that he could not handle.

He would frequently visit Lady Green Bark and Celestia at the sanctuary and sometimes would bring one of the mane six with him. Celestia was bound to the tree and wasn't allowed to leave the sanctuary but that didn't mean that she hadn't tried. But after her third attempt Lady Green Bark fused Celestia's wings to her sides so she couldn't open them.

The forest slowly began to revert back into a place where ponies could safely walk in again. There were even rumors spreading of a tall plant like creature walking though the forest hunting down the evil beasts that made the forest their homes.

Twilight Sparkle Became Luna's student after Celestia was banished. She would send her weekly reports on friendship to Luna along with everything that she had been studying.

She had planted the seed of Tol'kei that Lady Green Bark had given her in the massive hole that was blasted into the side of the mountain by Luna's attack. It was named the Sanctuary of Lost Rain do to the fact that the tree and all the plants around it seemed to grow without the need of water. Twilight gave the duties of feeding the tree to Luna and Bronze because she wanted to return to Ponyville.

Bronze ruled over Equestria for the rest of his life, and it was called the Rule of the Second Sun.


For those of you that did like my story thank you and that makes me happy =) I hope you all enjoyed this story and I enjoyed writing if for you guys see ya'll next time![color]

Comments ( 4 )

Hope you guys liked the fight scenes and the ending. :pinkiehappy: I may be making a follow up story for this one but i dont know at this point. Tank you for sticking with me :raritywink:

Gee Wilikers that was a neato story!

But seriously good job

Princess luna son is Kaneki

Wow! This was such a cool story! I bet if you made sequel to this it would be amazing!!! I would love to see what happens next... Will there be a Princess Twilight? Will Bronze marry Princess Twilight? :heart: Will Bronze share his duties with Princess Twilight; he'll raise the sun and she'll raise the moon? THE NEXT GENERATION of Bronze's kids!? So many probabilities! XD

Anyways, this was probably one of the best stories that I have read. Besides a few grammar and punctuation mistakes, I think you did a great job in explaining and planning out with each chapter. You could definitely tell that you got better as the story went on! Keep up with the good work! :D

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