• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 3,074 Views, 40 Comments

Forgotten Son - loststone

1 of Lunas greatest secrets is revieled in this story of one of the people invoved in her banishin

  • ...

Chapter 7

RIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGGG Bronze shot up suddenly at the loud ringing. He found himself losing balance quickly as he started to fall out of the bed. He hit the hard wood floor with a loud thud. His head screamed at him as he looked around for the origin of the loud ringing that was pounding away at his ears.

Bronze soon found out what was making the annoying sound. It was a small round alarm clock sitting on the dresser next to his bed. He wondered how the hell such a small thing could make such a loud noise without stopping. Bronze picked it up and started to shake it violently to get it to be quiet as his head continued to throb. After several more unsuccessful attempts to quiet the little object he just put it on the ground and stomped on it until it stopped making noise.

Bronze sighed as he put a hoof on his throbbing head hoping Applejack wouldn't be mad at him for destroying one of her clocks. He sat there for five minutes while waiting for his head to stop hurting.

After Bronze left his room he found his way down stairs and looked around trying to decide where to go next. In front of him was a large round table with many cuts and dents in it. He guessed that this was where the Apple family had all their meals, and from the state of the table the meals must have been pretty rambunctious.

On the walls there were pictures of the Apple family's members both living and dead. Bronze looked at the pictures as he walked around the table towards a door labeled 'kitchen'.

"Now what in tar nation do yah think yer doin' in here!" Bronze jumped as he heard the voice of an old but angry green mare that had just woken from a nap. "If yah are thinkin' of robbin' us yah better think twice I`ll buck yah back tah whatever hole yah crawled out of."

He looked at her with fear in his eyes while waving his head and hoof back and forth to try and show that he had no intention of trying anything like that.

The old mare walked up to him narrowing her eyes, giving him a look of distrust. "Well if yah aren't here to rob us then what are yah here for." Bronze backed away from her as she approached him looking for something to write on. He started panicking as nothing could be found. He looked around for a way out of the house so he could get away from those eyes that seemed to throw daggers at him. Suddenly a small voice spoke up from behind him.

"Uhh...Granny Smith why are yah lookin' at Mr. Bronze like that." Applebloom was standing at the bottom of the stares rubbing one of her eyes.

"Yah know this here feller Applebloom." Granny smith said directing her glance at the young filly.

"Well ah only just met him last night. Applejack brought him home with her. She said he was goin' ah stay here for a few days, cause he is new in town."

Granny Smith's eyes turned from a cold suspecting stare to a warm welcoming stare. "Well that's good enough for me." Granny Smith said with a smile."So how bout I whip us up some breakfast."

She went into the kitchen as Bronze and Applebloom sat at the table. While waiting for their meal Applebloom told Bronze about her friends and how they were on a massive crusade to acquire their cutie marks. He just sat there and listened as she when on and on about the plans that she and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders members had for the day. One of their plans included using a catapult, a record player, and a fishing rod (use your imagination).

After they had filled their stomachs Applebloom escorted Bronze back to town. When they arrived, Applebloom headed off to the school while Bronze wandered through the streets of Ponyville. He entered a few stores that looked interesting to him but didn't make any purchases because he lacked the bits to buy anything.

Bronze soon found his way to the two story library that had been built in the core of a short but very thick tree. He wondered how the hay the thing was still alive. There were even acorns growing on the ends of some of the branches.

Outside there was a lavender unicorn trying to push a overstuffed tan colored bag through the door way. He made his way over to her and put the mass of his weight against the bag as he helped push it through. With a bit of effort the bag gave in and slowly started to move inward.

When the bag had been pushed through the door, Twilight Panted a few times before turning to the pony that had helped her. "Thanks for that, I tried getting it through with magic but that got it wedged half way throu..." She trailed off as she looked up at the Stallion from the night before.

Bronze laughed in his head, he had been getting that reaction from everyone new that he had been meeting. He put on a big smile as he bowed his head towards her.

Twilight notice he had started to write in the dirt outside of the door way. "There's no need for that Bronze, come on inside and I`ll make us some tea." Bronze gave her a surprised look and wondered how she knew his name, he hadn't seen her at the party last night. Twilight picked up on his look saying. "If you're wondering how I know your name, I stopped by Rarity's shop this morning and she told me everything."

Twilight led him inside and put on a kettle to boil some water for the tea. She then sat at the table in front of the fire place across from Bronze.


Luna yawned as she got out of the lumpy bed. I don't know how Twilight can sleep on such a thing. I'm going to have to tell her to buy something more comfortable. She thought to herself as she quietly walked to the bathroom. Luna's ears perked up as she heard Twilight talking to someone down the stairs but she never hearing a response from whomever it was.

Being the curious creature of the night that she was, Luna slowly moved closer to the stairs so she could eavesdrop on the conversation.

"When Rarity told me that you were a alicorn I can honestly say that I didn't believe her at first, but now that your here I have so many questions. First off, are you ok? I heard you got released from the hospital yesterday evening."

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing, another alicorn, was he friendly, or was he there for some heinous reason for him being here. Her heart rate slowly picked up as she continued to listen in on the conversation.

There was a long pause before Twilight spoke up again. "I guess it kind of makes sense that you don't know what you are, being how you've lived your entire life in the Everfree forest Bronze." There goes the heinous reason. Luna thought to herself.

"Now where do I begin...ah yes you already know about the three types of ponies that live in Equestria. There are the pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies. A pegasus has wings and can walk on clouds, unicorns have horns and can use magic, and the earth ponies have a greater amount of strength than the other two thanks to years of working on ground.

Then there is the fourth type of pony which is what you are, the alicorns. Now an alicorn is basically a combo of the other three types of ponies but they are very rare. In fact there are only two others in existence Princess Luna and my mentor Princess Celestia. But getting back to what I was saying before, an alicorn has wings, a horn, and can use magic that is far greater than any normal unicorn could ever use. They are also taller than everypony else and can live for an eternity if not harmed physically."

There was another pause, Luna could swear she heard scribbling as if somepony was writing.

"Yes I have also been wondering why you don't have a horn or wings. You must have lost them when you were much younger."

Luna felt a lump form in her throat as she heard that he didn't have any wings or horn. Tremors shot through her body as she remembered her dream from the day before.

"I must say, you got pretty lucky considering you were attacked by a manticore, even if it ended with you running head first into a chicken coop."

Luna felt that this would be a good time if any to go down the stairs and introduce herself. She wanted to get a good look at this Bronze character to help confirm her suspicions. The lump in her throat grew larger as he came into view. With the same dark coat and bronze mane he looked exactly like a older version the young colt in her dream.

Twilight immediately noticed her as she descended the stairs. "Oh good morning Princess Luna. How did you sleep?"

At hearing the words Princess Luna, Bronze turned around and gasped at the other alicorn. Buck, I used to look like that! He thought to himself, never taking his eyes off Luna as she walked over to the front door.

"Umm...Princess...is there something wrong?" Twilight asked as she watched Luna.

"There is nothing wrong Twilight, something came up that needs my attention and cannot be ignored. I...I'm sorry to say that I will not be able to come on our expedition to the Everfree forest." Luna said as she opened the door.

Twilight just sat there confused. Was that fear she heard in her voice? What could Luna possibly be afraid of? It couldn't be Bronze he seems to nice to even hurt a fly.

Luna shut the door behind her. I'll start by going to the hospital, Twilight said that Bronze guy was there for a period of time. If anything I would bet that is where I will find my answers. I just hope they don't turn out to be correct. She thought to herself as she galloped down the road.

Nurse Redheart was behind the front desk in the lobby twiddling her front hooves. Ever since Bronze had left there was nothing to do but sit there and wait for somepony to come in with some injury or sickness. She almost wished that more things would go wrong so she could do something of interest. For the last few months the only patients that came in other than Bronze were a couple mares giving birth, two foals that had broken bones, and a old stallion who was dying of old age.

She loved a challenging medical case and Bronze's was one of the most exciting that she had ever been assigned to. Redheart sighed as she started to doze off. When she had nearly completely fallen asleep there came a BOOM from the front door as it was thrust opened by magic. Her mouth fell open when she saw who had just burst through the doors.

"P-p-princess." she stuttered out before remembering her place and bowed putting her face to the ground.

"I am here on official business and I refuse to leave till I have my answers. Now bring me somepony that can give me a full report on the stallion Bronze that was being treated here." Luna said to the dumfounded earth pony.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry princess but I can't do that for you because of doctor patient confid-"

"DOST THOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHOM THOU SPEAKITH TO!" Luna yelled in the old Canterlot voice. When she saw the fear in nurse who was on the verge of tears she reverted back to a normal voice. "Now please tell me all that you know about Bronze or bring me somepony that can."

"Of c-c-course P-p-princess Luna, I can tell you about him." Redheart said between sobs. "When he was brought here he had three cuts on his right side from a manticore that had attacked him in the Everfree forest. We patched him up then took X-rays to check for broken bones.

"The strange thing about the results was how the Bones that used to be connected to his wings looked as if they had been severed by some sort of a knife. But the only way for that to be possible would be if he was still a colt where his bones would still be under developed. The same goes for the horn he used to have except it looked like somepony took a saw to it. The other thing that the X-rays showed was that somepony had used magic to surgically removed his vocal cords."

Luna's heart dropped as her fears came true. She had done those horrid things to Bronze, the evidence was all there and she couldn't deny it anymore.

With her head hung low Luna walked out of the hospital, she needed to get away and be by herself for a while so she could figure out what she would do next.