• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,346 Views, 20 Comments

Cognac and Cuddling - Fission

It's a night at the bar for the Elements of Harmony. Rarity tries to find a drink suitably classy for herself and ends up presenting Twilight with an interesting proposition.

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Cognac and Cuddling

The Pasture, Ponyville’s most popular bar, was the type of place with something for everypony—at least, almost everypony. This night in particular, there was one unicorn mare who didn’t seem quite satisfied with the selection.

Rarity frowned as she glanced through the liquor list. Didn’t this bar have anything more…classy? It would only seem right to be prepared should a member of society’s upper echelon grace the bar with their patronage. But alas, there seemed to be nothing that would fit her refined tastes. At least the others seem to be having fun. Applejack and Rainbow Dash seemed to have started a cider drinking contest. Pinkie Pie was weaving through the dance floor, talking to every pony she could. Fluttershy sat next to Rarity, listening politely as Twilight informed her of recent scientific advances, which there had either been many of, or Twilight was just being particularly long-winded.

As her eyes wandered amongst her companions, Rarity couldn’t help but notice a tinge of amber in the space above Twilight’s head. Is that…cognac? Oh, please tell me that it’s cognac. She leaned forward on her seat, squinting to try to read the bottle’s label. Oh, thank Celestia, at least they do have a more exquisite option for ponies such as myself.

The barcolt had noticed the bottle she was eyeing, and reached up to retrieve the drink. “Can I interest you in this Louis XIV, madame?”

“You may, sir. It seems like I’ve found just the thing to fit my taste after all.”

The bartender grabbed a snifter from under the counter, holding it sideways as he artfully filled the glass, stopping just before it overflowed.

Rarity took the glass with her magic, swirling it several times, as was customary, before holding it to her snout and inhaling the wonderful aromas of the drink. Sure, wine was nice, and other varieties of brandy could occasionally prove passable, but nothing truly matched the experience of indulging in a fine cognac. She took a brief sip.

“Ah, this is simply divine,” she said, giggling to herself. She took two larger sips, stopping to appreciate the flavor before swallowing. There’s only one thing about drinking cognac. Each drink goes away so quickly. Well, that was simply wonderful, so I don’t see the harm in having another glass or two. “Excuse me, bartender, would you mind indulging me with another glass of that delightful Louis XIV?”

“And that’s why it’s possible to reach a negative temperature. It’s not really negative; moreso hotter than anything we can imagine.”

“Oh, that’s very interesting, Twilight. I’m not sure I understood every bit of it, but I could tell you were very excited to find someone who wanted to listen,” said Fluttershy

Twilight noticed something warm sidling up to her, and turned to see Rarity on the adjacent stool, her white face tinged a delicate pink. “Oh, hello, Rarity, I can’t believe I’ve forgotten to talk to you all night. I guess I was just so interested telling Fluttershy about all the recent discoveries.”

“Oh, dear, that’s quite alright. I overheard some of your discussion, anyway. I especially found the part about heat transfer interesting.”

“Of course! It’s fascinating that objects at a negative temperature transfer heat to anything, no matter how cold it may be.”

“Well, it’s not exactly that I was interested in, Twilight, dear. I was wondering if perhaps we could experiment with a bit of our own heat transfer back at the library,” Rarity giggled.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy smiled knowingly to nopony in particular, “Maybe I should just go see how Pinkie Pie is doing…”

“Rarity, I’m a little bit drunk, so I’m not really sure what you—”

“Twilight, you never were the type of pony to pick up on hints, perhaps this will be a bit easier for you to understand.” Rarity quickly glanced around for anypony who might be staring, before pulling Twilight into an embrace and locking lips with her.

“Whoa, Rarity, maybe you’re a little bit more drunk than I am.” Twilight giggled as Rarity broke the kiss. Why am I giggling? One of my friends just kissed me. That’s not something to be giggling about!

Twilight could think of about a thousand reasons that she should not have enjoyed the kiss, and if she were sober, she could likely come up with many more. After all, friends didn’t do that sort of thing. Rarity was drunk, anyway, and Twilight would never take advantage of anypony like that—especially not a friend.

But on the other hoof, none of those reasons provided anything as concrete as the kiss had. As brief as it had been, Rarity had made her intentions entirely clear. It wasn’t just a friendly peck, as might be possible between a couple of tipsy friends, but it had held fire in it; the sort of sweet, succulent fire that Twilight found so hard to push out of her mind. If she can do that with only her lips, I can’t imagine how she would be if she used her tongue, too.

Of course, that was out of the question. She was just a friend—an absolutely gorgeous friend whom she had perhaps shared a drunken kiss with; a delightful, warm, sweet kiss. But that didn’t matter. They were just friends, right? Besides, I would never take advantage of anypony like that. Although I guess it’s not really taking advantage if I’m drunk, too. She looked over to Rarity, who was staring airily at her. Well, maybe it’s just one night.

“Rarity?” Twilight asked, grabbing the other mare’s attention. “You know, I think I understand what you mean pretty well now.” She winked at the fashionista. “Heat transfer is pretty interesting, so I say we go and maybe try a couple of experiments.”

Comments ( 18 )

I like this. A lot. Also if you're up to it, I see the possibility for at least one or two more chapters/a sequel.

Did you get that cover image from any place in particular?
It pleases Rarity. Very much so.
As did your story.

1938076 Well, I'm not sure it's very likely that I'll be continuing or extending this particular story, as it was really just intended to be a piece of flash-fiction. However, I've definitely been toying with the idea of writing a longer RariLight fic, amongst other pairings I'm interested in writing.

1938092 Glad to hear it!

1938156 actually, concerning the image, while I was looking for the right sort of image on derpibooru last night, I remembered seeing this particular screencap from the show on prior occasions. Naturally, when I looked for it, I couldn't find it anywhere (at least without a caption already on it) so I went on youtube and screencapped the scene myself. If you're curious, it's from The Ticket Master.

A general note: I really love shipping stories, and I wish that I had already written more, but I have a sort of habit of becoming overly critical of my own ideas as soon as I begin working on them. Thirty Minute Ponies is helping me to get past that, a bit. I'm definitely trying to give some potential fics some time to marinate in my brain, and I've felt pretty good about the writing I've done recently, so hopefully there will be more from me in the somewhat near future

1938156 *cough* season one: episode one *cough* And if that isn't enough of a hint: "Oh, we're just going to be the best of friends, you and I!" (Rarity)

And comment to the story: What? Where is the ending? As it stands now, it might counts as a scene, ripped out of a story, and posted for fun, but with only this few words, it can't even be considered a story.

Cognac is expensive. Well the good stuff.

1938304 surprisingly enough, it's actually not that scene. I totally thought that was where it was from when I started looking for it, but it's actually from the Ticket Master here.

Hehe, literally the exact mistake that I made.

EDIT: Also, I suppose this could be considered more of a scene than a story, but that's often the case with flash fiction. There's rarely an actual defined conflict, but here I tried to at least create a bit of a sense of Twilight's mental conflict over potentially "getting with" one of her friends. Also, I thought the ending itself was defined, at least to the point that we know what likely happened afterwords. This was originally written in only 30 minutes so I intentionally left the ending ambiguous. Plus, I think it makes the story a bit better than if I had written a scene of Twilight and Rarity going back to the library and making out/having sex or what have you. But yes, I wouldn't particularly disagree with the opinion that this is more a scene than a story, but i also don't think the term "story" is incorrect in describing it.

1938323 Oh. Indeed. Just looked it up.
Anyway, that doesn't prevent the rest of my comment to be incorrect :twilightsheepish:

Thank you very much.
It's quite cute.
I'm a sucker for Twi/Rarity

I can see why it was rated Teen. I thought it would be a lie for some reason. Short, but really impressive. You should right a sequel, though.

You must write a full RariLight fic!

This can't end well when those two sober up.... :facehoof:

....But it'll be a hoot. :rainbowlaugh:

1938461 no problem. Glad you enjoyed the story!

1938587 well, didn't really want to turn the story into a clopfest. I hope you enjoyed it anyway, though.

1938850 I appreciate the compliments, and I'm glad that you enjoyed the story! I'm not sure if I'm going to do a sequel, although the idea is growing upon me a bit to try writing a bit about the morning after. I definitely intend to write some more RariLight in the future though, whether it ends up related to this story or not.

1939223 I intend to! At the very least I plan on writing a oneshot of a more standard length. Right now I'm mostly just waiting for the right ideas to come to me before i get back to full-length fics.

1939623 absolutely it will be! The funny thing is that I honestly barely thought of that until after I wrote the whole story. Personally, I see Twilight as having made the decision mostly of her own volition. At least I tried to make her thoughts seem like she was still [for the most part] in her right mind. Rarity, though, I would say got pretty sloshed. I would say that one of my favorite parts of this fic is the ambiguity. I never really decided what exactly goes on offscreen here, so you can really think what you want about what happens after; if the characters have underlying motivations, or is this truly spur-of-the-moment; etc. Glad you enjoyed the story!


Well, hopefully I'll here more from you.

Then Twilight pulled out a double sided mariglave and ruined a marshmallow.:twilightoops::raritycry:
Rarity, go home your drunk. :rainbowlaugh:

This was good, and now for some reason, I kinda want to know more about the negative heat transfer theory. To Wikipedia!

>>>FillyRarity>>> im a sucker for RariLight stories too! I cant really explain why but nonetheless its probably in my top 3 shipping's of ponies.

>>>Fissionprime>>> Great start to the story I like where this story is going, :duck: I would like to maybe present two things i like most in these types of stories: 1. longer drawn-out plot where more and more events lead them two to liking one another over time, and the other i would suggest is applying realism to the events that draw their relations together with much detail.
>>>Fissionprime>>>besides that though I see this to be the start of a bright shining new favorite story of mine! keep rocking it! bro-hoof*:raritywink:

Congratulations, this story has good enough grammar to be included in the Good Grammar Directory, a comprehensive list of gramatically-correct stories on Fimfiction. :eeyup:

I was really confused by "snifter" for a while. In the UK, where I live, it means a small casual drink, not a balloon brandy glass! :P

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