• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 8,339 Views, 964 Comments

Violet Hill - TorontoFCBrony

A tragic love story, featuring Rainbow Dash and Soarin.

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Chapter 19: The Funeral

A few nights later Rainbow dreamt of the time that were together at Violet Hill on the day Soarin left for Saddle Arabia. During the dream she cuddled beside him while looking out over the beautiful skyline.

However, Soarin suddenly asked her, "Rainbow, if you love me, why'd you let me go?"

"Soarin... I never wanted you to go," she replied sadly as she stared at her coltfriend, who was beginning to fade and become more and more transparent.

Rainbow cried as she reached her hooves out to touch him and hold him, but as she swung her forelegs out, they just went right through him. She cried as he slowly faded away and eventually became invisible altogether, leaving her sobbing alone on the hill.

The sound of the birds awakened her in the morning. Her tear-filled eyes slowly opened. She desperately hoped that everything was just some horrible dream that she had. But she turned over and looked at the empty side of her temporary bed in Twilight's house, and there was nopony looking back at her. It was a sight that she needed to get used to.

She could hear the late summer breeze blowing through the leaves of the treehouse, and after a few seconds of fully waking up, accompanied with a few sighs and grunts, she remembered what day it was: it was the first of September, which was also the eighteenth anniversary of the death of her father. It had also been four days since the passing of Soarin. The previous three days went by in a blur because of Rainbow spending them in the comfort of her friends.

This day held much pain for her, but it was not the end of it. She heard a knock on the door, but did not get up to open it due to hearing Twilight trot over to it.

"Oh, hello Spitfire... Is everything okay?" Rainbow heard Twilight say. That made the pegasus get up to come downstairs and investigate.

Upon coming to the door that Twilight was holding open, Rainbow could see Spitfire standing outside. She was clearly not looking good. Rainbow gave a light shove to get Twilight out of the way, in order for her to get a better look at the fiery pegasus.

Rainbow could tell from Spitfire's face that all was not well. She could also see that her visitor's mane was messed up, and she also had bruises and a slight limp.

"Oh my gosh, is everything okay?" Rainbow asked.

Spitfire was struggling to get out a few words. "Ra-rainbow, I'm sorry to tell you..."

"What?!" Rainbow asked worriedly. She looked behind Spitfire at the chariot she came in, only to see that there was no casket for Soarin.

"The base where we were was raided and burned down by Arabian forces," Spitfire said. Her words seemed to come out very nervously. "Soarin... Soarin's body was never found. We picked up some ashes that we think are the remains of him, but we can't be quite sure. I am really, really sorry."

Rainbow had another punch to the gut. It was almost unreal at this point. It was hard enough losing somepony she loved, but now she wouldn't be able to see him go into his final resting place. It was bitterly morbid news to her.

Spitfire went back to the chariot to bring the urn over to Rainbow. Rainbow clutched it in her hooves and lowered her head to hug it. It just wasn't the same.

"We can still go ahead with the funeral plans," Spitfire informed her. "It can still take place at Violet Hill." Rainbow nodded sadly. Spitfire came over and put her hoof on Rainbow's back and rubbed lightly for comfort. "I'll take care of everything. We will have a private burial only for your close family and friends.”

Rainbow smiled through the tears back to Spitfire to show her agreement. Rainbow handed back the urn to the orange mare, who brought it with her to prepare for the funeral. It was another hard blow to Rainbow Dash, who already felt that she had suffered enough.


Rainbow looked in the mirror to make sure she was presentable for Soarin's funeral. She wore a black dress and a dark veil. She sighed sadly as she figured that she looked as good as she was ever going to be in the circumstances.

Twilight, who was wearing a purple dress, came over and put her hooves on the pegasus' shoulders.

"I'm not ready to do this," Rainbow said while looking at the unicorn behind her through the mirror.

"I know, Rainbow . I'm really sorry. We all aren't ready for this, but we'll help you get through it," Twilight responded.


Rainbow stood sadly while staring at the hole dug in front of her, just in the field beside Violet Hill. The afternoon was upon them, but it was dark and cloudy with a light breeze. The mare looked to her left to see Fluttershy, Big Macintosh, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight. Over to her right was Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Rapidfire. It was a small ceremony for only the closest friends.

The hole in front of her was quite small, only big enough for the urn. It wasn't normal to bury an urn, but they already made plans to have Soarin's final resting spot be the place he loved most. There was a table beside the hole that held the urn, as well as pictures and items that belonged to Soarin.

This was the first time that anypony other than Rainbow or Soarin had visited this special place. Rainbow had never thought that anypony else would ever see it, but she knew that this would be the place that Soarin would have chosen as his final resting spot.

An elderly stallion was also present, and he had a black suit on. He was the pony that Spitfire chose to give the memorial speech.

Rainbow looked over at her friends, who all sadly smiled back at her in an attempt to put a smile on the pegasus' face. However, she just couldn't smile.

"Good evening everypony," the elderly stallion started. "We are here to recognize the passing of a hero, a friend, a role model, and a stallion who was a lover, not a fighter. Soarin was a beloved stallion who was a member of the Wonderbolts. He was a stallion that many ponies, both young and old, looked up to."

Rainbow looked over to the ponies on either side of her. They all held their heads low and had tears of sadness. They couldn't hide it anymore.

"Soarin passed away while on a mission to free other Equestrians who were being held captive by Saddle Arabia; a mission that sadly failed right at the end. Soarin was able to hold on long enough to say his final goodbyes to his fiancée, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow somehow managed a smile while looking at the ground, remembering the fact that she at least had a final chance to say goodbye to him.

"We don't know where Soarin is now, but we know for sure that he is in a better place; a place with no pain and suffering. He doesn't have to see the war and suffering that still goes on around us. He is at peace, and he will suffer no more. He passes away a hero; one who never even harmed another living creature."

The elderly stallion looked around to see all of the crying faces. "However, Soarin would not want us to be sad. He was a brave and happy stallion who meant a lot to many ponies. He wouldn't have wanted to be forgotten, but he also would want us to only remember him for the good times that were shared. I'm sure all of you have had many good times together. Would anypony like to come up and share any of those good memories?"

The first pony to step up was Rapidfire. He went over to the table and looked at all of the pictures and items placed on it. One of the pictures was of him and Soarin when Soarin first became a member of the Wonderbolts. Rapidfire said in memory of his fallen friend, "Soarin was always a happy stallion. I have been a member of the Wonderbolts for many, many years. When Soarin first for accepted as a member, I knew he was going to go far. He was such a happy, young, and energetic pegasus, who was always just ecstatic to be called a Wonderbolt. He was one of the finest flyers and performers I have ever known, and I am proud to have called you a friend." Rapidfire tapped on top of the urn. "Goodbye, young friend."

Rapidfire went back to where he was originally standing. Next to come up was Fleetfoot, the female pegasus who was one of the younger members of the team. "Even though Soarin was only a year older than me, he was a great mentor for me. He trained me well and made me into the Wonderbolt I am today. He was always the happiest pony out of all of us. Whenever we felt down, Soarin was always the one who remained strong. Now we must show you that we can remain strong. Goodbye, my friend. You will never be forgotten."

The next mourner to approach the table was Spitfire. "Soarin meant so much to me. We dated for a few months, and even though things did not work out between us, we still remained as close friends. Even though I was the pony who had the privilege of becoming the captain of the team, Soarin was always happy to be my number two. Soarin was actually the stronger one of the two of us, but he was willing to show his emotions to help his friends. When we were happy, he was happy with us. At times when I was sad, Soarin cried with me. He was the best friend I have ever had, and I will truly miss him." Spitfire walked over to the urn. "I never thought I would see you like this. I always thought I would be the one to go before you would. I promise you, though, we will win the war. We will win it for you." Spitfire had a tear drop from her eye, and she sniffled. "Goodbye... I will never forget you. You meant the world to me."

Spitfire slowly walked back towards the others. Rainbow was able to give her a hug for comfort. Rainbow was previously the one who needed all the comfort, but this time Spitfire needed a little bit too.

The next pony to go up was a pony who didn't know much about Soarin, but knew a whole lot about Rainbow Dash. That pony was Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus walked up to the table to look at the items and pictures. She saw one picture of Rainbow and Soarin hugging with their eyes closed. Rainbow leaned her head into the stallion's chest. Fluttershy could not help but smile with her watery eyes.

"Um... I can't say that I knew Soarin very well. We never... we never really spent any time together, but I know about Soarin through Rainbow, my best friend. But- but I do know that Soarin was a wonderful stallion who meant the world to Rainbow. When Rainbow came back to Ponyville while Soarin was at war, all she would talk about was Soarin. He made her truly happy, and it hurts like a knife inside me when I look at Rainbow's sad face. I can't imagine the pain she feels right now. All... all I can say is that we are here for you, and Soarin's legacy will live on through you and your foal. I love you, Rainbow, and I am truly sorry for your loss."

Fluttershy, who was now crying quite hard, ran up to Rainbow to hug her. After the hug broke off, Fluttershy went back to the place she stood in line with the others.

"Does anypony else have something to say?" the elderly stallion asked. After looking out at all the sad faces, and upon seeing that nopony else was stepping up, he invited Rainbow to come up to speak.

She slowly walked up to the table, looking at all of the pictures. She could see Soarin as a colt with his parents. Soarin never did tell Rainbow what happened to them, and now she'll never know. Soarin was the cutest little colt she had ever seen, and that gave her a small smile. But that smile quickly changed. Her mouth began to tremble as she saw the pictures of the two of them together. She couldn't look at them any longer. She had to close her eyes and turn away to look at her friends.

After sighing, she began to speak. "Soarin was everything to me. He was my hero, my trainer, my best friend." She looked down at the engagement ring on her hoof. "He was also going to be my husband."

She dug deep into her mind to remember her fondest memories with him. "The first time I really talked to him was a few years ago at the Grand Galloping Gala. I saved his pie from falling to its death." She chuckled a little, and so did the others listening to her.

"We instantly became friends after he started to train me. After we had gotten closer, he took me here. This is Violet Hill," she said while pointing to the tree. "This was Soarin's special place; a place where he could just sit alone to think and feel better. He didn't show anypony this place, until he met me. This was where we first kissed, this was where he proposed to me, and this was where I knew in my heart that he was the one."

She closed her eyes and sniffled. She was about to cry, but she knew she needed to remain strong. She sucked up her tears to get a few final words out. "Soarin was my world, and he will never be forgotten. I was privileged to be able to spend his final moments together. He passed on while I was holding him. The only thing that will keep me going is knowing that he does not feel pain anymore. He can't feel the pain that I feel right now, and that's okay with me. I know I will be able to get through this. It will be hard living the rest of my life without him, but..."

Rainbow couldn't finish her sentence. The tears finally came pouring out one final time. "I... I love you. I will never forget you... I will never be able to love anypony else... Goodbye, my love. One day I will join you in peace."

Just then a few drops of rain began to fall. The rain slowly became more constant. Rainbow looked to the sky. It was as if Soarin was crying with her. She cried hard enough to nearly hyperventilate. "Please... please promise me just one thing... No matter where you are now, if you can see me and hear me, please- don't ever forget me. I felt so alone after I left Ponyville to become a Wonderbolt, and now I'm left alone again. Just, please... don't forget me, because I-I'll never forget you."

She was about to put her head down into her front hooves, but she was stopped by Scootaloo, who ran over to give her a hug for comfort. All of her other friends followed, and gave her a group hug so that she could feel strong love once again.

The time had finally come to let Soarin rest. The elderly pony grabbed the urn and lowered it into the hole. Rapidfire and Big Macintosh assisted in shovelling the dirt over to fill in the whole.

As the final scoop of dirt was put over the hole, Rainbow let out her final tear. He was gone, and it was time for her to stop crying. She tried her best to suck up her sadness.

She read the tombstone, which said, "Here lies Soarin: hero, friend, and father. Rest in peace."


After everypony had comforted and consoled each other, only Rainbow remained. The sky was now only full of light grey clouds, and the rain had stopped. She stood and stared towards the tombstone.

"I know I've already said goodbye to you," she said to the tombstone. "But I just can't... I just can't imagine that you're gone. It still feels like a nightmare, but no matter how hard I try to wake up, I can't. This is real, and it's not fair. You had so much more to give; so much life left to live."

She approached the tombstone and put her hoof on it. "You were the best pony I've ever known. I felt so alone before I met you, and I owe you so much."

She tapped the tombstone one final time and turned around after sniffling. She began to walk away, but had one final thing to say. "Please, there's just one more thing... One more thing... One more miracle, Soarin, for me... Don't be… dead. Please, just for me. Please, stop... this. For me. For your love. For Dashie."

She didn't want to cry anymore. She was finally done crying. She now had to live her life without him. She turned around to go back home, leaving her former hopes and dreams lying in a hole at Violet Hill.