• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 8,339 Views, 964 Comments

Violet Hill - TorontoFCBrony

A tragic love story, featuring Rainbow Dash and Soarin.

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Chapter 21: A Place to Call Home

It was two weeks after the death of Soarin. Rainbow Dash visited his tombstone in the pouring rain. She felt the need to somehow talk to him.

Pacing back and forth in front of the tombstone, she said, “Soarin, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, please listen close. You meant the world to me, and moving on without you is the most difficult thing that I have ever had to do in my life.”

She paced around on the mud-filled ground in front of his tombstone. “But with the help of my friends I feel that it will be possible for me to still live a happy life.”

She pondered over what to say for a few seconds. “It just isn't fair that you're gone. You were trying to be a hero, and you were killed for it. I wish I could do something to change that, but I can't.”

Rainbow had deep sadness inside her, but she managed to hold back the tears. “I promise you, though, that I will raise our foal to become something great. That will be your legacy. It's probably what you would have wanted. Unfortunately we never had a chance to talk about it.”

Rainbow reached into her pockets to pull out a small flower. She left it on the ground right in front of the tombstone. “I received letters from almost anypony I've ever been acquainted with. Everypony already misses you. You meant so much to everypony.”

She paced back and forth a few more times but stopped firmly in front of his grave. “I'm not going to live the rest of my life in sadness. I'm going to live on and make sure that I will always stay happy. I know it's what you would have wanted. You wouldn't want me to suffer in sadness. You wanted what was best for me, and I’m sure you would reassure me of that if you were still here with me."

She gave a slight tap to the top of the tombstone. “I'll come and visit you here every time I get the chance.”

She gave a soft kiss to the top of it. “I love you, always and forever.”


A few more weeks went by. Rainbow received consoling letters from nearly everypony that she had ever been acquainted with. Some letters were from old friends from her school as a filly, former teachers, everypony from Ponyville, fans, and even the members of Coltplay, who were friends with Soarin. The letters, accompanied with the love shown from her closes friends, made the pain in her heart a little easier to handle.

Rainbow's closest friends visited her at Twilight's house every day. Scootaloo also came by every day after school for a short visit to tell the mare how her day went.

In the meantime, a dream of Rainbow’s was to move into her own house. She knew that she couldn’t stay living with Twilight forever. She needed a place for her and her foal to reside in permanently. She knew that a cloud mansion was too difficult to raise a foal in, as well as the fact that it would just be too expensive in the current predicament she was in. She still didn’t have a job, and with a foal on the way, she knew she wasn’t going to get a job any time soon.

Rainbow drew many designs of her dream house, which was very different from the mansion she used to live in. She drew just a simple house on paper; a typical two-story Ponyville home with a basement. The upstairs would have a bedroom for her and her foal, as well as a bathroom. The downstairs would have a kitchen, dining room, living room, and another bathroom. The basement would be partially a laundry room and a playroom for her young filly or colt to have. She dreamt of being able to raise a foal as best she could for the situation she was in.

One particular day when she was five months pregnant, Rainbow drew her dream home in good detail. She was sitting and drawing on her paper on the dining room table. She didn’t notice, however, that Twilight and Spike were looking over her shoulder and watching her draw.

“Hey, what’re you drawing?” Spike asked abruptly, causing Rainbow to drop the pencil out of her mouth due to being startled.

Rainbow tried to cover up the drawing, not knowing what Twilight’s reaction would towards Rainbow wanting to move out. Rainbow didn’t know if Twilight would be happy to finally get rid of Rainbow, or if the unicorn actually enjoyed having her there. The pegasus felt like a drag to Twilight, especially because she had been residing at the library for many months now.

“Oh… Uh… It’s nothing,” the pegasus replied while covering her very detailed drawing.

“Come on, Rainbow, I know what you’re drawing,” Twilight said with a smile as she pushed Dash’s hooves away from covering the picture. “This is a very nice drawing! I’m actually quite impressed that you can draw this well with your mouth.”

“Heh, thanks Twi. My mother taught me how to draw with my mouth.”

Twilight sat down at the chair beside the pegasus. “Rainbow, I know you want to move out, don’t try to hide it. I don’t blame you. You need a place to call home.”

“Don’t be silly, Twilight. I love it here. The only reason why I’d leave is if you wouldn’t want me anymore,” Rainbow responded.

“Dash, you know I would never kick you out; or any of my friends for that matter. I do know, though, that you probably don’t want to raise a foal without having a house of your own,” Twilight said while putting a hoof on Rainbow’s.

The pegasus nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah… I really do want a home of my own. But it’s only a dream of mine for now. I have hardly any bits left and no job, and even if I was able to have enough to make the house, I can’t do it on my own. I feel so useless right now.”

Twilight gave Rainbow a sincere hug. “You aren’t useless, Rainbow. You’re doing amazingly for the situation that you are in. Why would you ever think that you’re useless?”

Rainbow looked down and answered, “I guess I feel useless because I think about all the things I could have accomplished and all the things I could have been. And now I look at what I’m currently doing- just sitting here and dreaming of something that I can never have… Twilight, all I really want is to be happy. Why can’t I be happy?”

Twilight almost had a tear at this point. “I don’t know, Rainbow. You had a terrible thing happen to you, so it’s understandable that you’re not happy. You just have to focus on positives in order to be happy; or, at least that’s what a book on happiness told me.”

“I’ll try to be positive, Twilight, I really will.”

“In the meantime, let’s see what we can do about this dream house of yours,” Twilight said while picking up the picture in her hooves.

“That’s all it is right now, Twilight- a dream,” Rainbow admitted.

“We’ll see about that,” Twilight responded with a smile.


“Oh for Celestia’s sake, Twilight, where are you taking me?” Rainbow shouted out while blindfolded, with Twilight holding her hoof and leading the way.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

After walking only a few hundred metres (which felt like hours for Rainbow, now being seven months pregnant) they arrived at where Twilight was taking the pegasus.

As Twilight removed the blindfold, Rainbow’s eyes adjusted to the light. After she could see fully, she noticed that they were standing in front of a typical Ponyville style home.

“Could this be? No… no, it couldn’t,” Rainbow said under her breath.

Twilight, who heard Rainbow’s quiet muttering to herself, replied, “Oh, trust me, it could be.” Twilight led the pregnant mare into the house, which was pitch black upon walking in.

“Is there a good reason why I can’t see a thing again?” Rainbow asked abruptly.

“Just a second, I’ll go find a light switch,” the unicorn responded.

As the switch was flicked, Rainbow could hear a deafening shriek come from all around her. “Surprise!”

The mare could hardly believe it. Almost everypony who she ever considered a friend was in the room. There were ponies standing on the stairs, around the room and around the corners, and even flying above her. “What is this all about?” she smiled and shouted out.

“This is your foal shower,” Twilight informed her.

“Oh my gosh, I don’t know what to say,” Rainbow exclaimed while looking around the room. She could see her main five friends, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Cheerilee, Lyra, Bonbon, Colgate, Derpy, Thunderlane the Cakes; everypony she was acquainted with in town was there.

Scootaloo ran up to Rainbow and leapt into her hooves. “Surprise, big sister.”

After struggling to balance the weight of herself and Scootaloo, Rainbow nuzzled the filly in her hooves. “Thanks so much, Scoots.” Rainbow turned to everypony else after putting the filly down. “Thanks to all of you. This is such a wonderful surprise.”

“This is nothing, sugarcube. Wait until you see your gift,” Applejack told her.

“Really? You guys got me something?” Rainbow asked in genuine shock. She shouldn’t have been surprised by that, though, especially considering that her friends had been so generous to her since the death of her fiancé.

“Of course we did, darling,” Rarity confirmed.

“Well, where is it? Where is it? I’m so excited to see what it is!” Rainbow shouted.

“You’re standing in it,” Pinkie shouted while jumping in the air with her hooves outward.

Rainbow looked down to her own hooves. She clearly wasn’t standing in anything. “Wha- I don’t get it.”

“Oh Rainbow, you’re so cute sometimes,” Fluttershy said.

“The house is your gift,” Twilight told her while patting her on the back.



“Yo, Rainbow Dash… you all right?” Spike asked as Rainbow finally came to her senses. She had fainted in the middle of the room due to shock.

Fluttershy and Scootaloo helped the mare get back on her hooves.

“Sorry, guys, I must have fallen asleep or something. I had a dream you guys bought me a house,” Rainbow replied while coming to.

Twilight informed her, “Oh, we didn’t buy you a house…”

“I knew it was too good to be true.”

“We made this house for you, Dashie,” Pinkie answered.

“Wha- what?” the mare asked in shock. She really had no clue what was going on. She walked around the room, looking at everypony, as well as the house itself. It can’t be, she thought to herself. But as she continued to inspect the house she realised that it could be, and it indeed was. It was the home that she dreamt of; a home for her and her foal. It was just like she drew it, and it was also fully furnished. All of the furniture from her room at the Wonderbolt headquarters was retrieved and brought to the new house.

As Rainbow looked around, seeing all of the friendly smiles of her associates, and the beautiful gift that she received, it was time for her to shed a few tears again. This time, however, her tears were tears of joy; liquid pride, as Twilight’s beloved brother would put it. It was truly one of the greatest gifts that she had ever received, and she didn't stop thanking her friends for the rest of the day. It was a team effort, as ponies from all over Ponyville chipped in to help.

It couldn't bring back Soarin, but this was a gift that would help her for the rest of her life.