• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,495 Views, 38 Comments

Dragon Chronicles - Aether Spark

Rainbow Blitz turns ponies into dragons.

  • ...

Rainbow Blitz

“For the last time Rainbow, no!” Dusk yelled at his Pegasus friend with glaring eyes.

Rainbow was kneeling on the ground with his hooves together and with pleading eyes.

“But Dusk, it could help me! C’mon, do a buddy a favor.” Rainbow Blitz pleaded

“I said no!” Dusk Shine stomped his hoof on the ground for emphases, causing his rainbow friend to flinch a bit.

Rainbow Blitz frowned in disappointment as he got up from kneeling. All he wanted Dusk to do was use his magic to help his flying, but according to the unicorn/bookworm…

“It will most likely mess with your body once the spell wears out,” Dusk explained once again.

All he wanted to do was fly around and see what some of his tricks would look like if his flying were magically improved.

Dusk sighed as Rainbow Blitz continued to frown.

"I'm sorry Rainbow, but I can't risk you getting hurt," Dusk explained bringing a hoof to the rainbow Pegasus’s shoulder. "I hope you understand,"

Rainbow Blitz just looked away and gave a quiet "I understand," which the unicorn seemed to accept; giving Rainbow Blitz a quick pat on the back before going to the front door.

“Now Rainbow, I am going out to buy some more quills, see you tomorrow,” Dusk said, he walked out of the library, not knowing that his friend had an evil grin.

“Good he’s gone, now I can find a book that will help me,” Rainbow proclaimed and began to search around the library.

Thirty minutes passed, and read books surrounded rainbow Blitz, he checked all of them, and there was nothing. Many of them had tips and spells, but nothing that he wanted. Finally, after reviewing the 31st book, he snapped “These books are freaking useless!!” Rainbow yelled and threw the book he was checking in rage.

The book hit one of the shelves, causing a domino effect on the books on the top shelf. The effect ended when the last book was hit and fell on Rainbows head, then to the floor, opened.

“Ow! dumb book! I-“ He glances around at the mess “I… should probably leave before Dusk comes back and kills me…-hey what’s this?” Rainbow questioned when he saw a page on the dusty old book with some ingredients, under it were the words “Improved flying” and his eyes beamed. He found it! He grabbed the book and flew through a window to his home, leaving a mess and an confused purple unicorn that just entered through the front door.

In his room, he read the ingredients for the potion. “Okay, a scale of a dragon, the red of a rainbow, a tooth from a dragon, a chip from a unicorn’s horn, and a claw from a dragon,” Rainbow scratched his head with his hoof, he wondered why a majority of ingredients came from a dragon? He eventually reasoned that it was because dragons were good fliers and flew out of his room in search for these ingredients.

In Rainbow Blitz’s saddle bag is a chip from a unicorn’s horn. He got it from Elusive when he accidentally chipped it when he was filling his horn, and some red from a rainbow, which was easy being a Pegasus and all, all he needed now where the ingredients from a dragon, and thankfully Spines was usually asleep by this time.

He snuck into the library into the baby dragon’s room, where she laid sleeping in her basket. Rainbow quietly flew to Spines and got his equipment ready. With his tweezers, he got a scale off of Spines without waking her, and with a claw clipper, a chunk of her claw.

Now came the hardest part, getting a tooth. Taking out his pliers, he slowly brought it to Spines mouth; he was sweating profusely and got hold of one of the fangs, silently hoping that this wouldn't hurt her too much and that she would forgive him for this.

“I hope the tooth pony, gives me a bit.” Spines said in her sleep, Rainbow’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He lifted the pillow, and sure enough, there was a tooth. He wiped his brow of sweat and grabbed the tooth, and left a bit there just for her. He flew out of the house, his face beaming as he flew home.

Rainbow Blitz followed the directions, his eyes switching from the book to the pot that was boiling. When the recipe said that it was ready, he smiled and poured some of the content into a glass. The liquid was green and had yellow steam coming out of it, and it had the smell of cinnamon buns for some odd reason. Rainbow took the glass and raised it.

“Down the hatch!” Blitz said

He then drank the liquid, when he was finished, he put the glass down and wiped his mouth, surprisingly, it didn’t taste half bad, in fact, it tasted like lemonade.

He glanced about his body for a few seconds waiting to see if something would happen, but he didn't feel any different. He shrugged thinking that maybe it would hit him when he's flying. That would have to wait for now however since he was suddenly feeling a little hungry for some reason.

"A quick snack first and then some flying," Blitz said as he headed towards his kitchen.

He smiled as he thought of what to eat, maybe a ruby or a sapphire?… His eyes widened when that thought came to mind; only dragons ate gems, so why was he suddenly having a craving for them?...

Then suddenly, as if he was struck by lightning, he doubled over and felt pain all over his body.

“AGH! W-What’s happening?!” he asked himself, his teeth clenched and his eyes closed tight, he felt extreme pain in his wings as his feathers fell off and leather-like skin replaced his fur, as four bony appendages grew out, the same leather-like skin stretched with it, giving him dragon wings. He managed to open his eyes and look at the wings in shock; this was not supposed to happen.

He painfully walked up to the book and read the title which was hidden by dust is now visible when he cleared it away; fear plastered his face as he read it “Dragon Potion.”

He backed away as his rainbow tail fell off and his spine grew, and got covered with muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and finally, blue scales. He didn’t make a potion that helped him fly better; he made one that was turning him into a dragon!

…But why should he be scared? Dragons are much stronger than those puny ponies! His eyes widened when that thought appeared in his head, and he shook his head to get rid of them, he needed to get Dusk and have him stop this. He rushed out of the door and flew through the air. His wings held out to help him glide.

Rainbow flew as fast as he could, but because his house was too far away, it would take him forever, it also didn’t help that he felt pain again and was forced to land. None too gently either…

His breaths were getting shallow as his back hooves painfully morphed into clawed feet, and his legs were being covered in cyan scales, he sat on his hunches as his fore-hooves morphed into clawed hands, and his forelegs reshaped themselves into arms. He grabbed his head in pain as his muzzle grew longer, and his teeth were replaced with sharper ones, his pupils became slit, and his tongue became forked. He looked at himself and smiled.

“I’m looking better than ever.” Rainbow Blitz said, he quickly shook his head to get rid of the thoughts, but they were getting stronger, and harder to resist.

His mane fell out as his neck grew longer, his entire body became covered in cyan scales, and his already toned athletic muscles bulged out and grew stronger. From his head to his tail, he grew spines that were multi-colored and in the order red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet. Rainbow Blitz looked at his body, hoping that it was the end, but suddenly he began to grow in size, and he smiled.

“Yesss, turn me into a real dragon!” he hissed, he stopped growing when he was over 50 feet tall.

His mind has also changed, he was still Rainbow Blitz, only now he thought of dragons as being superior to ponies. He looked over his body and noticed that it was still sleek, he looked at his hand and he flexed his new claws amusedly and then he flexed his arm, admiring the bigger muscles. And his wings were quite a bit larger, still making him the fastest thing in Equestria, but he wanted to test it out.

Giving his new wings some flaps, he got into the air, and flew off as fast as he could; he did some aerials, some flips and some tricks that he had practiced when he was a pony, and noticed that his new body was not only easier to control, but faster. He landed on the ground and folded his wings.

“This is great!! Not exactly what I expected to happen from drinking that potion, but I’m not gonna argue the results!... And you know something? My friends could also enjoy this!” he thought to himself, but then he realized that he couldn’t force them to drink the potion. That could get ugly fast… so how was he going to spread his gift?

After some pondering, Blitz got an idea and flew to his house. Knowing that he couldn’t live there anymore, he ripped off the roof and gently picked up the book. Squinting his eyes, he read something that made him smile. According to the page that mentioned warnings and side effects if he got his saliva on anypony, they would transform into dragons as well. His smile widened as Rainbow Blitz put the book back and flew off to Ponyville, ready to spread his gift.

Author's Note:

the first chapter is made, here you go :twilightsmile: