• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,492 Views, 38 Comments

Dragon Chronicles - Aether Spark

Rainbow Blitz turns ponies into dragons.

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Rainbow Blitz was at the edge of the Everfree forest hidden by the trees, watching the ponies walk by, and thinking about how he was going to spread his gift. Directly charging out and licking as many ponies as possible will only cause unnecessary panic and as much as Rainbow Blitz was a stallion-… drake of action, he needed to approach this slowly for now.

“I could wait until their asleep, but then other ponies are gonna get suspicious when they see missing roofs, broken windows and giant holes in the wall.” Rainbow scratched his chin in thought, this was going to be a lot harder than he thought, he went through many ideas in his head, but none of them would work.

If only there were a trick he knew that could help him… The drake smiled in realization, trick, he could fool the ponies to come to him; of course, he would need to find a way to trick them.

“It has to be a pony that is easy to trick, one that will almost believe anything,” as he was thinking, a pack of Timber Wolves surrounded him, most likely to protect their territory. Rainbow rolled his eyes and breathed a small patch of fire on the ground, the Timber Wolves backed away whimpering, before hightailing out. He stomped out the fire with his hand.

“Ugh, that’s the 4th time today... If only I could stop these animals from trying to challenge me,” for the second time that day, he got an epiphany. He knew who was going to be the first. He went back further into the forest and went off to see a dear friend of his.


Butterscotch let out a sigh as once again his pet rabbit, Angela, refused to eat her meal.

“Please Angela, it’s good for you,” Butterscotch pleaded, pushing the salad towards the rabbit, only to have it knocked away.

“Angela you must not be so picky,” Butterscotch said, Angela just hopped away, making the Pegasus sigh.

He went to feed the other animals, when he noticed that a bunch of his animals were running into their homes, all with fear on their faces. He became concerned, wondering what was scaring them; cautiously he walked out of his house to see what was scaring them.

At first, he didn’t see anything, and he was about to go back inside to try and coax them back out when he came face-to-face with a giant cyan dragon smiling at him. Butterscotch's wings became tightly clamped to his body; he froze in place, his wide eyes staring at the drake.

“Something wrong Scotch? Am I scaring you?” Rainbow said teasingly

Butterscotch recognized the voice, and the way the Drake said it, but he hoped it wasn’t so.

“R-Rainbow Blitz, i-is that you?” Butterscotch stuttered nervously

Rainbow frowned at the name. Ever since he became a dragon; he began to feel that that name didn’t sound right. But thankfully, he had recently come up with a name that he felt matched his new form. “Sorry Scotch, it’s not Rainbow Blitz anymore, the name's Zircon now” saying that name brought a smile to his face, it sounded so right to him.

Butterscotch looked at his friend in disbelief, not believing what he heard, his friend since flight school, turned into a dragon and changed his name??

“Wh-what happened to you?” Butterscotch trembled

“Well Scotch, I found this recipe for a potion that said that it could help me fly better, but as it turned out, it was a potion that changed me into a dragon; Admittedly, I was scared at first, but then I realized that I was stronger, I could fly faster, and my flying skills have greatly improved! It’s all I wanted and more! Now I’ve made it my goal to spread this gift, starting with you.” Zircon said with a grin

“Y-you mean that you’re going to-“ Butterscotch stammered with a new fear.

“That’s right; I’m going to turn you into a dragon like me. Don’t worry Butterscotch, it hurts at first but trust me, It’s more than worth it.” Zircon said trying to assure his friend.

Butterscotch couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His friend was going to turn him into a dragon? Against his will??

“N-no, Rainbow Blitz, t-this is wrong!” Butterscotch stammered angrily, his legs shaking in fear.

Zircon frowned, looking at his friend with sadness. “But Butterscotch, if you become a dragon, you’ll finally be able to stand up for yourself. All the mares and stallions who teased you for your sensitivity will have to show respect to you once you’re a dragon. Not to mention you can finally get over your fear of dragons once you realize how awesome being one is. Are you sure?” Zircon pleaded with his friend

“Yes, Rainbow Blitz, I am sure,” Butterscotch said resolutely.

Zircon shook his head sadly, he had hoped that this was going to be easy, that he wouldn’t have to trick Butterscotch, but he had no choice now. Noticing the rabbit, Angela, hiding behind a bush, he smirked and reached over and grabbed the white rabbit with two fingers before she could flee and brought her to his maw.

”Rainbow Blitz! Wh-what are you doing!?” Butterscotch cried

“Simple, I’m hungry, and I’m craving rabbit,” Zircon said nonchalantly, opening his mouth and brought the rabbit closer to it earning some frantic squeaks of fear from Angela.

“No! please don’t!” Butterscotch cried, his eyes began to well up with tears.

Zircon closed his maw and looked at the Pegasus, “if you let me turn you into a dragon then I won’t eat Angela, how’s that?”

Butterscotch didn’t need to think twice as he shouted out “I’ll become a dragon, now please let her go!”

Zircon smiled, knowing that his trick had worked; everypony knows that dragons ate gems and only seldomly meat, but if he scared Butterscotch enough, he would forget it. Zircon put down the rabbit and picked up Butterscotch.

“I gotta warn you, the transformation will hurt,” after his warning, he stuck out his forked tongue and licked Butterscotch.

Butterscotch stared at Zircon in surprise, his friend licked him, he was not expecting this, he saw that he was lowered to the ground, and Zircon opened his hand to let him go. Butterscotch wiped some of the salivae off his face when pain suddenly wrenched through his body. He fell to the ground as his body shook.

“told ya that it would hurt,” Zircon said

Butterscotch didn’t answer, all he could pay attention to was the pain, this also caused him to not notice his entire body was being covered in scales, and his mane and tail falling off.

“R-Rainbow Blitz, it hurts…” he whispered painfully, his pupils turned into slits as his teeth became razor sharp. He looked at his scaled hooves and thought for a moment what they would look like with claws. He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. He felt his spine lengthen into a dragon’s tail, and his hind hooves turned into claws.

“Butterscotch, how are you feeling?” Zircon said concerned for his friend

“I-I’m feeling great,” Butterscotch’s eyes widened as he realized that he said that.

“That’s good to hear,” Zircon smiled.

Butterscotch’s ears shrank until all that was left were holes in his head, and his muzzle grew out more as his tongue became forked. Soon he couldn’t fight the thoughts anymore as he began to accept it.

“Please, make me a dragon,” he thought as his feathers fell out and five bony appendages grew out of his wings, connected by leather-like skin. His front hooves turned into clawed hands, and his forelegs became arms.

The final changes came along as he began to grow larger and taller, gained more muscle definition, and he grew pink spines from his head to the end of his tail. The transformation finally came to a stop; he glanced at himself before he straightened up and looked at Zircon, feeling pleased with the results.

“Thank you Rai-...Zircon, this is great,” Butterscotch said smiling.

Zircon grinned as he looked at his friends’ new body. Butterscotch was surprisingly lean, he wasn't well muscled like the other drake was, but he wasn’t scrawny either. And his muzzle was slightly more delicate looking than his. Not that Zircon is too surprised, considering how feminine some said he looked as a pony. He wasn’t as big or tall as the cyan drake, his wings, however, were just as large as the blue drake's, and he had shinier scales. To Zircon, he would make an excellent mate for a dragoness.

“So, Butterscotch, ho-“ Zircon began.

“Please, don’t call me Butterscotch,” Butterscotch immediately said

“Okay, what do you want me to call you then?” Zircon asked

“Call me Lapis,” Lapis said with a smile, liking the new name he'd chosen for himself.

“Ok then Lapis, how do you like your new body? Still think dragons are 'mean and scary'?" Zircon asked with a knowing smirk.

Lapis shook his head "No, I was wrong, this feels amazing, thank you for giving me this gift Zircon.” Lapis said

"Well that's great, wanna go test out your new wings in the air?" Zircon said eager for a dragon race.

Lapis was going to answer, when a broken branch landed on his tail, causing the yellow dragon to “eep!” and lay on the ground, his hands covering his eyes.

Zircon smiled and shook his head; Lapis was still the same, even as a drake, the race would probably have to wait anyway's since his other friends are still ponies, a group race sounds better.

“Lapis, go into the Everfree forest and wait for me, I’m going to find our friends to give them our gift, and maybe whoever else is with them, afterward ill send them your way,” Zircon said

Lapis got up and nodded, walking into the Everfree forest, leaving Zircon to his next target, Sweet Apple Acres.

Author's Note:

The second chapter is done! :rainbowwild:

I hope you like it so far. Hold onto your seats for the next part of our tale. :rainbowdetermined2:

P.S happy Valentine's day :heart: