• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 2,765 Views, 152 Comments

Life As She Knew It - DerpyDash2131

When Fluttershy is transported to Earth in human form, it is your duty to watch over her.

  • ...

Walking on Two Legs

You awaken to a loud *THUMP* followed by a small squeal. What the.... Why am I on the couch? you think groggily. Yawning, you hop up and run into your room, wondering what the noise was. Last night's events were somehow shoved all the way back in your mind. You enter your room and face palm, seeing Fluttershy on the floor. "Sorry, Fluttershy. I meant to wake up earlier." you murmured, extremely embarrassed. "No, it's okay!" she said hurriedly, obviously not wanting you to feel bad. This is slightly weird. You offer her your hand, then help her to the bed. You sit down next to her, trying to analyze last night.

"Oh! You'd like to learn how to walk, right?" you said, a little too loudly, causing poor Fluttershy to jump. "Oh, umm... Yes, I would, if it really isn't too much trouble." she whispered. "Alright, stand up and I'll show you what to do."

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- (Didn't wanna teach her.... Sorry (;_;)

"Okay... breakfast?" you asked. You all were walking toward the mini-kitchen. Fluttershy could walk pretty well, only the occasional slip-up, but you were still keeping an eye on her. You glanced toward her hair and found yourself marveling at her beauty. Her hair was the lightest shade of pink, her eyes the brightest shade of sea-green. Her curves… curvy. You felt a light blush rising to your cheeks at this thought. Where did that come from? "Are you okay? You seem a little flushed..." Fluttershy asked worriedly. D'aww. She's cute when she's worried! "I'm fine, just a little hot in here." you said, full on tomato right now.

"Brekfast… Breakfast…" you muttered, finally just grabbing Frosted Flakes™, milk, two bowls and two spoons. You managed to balance everything and bring it in to the living room. You set it all on the coffee table, then poured the cereal and milk in to the two bowls. "Here you go." you said, passing Fluttershy a spoon and a bowl. She attempted to pick up the spoon and failed, obviously confused on how to hold it. "Ask for help, then I'll help you." you said, trying not to laugh. "Uhmm..." she started, faltering for a moment. "Excuse me, but... uhh... could you help me with the spoon?" she whispered, blushing terrifically. Bursting in to laughter, you leaned over and adjusted her hand to where she was holding it correctly.

You wolfed down you meal and stood up, looking around and attempting to decide what to clean first. You had bad ADHD, causing you to get distracted easily. Sighing, you threw the dirty clothes in to a trash bag and set it in the bathroom. The washer and the dryer were connected to the bathroom, a pretty smart way of saving space, at least in your opinion. You went around the main room, cleaning up whatever you thought needed cleaning. Fluttershy had finished eating by now and, she was sitting there, lost in thought.

You grabbed the cereal bowls and went in to the kitchen, cleaning them out and loading the dishwasher. After you started the dishes, you went back in to the (decently clean) living room. Fluttershy was in the same position, but tears were streaming silently down her face.

"Fluttershy? What's wrong?" you asked. You had assumed something like this would happen soon. "Rainbow Dash... AJ... Pinkie... They're gone... I won't see them again...." she said quietly. "Hey, hey, hey. If what happened was an accident- which it was- then they will find you. Until then, your stuck on crappy old Earth." you said in a cheery tone, causing her to giggle a bit.

"I need to go to the store and grab some cleaning stuff, wanna come with me? We can get you some new clothes and stuff." She thought about it a moment. "Sure.. I mean, only if you really want me to." Fluttershy replied hesitantly.

Author's Note:

REALLY short, I know. I'm adding more tomorrow, maybe 500 words. It will be as a seperate chapter so that you get a notification if you signed up for emails.

Love you guys. <3