• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 2,766 Views, 152 Comments

Life As She Knew It - DerpyDash2131

When Fluttershy is transported to Earth in human form, it is your duty to watch over her.

  • ...

To the Store! By MuffinPatrol

Thanks MuffinPatrol, for writing this in my time of need.
Note that I did not edit it at all.

You walk her out to your car, and open the passenger seat's door so that she can enter. She does so, carefully, as you haven't really gained her trust yet. You close the door and walk to the other side of the car, entering the driver's seat. As Fluttershy watches you intently to see what she should be doing, you buckle up. You see her nod, then start messing with the seatbelt, trying to click it into place, but ultimately failing.
Chuckling, you help her, moving the black leather belt over her current outfit, a cream long-sleeved shirt with her cutie mark in the bottom right corner, and cerulean blue shorts, and clicking it into the buckle.
"Um.. Thanks," she whispers.
"No problem," you smile at her, then put the key in ignition, revving up the engine, and scaring Fluttershy out of her wits.
"T-turn it off!" She squeaks, her hands over her ears, and curling up in a ball. You realize that she had never been in a car before, and in a flash, have the car turned back off. For a minute you sit there, listening to Fluttershy's breathing as she slowly calms down and takes her hands off her ears.
"Sorry about that, I forgot that.."
"I-its okay.." Her eyes are averted from your gaze, and a singular tear falls down her face, which you are quick to wipe away.
"If you want, we could walk..?" You raise the pitch of walk, making it sound like a question.
"I-I'd like that.." She responded breathlessly, then began messing with the buckle, to which you showed her how to unbuckle. You figured you would be doing a whole bunch of walking while she was here.
You unbuckled and left your seat, walking around to the other side of the car and opening up Flutter's door. Slowly, she slid out of her seat, collapsing into your arms from fear.
"I-I don't like that.." She sniffles, burying her face into your shoulder, and crying. You put one of your hands on her back and move it in a circle, as you remembered your mother doing when you were crying as a kid.
After three minutes of Fluttershy collecting herself, and pitiful looks of passerby, she looks up at you, through teary eyes.
"Ready?" You smile at her comfortingly. She nods in response, and you help her stand up off of you.
You began walking down the sidewalk that took you to the store center, her hand in yours, your fingers intertwined. She still needed you for support for walking, as she still hadn't mastered the art.
As you walked, you noticed that people would stop and stare at you two, well, her. There was something about her, something pure, something beautiful, something that made her light pink hair almost normal. You noticed her imperfect perfection before, but it was intensified then. Her gentle steps, her caution in everything, her.. Adorableness.
You were about a few blocks away from Target when you realized that if she reacted that strongly to just a car, imagine how she would react to a supermarket! You stopped, and turned to Fluttershy.
"Hey, just to let you know, the market is going to be insane," you notified her.
"Okay," she nodded.
"Like, worse than the car insane," you added. Her eyes widened.
"Oh. Can you.. Skip it.. Please?" She pleaded, giving you the ultimate of puppy dog faces. Your heart melted.
"Sure," you sighed. You'd have to go pick up your stuff later. “Although, it’d be a shame if we came all the way out here for nothing. Would you like to go get dinner?”

She nodded in response, and you heard her stomach growl in agreement.

Heh, ironic, you thought to yourself, and began making your way to a nearby Macaroni Grill. You figured that maybe you two could have fun drawing things on the giant piece of paper which was in place of a tablecloth. Once you had been brought to your table, you began to show Fluttershy how to write with her hands, and how to hold a fork and a knife. Sure, you were getting rather weird looks from some other tables, but wasn’t your fault that people can’t be more accepting. Then you looked at the menu, and that’s when Fluttershy said those seven words.

“Want to share a plate of spaghetti?”

Author's Note: