• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 3,050 Views, 36 Comments

Forever Loyal - xxGamer101xx

Rainbow Dash, has been injured and doesn't remember who she is. It's up for her friends help her remember who she is.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Rainbow Dash looked in awe as she saw the Wonderbolts fly. It was like a dream come true, and she couldn’t believe that it was actually happening. She saw the aerial performance the pegasus had done, some of the pegasi rose from the ground and minced the morning sun rising from the ground. She looked in awe as she saw some of the other pegasi flying around the sun mincing the cycles of the moon. As the sun grew higher and higher, the cycles of the moon began to change faster and faster.

"I can believe I'm seeing this." said Rainbow as she looked in awe of the Wonderbolts flying all around her. She coulnd't help but to smile and jump around like a little schoolpony, "This is so awesome! I get to see the Wondebolts train!"

Her gaze in wonderment was cut short by the loud whistle blown by Spitfire, “The show starts in ten!” shouted Spitfire as she looked around the group of sweaty pegasi, all tried from practicing, “Get ready for the Princesses.”

The group of pegasus nodded and flew to the ground. They landed and trotted over to the locker room to get ready to the show. Soarin had saw Rainbow was still watching and trotted towards her.

“Hey, what do you think so far?”

“That was awesome!” beamed Rainbow as she smiled at Soarin, “Where did you get the ready to combine the Lunar Night Cycle and the Icaranian Sun Salutation?

Soarin shrugged and smiled back at Rainbow, “It’s a show for the Princess of the Night and the Princess of the Sun. So, we figured it was best to combine their favorite performances.”

“Oh,” Rainbow nodded as she ignored the blush on her cheeks, “Well still, it was pretty awesome.”

Soarin nodded in agreement and his smile grew larger, “Here follow me, I know a perfect place for you to sit.”

Rainbow smiled too and began to follow Soarin. As the two continued to trot together, Rainbow could hear a faint voice. She shook her head trying to get rid of the voice, but it only grew louder and louder.

“Hey, you okay?” asked Soarin in a concerned tone looking at Rainbow.

Rainbow just shook her head, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Okay, If you say so.” said Sorain as she gave Rainbow an uneasy smile. The two pegasi continued on until they had stop at a row of seats that were in an angle of performance area. “These are the best seats in the house,” smiled Soarin. He gave a gesture to the seat and onto the area of the performance, “You can see everything here.”

“Cool.” smiled Rainbow as she sat on one of the seats.

Soarin then cleared his throat and turned straight towards Rainbow, "Hey Rainbow, can you come a bit closer? I want to give you something."

Rainbow jumped out of her seat and looked towards Soarin. She ignored the feeling of the blushing on her face when she realized that she had gotten a tad bit to close to Soarin. She ignored the feeling and cleared her throat as well, "Sure, what is it?"

Soarin took advantage of the closeness the two now had. He turned his head on angle and kissed her. Rainbow's eyes were in shock on what had just happened. As Soarin kissed her, Rainbow started to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She had no idea how this feeling felt. She never kissed a stallion before. If she had before, then she must of forgotten what it felt like.

Soarin then broke the kiss and looked away embarrassed on what he had done. He slowly looked at Rainbow again and said softly, "I didn't mean to surprise you like that."

Rainbow blinked and tried to process on what had just happened. She just shrugged and kissed Sorain's cheek, "I don't see why you're so down in the dumps, I like the kiss."

Sorain looked up at Rainbow and gave her a nervous smile, "Really?"

Rainbow nodded as she gave Soarin a resourcing smile, "If it makes you feel any better, I think I had a crush on you."

"You think?"

Rainbow laughed, "My memory is a bit spotty on certain things, but I do remember us dancing together at some wedding."

"Some wedding? That was the royal wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor."

Rainbow blinked a few times and shook her head, "Like I said before, my memory is a bit spotty on things."

"Oh right, sorry Rainbow."

"Its cool." smiled Rainbow, "Shouldn't you be getting yourself all fancy for the Princesses?

Sorain's eyes widened in shock, “Enjoy the show,” said Soarin quickly as he spread out his wings and flew up in the sky, “Be sure to come to the behind the scenes after.”

As Sorain flew back to join the other Wonderbolts, a smile grew on her face. Her smile was soon wiped off as she heard the familiar faint voice, much louder now.

“Rainbow and Soarin kissing in a tree,” sang the voice rang in her head. She shook her head to get rid of the voice, but it sang louder and louder, “First comes love, then comes marriage, and then little Rainbow in a baby carriage.”

“Get out of my head, Discord!” thought Rainbow as the voice of disharmony sang the same tune much louder.

“Relax Rainbow my dear, I was only having fun.” mocked Discord. He then laughed and said, “I told you I was looking forward to our special little visits.”

“Discord, get out!”

“Or else what? You have no idea who you are!” laughed Discord as his voice still rang in Rainbow’s head, “Okay, I have to admit that was a bit cruel of me to do. Here, I’ll humor you a bit.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sleep tight Dashie! Don’t let the bedbugs bite!”

Rainbow yawned as her vision started to fade, “What are you doing?”

“I hope you’re ready for a trip down memory lane.”
“We are here to mourn for our loss of our captain, Rainbow Blaze.” said a soft voice belonging to a gray coated pegasus stallion reading from a podium and behind him was a casket.

Rainbow looked around saw that all the ponies around her were wearing black and were all crying. Her looked to her side and saw a pink coated purple maned pegasus mare crying as two unicorns were putting the casket in the ground.

“Where am I?” thought Rainbow as she looked frantically around her. She felt tears forming in her eyes, but she didn't know why she was crying.

How can you stop me if you have no idea who you are,” Discord’s voice rang in Rainbow’s head, “You don’t even remember the death of your own father.”

“What?” thought Rainbow as she looked around her in shock, “My dad isn’t dead!”

“Are you sure about that?”

Before Rainbiw could say anything another voice rang in her head, “You’re getting sloppy Discord. You’re getting that desperate to be released from your stone prison?” The voice was much softer and calmer than Discord’s, “In the future Discord, if you try to mess with any of my students, it helps if you get your facts straight.”

“Oh look it’s Celestia. The royal party pooper.” mocked Discord, “But yes, being trapped in a stone prison does get a bit cold and lonely.”

Rainbow had noticed that he used to term "prison“ loosely, but part of her still wanted to know something,"If you’re stone, how are you in my mind?”

"Silly Dashie, as long as chaos and disharmony exists, I’m still present.”

“That won’t be the case anymore Discord.” declared Celestia her voice was much more stern, “Your days are numbered, you best use the time you have wisely.”
And just like that Rainbow woke up in a fright, she looked around and saw she was still in the Wonderbolt stadium. She looked and saw the seats in the stadium were getting filled faster and faster.

“Rainbow Dash!” came a familiar voice belonging to a yellow coated mare as she trotted towards the cyan pegasus, “You’re here too!”

“Of course I’m here,” said Rainbow in her usual cocky tone, “Why wouldn’t I be at a Wonderbolt show!”

“I guess you're right,” smiled the cross-eyed Derpy as she said in her usual bubbly tone, “Can I sit text to you Rainbow?”

“Yeah.” smiled Rainbow as she stretched in her seat a bit.

“I heard tonight's show is going to be amazing!”

“It's a Wonderbolt show, when is it not amazing?”

Derpy nodded as she sat and reached in her saddlebag to eat one of her many muffins, “Of course you would say that Rainbow. You love the Wonderbolts.”

"If I want to be a Wondebolt, I should know how each of their show goes."

"Hey Rainbow," said Derpy as she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out another muffin, "Do you want a muffin?"

Rainbow smiled at Derpy, "Nah, I'm fine."

Derpy smiled as she put away the extra muffin, "Suit yourself, your missing out if you ask me."

Rainbow shrugged as she tried to get comfortable in her seat, "Whatever be quiet. The show is about to start."

The lights of the stadium started to flicker one off as the chatter around Rainbow and Derpy began to die down. As the whole stadium became quiet, the lights pointed to the center of the performances area. Rainbow looked and saw that in the center stood Spitfire and behind her, all of the Wonderbolts all ready. The lights then all pointed a white coated alicorn with a steamy pink, blue, green, and purple mane. With a sun cutie mark and crown on her head, that alicron was Princess Celestia.

“Citizens of Euqestria, today is a very special day.” began the Princess, “ Not only is it the day to celebrate another year of peace, it is also anniversary of the return of my dear sister, Princess Luna.”

Then before the Princess could continue talking, all the lights in the stadium turned off. As the lights were turned off, screams could be heard all across the stadium. Then laughter could be heard as the lights came on and reviled a creature with a head of a pony and a body of all different creatures.

“I do apologize to interrupt your ceremony of peace, but it seems like it was missing a bit of some good old disharmony and chaos.” laughed the creature as he looked towards where Celestia was standing. The whole stadium gasped as they saw that their Princess of Sun and Princess of Night where now turned into stone. Discord looked at the two statues and then shook his head, “It seems like I’m missing one and a knight too.”

The whole stadium began to panic as they started to run and fly all over the place, all trying to escape Discord. As Rainbow looked around her, she saw some familiar sneaking away from the stadium.

“I have to follow the Wondebolts. I’m sure they know what what to do,” thought Rainbow as she spread out her wings and was read to fly after what she thought were the Wondebolts.

“Wait Rainbow,” said Derpy as she dropped her muffins and flew after Rainbow, “I’m coming with you.”

“You think you can keep up with me?” shot back Rainbow as she continued on flying, not bothering to look behind her, "Not to toot my own horn, but I am an amazing flyer."

“I’ll try too!” shouted Derpy as she struggled to keep up with Rainbow’s flying, “I gotten a lot better since last time.”

“We’ll see about that,” muttered Rainbow as she flew faster.
"Hey guys check this out, Derpy finally got her cutie mark," mocked a brown coated colt. He got closer to Derpy and looked at her flank, "What kind of special talent is bubbles?"

The gray coated filly began to cry as she tried to hide herself in her yellow mane, "Why are you so mean?" she cried louder as she tried to hide behind her muffin on the floor.

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" laughed the bully again as he kicked the muffin on the floor, "Only a lame pony like you would get a lame cutie mark like that."

"At least she has a cutie mark, unlike you!" shouted a filly Rainbow Dash as he looked directly at the bully who kicked Derpy's muffin away from her, "You shouldn't make fun of anypony! If you do, then that's bullying!"

The bully only scoffed and turned around and walked away from Derpy Hooves and Rainbow Dash, "Whatever, Rainbow Crash."

Rainbow then shouted back, "My name is Rainbow Dash! Not Rainbow Crash!" she looked at Derpy and saw that she was still crying. She shouted louder, "You made Derpy cry! Only a bully would kick her muffin!"

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!!
I know its shorter then the rest, but I'm trying to get these chapters done as soon as possible. I'm sure most of you don't want to wait another year for a chapter again.