• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 3,048 Views, 36 Comments

Forever Loyal - xxGamer101xx

Rainbow Dash, has been injured and doesn't remember who she is. It's up for her friends help her remember who she is.

  • ...

Chapter 7

As Rainbow Dash continued to fly down across the hallway, Derpy shouted louder and louder at Rainbow, “Rainbow, can you slow down please?” Asked the nervous pegasus as she struggled to keep her spend up, "I can't fly has fast you can. Please slow down!"

Rainbow ignored her pleas and continued on zooming through the hallway. As she zoomed passing all the frantic ponies running away from Discord, she was getting closer and closer to the shadowy figures that she was chasing. As she was at hoofs length from the figures she was chasing, she was tackled down to the ground.

“Don’t follow them,” said a frantic voice. Rainbow looked up and saw a white stallion with a blue mane, “They aren’t what you think they are.”

"What do you mean?"

"Just follow me, I'll explain everything. Just hurry up!" said the frantic voice in a gruff tone. Something about that voice seem familiar to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow slowly got up from the ground and looked at the figure that had tackled her down to the ground. The figure was a white coated stallion with the blue mane. He was also wearing what seemed to be purple armor. Her gaze upon the figure was soon interrupted by his frantic voice.

“What are you staring at?” Demanded the figure as he waved his hoof in front of Rainbow’s face, “Get your head out of the clouds and follow me.” The stallion quickly shook his head and galloped in the opposite direction of Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash quickly shook her head in confusion and quickly followed the stallion. As soon as she caught up to him she muttered, “Sorry.”

The stallion didn’t make eye contact and quickly said, “It’s fine, just keep on going. We should be safe from Discord if we keep going.”

Rainbow blinked, “Going where?”

The stallion stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Rainbow with concerned eyes, “We’re going to my sister. She should know what to do.”

Rainbow quickly drew her hoof to her head and gripped it with pain. Memories seemed to be going through her mind.
“I can’t believe that we are going to witness a royal wedding.” Whispered Rarity as she smiled upon the royal couple in front of her.

“Hey,” said a white stallion looking across the room, “Has anyone seen Twilley around?”

The other ponies look around the room too and trying to figure out where Twilight was. Ignoring the baby dragon on the floor playing with the wedding cake decorations. What was thought to be has cute at first, now had turn something that is creepy. Their thoughts on how creepy Spike was being with the two figurines was interpreted by huge slam. The mares saw the huge doors of the palace was now glowing purple magic and slammed wide open.

Twilight had burst into the room and started to shout, “ I'm here and I have something to say. I will not be standing next to her and neither should you too, Shinning Armor.”

The five mares gasped and Spike drops the two figurines and look at Twilight all witch looks of shock and horror. They all turn there faces at Twilight and back at the royal couple.

"What do ya mean that he shouldn't stand near her." asked Applejack in disbelief, "Twilight, are ya feeling alright there sugarcube?

"I haven't bean to that many weddings, but I'm pretty sure the bride and groom are supposed to stand near each other." said Pinkie as she scratched head in confusion, "Are royal weddings different from rock farm weddings?"

The pink alicorn gave a look at disgust towards Twilight and the white unicorn gave a sheepish grin and looked to a pink alicorn and simply said, “I’m sorry about my sister. I don’t know what has gotten into her.”
“Hey, you okay there?” Said Shining Armor has he put his hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and offered a concern look, “Did you hit your head or something?”

Rainbow quickly looked back at him a sheepish smile and muttered, “Yeah, something like that.”

Shining Armor sighed and quickly galloped ahead, “We don’t have much time to lose, come on.”

Rainbow nodded and galloped to the white stallion, “If they weren’t the Wonderbolts, then who were the things that I was following?”

“One of the many mind tricks that Discord can conjure up.” Explained Shining Armor has he galloped faster and faster, “I guess you can say that he learned from his mistakes and not taking all of you at once. Discord seems to be taking you guys out one at a time.”

“And it seems like I’m the weakest link.” Muttered Rainbow Dash as she went to keep up with Shining Armor's gallop.

Shining Armor had stopped his galloping and looked at Rainbow with a confused look, “Hey, did you say something?”

“Nothing.” Said Rainbow in an annoyed tone.

“If you say so,” smiled Shining Armor as he used his magic to open up a door, “Cool, looks like we arrived in time.”

Rainbow walked through the open door and saw a chariot and in front of it with several pegasus with the same armor that Shining Armor was wearing.

“The chariot is going to take you to Ponyville. As soon as you get back home, go to my sister and tell her everything that happened.”

“I don’t need a chariot,” said Rainbow in even more annoyed tone, “I can fly perfectly fine.”

“I know that you can fly fine,” Shining Armor said in a frantic tone, “We are kinda on a tight schedule and I need to make sure you get back to my sister and tell her everything that happened.”

“Why aren’t you coming with me? Whatever is going on in there is dangerous and I’m pretty sure Twilight wants to make sure her brother is safe.”

“Don’t worry about me,” smirked Shining Armor, “As captain of the royal guard, we make it our duty to defend Equestria against anything that crosses our path and that is what I am going to do. My order has captain is to make sure that Discord doesn't get any of the Elements of Harmony. All six of you must be safe to make sure Discord goes to his stone prison.”

Rainbow nodded and went on the chariot and waved at the white stallion, “See ya Shining Armor. Be safe.”

Shining Armor gave her one last smile and quickly galloped back to the stadium shouting, “For Equestria!”

“For Equestria!” Chanted back the group of pegasus and quickly rose the chariot the sky and chanted again, “In our darkest time, may Celestia’s light guide us."

“Well, aren’t you a clever little one,” Discord’s voice rang into her head, “Well no hard feelings Rainbow, I will get you eventually. Here you seem a bit tired, let me help you with that!”

In a second, Rainbow’s eyes closed and her collapsed down on the floor of the chariot. “I was hoping for you to fall off the chariot.” The sinister voice still rang in her head, “Enjoy your trip down memory lane.”
"A long time ago in this very forest," said Rainbow as she brought her face above the flames of the campfire, "There were six ponies like us, camping on this trip-"

Pinkie yawned and said out loud, "The old creepy pony did it."

The cyan pegsus looked at her with a disgusted look and remarked in an annoyed tone, "Pinkie, your suppose to wait for the end of the story. At least not spoil it out loud."

"I'm sorry Dashie, I didn't mean to spoil the story, it just seemed so-"

"Predictable?" answered Rarity as she yawned as well.

"Yeah, what she said!" nodded Pinkie Pie in her unusual happy tone, "I mean of course some creepy old pony is going to something to a group of young ponies in a strange forest."

"I do have to agree with Pinkie on this one," said Rarity as she stood up from where she was sitting.

"And what do ya know about scary camp stories?" asked Applejack ignoring the glare that Rarity was giving her, "Ah mean no disrespect there Rarity, but ya don't seem to be the camping type."

"When I was younger, my parents used to drag my sister and I on all these camping trips," explained Rarity as she sighed, "Oh how I hated it. However, it did teach me on thing."

"What was that?" asked Fluttershy in a soft whisper.

"To tell a good story of course. My father can tell the best and the most scariest stories." said Rarity as she looked into the campfire, "The stories that you have been telling are so predictable. I mean where did you get them from, a book?"

"Yes." muttered Twilight in a harsh whisper so soft that not even a mouse could hear.

A mischievous grin grew across Rarity face, "Well since I still haven't gone to tell ghost stories, perhaps I could give it a shot. I should warn you, my ghost stories scare my sister."

"Again, Ah mean no disrespect there Rarity, but yer sister is very easy to scare," said Applejack once again ignoring Rarity's glare, "Apple Bloom told me about the time yer sister got scared when Winona woke them up with her barking."

"Oh hush now Applejack, trust me you'll enjoy this story." smiled Rarity, "When it comes to telling stories, one must have a creative mind to tell one."

"Well, since you know all there is about telling scary stories then why don't you come over here and tell it!" challenged Rainbow Dash with a cocky grin and her chest held up high.

"With pleasure." the white unicorn smiled and went over to where Rainbow was standing. She had nudged her away from the campfire and then drew her face upon like Rainbow did and began her story in a whisper, "They say that when you are camping in the Everfree Forest, that you should be careful. They say that should never leave the campfire. As you, it gets pretty dark in the forest. And as you know, the night is dark and full of terrors."

"Now this story sounds really good!" whispered Pinkie, "Don't you think so, Dashie?"

Rainbow had just scoffed and went back where Rarity was sitting and muttered, "Whatever."

Rarity had looked at all the faces of the six mares sitting around the campfire with a surprised, "You guys aren't afraid? Even after what had happened here?"

"W-W-What happened here?" stuttered Fluttershy in a meek voice as she slowly began to cower behind Twilight.

"You mean you don't know? It was all over the news, I can't believe that none you know!" whispered Rarity again in her harsh whisper, "Only those who are brave know the true story."

"Oh come Rarity, tell us please!" begged Pinkie as she looked at Rarity with big puppy dog eyes, "Please?"

"If you insist." said Rarity as she drew her face closer to the campfire, "Here is the story of the The Crash- Bucking Stinger."

"The Crash- Bucking Stinger?" smirked Rainbow as she tried her best not to laugh, "That sounds like something you just made up."

"Sssh!!!" Pinkie said as she drew her hoof to Rainbow's mouth, "Its getting to the good part!"

"As I was saying before I before I was so rudely interrupted," remarked Rarity has she gave a dirty look towards Rainbow. She then cleared her throat and began the rest of the story, "They call him the Crash-Bucking Stinger, but mostly call him Crash-ARRGH" Rarity then quickly fell to ground and slowly went back up and whispered, "That's as far as they get before he gets them!"

Rainbow had just sighed and looked up in the starry night sky. Rarity looked and saw how uninterested Rainbow seemed to be and went back to her pacing around the campfire and went on her telling her tale, "Years ago, there was a once a farm in this forest. There was once a young farmer, like you!" she drew her hoof at Applejack, "One night, when he was tending his farm. He looked and saw a tree in the distance. He saw that the tree that had an unusual fruit, that he had never saw before. Curious, he went up to the tree and tried to buck it. He bucked and bucked, but the fruit didn't fall of the tree. He tried one more time, he bucked the tree and the fruit fell off, however the tree fell and crushed the curious farmer.They say that every Thursday night, he haunts this very forest looking for the fruit from the tree that calmed his life."

"B-B-ut, today is Thursday?" stuttered Fluttershy has she cowered lower and lower to the ground.

"It is? Well you should know the three signals he gives before he catches you. First, the campfire goes out. Then, gusts of wind goes out sounding like his screams of help when the tree fell on him. After hearing that, you would be curious of what had happened and when you wake and follow the sounds that the wind gets you...."

"What happens?" asked Pinkie as she was jumping allover the place, "Come on Rarity, please tell us what happens next!"

"After you spend so much time following the sounds, you see the tree that claimed his life." Rarity said as she was pacing back and forth around the campfire. She stopped in front of Rainbow and slowly whispered to her, "He gets you." She grabs a hold of her and starts to shake her around.

"No, we won't get me! I won't let him!" Fluttrshy screams as she dashes into the tent and whimpers in fear.

Twilight sighs and gives an annoyed look towards Rarity, "Nice going."

"What?" Rarity said in a confused and shocked voice, "I just simply told a ghost story. It's suppose be just all fun and games, Fluttershy has nothing to be scared of."

Twilight sighed and goes into the tent to comfort the scared pegasus and shouts to Rarity, "You're not the one that has to share a tent with her."
"Rainbow Dash, wake up." said a familiar voice. Rainbow's eyes opened up and saw that she was in Twilight's library. She looked around and saw that all of her friends where look at her, all with concerned looks on their faces.

She yawned,"So, I guess that royal guards told you everything, huh?"

"I can't believe that I trusted him, I thought something really did change about him." Fluttershy had said in a weak voice and tears were slowly streaming down her face, "I feel so used."

"Oh darling, this isn't your fault." said Rarity as she hugged her, trying to comfort the crying shy pegasus, "We all thought Discord changed, none of us would think that something like this would ever happen."

"What's the plan now?" asked Applejack, "You do have a plan, don't ya Twilight?"

"I don't know." said the lavender unicorn in a soft voice. She looked at her friends you all gave her a look of disbelief and shock. She looked away from her friends' faces and said softly, "I need some time to think."

"Ah understand, ya need ya space" nodded Applejack as she and the rest of her friends existed the library to give her the time and space she needed. Before she went out of the library Applejack slowly said, "If ya need to talk Twilight, ya know we care bout ya."

Rainbow Dash was the last one to leave, as she was about to leaver the lavender unicorn alone, she quietly said, "I'm sorry, Twilight."

Twilight then responded back towards her, "It isn't your fault Rainbow Dash. It's all of our faults. We trusted Discord and let our guard down and he look advantage of it."

Rainbow Dash was the last to leave the library and when she did exist. Her looked at her friends all walking away with a look of sorrow on their faces. Rainbow did something that she hadn't and wasn't able to do in awhile. She had spread her wings and began to fly. It didn't matter why or where she was flying, she just need to clear her head about all the things that happened to her during the time that she woke up from her fall. She was flying to a place that she hasn't been in a while.

"As far as I know, the world is about to end. I should be at least be ready to face it. I should also clean up all the loose ends in my life." thought Rainbow Dash has she flew across the sky and completely fear of everything, "And I know where I should go. In the end, family is all that you got. How Shining Armor was so willing to sacrifice his life just to make sure I was able to get to his sister safely has taught me anything, I treated my family like crap in the past."
And older with a light blue coat was pacing back and forth in front of a younger mare with a cyan coat. Both of the mares had a rainbow colored mane. The younger one's was more frizzy and wild and the older one's mane was neater and wavy.

"Rainbow Dash, sweetie we have been over this several times now. I don't want you seeing that that boy from your the Flight Academy anymore." said the older mare in a calm tone.

"No mom," said Rainbow Dash in a harsh tone as she stood up from her seat and looked her mother straight into her eyes, "You talked about this and only you. By the way, his name is Comet and I love him."

"Rainbow sweetie, you're too young to say things like that." said her mother has she a put a hoof on her shoulder, "You have your all life ahead of you and I don't want you to throw it all away on some boy."

"It's my life," asserted Rainbow as she brushed her mother's hoof off her shoulder, "Let me live it the way that I want too."

"I'm just saying that its best to not be with him anymore, or you might do something that you might regret." explained her mother, giving her daughter a soft warm smile.

"Like what?" asked Rainbow as she gritted her teeth trying her hardest not to shed any tears, "Like getting knocked up when you're young and have to spend the rest of your life raising a daughter that all you do is crush all her dreams?"

"What?" said her mother, eyes wide in shock and lost for words. She tried to come up with something to say, but the words failed to form in her mouth and she failed trying her best to put all the sounds into words.

"You don't need to saying anything, I already know the answer," cried Rainbow as tears were now forming in the young mare's eyes and she went and galloped away into her room, screaming in her bed, "I wish I was with dad. He understands me better then you do."

A sigh escapes the older mare as she goes onto the couch and sees the picture frame on the coffee table. She picks up the picture frame and sees the once happy family that they used to be, a long time ago. She wishes she could go back to that time; when they were young naive, when they were all both filled with so much love, and when she thought she was the only mare in his life. Her mother sighs again, much more heavier and tears start to stream down her face. The tears are streaming down her face not because she misses him, they are streaming down her face because she wishes that the stallion in that picture of the once happy family was the father he was once. Not something her daughter says when she gets angry at her.
Rainbow stops her flying and lands herself in front of her childhood home. She knocks on the door and the older mare with the light blue coat and wavy rainbow colored mane enters the door. She smiles, tears roll down her face, and she pulls her daughter in a hug. Rainbow returns the hug and starts crying as well.

Her mother pulls away from the hug, wipes away her tears, and starts to laugh, "Its been a while."

Rainbow only shrugs and starts to laugh along with her mother, "I've been busy."

Her mother smiles and gestures her to go inside of the house, "Of course you've been busy sweetie, your all grown up now."

Rainbow enters the house and smiles back to her mother, "Mom, I'm sorry for all the mean things I said about you."

"Oh sweetie, that's all in the past now. That's why they call it history, because it happened in the past. They call it the present because its a gift, and they-"

"Call it future because its a mystery," laughs Rainbow as she finishes what her mother was saying, "You used to say that all the time when I was little."

Her mother smiles, "Now Rainbow, why did you decide you visit me?

"What do you mean? Why can't I just visit my mom? Why does there has to be a reason behind everything?"

"I'm not stupid Rainbow Dash." Rainbow cringes, her mother only uses her full name whenever she is angry at her or decides to lecture about everything,"When I was your age, I only came my mother when something major happen. The reason why I am asking you this is because something major has happen to you," her mother looks to her a warm smile, "I am right, aren't I?"

"Yea, you are?"

Her mother's smile grows bigger, "Have you gotten yourself a special sompony?"

Rainbow's cheeks start to blush, "What?"

"I'm not getting any younger, I want some grandchildren!"

Rainbow's cheeks start to blush even redder, "I think I got a special somepony, but I don't know. Its complicated right now."

Her mother sighs, "I was just kidding with you Rainbow. Whatever you want to tell me about, I'm sure we can discuss it over dinner."

Author's Note:

A couple month break since the last chapter was submitted should be nothing compared to the two year wait you all went through. I hope you guys enjoy!

Comments ( 5 )

Sorry for late reply :twilightsmile:
Out right now :raritywink:

Damn, two and a half years. I'm afraid to read this.

1959928 yeah i completely agree to you just f@ck school :pinkiegasp: :rainbowderp: :rainbowhuh:

IS THERE NOTHING MORE TO THIS?!?!?! I need more!!!!

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