• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 2,621 Views, 33 Comments

The Three Knight Errant - Ebony Gryphon

Once, man walked the land of equistria. Many winters have passed, and now they wish to return to close old disputes and become allies. But old prejudices will make this easier said then done

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Chapter 9 the Compact

Celestia sighed contentedly as she gazed out the window from her private train, her sisters light bathing the countryside in a beautiful, if somewhat eerie, beauty. A blue aura surrounded her crown, and after giving a a slight polish with a magically held rag, she placed it carefully on the bust rest on her dresser. Humming contentedly, she almost skipped back into the larger part of the trains car. Nodding at the kneeling human who was accompanying her, and getting a bow of the head in return, she walked in front of the green flames she had conjured. Giggling slightly at the memory of the conductor coming back, and in terror of punishment, told her that she would have to put it out, she gave a internal eye roll when he almost collapsed with relief that the flames would only warm, not actually burn anything. Coming to the pillows, she flopped down, and looked over seeing Marcum smiling.


Chuckling, he shook his head. "Nothing. You just... reminded me of someone."

Tilting her head, she asked "Really? Who?"

Smile fading, he looked down.

"My little girl."

Gasping, she squeed. "Ohh, Marcum! You didn't tell me you had a little filly of your own. Congrats!." Seeing though his eyes turning sad, she added softly "May i ask where she is?"

Looking up, he smiled again. "The territories. My sister is caring for her. Her mother,' he cleared his throat, 'Her mother wasn't the maternal sort.'

Nodding, her smile faded fully. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head, a bit distressed. "Oh no, no Celestia. Please don't worry over the likes of me. While I'll admit it hurt, she did give my daughter."

Nodding, she looked back into the flames, muttering, "Probably only worthwhile thing she ever did...'

Rubbing the back of his neck, his mind began to race to think of a way to save his Masters mood.

"Uhhmmm, did.... did you enjoy your time with your apprentice?"

Smiling softly, she looked back at Marcum . "I did indeed. While me and my sister and I went there for Blueblood, its always nice to see Twilight." Sighing, she cast her eyes down. "No, I cant do this."

"What Celestia?"

Still not looking up, she replied, "Your tattoo. Theres something odd about it. I was going there before i visited Cadence, but when Blueblood wanted to tag along to apologize..." she looked up meekly.

Seeing the looks in his eyes, she whispered, "There is something...' but stilled when the usually polite soldier replied shortly "There is..." but seeing the hurt he caused, added "Celestia, it is neither a danger to you or your kingdom"

As his masters eyes narrowed, he shrugged. "Secrets, secrets, we all have out little secret. And mine...' he winked 'Is a secret between me and two others." Grinning in the face of an annoyed goddess, he added "So, I'll make you a deal."

Glare still fixed, she said "I'm listening."

"If you tell me the matter between you and your sister the first time she and I met, I'll tell about this mark."

Glare leaving her eyes, but her mouth puckering like she just ate bad fruit, she huffed "Thats dirty."

"Its quite fair, and you know it Celestia." Mouth still puckered, she let out an annoyed "fine..." the with an snort over losing a battle of the wits for the first time since well before her sisters banishment, she looked back at the flames. At the memory of her sibling, her eyes softened, a small smile returning.

Seeing this, Marcum ventured "I'm glad to see that your sister there. She usually doesn't venture out, and she seemed happy."

Heart twinging at the mention of her sister and how she planned to rope her into her scheme, she only nodded. Though her expression hadn't changed, Marcum could tell she was troubled.

"Celestia, do you love your sister?" Not looking away from the green blaze of the hearth, she replied curtly "Do you love Aduros?"

"I don't think you'd call it love..." Looking back again, the princess looked confused. "What would you call it?

Looking thoughtful, he held up his right hand. "I write with this hand correct?"


"I very rarely, if ever use my left hand. But just because i have at the moment no use for it, it doesn't mean i don't care, or I want lopped off."

Now shocked, she replied, "That's what you think of him?:

Not hearing this tone before, his smile faded. "Our family sort of treated him like that."

Looking down, she sighed sadly. "You and me are alike."


She looked up. "We're both horrible." At this he only nodded, but added softly, "But... that's where he and I differ, and what makes him different from Luna."

Seeing the questioning look again, he grinned. "Well, its just, even though he's been treated like that, and even though sometimes makes me feel mad enough to spit, he's never been bitter or spiteful. And while he perhaps isn't the most gracious fellow, he's always thankful for what he does have."

Looking away, she looked into the flames, a because of the low light, it took a minute for Marcum realize she was crying. In an instant, he was at her side, and hesitating a moment, laid a hand on her neck. "Celestia..."

Hanging her head, her tone a drab monotone, "Go away Marcum."

Jaw set, he shook his head. "No Celestia. I wont leave you like this."

Eyes locking with his, furious with his disobedience, she saw that he wasn't budging. Eyes unable to leave his, she whimpered, "Sometimes... no, almost every time i see him, it sickens me...' as she tried to look away, Marcum drew her gaze back with a finger under her chin.


She whimpered, "Because how you treat Aduros, is how i treated Luna. And while I've tried... even letting make constellations again, in a couple of months, he's made her more happy by being his infuriatingly wonderful self then i ever could." The unwavering gaze of her now confidant was too much, and she whispered, 'I'm.... I'm tired. I don't want to talk anymore tonight." As he nodded and began to rise, she lifted a wing to stop him.

"Will... will you stay with me..." seeing the look in his eyes, she shook her head, 'No. no... not like that... i don't think either of us needs that right now....' and seeing the nod of agreement, continued, 'I... I just cant stand to be alone tonight...' she looked down, shamed that she couldn't maintain her facade. And Marcum, as we've seen his brother seeming to have a knack for, made it worse by kneeling, and saying 'Of course Tia."

And for the first time since she was a filly under his fathers wing, the walls of the ancient maiden fell.

That night wasn't a night of passion, or mating of any form. Marcum just laid down in her bed with her after she was done crying, and laying her head on his chest, she just talked. Old stories, secret stories she told no one else. The first night she of the day when her father died, a whimpering Luna shivering against her, to tired to even weep anymore. How she felt when she learned of humanity being more then myth, and many other things. And as the sun was risen by her sister who she adored more then any other, Marcum just idly stroked her mane, watching a for the first time since before Discord a peacefully sleeping Celestia. And that's how she awoke a couple hours, heart and mind at ease, the warmth of the her suns rays and Marcums soothing fingers. For a moment, they just looked at each other, and then both snickered. Letting out an amused snort, Celestia asked "Well, we have a whole day other day on this train. What do you want to do now?"

As though on cue, her stomach made itself known, and Marcum suggested, "Breakfast?"

As Marcum opened the door to leave the trains bedchambers, the came face to face with one of Celestia guards with a raised hoof, poised to knock. For a moment, all three merely looked at each other, then without a word, the guard merely turned, and walked a away.

Another miracle in less then two days: the first Celestia breaking down. The second, in the first time ever, it only took two minutes for a cluster fuck to rear its ugly head, and the princess to mutter, "Oh.... dear."

Author's Note:

Feelings... showing feelings.....

Ok, I know the last few chapters have been like this, but again, Im as shocked as everyone else is.