• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 2,621 Views, 33 Comments

The Three Knight Errant - Ebony Gryphon

Once, man walked the land of equistria. Many winters have passed, and now they wish to return to close old disputes and become allies. But old prejudices will make this easier said then done

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Chapter 10 Arrival

Cadence was ecstatic. Her people were healthy and happy, Shining armor was much more cheerful then before, she found a wonderful new friend in Talios, and to just make the good times better her favorite aunt was visiting. Fairly jumping up and down as the Royal Train rode into the depot, she looked back at her shivering mateTsking, she shook her head. "Shining, i appreciate the thought, but if your sick...' as though on cue, the stallion suddenly sneezed, and smiled sheepishly at his wife, took it all in great stride, merely wiped the snot from her face.

"Sorry babe..." seeing a handkerchief held in front of him, Shining sniffed, looking back enviously. Unlike the stallion and his mare, who was bundled up to the point of being difficult to move, the human seemed content to only be wearing a trenchcoat. Scowling, he grabbed, and after blowing his nose, glared back at the human.

"How the hell can you stand it? I have fur, and I'm freezing!"

Smiling his usual insufferable smile, Talios merely responded, "I have a very low metabolism.'

As Shining opened his mouth his mouth to reply, or more likely to sneeze, he was interrupted by the excited squeeing of his wife, who jumped forward, nuzzling the underside of her relatives muzzle,

"Aunt Tia! Oh, its just sooooo good to see you!"

Smiling, Celestia nuzzled the top of her nieces head, and replied, 'Of course my dear, But I'm not the only one."

Cadence take a step back, and nodded. "Of course, Ive heard two more humans are in our land as." She looked over her shoulder at her own servant, and giggled.

"Maybe they know... each...?' the rest of her petered off into shocked silence at the golden haired stallion standing behind the diarch, a small smile and a soft "Hi Cadence... Shining..."

Seeing her nieces face fell, she nuzzled it again gently.

"Its ok mi amore, he's only here to talk. Please be gentle,' and at that shot a warning glance at a sniffling and fuming blue maned someony, and added "Both of you." Nodding, Cadence smiled back at Blueblood, and then took a head count.

"Uhmm, Aunt Tia, wheres Marcum?"

Smiling, she said, 'Oh, he's having a nice chat with one of my guards. He'll catch up."


Said guard was current having a nervous breakdown similar to that of certain someone we all know. Raising a cup of cocoa to his lips with shaky hooves, he took a sip and whimpered 'I'd... I've never heard her like that... Oh my mothers tears, when Celestia looked at me..." and all Marcum could do was rub the shivering stallions back, trying to help him through the trauma caused by Celestia's usual morning crankiness mixed with hunger and the still raw emotions of last night. Suddenly, the equine sobbed, and for a moment Marcum wondered if he and his brother found their calling.


Cadence glanced sideways at Aunt as they walked through the town to her families home. While she had always kept a strong front, even around her sister who was closer then anyone Cadence knew, her auntie had always had some sadness, some hole that refused to heal. But now... though physically she hadn't changed at all, there was more bounce in her step, and she was actually humming gently as Cadence showed of her home. Catching her sideways glances, Celestia nudged her fellows alicorns side with a wing gently.

"What troubles you my dear?"

Smiling, she looked forward again. "Oh, nothing. You just...' she looked up into the air, lips pursed slightly in contemplation, then finding an answer giggled. "I'm just happy your happy i guess."

At this, Celestia nuzzled the back Cadences neck, then after the contact whispered, 'I don't think our two strapping young fellows bringing up the rear can say the same.'

Shining Armor and Blueblood walked together silently, one holding his tongue to stop himself, the other having no words to say. The former captain of the guard continued his silence until they entered the din of the market. Eyes fixed forward, he said softly 'Ok Blueblood, whats your angle.'

Eyes cast down as though lost in thought, he flinched at the blue maned unicorns words, and whimpered, 'Angle, i don't...." his words were cut off as Shining snarled, "Don't you dare give me that."

Clenching his eyes a moment, Blueblood sobbed, "Damn it, stop for a moment."

Though they weren't loud, they way they were said paused Shining a moment, and he looked back at the stallion. He didn't exactly get a good look before, but now... the usually primed mane and tail hung limp and lackluster, his eyes tired and the skin around them dark with exhaustion. Seeing this, he also but notice that the prince was scrawnier then when he last saw him. After an odd tightening in his chest, Shining asked "Ok... what is it Blue?"

Looking up, his eyes glanced at cadences husband, and looking back down, he said "I'm sorry."

For a moment, Shining regarded the other stallion, his eyes once more roaming over the now broken frame, and with a sigh said, 'Fine. I forgive you.' then looking forward again, they continued they walk, this time neither of them speaking because there was nothing to be said.


For some reason, the two males had called an early night that evening, but Cadence and Celestia stayed up late into the night, talking and giggling about the good old days, and happily considering the future. Dunking a biscuit in her tea a moment, Cadence lifted it, and taking a bite regarded her aunt affectionately.

"So, how is that young fellow you've been telling about, this Marcum."

Shrugging her wings slightly, Celestia shook her head. "Oh no. Please tell me of your new servant."

Taking a thoughtful bite of biscuit, she waited as he aunt lifted a tea cup to take a sip, and as it came close to her lips said "Well, i don't currently want him to rut me..." and quickly lifted a barrier as her aunt spewed hot tea across the table as her wings shot out in shock. Giggling, she took a moment to enjoy her aunts blushing and indignant sputtering.

Scowling, Celestia lowered her head, her wings slouching slightly, and muttered, 'How did you know?'

Cocking her to the side in mock thought, she said in a sing-song voice, "Oh, i didn't till now."

Groaning, the lady of the dawn rubbed the top of her head with a hoof. Wicked smile softening, she said softly, "Hey, come on. Whats wrong?"

Finally looking into the eyes of her elder, she saw the problem, and nodded sagely. "Ah, its not a that you've ever...' seeing the sudden dangerous gleam, Cadence wisely skipped through the word, "Well you know."

Seeing the gleam leave Celestias eyes, she added, "And yet still he's sunk his way pretty damn deep in you." and giggled again at the white alicorn groan as she laid her head down on the table, muttering darkly, 'I'm to old for this...'

"Well, in that case, you don't have worry about getting knocked up."

Whimpering, Celestia rubbed the top of her head. "Why did i come to you?"


From a darkened doorway, Marcum leaned against the wall, smiling at the mare bantering. Not looking away, he softly said, 'I was wondering where you went Talios.'

From the gloom, a voice responded, 'One could say the same of you.' Silently, they both watched at the verbal jousting, though the whole time Talios remained in the dark. Suddenly, he said, 'You should tell her.'

At this, Marcum smile dropped like a brick. "I know."


He shook his head. "I made a bargain. When she tells me, i tell her."

And after a moment, the presence he felt disappeared, and soon, he retired for the evening as well.


Celestia was in a foul mood as the train left her niece and her kingdom behind. While hiding it from the workers on the train and so forth with her usual smiley self, now that she had someone to vent to, she did.

"That little upstart.... I practically raised her, dried her tears, and helped her become what she is, and this is how she repays me?"

Smiling over at the alicorn next to him, he chuckled. Usually the composed being who so many regarded as a goddess could strike down a gryphon rebellion with a mere glance. But laying on her back in the royal bed, forelegs up similar to how a dog does when they lay on their back, and her mouth doing its annoyed pucker, she looked all of thirteen. Shrugging, he replied 'All children rebel Tia. Its the way off things.'

Leaning her head down till her chin almost touched the a spot on her neck, the sun raiser stuck her tongue out at Marcum, then muttered, 'Gee, thanks for the sympathy.' Earning herself another chuckle. Sighing, she rolled onto her stomach, and turning around and sitting on haunches, rested her head on Marcums shoulder. Smile fading, he reached up and gently stroked down the length of Celestias neck. Sniffling, she said, "When did my little filly turn into such a bitch?"