• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 2,471 Views, 64 Comments

Moon of the Metro - BlueYellowNoble

Princess Luna in the Metro 2033 universe.

  • ...

1. Ghosts


"Luna?" A familiar voice cooed.

Luna glanced to her sister. "Sister." she said with a sigh.

"Is something wrong?" Celestia sat down with her sibling. "You have been standing on this porch for such a long time..."

Luna turned her head away not to get eye contact with Tia. She was too upset to do it.

"Lunaaa..." her sister moaned and rubbed her cheek on Luna's head. "If something is wrong, you know you can talk to me about it..."

I give up Luna groaned. "I am lonley sis."

Celestia seemed confused.

"I work all night, work work and no time to enjoy all the things out there!" she pointed her hoof over the rail and the kingdom. "Nightmare Night opened my eyes! I there is so much I want to see, so many ponies to meet..."

She lowered her head, "...but they don't see me as ME..."

Now Celestia understood. "You want them to see you as Luna, and not Nightmare Moon."

Luna nodded. "They are still afraid of me. Even after Nightmare Night they give us scared glances and terrified whispers. They will never want to befriend me."

"Don't say that!" Celestia suddenly blurted out. "What about Twilight and her friends, and the young colt Pip?"

Luna didn't have an answer. She did have some friends in Ponyville.

"But what does it matter, they sleep during the night!" she finally said.

Celestia put her foreleg over Luna's shoulder and pressed herself close to her sister.
"Twilight welcomed you with open forelegs, and I am certain she would like to meet you again. We'll send a letter first thing in the morning, okay?"

"Okay." Luna sighed, admitting defeat.

Celestia smiled. "I love you Luna."

"Love you too."

As the older alicorn trotted in the castle, Luna took another look over the region. Far in the distance she could see Ponyville, a small colourfull dot next to the huge Everfree Forest.

Just as she thought about it, she noticed a bright light comming from the forest. It was small, but bright as star.
And it caught Luna's curiosity.

"Tia, do you see that?"

No answer.

Her sister had already gone to her chambers, probably sound asleep by now.
She's had a long day, she needed a good nights rest Luna thought. But that light was so intriguing and needed to be investigated.

Looking over her shoulder, then back to the light, she made a decision.

I won't be gone for long. Just a quick investigation.
Whith that she spread out her wings and took off.


With a soft thud as Luna landed, she scouted her surroundings. This is where the light came from... but where is it now?

She stood in a small glade, the ground oddly burnt and scorched. The only thing that seemed ordinary was the crystal-clear pond in the middle of the glade.
She trotted around the glade and looked at the scorched ground.

Scorchmarks pointed outward, as if a fireball had hit the ground.

"Odd." she said to herself. "What could leave such an odd track..."

Her thoughts were interrupted when something glimmered in the pond.
A weak, white light...

Hypnotized, she walked towards the light.
Soon, an orb raised out of the water. It crackled and pulsaded.
It was as if it was alive.

Luna smiled and reached out to it, wanting to touch it.

A faint tingle went through her as a thin thread of electricity danced on her hoof. Giggling, she reached further, wanting to touch the orb itself.

But suddenly the tingle turned to a sting, and Luna retracted her hoof with a yelp.
Suddenly the orb started to pulsate faster, and growing rapidly.

Frozen by fear, Luna watched as the orb grew from the size of a tennisball to a pumpkin, and only keeping to grow.

A large arc of lightning hit her, making her vision go blank for a second, before suddenly go black and falling down to the ground.


"Wooah... did you hear that?"

"No." Grig chuckled behind the thick beard. "Perhaps it was ghosts of the metro!"

"Not funny man..." Vasili snorted loudly. "I swear I heard someone sceam..."

"Naah, probably just sound traveling through the pipes. I can bet 20 rounds that's what keeps spooking out everyine back at Polis." Grig waved his hand with annoyance.

Vasili shook his head. "Polyanka is abandoned, but if sound is traveling from there, someone, or someTHING is making that sound huh?"

"Stalkers probably. They like the solitude."

"And if it is mutants?"

Grig grined and stroked his Ithaca M-37, while giving his companion a funny look.

"Okay okay, stupid question." Vasili chuckled. "Let's just go in, out and back to the bar."

"That was probably the best thing I've heard today!" Grig laughed, it echoing through the tunnel.

Why is it so cold?

Luna woke up, feeling extremely cold. Slowly she got up, and soon realized she was no longer was in the glade.

She was in a huge hall made of white marble, the floor, the roof and beautiful pillars of white, red and blue mosaics.
But where was she?

Hello hello hello...

The echo made Luna uneasy inside. The place seemed abandoned.

With a slow trot she started to walk in the halls of what-this-place-was-named, her hooves making a loud clop-clop echo.
Her attention went to the strange light sources in the roof. Long, glowing sticks emitted a yellow-ish light, but no warmth.

Was it magic? She thought.

Suddenly the sticks went out with a pop, and further away another went out. Like a domino-effect the hall was engulfed in darkness.
"Calm down Luna... the dark is not dangerous." she said herself, trying to comfort herself.
SHe breathed in and used her magic to lit her horn, casting a light blue aura around her.

That was when her blood froze.

Around her, shadows where moving around her. They where not hers, that was for sure.
These shadows had no casters, and they did not look anything like ponies.
They walked on two legs, their forelegs high up from the ground.

Suddenly the clop-clop echo returned, but it wasn't Luna making those.

It was the shadows!

As she heard low, whipers around her she thought she'd snapped. Gone insane.
All she wanted now was to get away from this place, she wanted to be back at Canterlot!

She started running in blidness, dodging the shadows and desperatly hoping for a way out.

The chatter around her changed to horrified screams, young and old, mares and colts weeping.

Tears ran down her cheeks, the surroundings became too much for her to handle.

A low growl caused her to slip, falling face first to the floor.
Shaking the confusion off her, she saw three long shadows, more misformed than the others. They had talons, wide jaws filled with fangs.

Screaming in terror, Luna managed to scramble back up on all four and ran even faster.
Behind her snarls of her invisible monsters closed in.

Hope was renewed when she saw a single open door. Using her final boost of energy she rushed in the room and kicked the door shut.
Not convinced of thinking a door would hold them out, she spotted metal cabinets she could climb on.
Awkwardly jumping up, she wobbled on the completely loose cabinets.

She slipped and fell down. Even more unfortune came, as a cabinet fell over her.

Luna cried out in pain as the metal hunk almost crushed her.
Paniced she tried to push it off, but it was too heavy.
When she tried to use her magics, the aching pain from her side made it too hard to focus.

Soon, her illumination spell started to fadem leaving her in complete darkness.

Grig jumped up on the station platform of Polyanka. The station had not fallen completely to ruin, the white marble had turned gray of dust and dirt, and there was barely any damage to the mosaics.

But he did agree with Vasili. There was something foul about this station.
A hauntingly feeling, looming in the air like a bad cigar.

Grig shuddered.

Polyanka was known as "Destiny Station" by the Polis Council, and said by many to be a ghost station.
Fires lit, people actually living here.
The council dismissed this, saying the station was uninhabitable. no water, no soil for mushroom farming.

"Hey!" Vasili suddenly yanked Grig's shoulder. "You hear that?!"

Grig snapped back to the real world and sharpened his ears.

"I don't-"

"Schhhh!" Vasili hushed him down. "Listen!"

This time Grig heard something.
A faint sobbing.

"Duuude..." Grig said nervosly.

"You heard it! And now we're gonna invesigate!" the younger man grinned and started pulling Grig's suit.

They followed the sound through the platform towards what looked like the station office.
Grig took notice of some strange tracks in the dusts leading to their destination.

At the door, Vasili let his grip of Grig go, and took out his modified Bastard.
On cue Grig readied his trusted shotgun.

"You ready man?" Grig looked on his compainion.

"Da, Open it."

Grig pushed up the door and stormed in, searching the corners for mutants, bandits or whatever the hell lurked in the dark.
"Clear!" he shouted out when he finished scanning the room, Nothing in here.

"Cl-" Vasili started, but suddenly paused. His flashlight went to the floor, over some fallen steel file cabinets.

That's when Grig saw it too.

An animal was pinned under it, a navy-blue... horse? With a horn on it's head?

"Whaaat the fuu-" Greg weezed. "What-what is that?"

Vasili didn't answer, he was slowly sneaking toward the pastel-coloured horse. "Poor thing..."
It twitched and moaned, clearly in pain.

Vasili suddenly sprang to action. "It's stuck beneath this, gimme a hand will you?"

Grig blinked, on the animal, then the cabinet. He snapped back too and grabbed the steel monster.
The two men had no issue lifting it off the horse and throwing it aside.
Again Vasili kneeled over it and gently examined for any wounds or such.

"Goodness, she's shivering!" he started to rummage through his backpac and folded out an old blanked. "Get a fire starting, take paper from the cabinets, and the old chairs and tables for wood!"

Greg had no intentions of arguing with his friend, but he did halt in the tracks for a second.


"I just know this, okay?" his friend ignored to make eye contact, instead focusing on wrapping the horse with his blanket.

What a remarkable creature Vasili though as he let his hand run though the small horse's fur. It felt smooth like silk. And the colour was off too, dark blue.
But the most interesting was the mane and tail.
Not hair, but a purple mist-looking cloud, dancing as if wind ripped it.
He touched it, feeling it was solid, but soft like... like...

"How's it going?"

"Uh..." Vasili stuttered, " She's getting warmer. Nice going on the fire."

Grig leaned over him and carefully grabbed her mane. "Woah... feels like boobies."


"Yeah, like boobs. Squishy and soft." the beaded man shrugged.

"You are messed up." Vasili grunted. "And don't touch her again. And don't say that again."

"Pff." Grig just shook his head.
Luna started comming to it when she felt hungy claws on her side. The beasts got her!

But I will not perish without a fight.
"She doesn't seem to have broken any ribs... bruised sure, but otherwise fine." Vasili nodded. "Just this hind leg I'd like to-"

Suddenly the mare raised her hind leg and delivered a kick straight to the man's face. The hoof smushed his nose, breaking the bone instantly.

Rolling backwards with blood gushing from his nose, the mare rolled the other way, up against the wall.

"Stay back! I will teach you to anger a mare of the night!" the mare thundered, it's horn glowing in a cyan glow.

Grig and Vasili just stared at the shivering, wobbling mare with eyes wide in surprise and fear.

"Uh... we are sorry..." Grig sputtered. "We just tried to help you..."

The mare frowned. "Help? Thou was not preparing a feast out of us?"

"No no no!" Vasili shot in. "We heard you in here and wanted to help you, I swear on my mother's name!"

The mare seemed to calm down, the horn-glow faded and it sank down on the floor.

A long awkward silence fell in, broken when Vasili took out a towel and pressed under his nose.

"I think we got off in a wrong way here... let's try it again."

Author's Note:

My first fanfic, but by all means go hard on me with critisism if you wish, I can handle it!
If you like it well then <3