• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 2,474 Views, 64 Comments

Moon of the Metro - BlueYellowNoble

Princess Luna in the Metro 2033 universe.

  • ...

2. Welcome to Polis

"You hungry?"

Luna peered at the odd-looking creature, it now reaching a bowl out to her.

"Shrooms. Yum yum!" he said while making a wide smile.

Luna was too hungry to deny his offer. Magically she took the bowl and gobbled all of the "shrooms" up. They tasted very earthy and bitter, but did silence her growling stomach.

"Thank you." she bowed gracefully her head when whe was finished. "May I have a napkin?"

"Napkin?" the other creature said with a raised brow.

Now Luna took notice of the difference on these creatures. The nice one who gave her "shrooms" seemed younger, barely no facial hair compared to the other one with a thin beard.

Their apparel was strange too, dirty, old clothes that seemed to have never seen a propper cleaning. More oddly, someone had strapped pieces of metal on arms, legs and chests with belts and buckles.

Improvised armor?

The bearded one also had something resting on his lap, a weapon of some sort Luna guessed, a long metal clump with parts in oiled wood. The metal had some kind of engravings on it, peeking her interest in the object.

"Here, it's not a napkin exactly, but eeh..." the not-bearded one reached out a dirty piece of cloth.

It smelled bad, but Luna sucked it up and viped her mouth clean.

"So," he said again, "My names is Vasili Bagrov of Polis, and this here is my buddy Grigory Petrenko from same station, but everyone just calls him Grig."
Grig only snorted.

"I am Princess Luna" she started, feeling somewhat convinced they did not have the intentions of hurting her. "ruler of Equestria."

"E-que-sss-tria?" Vasili scratched the side of his head. "I have... never head of it before..."

"Princess horses... there has to a be gas leak in the station." Grig grumbled.

Luna titled her head. "Is this not Equestria?"

"Noo..." Vasili shrugged, "This is the metro... beneath the city of Moscow."

Now Luna started to feel panic rising again. She was in a unknown place, surrounded by creatures she'd never seen before.

"Ey Vasili, can I have a word?" Grig pulled his friend's collar.

The two went out the door, leaving Luna alone by the fire.


"We should just go back."

"But what about Luna?" Vasili almost whimpered. "We can't just abandon her here!"

"Dude, a blue unicorn, with WINGS. That so happends to be a princess of a land that doesn't exist on the maps?" Grig said with sarcasm in his voice. "It sounds like a bad shroom trip!"

"You touched her, we both did. Did it feel like a trip to you?"

Grig seemed to be searching for the right words, biting his lip. He wanted to leave and never speak of this ever again.
But Vasili was not gonna let this slide.

"So what do we do then, take her back to Polis?" he finally said. "They'll never let her inside!"

"We can try... they won't shoot if she's with us." said Vasili with confidence.

"They'll just shoot us too..." Grig groaned. "Fuck man, what is it with you and this damn horse?"

Vasili rubbed his neck at the question. "I... I think she is adorable."

Grig rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. "Seriously?"

"C'mon man... she's so lonely and lost... and in the fucking metro? I don't want her to be eaten by mutants... or other hungry things!" Vasili pleaded. "Can't we bring her, pleeeease?"

Grig cringed. He wasn't convinced of Luna's presence. But his friends constant whining started to grow onto him. Leaving the poor animal would defenetly be the death of her.

"T-the life in the metro is harsh. We... we can't-" Grig stuttered.

"Okay." Vasili suddenly grabbed Grig and dragged him back into the room. "Then say that to her."

"Say what?" Luna meeped.

Grig tried to talk, but his lips only quivered as Luna's big cyan eyes stared into his. When she lowered her head and shuddered from the cold air of Polyanka station his heart melted.

"Chyort voz'mi!" Grig cursed out. "We'll take her with us."

"See Grig," Vasili laughed when he hugged his friend, "you got a soft spot for her too!"

"Yea yeah... but if you decide to adopt a nosalis, I'll fucking beat you senseless."

The two bursted out in a laughter, while Luna looked at the two grown up men hugging eachother.

Awkwardly they finished the moment of bromance.

"Hrm. We should probably get some kind of clothes for you Luna. You'll freeze to death without propper clothing." Grig scratched his beard.

"We could fix something propper back at Polis... but for now we have to improvise." Vasili walked up to Luna. "The blanket could be sewed into a coat..."

"Nah nah, it's not gonna protect from drafts." Grig went to his backpack and held up a roll of cloth. "Use my sleeping bag. That will do."

Luna blinked. "You would ruin your sleeping bag... to keep me warm?"

Another warn feeling rolled up Grig's stomach. With a forced smile he patted the pony on the head. "No need to thank me."

"Thank you, Girgory." Luna cooed and gave him a warm smile.

Damn. She is just too percious.


Vasili studied his work. Grig's sleeping bag had been re-used into a cozy jacket, and a pair of trousers.
He didn't make any holes for her wings, flying would be too hard and dangerous in the narrow, dark tunnels anyway.
"Not bad, I have to admit." he said, feeling rather cocky.

"Mhm, you are quite the artisan. The other old ladies must be so jealous." Grig laughed.

Ignoring the insult, Vasili turned his attention to the wearer herself. "What do you think?"

"They fit perfectly!" Luna cheered. "And they are so warm and comfortable. I...I want to repay you in some way!"

"Aah, we dwellers of the metro gotta look out for eachother." Grig scratched behind her ear like a dog. Much like one, she closed her eyes and made a low mmm in satisfaction.

So they put out the fire and started the long walk back to Polis.
Grig took the lead, Luna behind him, and Vasili covering the rear.

After a minute of silence, Luna looked around the dark tunnel.
"What happened here?"

"War" Vasili muttered bitterly. "It got so out of hand millions, if not hundred of millions of humanity died in the first week."

Luna gasped. "Whom were you fighting?"

"Nobody but the oldest remembers anymore," Grig shot in. "I was just five years when I saw the nukes launch... and to see them rain down at us, obliterating anyone who was unfortunate enough not be in bunkers."

"I'm so sorry." Luna whispered. "I did not intend to tear up or wounds."

They didn't answer her, clearly not wanting to talk any further about the subject.

Ten minutes passed, and finally light could be seen at the end of the tunnel.
"Here's the 700 meter post. Luna, stay close to us and don't speak to them. You might spook them." Vasili whispered in her ear. "Let's cross out fingers they aren't trigger-happy today."

A strong spotlight was pointed at them, followed by an order of standing still.

From the post came a chubby soldier clad in olive, full heavy armor. As the man folded up the visor, Vasili cursed.

Not this fucking guy.

"Ooh look at this, here comes the hope of the metro!" Brody shouted and raised his hands. "Ey guys, Shroom-boys are back!"

A roll of laugher from the post was heard from the posting. "How can the farm manage without you guys?!" someone shouted.

Brody laughed more, starting to become red. "So, did you guys have a fun little trip then? Did you...*heh* eliminate any potentional threats? And what happened to your nose son?"

"No threats found, but we did find someone." Grig stepped to the side, revealing Luna.

Brody instantly stopped laughing and stared at the pony. "W...w... what the hell is that?"

"Her name; is Luna." Vasili said with a smirk. "Princess Luna. From Equestria."

Brody's mouth went on, forming soundless words. His red face suddenly turned white, and his arms reached for a pistol in his belt.

"Hold on." Grig put his hand on the man's arm. "She's not a mutant. We found her in Polyanka, confused and cold."

"We want to take to colonel Miller, he probably want to know about this. And maybe shed some light on how she came here."

Brody looked on the three, now sweating. "If the council gets a whiff about this-"

"They won't." Grig shot in. "Let the Rangers handle this."

Brody nodded and wiped sweat from his face. "I'll radio the colonel, and getting a crate for that-her. If someone in the station sees her, it will be fucked for ALL of us!"

Luna didn't undertand the point in squeezing herself into a tight crate. Because the, human council would disaprove of her?

Luna groaned displeased. Execpt for the lack of swing-room, the crate smelled like something rotten.
"Everyhing here seems to smell."

"Quiet in there!" the man named Brody hissed on the outside of the crate. "people will get suspicious if a box talks!"

"You don't think they'll be more suspicious, when YOU are talking to the CRATE??" Vasili huffed.

Brody did not reply, but Luna could hear how his steps got a faster pace and how he cursed under his breath.

A small beam of light peeked in the crate from a small knot hole. Curious, Luna peeked out and was amazed.

Outside was like an underground city, with railway carriages, humans, dozens walking around. It was so much life going on!
A vehicle caught her attention, a four-wheeled steel cart that rolled on the train tracks making a put-put-put sound as it went away.

The crate started to slant upwards, and Luna guessed they were going up some stairs. Soon the heavenly light of Polis faded into a much weaker orange light. Peeking out, Luna could only see the wall of a small room.

"Colonel sir!" Brody suddenly shouted. "It's the mushroom farmers Vasili and Grigory that-"

"I know who they are." a raspy voice cut Brody off. "You are dismissed private."

A door slammed shut, and again the colonel spoke. "Let her out."

The walls of the crate fell over, and Luna now could see the room she was in clearly. A small office with one lone lamp was the only source of light.

"When I first heard the call, I thought that idiot had hit the vodka again... but wow..."

Luna turned to the voice, and faced an old human, his face filled with wrinkles and his mane and beard gray of old age.

"It's nice to meet you Colonel Miller. My name is Princess Luna." she raised her head and extended her hoof.

Miller seemed surprised when she spoke, but the wrinkled face quickly cracked into a smile. "The honor is mine, your highness." he said with a firendly tone and took her hoof gently and smooched it.

Luna blushed. She was thinking on shaking hooves, or hand with Miller, but the gesture was sweet, and she was not going to complain.

"Now, " Miller started, taking a seat in a chair, "I would like to hear how, and why you are here."

"I wish I knew either." Luna moped.

"Okay. Then why don't you start with where you come from?"
So Luna told Miller, Vasili and Grig about Equestria, of how she and Celestia raised the moon and the sun. She even told them about Nightmare Moon, and how she was banished, and finally freed from her long prison by the hooves of the Twlilight Sparkle and her friends.

The three men listened with awe, and completely silent as they absorbed every single word she said.
Finally she finished her story with how she was in the glade, then on Polyanka station.

Miller leaned back in his chair. "How amazing your kingdom must be... you think one could move in there?"

"I would not mind, but I still do not know how I can get home."

Miller scratched his thick beard for a while, deep in thoughts.
"This orb you described... it sounds alot like an anomaly."

"Anomaly?" Luna tilted her head.

"They're...to be honest I have no clue what exactly what they are, but from what I've seen myself, they are energy, usually deadly that sometimes pop up in the metro. It can be in this case, an anomaly could have acted as a doorway somehow..." Miller shook his head. "I am terribly sorry princess, but I don't know anything about these anomalies, less about how to find one that sends you back, not one that instantly fries you."

Luna's heart sank. He meant he didn't know if she would ever get home.

"I promise to do some research on the matter, when I have time." the old man assured her. "Now, one last thing I have to ask..."

-"what the HELL where you two idiots doing out at Polyanka?!"

The two men had been standing silently at the side, but now they were dragged into the frying pan.
"Uh, we heard how the guards were talking about noices from the station, but nobody was going to check..." Grig stammered.

"We just said to the posts we were searching for more shrooms, and well... they bought it... didn't question we brought guns..." Vasili added.

"You are farmers." Miller sighed, "What kind of madness did make you going out there?"

"We want to become Rangers, sir." the two said simultaneously.

"Rangers." Miller sighed. "Farmboys wanting to be Rangers..."
He rubbed his face with both hands for a moment before standing up.

"I must get back to work, you two can go back to yours. Princess Luna, there's a couch in the back of the room if you wish to rest."

Vasili and Grig waved to Luna before leaving her and Miller alone in the office, their dreams slipping away even further.

Author's Note:

Welp It seems someone does in fact, read this story.
Well thanks alot guys and girls, I got motivated to keep going, and a third chapter is on it's waaaaay.

and keep giving cc I WANT THAT SHITE