• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 9,007 Views, 240 Comments

My Tiny Pony: Friendship In Miniature - The Well Dressed Ninja

What happens when you have teeny tiny ponies living in your bedroom?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Two Down, Four to Go

Well, you know it's going to be a strange morning when you wake up with a miniature Pinkie Pie on your nose. After trapping her in my water glass (empty) and putting my bedside book on top of it. I sit and stare as she continues making noises at me. By now I'm pretty sure she's speaking. But why she wasn't speaking English was beyond me. I mean, isn't that how it works? Pony or human falls into the others world, and everyone magically knows how to speak each others language...

Well, burn that bridge when I get there. At the moment I'm still trying to understand that I have a miniature Pinkie Pie in my bedroom. I have a miniature Pinkie Pie in my bedroom. I have a miniature Pinkie Pie in my bedroom. Wait... I HAVE A MINIATURE PINKIE PIE IN MY BEDROOM!

I think it was around this point that Pinkie Pie stopped making noises. Looking back on it, she was probably getting nervous with how creepy my smile was getting. Like rape face creepy.

<... Please don't eat me again...>

Huh, she made a noise again. Damn, it’s annoying not understanding one another. I really wish this was like in the fanfics... On second thought, no, I’d rather not fight a manticore right now. Or ever.

<Hey mister alien, do you know where my friends are?>

There she goes again, come on man think! What would Pinkie Pie want in this situation?

… but I don’t have any cupcakes.

Well I guess I can get her something to drink at least.

“Alright Pinkie, first stop the bathroom!”


Setting her down on the sink I realize I don’t have anything her size in here.

“One sec Pinkie, be right back.”

Leaving the cotton candy pony to her own devices, I head to the kitchen to get a teaspoon sized something. Not exactly a cup, but I can’t think of anything else that wouldn’t basically be a pool to her.

“Nothing in here... nope... nu-uh... huh?”

Sticking out between my honey and peanut butter jar, was a light pink fluffy thing. That was shaking like xbox controller after installing a massage program that also made distinct yet soft whimpering/neighing noise as well.

I would have stayed there like that soaking in the adorableness if it weren’t for the fact that I realized another two things: If Fluttershy was here, what were the chances of there being more of them hidden around my house. And if there were more of them, how long would it be before my dog Harvey finds them. Now that I think about it, where is he? Minus Pinkie this morning, he’s the one usually to wake me up.


Harvey later, cute adorable Fluttershy now. As gently as I can, I reach into the cupboard and began pulling her out by her tail. I expect her to do something but still am surprised by her reaction. First she goes totally stiff. She then began to make a keening sound that slowly started to crescendo. When she saw I was pulling her it immediately jumps to fat opera lady on helium.


It’s cute when she flaps her wings to fly away. It’s not actually making her move much though. Maybe she’s not trying hard enough. Ineffectual flight appendages aside, how was I going to keep her from flying around. I know that it doesn’t help when she’s scared, but at some point she’ll be able to use those wings to fly.

Well until further notice her new home is now a clear plastic coffee cup with cap. Which reminds me, I can use a bottle cap to get Pinkie a drink. Then we can get down to buisness for finding the rest of the collecti- I mean Main Six.

Still need to find out where Harvey went off to though. Probably in the basement chewing on my socks. Again.


Nearby, a small equine like creature watches our brave hero from the shadow of a plastic flower arrangement that our hero’s mother insisted be there because she doesn’t want him getting depressed because he never tidies up the place and has less aesthetic taste than a color-blind peacock or Lady Gaga... But I digress. Said sneaky miniature horse’s eyes narrowed at the sight of her captured comrade’s condition.

<Celestia's not going to be happy about this!>