• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 9,007 Views, 240 Comments

My Tiny Pony: Friendship In Miniature - The Well Dressed Ninja

What happens when you have teeny tiny ponies living in your bedroom?

  • ...

Chapter 6

She never thought she would ever actually say this. Not in a million-gazillion years. But the traitorous thought wormed it's way into her head and stayed there.

Being a pegasus sucked right now.

Rainbow Dash was a lot of things. She was cool, awesome, spectacular, the list of adjectives to convey her superiority stretched on. But all that stemmed from her ability to fly. Which she couldn't. So life sucked really hard right now.

At least Celestia wasn't making her feel useless. After the Mystery Mane was discovered Celestia chose her, Fluttershy, and Pinkie to do some reconnaissance "upstairs". More like up the side of a mountain. Which sucked since she couldn't fly.

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, the door lead to another giant room with giant furniture and FAKE flowers? What the buck? Why would someone want FAKE flowers? Whoever lived here was an idiot. Fluttershy wanted to check out what looked like the kitchen for any food for the foals, and Pinkie wanted to explore the top floor because "that's where the final bosses always are, duh". Whatever that meant. It sucked when she couldn't understand what the buck Pinkie was talking about.

And now, all she could do was watch helplessly as the big, freaky, two-legged, ugly, hairless, MONSTER capture Fluttershy. And it probably already got Pinkie Pie. And she couldn't do anything about it unless she wanted to end up as the Monster's prisoner too. Which sucked harder than a colt cuddler passing golf balls through a garden hose.

Displaying a level of intelligence that surprised even her, Rainbow Dash decided to do the tactically smart thing. Report to the leader and get reinforcements. Even she wasn't stupid enough to go after something the size of a Major Ursa.

"Celestia's not going to be happy about this!" she muttered to herself.

Waiting 'til the Monster was gone, she galloped to the basement door to report to the Princess.


It was times like these that Celestia believed that there was a higher power out there somewhere. And it was toying with her.

"Rainbow Dash... Can you repeat that again?"

"Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie got captured by a giant hairless monster! It took them to his lair on the second floor!"

"Rainbow Dash, are you certain it is a monster? For all we know it could be the owner of this home."

"So monsters can build houses here, big deal! It's going to eat my friends! I need some guards to catch it and beat it up before it hurts anypony else!"

It was times like these it was imperative she be the calm level-headed ruler she aspired to be.

"Your loyalty and concern are appreciated Rainbow Dash, but we must approach this delicatly. Besides I doubt that whatever lives here, be it monster or pony, would eat things that obviously not of this world."

"Are you willing to bet their lives on that?"

That... was a good point. But to respond with violence in such a situation was counter productive to their goals of rebuilding Equestria. It seems that she must come up with a compromise.

"Captain Armor... you will take the Element of Loyalty and Honesty plus a contingent of guards and locate this being. Capture it by any means necessary. But do NOT harm it. We must be able to convince this being that we do not mean it or it's kind harm and simply wish to live in harmony."

"Understood Princess. Rainbow Dash, find Applejack. I'll go rally the guard. We will save your friends."

"Roger that!" With a sloppy salute she took off into the camp to find her platonic friend.



Here it comes...


Sounds big. Major Ursa big. What has Rainbow Dash gotten us into?


No, focus. Your here with your stallions to capture the Monster and save the Elements.


Mother of Celesia... It's HUGE!


"Alright stallions, get ready. Don't worry, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!"


"Steady... Steady..."



Author's Note:

Yes, I have gotten another chapter out. More to come!