• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 2,167 Views, 31 Comments

Left 4 Ponies: Friendship VS Zombies - Spiky

When Doctor Whooves newest machine goes haywire, The Mane 6 are transported to a planet under the threat of a zombie apocalypse.

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The Doctor's Machine

Celestia's sun was shining brightly in Ponyville. The Mane 6 had gotten a letter from Doctor Whooves, saying that he needed help with a machine he had been building. The six ponies had gotten to the Doctor's Lab which was a Telephone Booth. Twilight knocked on the door, and the booth opened up.

"Why hello there," said Doctor Whooves.

"Hello doctor, what did you need help with," asked Twilight.

The brown pony pointed to a machine on the ground, it was a large flat circle laying on the ground. "This is my newest invention! I call it the Universal Traveling System, UTS for short!" said the Doctor.

"Well, what does it do?" asked Applejack.

"It can send ponies to other locations in the Universe without any magic!" answered Whooves, "I have almost completed it and I will need someone to test it."

"So that's why you invited us here," said Rainbow Dash as she looked suspiciously at the machine.

"Yes, I was hoping that you six can help with these tests," Doctor Whooves responded, "But I need a few more adjustments before the tests."

Meanwhile On Earth

Four humans had just escaped a highway filled with abandoned cars and zombies. They were all hurting after one of them accidentally shot a car, which caused a horde of undead to charge after them. There was one in a suit yelling out at the female of the group.

"God Damn it! Rochelle we told you not to shoot the damn car!" said the survivor in the suit.

"I was trying to save you from a Hunter!" yelled Rochelle.

"Will ya'll quit your fussing! Rochelle was trying to help ya Nick, but she accidentally shot the car!" said a survivor who was wearing a hat. Nick looked over at the man, anger was in both of their eyes.

"As for you Ellis! You didn't save me from that Smoker," said Nick.

"But Ellis was being attacked by the Tank, Nick!" said a large man with dark skin, wearing a purple and yellow T-shirt.

"Boys lets stop with the argument and get healed up," said Rochelle. She looked at the weapons on the table and picked up a submachine gun. She then grabbed a health pack and threw it towards Ellis.

"Thanks," said Ellis in a kind, Southern tone. He quickly healed himself and went over to the table. There he grabbed a shotgun and a Desert Eagle. But he noticed something, there was not enough health packs for the group. He remembered that no one had picked up their health kits back at the race car.

"Hey Nick, ya mind heading back to the car with me? We need to get some more supplies!" said Ellis.

"I do mind, but seeing how me and you are the only ones in good enough shape, I guess I'll go," replied Nick.

So the two geared up and went back to where they started. Little did they know, they would be in for a surprise.

Back In Ponyville

Doctor Whooves had finally fixed up the machine. He was happy about the invention, this was going to be something huge.

"I've done it! The first teleportation device that does not require magic!" scream the doctor with joy, "Okay mares, just step onto it, and be very careful."

Everyone walked onto the machine, well that is everyone except Pinkie Pie. She leaped onto the machine and landed with a giant thud, her hooves actually dented the machine.

"Pinkie Pie, be more careful! You could loosen one of the bolts and break the UTS," said Whooves. It was already too late though, one of the machines parts were crushed by Pinkie Pie's jump, she and the doctor would soon regret that.

"Alrighty Doc! Start it up!" said Applejack.

After hearing those words Doctor Whooves pulled down a lever and the machine started.

"Alright, I set the coordinates to Sweet Apple Acres," said Whooves.

All of a sudden a strange creaking sound occurred. Followed by static coming from the machine. This wasn't good, the machine had went haywire with the six mares trapped inside. Whooves tried to stop the machine but it wouldn't shut down. Just then a white flash engulfed the room and the six were gone.

On Earth

Ellis and Nick looked up at the Cliffside, they heard the sounds of infect and knew that they were going to have a tough time. Nick was pissed off, so Ellis tried to cheer Nick up with a story.

"Did I ever tell you about the time my buddy, Keith, tried to climb a mountain with a crowbar. He ended up breaking three ribs and fractured his skull!" said Ellis.

"Ellis, is now the best time?" responded Nick.

The two started to climb the mountain. Meanwhile the Mane 6 had reappeared, they were confused and dazed.

"This isn't Sweet Apple Acres," said Rarity.

Rainbow Dash looked around and found a bunch of strange machines with four wheels. But one certain one caught Dash's eye, it was a blue car with the number 22 on the side. It also had the words, Jimmy Gibbs Jr., in cursive writing.

"Hey guys, look at this," said Rainbow Dash as she inspected the strange four-wheeled contraption. Everyone looked at the car suspiciously, Fluttershy was afraid of the vehicles.

Rarity had found a bunch of small backpacks with red crosses in the middle. She looked over pass the health kits and found some strange looking things. Everyone went over and saw the strange weapons.

"What kind of pony would have these things?" said Twilight.

"Don't know, but this place is strange," said Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly the six mares heard something. It was crying from something. Fluttershy flew over to where the crying was and found a strange creature, it was grey and the eyes were red. Her clothes were torn and her nails were long, with blood covering them.

"Hey there," said Fluttershy in a light voice. The crying creature looked up and started grumbling.

"Uh Fluttershy, I think you should leave it alone, it doesn't look to friendly," said Twilight.

"It just needs some love and affection," said Fluttershy.

The creature let out a large scream and charged towards Fluttershy with it's arms wide open. The yellow pegasi thought it was wanting a hug so she got closer. But then, all of a sudden, a large boom was heard and the creature fell to the ground, blood had splattered all over the mares. They looked and found a man wearing a hat, holding one of the things that the ponies had seen, it was Ellis. He and Nick didn't notice the ponies.

"Buckshot," yelled Ellis, he was happy for his kill.

"Nice shot, El," said Nick.

Ellis walked around the corner and was attacked by Rainbow Dash, she pinned him to the ground. Ellis was in shock, he was being attacked by a flying pony! Nick pulled out his silenced SMG and aimed at the cyan pony. But before he pulled the trigger he was kicked in the side by Applejack. The six ponies pinned down the survivors.

"Don't try anything funny, punk!" Rainbow Dash to Ellis.

"What the hell? You talk?" said Ellis.

"Yes we do!" replied Dash.

Ellis was able to break free of Rainbow Dash's grip. He picked up the Pegasus. He gently put her down and ran over to the others. He pulled out his Desert Eagle, pointed it into the air and fired. The shot made everyone stop and look at Ellis. Nick snuck out and ran for his weapon. He pulled it out and aimed at Applejack. But, before he could fire, Nick's gun was shot out of his hands. He looked and found Ellis with his pistol aiming directly at him, with smoke coming out of the barrel of the gun.

"What the fuck, Ellis!" shouted Nick.

The six mares were disgusted with the word that just came out of Nick's mouth.

"Nick, I know they attacked us, but it probably was for a good reason," said Ellis. Ellis looked back at the ponies.

"Sorry 'bout Nick," said Ellis, "my names Ellis, but ya'll can call me El if ya like."

"Well hello Ellis, I am Twilight Sparkle," said Twilight, "These are my friends Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie."

"Hi!" yelled Pinkie Pie. She stood right in Ellis' face and stared at the human. Ellis just simply took a step back.

Nick looked over and saw Rarity with the health kit around her. "I see you found our stuff," said Nick.

"Oh, this is yours. Sorry you can I have it back, I just thought it looked stylish," said Rarity.

She gave Nick back the health pack. Ellis walked over to the car and opened the trunk. In it were more guns. Ellis and Nick both grinned, and picked up the weapons. Ellis got out a grenade launcher.

"Oh hell ya!" said Ellis as he looked at the Thumper.

Ellis had found a Spas-12 and M16, he strapped the weapons onto his back. Nick had picked up an AK-47. Ellis picked up a chainsaw, it looked heavy.

"Do ya need any help, El?" asked Applejack.

"Nah, I'm fine," replied Ellis. He was actually surprised about AJ, she was the only pony out of the group which had the same accent as Ellis.

"Alright, lets go," said Nick. He started the trip back to the safe house and the others followed, Ellis looked back and found Fluttershy looking at the dead body of the girl, the yellow pony was crying.

"What's wrong?" asked Ellis with concern in his voice.

"Why did you kill this poor creature?" cried Fluttershy.

"Listen Flutter, that thing ain't a poor creature, it's a vicious killer that only wants to kill you and me," said Ellis trying to comfort the Pegasus, "C'mon lets catch up with the others."

The group of eight walked back to the safe house with very little worries of the infected attacking. But all of that change when they got to the hotel, in the parking lot was a monster with giant muscles.

"We got a Tank," whispered Ellis.

"There's no way we can go around that thing without it noticing us," said Nick.

"Looks like were gonna have to kill this thing," Ellis said pulling out a bottle with a clothe in it.

"What is that?" yelled Pinkie Pie, "Is it a drink or something?" They tried to stop her from yelling but it was too late. Pinkie Pie's shouting alerted the Tank.

"Oh Shit, RUN!" screamed Ellis.

He lit the clothe and threw the bottle, it landed right in front of the Tank. The bottle busted and a wall of flames appeared and engulfed the powerful infected. The flames caused the Tank to go into a major rage and it went after the first thing it saw, Applejack! The Tank charged and cornered the orange pony. It raised its arm and was about to strike Applejack. She closed her eyes and prepared for what would be her doom. But before the Tank struck her a large blast knocked it over. The infected turned around and saw Ellis and Nick aiming at the beast. It let out a large roar and charged forward, the survivors opened fire on the Tank.

"Kill it man, Kill it!" yelled Ellis.

He fired another grenade at the Tank, the explosive hit the Tank right on the forehead and went off. The Tank fell to the floor, with blood oozing out of its body. Ellis laughed at his kill, the Tank didn't even stand a chance against Ellis' weapon of choice. Nick walked over to Applejack, who still had her eyes closed.

"Are you okay?" asked Nick. Applejack opened her eyes and shook out of her fright.

"Ya, I'm fine," she said.

"What are these things and why are you killing them?" asked Twilight as she inspected the Tank.

"These things, Miss Sparkle, are zombies, you've probably heard of 'em," said Ellis.

"Ya we've heard of zombie ponies, but they're just an old mares tale," replied Rainbow Dash.

"We thought the same thing as well, zombies were just something we saw in movies, but we were wrong," said Ellis.

"There are several different kinds of these things; Normal zombies, Hunters, Jockeys, Smokers, Boomers, Chargers, Spitters, Tanks, and the worst of all, Witches!" said Nick.

Twilight wrote down everything Nick and Ellis had told them, they told them about all of the infected abilities, from pouncing to charging. Each of these abilities fascinated the mares.

"I think it's best to get back to the safe house," said Nick. Ellis nodded his head, picked up his weapon, and motioned for the ponies to follow them.

Later At the Safe House

Coach and Rochelle were looking at their wounds, the effects of the pain pills had worn off and the two were starting to feel the awful pain.

"You think Ellis and Nick will bring back the supplies?" said Coach.

"I hope so," replied Rochelle.

There wads a knock on the safe house door, Coach looked through the peephole and saw Ellis. All of a sudden a Pink pony jumped in front of Ellis and looked into the hole, Coach screamed and fell to the floor. Rochelle grabbed her axe and looked through the hole. She was shocked to see that behind Ellis were several ponies.

"Ellis, what are those things?" asked Rochelle.

"You might think were crazy but, there talking ponies!" responded Ellis.

Rochelle opened the door and Pinkie Pie hopped in.

"Hi!" said the hyper pink pony, "I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Uh… nice to meet you," said Rochelle, "names Rochelle."

All the others walked in, Rochelle was awestruck at the different kinds. Coach got up and saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hovering in front of him.

"Uh am I dreaming?" yelled Coach.

"Nope," said Ellis, "You can pinch yourself if ya want to know."

Coach did what Ellis said, but he still saw the ponies. Coach felt something on his lap, it was a health pack. He laughed and quickly healed himself, the mares watched curiously as he patched up his wounds.

"So that's what those red things are used for," said Rarity.

Coach got up and looked at a poster, it had four people on it with the words Midnight Riders above them.

"Hey that's the Midnight Riders! I use to LOVE that band! Best pyrotechnics in the business!" said Coach.

"I went to one of their concerts in '07! Front row seat, I lost my eyebrows there," replied Ellis.

"What are pyrotechnics?" asked Fluttershy.

"You guys got fireworks on your planet, right?" asked Ellis

"Yes," answered the yellow Pegasus.

"That's what pyrotechnics are," said Ellis, "Alright everyone! Lets get goin'."

Author's Note:

This is remade guys so yea. -_-