• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 2,167 Views, 31 Comments

Left 4 Ponies: Friendship VS Zombies - Spiky

When Doctor Whooves newest machine goes haywire, The Mane 6 are transported to a planet under the threat of a zombie apocalypse.

  • ...

Riding To Death

The gang climbed up the ladder and saw that the infected were waiting for them. It was just a small group, so the survivors simply pulled out there pistols and opened fire. The six mares were still amazed with these weapons. They wondered what destruction would happen if these weapons were in Equestria. In only three minutes the zombies were all killed. Well at least they thought they were. A strange infected jump out from a dark room and rode on Coach's back.

"I could use some help over here!" he yelled. Suddenly, the infected was lifted off of him. He turned around and saw Twilight was using her magic to grab the infected. Twilight then jerked her head back and threw the infected off the building, to a long and painful fall.

"Whoa! That was awesome!" Ellis said.

"Which kind of infected was that one?" Twilight asked.

"Those are Jockeys." Rochelle answered. "One of the creepiest of the infected that we have to deal with."

Coach signaled for everyone to get back to moving. He looked from the top of a slide and checked for any zombies. Once he believed the cost was clear he walked over to the stairs, with Nick, Rochelle and five of the six mares following. Ellis and Pinkie Pie, however, slid their way down.

"Woohoo! I haven't had so much fun since me and Keith went snowboarding on a dirt road!" Ellis yelled out.

Rainbow Dash stared as the two landed at the end of the slide. "What's with Ellis and his stories about this Keith dude?" she asked.

"Keith is said to be an old friend of Ellis. I don't know if he's made up or real, but he is one crazy person?" Nick replied.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow said.

"This Keith, has broken, burned, or bruised every bone and spot on his body due to these crazy stunts that he comes up with." Nick said to the cyan Pegasus.

Once the group finally met back up, they went up another flight of stairs. To the left was another room, with one of the metal boxes that they saw earlier, and a few more items. Ellis had a grin on his face as he picked up a stringed object, Rarity looked curiously at the instrument.

"That looks like what Octavia's plays." Rarity said.

"This Octavia pony plays a Guitar?" Ellis asked.

"No, her instrument is larger. But it looks a little bit like this Guitar thing." Rarity responded. "How does this work anyhow?"

"Lemme show ya!" Ellis said as he played a few notes. He actually was very good at playing the instrument. "I was in a band with several of my friends, I played the bass guitar for 'em."

"Well your very talented," Fluttershy responded.

"Why Thank you!" Ellis said with a smile. He stopped playing and strapped the guitar on his back. Everyone started searching through the rooms, grabbing whatever items they needed for the long journey ahead.

Meanwhile in Ponyville

Doctor Whooves had just told Spike about the entire failed experiment. Spike was worried for his six pony friends. Not knowing where they were or if they were dead or not was probably the worst thing that he could think about.

"We have to send a message to Princess Celestia! She has to know that Twilight's missing!" Spike said.

"Actually that's why I came here in the first place." Doctor Whooves replied. "Get out a piece of paper!"

Spike did exactly what the Doctor told him to do and started to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I wish to inform you that your student, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends have gone missing after one of my inventions had failed. We are trying our hardest to bring them back home safely. We will also try and contact them as well. We apologize for the grim news, but do not worry. We will hopefully have them back very soon.

Sincerely, Doctor Whooves.

Once the message was finished, Spike rolled up the paper and burned it with his fire breathing. They watched as the letter evaporated into thin air.

Back to Earth

The team was crowding next to a carnival ride, it had fake horses and chariots. To the survivors it was just a ride, but to the ponies it looked like a torture chamber for their kind. They wouldn't get near it, even Rainbow Dash was afraid of it. Nick looked over at the group of mares.

"Don't worry!" he said, "It's just a carousal."

The ponies still kept their distance. What looked like fake horses to the survivors looked real to the mares. Nick shrugged and looked to Rochelle and Ellis. Since they were trusted the most it was best for them to talk to the cowering group. So they walked over to them and tried to reason with the ponies.

"Relax ya'll, there ain't anything bad on that thing," Ellis said.

"T-t-t-then w-why are there ponies hanging on them?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh sweetie, those aren't real. There just used to attract children to them." Rochelle answered.

"Ro's right! There just something for kids to have fun with!" Ellis said. The mares began to walk with the two towards the machine, they still were afraid but it wasn't as bad as the zombies.

"Alright the safe house is at the other end! Let's get moving people!" Coach said as he pulled down a lever. The carousal started to play music and the horde was alerted.

"GO GO Just Run!" Nick yelled.

The group started to rush their way to the safe room. Unfortunately, they were cut off by the horde and cornered from both directions. The survivors opened fire on both sides. Applejack noticed a zombie was about to slice into Coach, so she picked up a rock, threw it into the air and gave it a powerful Apple Family kick. The rock went straight through the zombies head, killing it instantly. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to break part of the gate off and block the zombies with it. Rainbow Dash took to the air and found a cloud, she took aim and hit the clouds with her front hooves, causing lightning to shoot out of the cloud and hit a group of zombies.

"Keep Moving! We have to turn off the machine!" Coach yelled as he ran into the horde, slicing them to pieces with his chainsaw. Luckily for them Fluttershy flew over to the other side and flipped the switch. What she didn't notice was a zombie with a long tongue on a building behind her. The infected grabbed the yellow Pegasus with its tongue and dragged her in.

"Hold on Flutter!" Ellis said as he took aim and fired on the zombie. The zombie fell to the ground with a cloud of smoke surrounding him.

The horde was finally killed off. The survivors were in awful shape after the attack. The mares had to help them get to the safe house. Rarity nearly passed out when she felt Nick's blood trickle down her mane and onto her face. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tried to keep Coach from falling over, which proved to be a major challenge due to his weight. Twilight and Applejack kept Ellis and Rochelle up.

"God damn it!" Ellis yelled, "Them sonsa bitches messed me up!"

"I…hear ya on…that." Coach replied, he looked up at Rainbow Dash, "Thanks for helping us. That thing you did with the clouds was amazing!"

"Thanks!" Rainbow Dash said.

Once the team finally made it to the safe room, they gently set the survivors down. Pinkie Pie shut the door and started to look at her gnome, checking to see if it had any scratches..

"Man we just got our asses handed to us…" Ellis said. He got up and grabbed a health kit. He threw all of the survivors one as well. The four healed themselves and took a look outside of the safe house. The lights were dim and there were hearts tattooed all over the walls and floors.

"Well Ellis you said you wanted to ride something!" Nick said.

"This ain't one of those rides Nick," Ellis said. "This is the one where you make out with your girlfriend."

"Hey Coach, any memories of this place? You, a cheeseburger. Romance in the air." Nick asked. Coach replied with a small laugh.

"This is the most relaxing safe house I've ever been in." Rochelle said as she sat down and leaned towards the wall.

In Canterlot…

Celestia and Luna were sitting on their thrones, with worried looks on their faces. They had just read the letter that Doctor Whooves gave them. Luna looked over to her sister and decided to break the silence.

"Where do you think the Elements of Harmony are, sister?" she asked.

"I don't know Luna. But I hope their safe!" Celestia responded.

Luna had an idea in pop into her head. She wasn't sure whether it would work or not but she insisted anyhow.

"Sister, Why don't we try and contact Twilight?" Luna asked.

Celestia's ears perked up. She gave Luna a look of doubt. "I don't think it will work. But I think it would be best if we try."

Celestia used her magic to grab a piece of paper and started to write the letter. Once she was done she sent it off, hopefully it would make it to Twilight.


The group of ten had just gotten to the end of the Tunnel of Love. Ellis and Applejack entered a room and saw a box with a flame on it. Applejack picked it up, wondering what was inside it. Ellis opened the box for her and pulled out a bullet.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked the orange pony.

"Isn't that the things you put in your weapon?" Applejack replied.

"Yup!" Ellis replied, "But it ain't any normal bullet. It's called an incendiary round! It sets zombies on fire."

Ellis loaded a round into his Auto Shotgun to demonstrate what happens when the bullet hits it's target. When he fired there was a huge kick in the gun and there was green fire that shot out of the muzzle, that wasn't supposed to happen. Suddenly a letter appeared from the fire and slowly made its way to the ground. The others heard the shot and ran over to where Ellis and AJ were.

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

"Beats the hell outta me!" Ellis said as he looked at his gun.

Nick saw the letter and picked it up. He read it aloud to the group.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

We hope you get this letter, me and Princess Luna are worried about you and your friends. Doctor Whooves wrote to us saying that his machine malfunctioned and transported you onto another planet. Please write back as quickly as you can.

Princess Celestia."

Twilight was starting to scream out in happiness, "YES YES YES YES!" she said as she hopped around the survivors. Rainbow Dash shoved her hoof into Twilight's mouth and shushed her.

"Do you want the zombies to attack again?" she asked.

"Who is this Princess Celestia?" Rochelle asked.

"She is the ruler of Equestria!" Pinkie Pie said. "She and her sister Luna, raise the Sun and the Moon."

"We need to write back to her!" Twilight said as she pulled Dash's hoof out of her mouth.

"Well let me just get a pen and paper," Ellis said as he checked his pockets. He finally pulled out a pen and clicked the top. He decided to write on the back of an advertisement. Twilight told Ellis what to write down.

"Dear Princes Celestia,

We are glad you have contacted us and we wish to tell you that we are safe. We have met up with four creatures who call themselves 'Humans.' They say that they are trying to survive a zombie apocalypse and believe it or not, they were right. Do not worry for they have sworn to protect us and make sure that we get home safely.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle"

"Alrighty it's done!" Ellis said. "Now Nick pull out an fire round from the case."

Nick pulled out a bullet and loaded it into his AK-47. Ellis held out the piece of paper and threw it into the air. Nick took aim at the corner of the paper and fired, with the same effects as when Ellis was demonstrating. The letter was set on fire and evaporated.

"Did it work?" Rochelle asked.

"Yes it did!" Twilight said happily.

"Alright! Hopefully that princess will get the letter!" Ellis said.

"We'll know soon, in the mean time we should get moving." Coach said. The team followed his orders and started back onto the path to the next safe house. They looked to their right and saw a giant wooden track, it was the Screaming Oak. Ellis' excitement was visible even from the farthest distance. The group hopped over a gate and walked over to a small box with a lever on it.

"Looks like were gonna have to run this thing!" Nick said.

"We're gonna run the coaster? THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" Ellis yelled out.

"Hey, Rainbow, you think you and Fluttershy can lift your friends over to the safe house?" Coach asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed, "I think we can. But Fluttershy is still in pain after that tongue zombie thing nearly choked her to death."

"I see. It just seems too dangerous for ya'll to run!" Coach replied. Rainbow Dash flew right in front of Coach with a smug look on her face.

"Too dangerous?" Don't make me laugh! Danger is my middle name!" she boasted.

Coach looked at the others. Ellis and Nick had looks on their faces as if a light bulb was shining over their heads. They both stared at each other and nodded. Nick looked over to Coach and leaned on one of the beams holding the coaster.

"Here's the plan, since that we know the infected will attack us as soon as we get on that track Rainbow Dash can use her weather capabilities to support us. Rarity and Twilight can use their magic to block the track behind us. And we will deal with any infected at close range and escort everyone to the safe room!" Nick said.

"Sounds like a good idea, but are you sure it will work?" Rochelle said.

"Trust me!" Nick responded.

"Well then what are waiting for? Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Everyone got next to the gate and Dash had gotten a cloud. Rochelle pulled the lever and the coaster started, the sounds of the horde filled the air. Rainbow Dash noticed several large groups coming in from all sides. She took aim at the closest group and fired a lightning bolt towards it, killing a large chunk of the infected in it.

"C'mon! Let's Go!" Ellis screamed as he and the rest of the group ran onto the tracks. Rarity and Twilight used there magic to grab a hold of the coaster's cart and tossed it over towards the spot it was parked in earlier. Now the infected could only attack from the front or sides, that was if Rainbow Dash didn't electrocute them first.

"Haul Ass people! Were just halfway there!" Coach said as he sliced the head off of a zombie with his chainsaw. Applejack saw a zombie climbing up the roller coaster, she reared back and bucked the zombie down to fatal drop. The group looked as they reached a high drop, they turned around to see the infected were able to get over the wreckage that Twilight and Rarity made.

"We gotta jump!" Nick said. He grabbed Rarity and Fluttershy and leaped off. They could hear the sound of a leg breaking, they looked and saw the mares were fine but Nick wasn't. Nick was lying on the ground with his pistol drawn, he shot any zombies that tried to get close to the ponies. Ellis had grabbed Applejack and slid down and ran to Nick's aide.

"Don't worry bud! You're gonna be okay!" Ellis said as he picked Nick up off the ground, he kept moving while holding Nick up. "MOVE IT! MOVE IT!" He yelled to everyone. Coach grabbed Twilight and jumped down, he landed on a zombie and broke his fall.

"Rochelle C'mon!" Coach screamed! Rochelle grabbed Pinkie Pie's hoof and slid down dragging the pony with her. Once she landed she pulled back out her M-16 and opened fire on the horde behind them. Ellis gave Nick his extra pistol, so that he could take care of the zombies while Ellis carried him. Suddenly a load crack of thunder busted through the air!

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash said after hitting the zombies with lightning. She lifted her hooves up again and smacked them on the cloud, another bolt of lightning hit what was left of the trailing horde.

Ellis and Nick were falling behind the group. But they were in no danger, it was their team that was. As soon as Coach, Applejack, Rarity, and Rochelle got out of a tunnel they spotted a giant one armed zombie as it ran towards them. Applejack and Rarity's eyes widened as the zombie pushed Coach and Rochelle away from it. Rarity jumped back and just missed the one armed infected, Applejack wasn't so fortunate. She got rammed by the giant and pinned to the wall. The infected held the orange pony and pounded her into the ground.

"Hold on AJ!" Nick said as he fire his pistols. After several shots the infected fell to the ground, dropping the unconscious Applejack.

Coach and Rochelle got up and looked back. Coach quickly ran over to the cowgirl pony and picked her up. Coach ran towards the end of the ride and pulled the lever. But zombies were still attacking, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle, along with their wounded and the ponies, moved towards a small bridge. Coach and Ellis gently set down Nick and Applejack and started to open fire on the zombies.

"C'mon girls!" Rochelle yelled towards the ponies. They made their way to the safe room and got inside. Ellis and Coach dragged Nick and Applejack towards the safe house. Nick was showing no relent as he fired into the crowd of infected, killing anything that got in his sight. Ellis was starting to loose his strength, Nick got heavier and heavier. Rainbow saw the struggling survivor and flew down to help him.

"Thanks! I needed some help." Ellis said.

"Don't mention it!" Rainbow Dash responded. The last of the group finally made it to the safe house. Coach slammed the door right when another charger tried to ram them. Everyone sat down, exhausted and in pain. Two times in a row they have been brutally beaten by the infected, just barely making it out.

"I think it's best if we call that a tie!" Ellis said. Everyone stared at the two with the most injuries, Nick and Applejack. Nick's leg was broken while Applejack had every bone broken. The ponies began to tear up at the sight of their friend. They actually thought Applejack wasn't going to live.

"I…think its best…if we just cover her up…" Twilight said between sobs, "She isn't… not going to…make it."

"That's nonsense! She'll be fine!" Rochelle said trying to reassure the ponies. It didn't work, they still cried.

"It would be wise if you leave us be for now!" Rarity said as she cried. The survivors backed away from the mares, well everyone except Nick who wasn't able to move. Twilight grabbed a mat and set it over Applejack. They started to have what seemed to be an early funeral for their friend.