• Published 19th Jan 2013
  • 16,899 Views, 594 Comments

Discord's Parting Gift to the CMC - silvadel

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities. Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville to deal with 3 ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

  • ...

Knowledge is Power

Cheerilee turned a page on an oversized notepad at the front of the classroom, revealing a white sheet with a picture of a breezie floating next to a flower.

"These little ponies with the butterfly wings are known as breezies," said Cheerilee.

"Awwww," said Twist. "They're so cute."

Cheerilee turned the page revealing a pegasus in mid flap, and wind lines with happy breezies floating on the air currents.

"Every four years they pass through Equestria with help from the pegasi. The chosen pegasi provide the breeze that activates their pollen and allows them to fly home."

The next page revealed a bunch of ponies watching breezies in mid-flight.

"One moon into the break, the breezies will be passing through Ponyville. You won't want to miss this event."

To the sound of the school bell ringing, Cheerilee added, "Have a nice summer everypony."

Sweetie Belle charged out of the schoolhouse alongside all of the other fillies and colts.

She quickly took to the air and flew directly to the Books and Branches. She passed through the door and allowed herself the luxury of a slight bit of hope.

"Hey Twilight," said Sweetie Belle. "Any luck on..you know?"

"I'm sorry, but I just don't know what to do."

Sweetie Belle's eyes cast down at the floor as she said, "You'll figure it out eventually. You must."

"It was good that you spent some time with Scootaloo," said Twilight, deflecting the conversation.

"I didn't want to be away so long, but a true friend always helps a friend in need," replied Sweetie Belle.

"You're a genius!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I am?" said Sweetie Belle.

Twilight levitated the Elements of Harmony into a small chest and galloped out the library door.


"The Breezies are a semi-indigenous miniature race of flighted ponies who have transited Equestria, from Rambling Ridge to the Smoky Mountains, every four years since before ponies moved here from the old homeland," said Memorial Script. "An enigma to the ponies of the time, they were mostly aloof to contact. This did not stop some ponies from trying, but with no common language, and with the breezies unwilling to pause in their journeys, their efforts were completely unfruitful. By the time a century passed, it was mainly a curiosity, a few ponies leaving out breezie feeders with a few grapes at strategic points along their flight route being the full extent of pony-breezie relations.

"This changed abruptly in the third year of Discord's rule, when Princess Luna took it upon herself to protect the breezies. Despite coming close to discovery by Discord on two occasions, she managed to successfully escort the breezies through their entire flight route. She did the same four years later.

"In the first year after the reign of Discord, two breezies, Lilac Skipper and Ocean Breeze, arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Princess Luna surprised all by arguing at length with them in fluent Breezie before announcing they were staying for the period between their flights. When questioned about her knowledge of their language, she shrugged it off saying that she learned it from their dreams. She also made it known that she was very much against this level of contact with their culture.

"Over time, the breezies accepted more and more help during their flights, but it was not until after Luna's banishment that they became practically dependent on the ponies for their journey. This is how things remain today.

"This concludes today's lecture," said Memorial Script.

Scootaloo vacated the lone school desk and stretched, her cracking bones competing against the hoofbeats of her professor. She followed him out the door and to a waiting Kibitz. Her eyes glazed over as she half-listened to his rendition of her schedule for the next day.

"Kibitz," said Scootaloo. "Could you set up a meeting for me with Celestia?"

He looked at her over his spectacles. "I will bring it to her attention immediately."

Scootaloo walked the short distance to her suite, and dropped her saddlebags unceremoniously onto the floor, then she opened the door to her study, and passed within, closing the door behind her. She pulled a velvet cloth off the Idol of Boreas, allowing the last rays of the setting sun to playfully reflect off its sleek contours.

Scootaloo heard a rapping on her door. She placed the cloth back over the Idol, and re-entered the main room, then opened the door.

"Celestia will see you on her balcony for the sunrise," said Kibitz.

"Thank you Kibitz," replied Scootaloo.


Sweetie Belle did a playful barrel roll in the air.

She came to a landing before Luna on her tower.

"Rarity, she's herself again," said Sweetie Belle.

"We—I know," said Luna. "I am pleased that your suffering has ended, and that the bearers are back to normal. My sister told me several hours ago. We actually had quite the argument at the time, but it makes what I have to say easier."

Sweetie Belle looked askew at Luna.

"What is your assessment of your progress with the wind harp?" asked Luna.

"Well, I still mess up occasionally, but I think I do all right most of the time," said Sweetie Belle.

Luna nodded. "An opportunity is available in half a moon if you find yourself up to it. The anniversary of when Cloudsdale, and with it the pegasus tribe formally entered Equestria, will be happening, and I would like to reintroduce the wind harp to their culture."

"We'd be playing together right?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Nay, Sweetie Belle," said Luna. "It is not mine to do such."

"Sure, I'll do it," replied Sweetie Belle.

"Thank you," said Luna. "I'd also be honored to elevate you formally to Princess at the conclusion of the event."

"But, like Scootaloo, aren't we keeping that sort of thing quiet?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Not after what is to occur in three days," said Luna. "My sister is planning a huge ceremony for Twilight Sparkle. With that, I no longer care about keeping your role in the future governance of Equestria secret."


Scootaloo walked down the hallways of the castle to the balcony which served as a state room for when Celestia wanted to impress ponies or at least leave an impression upon said ponies of her power.

The inward opening door was wide open with no guards in sight, not that Celestia really needed them.

Celestia was staring across the horizon at the night sky. An azure tea service with golden accents was steaming on a birch wood table in the middle of the room with a velvet covered chair awaiting occupants on each end. Scootaloo had seen several of her tea sets in her time at the castle, but never the same one twice.

Scootaloo entered the room without saying a word, and sat in the nearest chair. She watched as Celestia's horn started to glow. Celestia rose slightly into the air, as in the distance the blues and blacks of night gave way to garish reds, yellows, and oranges. A few moments later, the sun emerged from over the horizon, and the colors morphed into the more simple light blue of daytime. Celestia's horn dimmed and she took the other seat, then poured some tea for herself.

Scootaloo poured some tea as well, and took a sip. It was a strong dark zebrican blend, somehow made without a trace of bitterness, that she had never tasted before. She took a deep breath, then said, "How did things get so bad?"

"What do you mean, my little pony?" asked Celestia.

"I have been learning so much of our past," said Scootaloo, "so much about what we used to do, but then I think, 'When was the last time a pony went to Minos?' Minotaurs do show up in Equestria from time to time, but when was the last time we had contact with their capital? Then there are the Arimasphi who lurk just south of our borders. What measures have we taken in case they return? Even the Yaks manage to come down off their mountain to trade. When was the last time a pony visited them? It make me wonder why ponies seem to have withdrawn from the world?"

Celestia drank a little tea and paused for a while before answering, "I like to think of my ponies as content."

"Content, yes ponies are content, but we are so content that we don't actually do anything. We have almost become akin to the breezies, going about our days in relative safety, with our eyes closed. In the past we did great things, and participated actively in the world, but now we are content to just let the world come to us. It is as if we have lost our sense of pride."

"And you think pride is important?" asked Celestia.

"Of course it is," said Scootaloo. "Someday the world will stop coming to us, and will leave us behind. At that point we may find that our reputation doesn't shield us from our enemies, nor allow us to come from a position of strength with our friends."

Celestia sighed. "And these are the lessons you have taken from the history classes you have attended?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Sadly it is."

"I actually see a lot of myself in you," said Celestia. "It scares me sometimes. That said, you may be happy with one decision I have made. It has been far too long since we have had formal relations with the Griffon Empire. I had planned on bringing this up with you after we had met with their King, but assuming you have no complaint, I would like to appoint you as our ambassador. You could go with them and represent our interests in Griffonstone."

Scootaloo tried and failed to completely suppress her body from reeling at the statement.

"Of course the choice would be completely yours," said Celestia, "but I would highly recommend it." She took another sip. "Take some time to mull it over. I've been watching your progress and I have every confidence that you are ready for the upcoming meeting and the ambassadorship."

"So, I should as you said, mull it over," replied Scootaloo.

"Indeed," said Celestia, standing up. "In fact, take the day off if you like." She sighed as her gaze fell off Scootaloo. "You may, sometime in the future, look back fondly on when you were able to just take days off for yourself."

Scootaloo stood up, and deliberately walked out the door, trying to mask the extent of how shaken she was. She counted to twenty as she distanced herself from the state room. She chanced one glance over her shoulder to confirm that she wasn't being watched, then took to the air.

She passed through several corridors at borderline unsafe speeds, arriving at the library, where she dropped to the ground, and walked purposefully into the annex, then continued straight on to the reference desk.

"Do you have any books that describe how to send off scrolls to dragons?" asked Scootaloo.

"You'd be wanting 'Fanning the Flames,' said the librarian. "It's the definitive work on dragons, I know for a fact that it has that spell in it."

The librarian walked back through the shelves and returned with a large scale-bound tome.

Scootaloo thanked the librarian and carried the book in her magic to one of the many nearby reading tables that circled the center of the room, placing it gently near the lamp which sat at the corner of the table.

She concentrated on the writing desk in her chambers, then specifically on the ink and scrolls contained in one of its drawers. She calmed herself and focused her magic. Her horn glowed and the air stirred slightly as they appeared before her with a popping noise loud enough to draw a few shushing noises from the other library patrons. She smiled and took the pen in her magic.


It's been a while. It's been fine here in Canterlot, although the castle staff here can't make nachos to save their lives. I have a question to ask you. I know Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was Twilight's foalsitter, and a few dry historical facts, but not much else. What could you tell me about her?

With thanks,
Princess Scootaloo."

She opened the book to the table of contents. The dragonfire sending spell was in a middle chapter.

The spell itself was everything she had to avoid doing when casting other spells. It was so simple. She concentrated on the scroll and it erupted into flames.

She waited. Just when she thought something must have gone wrong with her original sending, or that Spike was simply too busy to reply, a scroll materialized in front of her.


Cadance (she hates her full title) is a kind, smart, and thoughtful pony. Really, she is great. And thanks for the compliment on my cooking, and sending me a letter. I get tons of letters for Twilight but never ones for me.


Scootaloo twirled her quill in midair for a few moments then started penning another scroll.


That was quite helpful, and I apologize for not writing. I simply didn't think of looking up the spell to do this. You should get out more, on your own. Spending your life entirely in Twilight's shadow won't get you your own mail. You have a lot to give.

Princess Scootaloo."

Scootaloo returned the book to the librarian, and teleported the quill and scrolls back into her desk, then she strode out of the library.

She walked down the halls to the commissary, where she had eaten most of her meals at the castle. All but one of the plain oak tables were empty. As she approached the front of the room, where a bored-looking unicorn stallion wearing a vest stood waiting for orders, another scroll materialized in front of her.

"Princess Scootaloo,

I wasn't upset at you not writing, and yes I could get out more, but Twilight needs me. She shows appreciation in her own way. She really does.


Scootaloo grabbed the scroll in her magic and read it, then she mouthed to herself, "Keep telling yourself that," while making a mental note to try to help Spike get out more despite himself. With a quick flash of magic, she teleported the scroll back to her room.

Scootaloo ordered an oat and mixed flowers omelette with apple cider, then sat one table away from the other pony. She was Gloaming Fan, a tan mare with an indigo mane and a cutie mark of a folded napkin, although most would have simply seen her as one of the many royal guards in the castle.

"What has you up so early?" asked Scootaloo.

Fan yawned. "Late, not early. A couple of the night shift called in sick, and I was temporarily reassigned to cover. Of course that means I just pulled a double."

"You could always join my guard," said Scootaloo. "I still have a few slots open."

"I'll think about it," said Fan. After a pause she added, "Sorry, that didn't come out the way I wanted it to. I'm just dead on my hooves right now."

"No offense taken," said Scootaloo.

"You seem busy as ever," said Fan.

"Actually, I have been given the day off," said Scootaloo. "So yes, I am if anything even busier."

Fan laughed quietly. "So then, what mischief are you up to?"

"Me?" asked Scootaloo. "I don't know where you'd get such a crazy idea."

Fan gave Scootaloo a serious look, and they both burst into laughter.

"Thanks," said Scootaloo. "I needed that."

The unicorn stallion wordlessly placed Scootaloo's meal in front of her, retreating immediately after to his post.

"See Scoots; he knows better," said Fan.

"To answer your question though, I decided to take a trip to the Crystal Empire," said Scootaloo. "Maybe compare notes."

Scootaloo ate some of her meal then hesitantly continued. "I don't expect to be in Canterlot all that much longer."

Fan tapped her fork against her empty plate a few times then sighed. "I'll talk to Bearing. Discord only knows how big of a hole I have in my head to do this."

"I'll have to ask him," said Scootaloo.

Fan glared at Scootaloo for a second, then saluted and left.

Scootaloo watched her go, then returned her attention to her meal. The flowers were fresh, likely picked from the royal gardens, and the oats were very light in color, without the slightest trace of mold. No matter what she ordered, the food was always excellent.

Stomach full, Scootaloo trotted out of the commissary. She worked her way to the northern edge of the castle and exited through one of the many windows.

Below her were the checkerboard patterns of cultivated fields. These rapidly gave way to the more flowing patterns of untamed natural ground.

She crossed the Neighagra river twice, its flowing water cutting through the otherwise unremarkable grassy plains.

It got colder as she went, and the grass below her became sparser, with the only the occasional scrubby bush to give variety to the land below.

It became colder still, and the ground was covered in patches of snow yielding to rough terrain completely cloaked in white.

A light snow began to fall as she ascended over the mountain range that split Equestria from the Crystal Empire.

Ahead of her, she spotted the eerie weather bubble that surrounded the capital city.

The light snow and bitter cold abruptly ended as Scootaloo passed through the bubble and into the outskirts of the city.

The crystal ponies below her obliviously went about their business. Most of them seemed quite occupied with cleaning up the city. As she flew overhead toward the castle, she also noticed foals running around gleefully, with pennants hanging from their mouths. She came in for a landing on one of the balconies of the palace itself, the guards at the castle entrance showing no awareness of her presence.

She sighed and passed into a room with an ornate four poster bed, bookshelf, and side tables, all covered in a light blanket of dust. Opening the door, she walked into a corridor which would be plain except for the fact that it was cut out of crystal. She flew slowly, just above the ground, so her hooves wouldn't ring against the floor. She passed door after door as she traversed the hallway. It came to a T and she went right. She continued to pass room after room. A side passage opened up which she took. It led to a staircase going down. On this floor she could hear the clopping of hoofsteps ahead of her, and to her left. She flew closer to the ceiling as she waited near the intersection. A crystal pony guard walked deliberately down the side passage, completely missing her.

"Ahem," said Scootaloo.

The guard jumped several hooves into the air. A loud thud accompanied the clanking of his armor when he awkwardly landed. He turned in place, gazed upward, and said, "Halt."

Scootaloo shook her head. "I was getting bored walking through the unguarded halls of the castle looking for Princess Cadance."

The guard motioned for Scootaloo to land.

Scootaloo slowly descended. "I was hoping to meet with Princess Cadance without a lot of fanfare. Do you know where she currently is?"

The guard huffed, and pointed ahead of himself with his spear.

Scootaloo landed ahead of him, but stayed to his right to be able to keep him in her peripheral vision.

They walked slowly down the hallway. After a while, the guard moved around her side to her front, bringing them both to a stop, then pointed at an ornate crystal door. "Stand there."

He watched as Scootaloo got into position then walked to within range of the door and rapped upon it twice with his spear. After a few moments, the door swung open revealing a round room detailed completely in pink wherein Princess Cadance was doing her mane while sitting in front of an oval mirror which hung above a small dressing table.

"I found this one wandering about the castle, princess," said the guard.

"When I called out to you, just after you walked right by me," said Scootaloo. "But that aside, greetings Princess Cadance."

Cadance turned then lowered her brush to the table. "And you are?"

"Scootaloo. Recently crowned a Princess of Equestria? I was a flower filly at your wedding."

"Would you mind if I scanned you to make sure you aren't a changeling?" asked Cadance.

"Actually that is the first rational security concern I have encountered here," said Scootaloo. "Please go ahead."

Cadance's horn glowed then she nodded. "One can never be too careful."

Scootaloo withheld a chuckle as she thought briefly of a particular incident with a zip-line. "Yes, careful is good."

"So then," said Cadance. "What brings you all the way up here?"

"As you may or may not know, there is a summit coming up between myself and the supposed king of the griffons, King Piercing Crest of Griffonstone," said Scootaloo. "I have been preparing for that meeting, and my classes on history led me to wonder about the role Equestria is playing in current affairs. When I asked Celestia about it, she revealed that she had planned for some time to pawn me off on the Griffon Empire. This made me think of you, and your situation. Have you had any say in Equestria governance since you accepted the throne of the Crystal Empire?"

Cadance paused to think.

"Or have you been kept busy with things like the Equestria Games?" added Scootaloo, "which while being an honor, in this case serves more as a distraction from the world stage."

"Come to think about it, I have been fairly isolated," said Cadance, "and while it has been nice to have some time with my Shining Armor, it has been..a little boring..nice but..."

Cadance stood up and her horn glowed a strong blue, her body glowing the same blue color for a few moments. She shuddered and the pupils of her eyes grew large while her mouth hung slightly open. "I'm fertile," said Cadance at a tone barely above a whisper.

Scootaloo's head tilted slightly askew, clearly confused by the statement.

Cadance applied a neutral expression. "I definitely think you're onto something here. What to do about it on the other hoof is a larger question. I am grateful though that you came to me with this. You saved me from going down a road I am not prepared to commit to."

"And in the short term?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well, there is a wide distance between a flat out refusal and an acceptance," said Cadance. "I'd keep to the grey areas. Don't say you'll take the assignment, say you'll try it out. This gives you the latitude to back out of it later. Just keep your options open."

Cadance walked out her dressing room and joined Scootaloo in the corridor. She nodded to the guard, and he started walking down the hallway. Once he was out of range, she asked Scootaloo, "Does she know you came to consult with me?"

"I don't believe so," said Scootaloo.

"I'd prefer if she didn't," said Cadance, "at least not for now. I have some rather large decisions to make and that could complicate things, probably for both of us."

"I agree," said Scootaloo.

"Then while I'd love to extend the hospitality of the Crystal Empire out to you..."

"You'd rather I teleported myself out of city limits and flew back the way I came," interrupted Scootaloo.

"Unfortunately, yes," replied Cadance. "And I do apologize, and hope we will become good friends. Please keep in touch."

"That actually could be easier than you think," said Scootaloo. "Do you know the dragonfire sending spell?"

"Yes, I use it sometimes to send letters to Twilight Sparkle," said Cadance.

"Perfect," said Scootaloo. "Spike can relay messages for us."

Scootaloo paused a few seconds then turned toward the wall. Her horn glowed, and she found herself back in the icy cold of the frozen north.

She shuddered at the sudden temperature change, and started retracing her path back south.

The sun was low on the horizon by the time she flew into Canterlot. She was glad to rest her wings as she entered the castle through one of its many windows.

Scootaloo walked down the now familiar corridors, nodding to a servant or two as she worked her way to her chambers. As she turned the final corner, she saw Gloaming Fan standing outside her door.

"I went to see Ruffled Bearing," said Fan.

A genuine smile spread across Scootaloo's face as she said, "Welcome to the team," while closing the distance between them.

"I didn't expect that opening to be for a First Lieutenant's position," said Fan. "You do know I am just a Corporal. I haven't had any officer training."

"You did accept the posting?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yes, I would have been a fool not to, but are you sure you want me as your second in command? There have to be far better trained ponies you could choose from."

"If I wanted the best trained ponies," said Scootaloo, "I could have gone with Celestia's recommendations. I am not looking for ponies to fight a war."

Scootaloo looked into Fan's eyes. "I want ponies that are fun to be around, and that I can trust. It is more important that my guards can blend in casually than that they can imposingly stand at attention for hours at a time. I am not seeking to make that kind of presence. I believe you are one of those ponies."

The beginnings of tears welled up in Fan's eyes. "Thank you, Scootaloo. I will try my best to live up to the faith you have in me."

"I can ask for nothing more," replied Scootaloo.