• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 1,247 Views, 20 Comments

It's Not Easy Being In Love (Anachronic Version) - Gutovi

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have feelings for each other, and they have to go through a lot to be together. In the brightest hour a shadow covers it all, and in the darkest moment, light will show you the way.

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Chapter 3

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s Failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
Two weeks before “The Games”.
Location: Sugarcube Corner, Ponyville.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“If I didn’t know you two better, I’d say that was the cutest, most romantic act I’ve ever seen!”
“Huh?” asked Rainbow Dash, getting out of her trance and searching for the source of those words.
Pinkie Pie was closing the door of Sugarcube Corner and was looking at her over her shoulder. “Yeah, I mean, she hugs you, whispers something into your ear, leaves you her most precious possession and then she walks away into the sunset… In fact, I think I saw her give you a peck, but that must be me imagining things. You know how much I love to do that!”
Rainbow Dash let those words sink in, and she touched her cheek, relishing on the on the sweet memory of that kiss. “It WAS the cutest and most romantic thing anypony ever did for me…” Then her eyes opened wide. “But she also confessed her feelings for me, opened her heart like a book! And I let her walk away just like that!? The hay is wrong with me? I gotta find her now!”
Pinkie Pie started counting her six front hooves, seemingly putting two, and two, and two together and then she looked at Rainbow Dash and said, “Wait… She..? And you..! Awww, that’s so romantic, and sweet, and cool!” She then struck a dramatic pose and said, “Go get her Dashie! In the name of love!”
Dash smiled at her, adjusted her new Stetson and flew out the open window towards the Friendship Express Station.
When she got there she noticed there were no trains on the station. But she did saw Fluttershy sitting there, shedding some tears.
“Shy? You alright?”
Fluttershy noticed her and hugged her strongly. “Oh Dashie! This is so sad! M-many things could happen in this month! W-what if she… And you? What would you do if she… Oh my!” and the dams broke again.
Rainbow Dash let her cry, hugged her back and patted the pony’s back. “Hey, don’t worry Shy… She leaved a long time ago?”
“J-just some minutes ago…”
“Then I gotta go catch that train.”
Fluttershy looked at her and said, “B-but, Rainbow! It was one of those new super fast trains, you won’t make it before she arrives!”
“Well… then I’ll go to Canterlot, how hard can it be to find a huge crowd of members of the Apple family, on a city as classy as Canterlot?”
“Y-you may be right… B-but why are you going anyways?” asked Fluttershy, finally realising what her friend was saying.
“She told me Flutters… She confessed she loved me and I let her go just like that!” Rainbow Dash heart was pounding hard, half with pain, half with excitement. “After all this time? After all my doubts and suffering? After spending so many nights hoping she would tell me those words? HAY NO!”
“S-so you’re going there to tell her?” Fluttershy’s tears ceased falling, and a smile crept in her face.
“No, I’m going there to start spending the rest of my life by her side.”
Fluttershy started crying once again.
“Aww come on, now what?”
“N-no… this ones are tears of joy Rainbow. Please, when you see her, tell her I send you two my best wishes.”
“Sure thing Flutters,” Rainbow Dash said, smiling.
Fluttershy stopped hugging her and pointed a hoof toward the silhouette of Canterlot on the horizon. “Now go! I’ll tell the others the good news… And I’ll tell your bosses on the weather patrol that you’re sick and getting treated on Canterlot, I’ll take your place.” Her face looked stern and she said, “Don’t you dare come back before she has to.”
“No Shy, I can’t ask you to cover me while I-”
“Shush and go.”
Rainbow Dash realised she was one comment away from making the shy pegasus use her infamous Stare. And she knew it was not a pleasurable experience so she decided to just smile and take off, heading towards Twilight’s hometown.

Date: The year of Nightmare Moon’s Return.
The second run, after the Running of the Leaves.
Location: Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville.
Point of View: Applejack

Applejack’s head was spinning and she couldn’t focus. “H-huh? Wha…what happened?” She started noticing her surroundings. “Why am Ah in mah bed?” Then she noticed Rainbow Dash, and her hoof. “N’ why are y’all pokin’ me?”
“You hit your head with a tree when we were running and blacked out. Guess it was kind of my fault, shouldn’t have distracted you, sorry.”
Applejack looked deep into Rainbow’s eyes, she could notice the guilt present in those rose pools and smiled tenderly. “No problem Sugarcube… How long have Ah been out?”
“Just a couple hours. Oh and I had Twilight check you, she said, you will be fine, with some anagel… angale…painkillers to ease your headaches.”
It was in that moment that Applejack felt a sharp pain and she cringed. “Talkin’ ‘bout headaches… Ah feel like that tree avenged all his brothers Ah’ve bucked. N’ Ah think we’re plum out of painkillers.”
Her eyes were closed because of the pain, but she could hear Rainbow Dash trotting out the door and saying, “I’ll go look for something to improvise!”
Applejack tried not to think about the pain, so she thought of Dash. It was always a pleasurable thought. “Can’t say it doesn’t feel good to be tended… A girl could get used to this… No, y’all are not a lazy gal. Y’all are an Apple, y’all will get up and continue with yer chores” She tried to get up, but her headache got worse. “Or maybe tomorrow… Ah won’t be able to do no chores this late anyways… N’ Ah shouldn’t miss the chance of bein’ this close to Dash

Some minutes later she felt hooves walking up the stairs. Each time the hooves touched the floor hear head felt a sharp pain, but her heart fluttered a bit. She looked up to see Dash, but something in her face looked strange.
“Uh… I found something that will ease your pain!”
“What is it, Sugarcube?”
Dash showed her a bottle and two glasses.
“Hard Cider! There’s no better painkiller, trust me.”
“Uh… Ah don’t meant to doubt y’all nor yer gut, ‘cause Ah know y’all have experience, but Ah don’t like alcohol… N’ Ah really don’t think drinking hard cider when yer head is killin’ y’all is a blue-ribbon idea.”
Rainbow Dash seemed a bit offended at the comment, but it was most probably just acting. She proceeded to pour some cider in the glasses and give one to Applejack.
She then raised it as in a toast and proclaimed, “For your fast recovery!”
And down went the drinks.
“Gah! Ah really don’t like alcohol, Ah prefer regular cider.”
“Meh, don’t be a Fluttershy and drink another glass.”
“Hey! That’s rude! Both to me, n’ to Flutters.”
“I’m just kidding… but seriously, have another glass, if we’re going for the ‘painkiller effect’ then one glass won’t do.”

After several glasses were drunk, Applejack was feeling a lot better, maybe a bit dizzy, but no more headaches at least.
Dash was now resting her front hooves and her head on Applejack’s belly, while her flank was still on the floor.
Applejack thoughts weren’t very clear, but she had Dash very close, and suddenly her inhibitions were disappearing.
“Ah… Ah luv ya, Dashhh,” she slurred.
Dash smiled, closed her eyes and said at a louder volume that was necessary, “D’awwww how swe-hic-et… I love you, too, Applejackie.”
Applejack sobered up a bit after hearing those words, shook her head and asked “Y-y’all do?”
“Yur my best fri-hic-end in the whole wide wro… uh… world, Apples!” Rainbow Dash said, with exaggerated hoof motions. “Of course I love you.”
“Oh…” those words hit the blonde cowpony like a bucket of cold water. “Well… it’s get-hic-getting’ mighty late RD, Ah think we should stop drinkin’ n’ go to bed.”
“Yes ma’am!” said the cyan pegasus trying to do a salute but failing. “I… I’ll just lay here in the mattress.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Mah bed is big enough, why don’t y’all… uh… sleep here. Ah’d feel better with y’all here.”
Rainbow Dash tried to focus and look into Applejack’s eyes, seemingly pondering what to do. Finally she smiled and got into bed with Applejack scooting close and cuddling with her. “Why not… Most of my nights are lonely, I won’t complain if you want company.”
“Thank y’all, Dashie.”
The daredevil mare smiled and gave her a little peck on the forehead. “G’night Sugarcube.”
Applejack froze in place with eyes wide as plates but soon fall asleep.

Date: Ten years prior to Nightmare Moon’s Return
Rainbow’s first Wonderbolts show.
Location: Town centre, Ponyville
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“Don’t y’all worry Sugarcube, Ah brought bits fer two, jes in case.”
“Cool, I’ll pay you when we get back to Flutters” Rainbow Dash said.
“Nah, don’t mind it”
“Hey, I destroyed your cart, you took me to my friend’s house, then you invited me to watch my heroes with tickets you got AND you’re paying for everything. And we just met!” She smiled and looked at her “I never refuse free stuff, but this is too much, and you said you needed the money for your family.”
“Okay now… where were we supposed to turn?”

“That was amazing! the loop-de-loops, the barrel rolls. And that ending with the ‘Smoke Screw’! Awe-some!”
“Yeah, Ah don’t know that many technical names, but it was sum fancy show.” Her stomach grumbled and she blushed embarrassed “N’ Ah dunno ‘bout y’all but mah stomach is screamin’ fer sum chow.”
Rainbow chuckled but said, “Well…”
“Now don’t y’all hold back jes ‘cause Ah’m paying.”
“Okay… let’s go eat something then… but I’ll pay you back later!”

“Hoo-ey gal, that was good don’t y’all think?”
Rainbow Dash tapped slightly her belly. “Oh yeah, I’m stuffed”
“Okay we should get goin’. Fluttershy’s probably worried,” Applejack proposed.
“Yeah, you’re right. She’ll probably have a heart attack if we’re not there before midnight.”
The orange filly grinned and winked at her new-found friend “B’sides… Ah promised to bring her daughter back before midnight.”
Rainbow Dash knocked the door and waited for the shy pegasus. While waiting, she looked at her ‘date’ and grinned. “You can go now, don’t think if you wait you’ll get rewarded or anything. I already told you I don’t give kisses on the first date.”
Applejack snickered and replied “As a gentlemare Ah gotta make sure y’all get to yer house safe n’ sound.”
Before the speedster pegasus could think of a comeback, Fluttershy opened the door. Only her eyes could be seen in the tiny gap she left open.
“Oh y-you’re back.”
“Yep, it was a blast!”
“Y’all should’ve come too!”
Fluttershy’s eyes darted back and forth and she bitted her lip. “Oh my… I don’t know how to say it Dash but… Y-you can’t sleep here tonight…”
“What!?” Rainbow’s eyes went wide as saucers.
“I am grounded, and my mom said I can’t have visitors, so…” The pink-maned pegasus refused to watch her in the eye.
“B-but what did y’all do to be grounded in the few hours we were gone?” asked Applejack.
“Umm… you see… the dress Dash’s wearing was not mine. It’s actually one of my mom’s dresses. I just cut some parts to make it the size of a filly, and did some little changes when you were napping.”
“Wow… you’re very talented! This looks flawless. B-but why would you do that? Didn’t you realised she would be mad?”
“She never uses it, and it was very, very old. And I thought it would look good on you…” She then started rubbing her left hoof with the other. “Turns out that dress was the one she used on her first date with my dad…”
“Ouch” the two other fillies answered in unison.
“Yeah, she’s very mad at me…”
“Okay, take the dress… maybe if she looks at how pretty it looks, she may forgive you.” She took off the dress and handed it to the shy filly. “Oh, and at least can you give me the bits I left here?”
“Oh yeah, here. And sorry again for this.” The filly said handing Rainbow Dash a bag full of bits.
Rainbow Dash could notice she was at the verge of crying. “It’s okay Shy, don’t worry and please don’t cry. I’ll come back tomorrow to see if you’re still grounded, I’d like to hang out a bit more than just the few hours we shared today”
“Okay… bye, you two.”
“Bye Fluttershy”
After the door was closed, the two ponies looked at each other and started walking down the path towards Ponyville.
“N’ what are y’all gonna do now?”
Rainbow Dash pondered… it was quite a good question. “I guess I’ll have to fly back home.”
Applejack stomped a hoof on the ground “To Cloudsdale? This late in the night? No, y’all aren’t. Not in mah watch.”
“What do you want me to do? Sleep on the floor?”
“Y’all are coming with me to Sweet Apple Acres, you can have mah bed, n’ Ah’ll take the spare mattress on the floor.
“Hey Applejack, you’ve done too much for me for a day… for a lifetime in fact, I can’t ask you to-”
“Ah’m not askin’ if y’all wanna.”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
During “The Games”.
Location: Unknown.
Point of View: Applejack

“We’ve done it AJ! Come on! It’s the one on the right! Jump!”
“DARNIT RAINBOW! DON’T JUMP!” Applejack cried as she instinctively did something that would change the course of hers and her marefriend’s fate.
She couln’t see her beloved chromatic pegasus anymore, but she trusted her aim and skill more than her eyes.
“Y’all ain’t getting rid of me that easily RD! If y’all leave this world it’ll be only after Ah know there’s nothing else fer me to do!”

Date: The year after Discord’s return
The day after the Equestria’s Rodeo Competition.
Location: Canterlot Rodeo Arena, Canterlot.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“Are you absolutely sure you haven’t seen her?”
“I told you I saw her, but I don’t know where Applejack went!”
“Wait… Caramel? What are you doing here?” asked the daredevil pegasus.
“Well… my cousin over there, the one over there talking to Pinkie, works as a Rodeo Clown and he asked me to come along.” He shifted weights and continued “He hates being alone in places he’s not familiar with. Besides, the pay is good for moving these barrels around.”
“Well… thanks anyways, if you get to know something, tell us.”
“Yeah, see you… Rainbow right?”
“Rainbow Dash, yeah.”
The rainbow-maned mare walked back to where the other four ponies were waiting.

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s Failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
First day of the new year.
Location: Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville.
Point of View: Applejack

“H-hey Applejack!” slurred Rainbow Dash while throwing a hoof over her neck.
Applejack realized the alcohol smell in her breath and decided to carry the pegasus’ weight on her back.
“Easy now cowgirl, don’t try to be a hero n’ come with me to that hay pile.”
“W-why wool…wood…w-why?” the rose-eyed mare asked trying to focus on the earth pony’s eyes.
“ ‘Cause y’all can’t stand on yer own four hooves, let’s jes lay down fer a min.” She noticed the mug on Rainbow’s hoof, and took it from her. “N’ let’s make this one yer last fer tonight”
“Don’t be a Mc Meanie Partypooper Pants AJ!” chirped Pinkie Pie, who was as cheerful and energetic as always in such a way nopony would believe she had downed twelve mugs of hard cider already.
“Pinkie Pie, the fact that you can hold your liquor in an absolutely intriguing and exceptional way does not apply to the rest of our friends, sadly.” Rarity said looking up, probably wishing she had Pinkie’s ability. Rarity’s love for alcohol was no novelty.
Applejack looked at the scenario in front of her. The mane six decided to spend New Year’s Eve together in Applejack’s barn, and it all went well until the clock hit twelve o’ clock and the hard cider was brought for the toast.
The orange farmpony now realised that saving six barrels for six ponies wasn’t the wisest of ideas.

Fluttershy was out for good. She drank four mugs in the first five minutes, blabbered something about how she loved everypony but nopony ever loved her, and then blacked out on a pile of hay.

Rarity had had her fair amount of mugs, but was still ok. Unlike Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie Pie discovered she never drank before and decided to change that. Now the lavender unicorn was dancing in a very embarrassing way, even worse than on her birthday. The pink mare was dancing with her happily, but by the look on her face, a look Applejack knew all too well, was soon going to take her to a bale of hay nearby and put her to sleep. Pinkie Pie loved to party, but she knew when somepony needed her rest.

But not with Rainbow Dash, she thought that since Rainbow Dash was so fearless, active and daring, she was able to drink and party ‘til sunrise.
Luckily, Applejack never liked alcohol and was sober enough to tell when Rainbow Dash was getting more than just tipsy. Another amazing thing was that, despite being sober, Applejack was not worrying about the mess the girls were causing in her barn.
After observing what her friends where doing, she finally got Rainbow Dash to rest on the hay, but only after lying next to her. Soon after, the cyan pegasus cuddled with her. Feeling the daredevil pony’s fur brushing against her neck and chest was pleasing and relaxing, and it seriously helped her forget about the rest.
Sadly, she knew it was just the alcohol, but she would enjoy it while she could.
She looked at the pony by her side and smiled “Ah never took y’all fer a cuddlebug Sugarcube.”
Rainbow looked at her and with half-lidded eyes, she said. “Well… you don’t know eerie-vary thin…uh, all about me. But if you promise not to tell I… I’ll show two oth…er things.”
“Ah won’t tell a soul, sweetheart.”
“Blinkie Prey Miss?”
Applejack guffawed and answered “Ah don’t know ‘bout that, but Ah do Pinkie Promise.”
Dash smiled slyly “I’m also a closet biter, and I always dreamt of doing this.” She whispered and lunged forward.
Applejack’s first reaction was to freeze in surprise, but she soon relaxed and enjoyed the ride. She ended up enjoying it a bit too much and let out a moan.
Everypony stopped doing what they were doing, Pinkie Pie stopped the music and asked “Hey, you heard that too? What was it?”
Applejack hastily blurted “It was nuthin’ important enough to stop the party!”
Pinkie Pie pondered for less than a second before saying “You are right!” and resuming the music.

The rose-eyed pegasus looked at AJ and asked her worried “I’m sor…sorry, was I too rough? Want me to stop?”
“No!” Applejack exclaimed, but soon corrected herself “Ah mean… y’all can continue if y’all wanna…”
Rainbow looked like she was trying to look straight at her. “Y-you sure?”
“Please yerse-” “That may sound weird, won’t push my luck with a drunk Dash” “Do as y’all want.”
“Okay, but I’ll be gentler.”
“But first… Can Ah ask y’all a question?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“Why nibblin’ mah ear?”
“I don’t know… I just gotta tell ya it’s even better in real life.”
Applejack chuckled and said “Ah must say Ah don’t feel bad either.” She then went back to observing the scene in front of her.
Rarity seemed to have decided it was time to summon her trusty divan and pass out ‘in a fashionable and lady-like way.’
Pinkie changed the record into a much slower song and lowered the volume, like setting a mood. It made Applejack suspect if Pinkie had discovered a new combo, because as soon as she did that Twilight got closer to her and started talking. Luckily, the music was low enough to let the orange cowpony get every single word the lavender unicorn slurred.
“You know Pinkie… I kinda always, uh… you know, I kinda feel better whenever you… uh, when you’re around and… and I start having all these symptoms. Weak knees, heart palpitations, I feel uh… short of breath…” She rested her front hooves on Pinkie Pie’s shoulders, probably to get some stability. “I’ve looked those up in my, you know, my medical books, but… but there’s no explanation of why, uh… why I only get like that with you.”
Pinkie Pie giggled and smiling harder than Applejack ever saw her smile said “Awww, that’s very easy Twilie! You’re just in love silly.” The party animal lowered her eye lids and looked at the Canterlotian mare seductively. “Luckily for you, I love you too.”
What happened next surprised Applejack and made her smile. The pink pony tackled her lover into the hay and kissed her quite roughly. Twilight didn’t seem to be complaining or planning on doing so anyways.

“Hey… look at those two go” Applejack heard the pony who was previously gnawing her ear say. She turned to face the cyan mare and found the pony looking at her with sultry eyes and a wolfish smile. “Don’t they give you any ideas?”
She’s drunk n’ a prankster, Ah know it’s hard but y’all gotta stay strong n’ don’t fall fer it!” Applejack inhaled deeply and said “Ah believe it’s mighty late n’ y’all had one to many mugs o’ cider.”
As she was trying to get up, Rainbow managed to get her back on the bale of hay and pin her, getting on top. “Please don’t leave me! I swear I won’t say that again. Just… stay here please.”
“Now y’all have hit the ‘emotive drunk’ phase? Alright Sugarcube, Ah won’t leave. In fact, if y’all don’t care we can rest right-”
The cyan pony let herself fall on top of the orange farm-mare and drifted off to sleep.
“…here…” a smile formed on the Element of Honesty as she caressed the rainbow mane of her best friend. “One day Rainbow… one day y’all will be mine…

Date: Seven years prior to Nightmare Moon’s Return
Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s StifR ⓢⓈⓘⓀ.
Location: Whitetail Woods, Ponyville’s Outskirts
Point of View: Rainbow Dash


Date: After King Sombra’s Failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
The Mane Six are on their way back to Ponyville.
Location: On the Friendship Express, Crystal Empire Outskirts.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“But good things are better when they are a rarity” mockingly said Rainbow Dash, clearly annoyed. “What. The. Hay.”
“C-come on Rainbow, calm down.” Fluttershy said, trying to keep her friend from doing something stupid. “Y-you’re going to wake the others up. Besides, you don’t want the others to hear you’re jealous of Rarity.”
“I’M NOT JEA-” She lowered her voice and whispered “I’m not jealous of Rarity.”
“Uh… yes, yes you are, that’s why you came to talk to me in the first place… remember?”
The speedster pegasus sighed, she was headstrong, but she knew when she was beat. “You’re right Flutters, I never thought I’d say this but I’m jealous of Rarity.”
“M-maybe she was just being nice… or just tried to avoid a whining Rarity… you know how much AJ hates when she gets like that.” Fluttershy suggested.
“No, no. I’m sure of what I saw!”
“But you couldn’t hear them… you shouldn’t make assumptions, maybe they were talking about… f-fashion?”
Rainbow remained silent, but her glare spoke more than anything she could’ve said.
“M-maybe they were talking about their sisters?”
“Well… the two are part of the crusaders… and I think the girls were having a sleepover that night at AJ’s house.”
“There! Maybe they were worried or… something?”
“I’m still not happy.” Rainbow Dash said crossing her hooves, pursing her lips and looking to the floor angrily.
“Well… why don’t you get closer to Applejack… try asking her subtly, or just be close to her. Maybe she’ll notice you more that way. Or…” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and she smiled widely “You could go to the orchard and help her with her work! I know it will be tiring, but I assure you she’ll love you if you do! Besides, it would be a good workout.”
“Are you saying I need to workout?”
Fluttershy gulped “Uh… You’ll have a better body to impress her?”
“Huh… that sounds like a good plan… Thanks Shy, I think I’m feeling a lot better now.”

Date: A year prior to Nightmare Moon’s Return
The night after Rainbow Dash’s first visit to Ghastly Gorge
Location: Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville.
Point of View: Applejack

As the two ponies entered the house, they were assaulted by the sweet smell of pie.
“Howdy Applejack, honey. Oh, n’ hello there Rainbow Dash, come on in n’ get a slice of apple pie.”
As soon as the pegasus set eyes on the famous Apple Family apple pie, her mouth opened and started watering. She thought she heard AJ say something about ‘digging in’, but she wasn’t paying any attention.
She felt the earth pony nudge her, breaking her trance. “Huh?”
Applejack chuckled and said “Ah said ‘That sounds mighty good, whadda y’all say Dash, we dig in?’ But Ah guess yer face was the best answer Ah could get.” She then sat on a chair and added “C’mon or y’all are gonna end up with no pie!”
“I’m sitting, I’m sitting!” Hastily exclaimed the chromatic mare, anxious for a slice of pie.

After eating they went upstairs and Applejack showed her the guest room.
“…N’ here y’all can fin-”
“I’ve been here several times AJ, I know everything there’s to know about your house.” Rainbow said deadpan. “What’s wrong with you tonight?”
“Don’t mind me.” She turned around and over her shoulder she said “Ah’ll be in mah room if y’all need sumthin’, jes knock n’ Ah’ll be there to help y’all. G’nite.”
“Apples wait!” Before she could go, Rainbow hugged her tightly and whispered into her ear. “Thank you, for everything. You saved my life, today and many other times, in many ways. I’ll never talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’ll always remember it.”
The earth pony never hugged her back, which made Dash worry. She un-wrapped her hooves off Applejack, but as soon as she did so, the blonde cowpony walked away blurting “Ah gotta go, sleep tight.”

Some hours later, the pegasus couldn’t sleep, thinking about her best friend’s attitude earlier. She decided she should talk to her “She said I could knock on her door if I needed something, right? Well, I need to know what’s wrong with her!
When she was at the corridor heading to Applejack’s room, she noticed the lights inside were on. She got closer and started hearing a clopping noise and her farm-mare friend sigh “Oh Rainbow!”.
What’s going on in there?
She walked closer and noticed the door wasn’t entirely closed, so she peeked through the gap and saw the orange mare pacing around the room and talking to herself.
“Oh, what am Ah gonna do with y’all? Ah’m not even sure Ah- Oh who am Ah kiddin’? Ah know it’s true!”
Huh? Did I do something wrong? Well… she’ll tell me what is it soon. She never lies or hides things to me. I guess she’ll tell me when she’s ready.