• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,217 Views, 69 Comments

It's Not Easy Being In Love (Chronological Version) - Gutovi

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have feelings for each other, and they have to go through a lot to be together. In the brightest hour a shadow covers it all, and in the darkest moment, light will show you the way.

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Final Chapter

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
The day of “The Games”.
Location: Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“Rise n’ shine Sugarcube.” She heard.
“Hey babe…”
“C’mon Dash, get up! We gotta go to town to tell the gals” Applejack whispered.
“Oh yeah… right. Well, wait for me outside, I’ll leave through the window and meet you in a minute.”
“Alrighty then!”
When the mare left the room, Rainbow Dash started rolling in the bed and sniffing the bedsheets.
We’ve been sleeping together since the day we confessed our love, and I still can’t get enough of her smell. Stupid sexy Applejack…” “Well… no use on delaying it anymore… Might as well go. Besides, what is there to lose? Twi and Pinks are together, they won’t say a thing, and there’s a 90% chance Pinkie will start prancing around and saying ‘I knew it’. Fluttershy knew it for a long time, and I doubt Rarity objects against it. It’s certainly gonna be a good day today.”
She decided to get up, brush her teeth and fly out the window.
“How can y’all spend so much time to get up of the bed?”
The daredevil pegasus gently landed besides her lover, there was no need to show off now that they were together. “It’s your fault, not mine.”
“How in Luna’s name can it be mah fault?”
“It just is, now let’s get walking, I’d like to tell the girls before lunch, so we can have a romantic picnic near the Whitetail Woods.”
Applejack nuzzled her and smiled “Romantic Dash is a secret pony nopony but me knows, isn’t her?”
“She’s a secret pony nopony but you know, and will ever know, get it?”
“As y’all wish Dashie.”

After a little walk, they were in front of the town’s library, knocking on the door.
After some seconds Pinkie Pie opened the door with Twilight by her side. “Hi Dash! How are you in this fine, fine da-” She suddenly froze in place.
“Hey Pinks, ‘sup Twi.”
“You two are back!”
“How come you’re here so early Applejack? And where were you Dash? I haven’t seen you in two weeks!” the lavender unicorn asked.
“Sweet Apple Acres wasn’t needed there anymore, n’ Dash has been with me since the first day. In fact… she’s been with me in more ways than jes one, that’s kinda why we’re here.”
“What do you mean?” Twilight’s area was turning slightly orange.
“Pinks, Egghead… we’re dating!” Rainbow Dash said, smiling at the two mares.
Suddenly, both Twilight’s and Pinkie Pie’s aura disappeared, as well as their facial expressions. Their stance changed as well, getting straighter, and looking blankly to a point in the infinite, behind the new couple.“What the hay?
“Y’all feelin’ alright gals?”
“You two can not be in love, that is unnatural and illogic. I am ashamed of you, please get out of my front door.”
“Twilight? What are you talking about? This is not some kind of bad taste prank, is it? ‘Cause I’m not laughing.”
“Get out of my sight, sick filly-foolers.” Twilight spitted with such venom in her voice, that made Applejack shed a few tears.
That was the last straw Rainbow Dash would take. “What the hay is wrong with you Twilight? You’re with Pinkie! How is that any different!?”
“It just is. Now, since you will not get out willingly, I will have to do it myself.” Twilight stated before closing the door forcefully.
In less than the blink of an eye, a purple bubble-shaped magic shield was created around the tree, getting bigger in size and hitting the two mares in the process, pushing them some hooves away from the library.
“W-what happened Rainbow? D-did we do sumthin’ wrong?” Said Applejack, looking in the verge of crying.
“No AJ, we did nothing… And I don’t have a single clue what the hay just happened, but we should get the hay out of here, we’ll ask for an apology later.”
“L-let’s go with Rarity, Ah know she’ll be happy ‘bout us, she… she has been helpin’ me since the Nightmare Moon thing.”
“Really? Then I’ll have to thank her when I see her!”

Luckily the Carousel Boutique wasn’t that far away from the library, and Applejack had recovered from the previous encounter, so the couple was somehow happily knocking on the shop’s door.
Soon they were greeted by the white fashionista. “Oh my! Girls you are back, that are some pleasing news! You have certainly brightened my day.”
“N’ prepare to get yer day even brighter Rar, ‘cause we’re here to tell y’all that y’all did it! Well, it was me, but thanks to y’all, we’re together Rarity! We’re a couple!”
Suddenly, Rarity’s aura disappeared along with her facial expression.
“Oh no, not this again.”
“That is unnatural and totally uncouth, you two disgust me.” Rarity said, closing the door.
Applejack’s fragile happiness was destroyed.
“Let’s get outta here Apples, something smells fishy here; we should go ask Fluttershy about it.”
“B-but what is wrong? Ah thought she’d be happy about us!” Applejack said, shivering.
“I don’t know AJ, but we’ll find out, now hop on, I’ll fly us to Flutters’ house.”

After a short flight they were in front of Fluttershy’s cottage.
“Now, you’re not in your best Apples, stay here please, just in case, I’ll go and ask her about what’s going on.”
“O-ok Dashie, Ah’ll wait fer y’all.” The orange mare said while resting on the floor, drying her tears.
Rainbow Dash walked the few hooves to the shy pony’s door and knocked five times. After all this time, Rainbow Dash had decided to create a kind of ‘knocking code’ so Fluttershy could know who was at the door.
The butter-coated pegasus opened the door and smiled at the sight, a green aura creating around her. “Oh you’re back, that is great! How was everything in Canterlot?”
“Great, I could confess to AJ and we’re together no- DARN IT I’M STUPID!”
As she expected, she noticed the same symptoms as the others right before the pink-maned pony looked at her in the eyes and said “I despise you.”
Seconds later, Rainbow noticed Fluttershy’s gaze strengthen as her body moved by its own, walking backwards, until she was next to her lover. Fluttershy closed the door of her cottage and Rainbow regained control of her body.
“W-what happened?” her marefriend asked her
“I accidentally screwed up, she acted all strange like the others and then used The Stare on me…”
“The hay happened to our friends Dashie?”
“I have no clue babe, I have no clue…”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
Before “The Games”.
Location: Ponyville’s outskirts.
Point of View: Applejack

“Y’all know what day is it today Rainbow?” Asked Applejack, lying in the grass with her marefriend.
“The day we suddenly and unexplainably lost our friends and family?”
“Apart from that… it’s the sixteenth anniversary of our first ‘date’.”
“You mean the one when I met you?” inquired the cyan pegasus.
“Eeyup… Who would’ve thought we would actually end up together huh?” Said the orange mare giggling.
“Yeah… I… I don’t want to sound rude with you AJ, but… what for? I mean… we’re together, but we lost everything that we loved and that loved us back.” Said Rainbow Dash, looking away.
“Not everything Sugarcube.” Applejack made her marefriend look at her again and kissed her passionately. “Y’all still have me, n’ Ah swear Ah’ll never leave y’all. No matter the circumstances.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, the place around the two ponies started twisting and bending.
“THE HAY!?” Both ponies exclaimed simultaneously.
Everything started changing, and the two soon found themselves in a very dark cave.
“So… You’re back. I guess I lost my bet” a strange voice was heard. It sounded deep and twisted.
“I told you!” Another voice retorted, it was even deeper, and somehow darker. It was like hearing death itself talking. “You should have killed them like I told you.”
The two mares hugged each other, hoping for some kind of protection against the unknown menaces.
“Well… they had a one-in-a-billion chance to do it, I didn’t expect they would!” The first voice answered the other. “You two little ponies really take the ‘love against all odds’ thing to another level.”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
Before “The Games”.
Location: Unknown
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“You two little ponies really take the ‘love against all odds’ thing to another level.”
“W-who are you? Or what are you?”
“Hmm…” The strange creature, still hidden in the shadows seemed to be pondering.
Rainbow Dash was feeling blind, because the creatures didn’t show any aura, something was really strange about them
“Are you saying ‘you’ as in me? Or as in us?”
“Well… we go by many names, but you may call me Amnesia, and my little brother here is Oblivion. And regarding what we are… we could tell you, yeah, but what’s the point in doing so?” the voice asked, it seemed to be slightly maniac.
“So… there’s no point on telling us what y’all two are, but there’s a point in tellin’ us yer names?” Applejack asked, and judging by the look on her face, she regretted it just as the words left her mouth.
“Ah yeah, you’re the complaining and judging one… Applejack was it?”
“Uh, yeah? How did y’all know?”
“Ah, right! You don’t remember us thanks to me! Silly me, I’m sorry but I tend to forget lots of things.”
“Do you mean we met before?”
“Ah yes, it was ten years ago, though you’re supposed not to remember it. I have a certain power over living beings’ minds. I usually don’t mess with anypony, but you two entered our domains, so it was a possibility we couldn’t miss.”
“We entered your domains? Where exactly are we?”
“CLOSE YOUR FILTHY MOUTH, HE’S TELLING YOU THE STORY.” The second creature vociferated. He didn’t talk much, but when he did, it wasn’t good. Both ponies held each other in fear and nodded at the unknown source of the voice, but they remained silent.
“I’m sorry girls; my brother can be a bit… enthusiastic.” Amnesia stated with a hint of apology in his voice. “Anyways, as I was saying, you two weren’t trying to get into our domain. It was more of an accident.”
The creature seemed to be moving around them, because Rainbow Dash could notice the voice circling her.
“For what I can remember and what I understood back then... Applejack was taking the funny colored one on her back to a romantic picnic. To celebrate the anniversary of their first date, and also to make her forget about her parents’ death.”
“S-so… it was exactly ten years from now? Today’s the anniversary of those two things...” Rainbow Dash said, letting a tear fall down her cheek.
“B-but how come we don’t remember this? N’ what do y’all mean by ‘romantic’? Ah wasn’t in love with her until many years later!” Applejack inquired.
“Well… that’s what I wanted you to believe. You see, you were a couple back then, and were very happy and, even for me, very cute. But sadly, you came to us, and as I said, you were a chance we wouldn’t let pass.” Once again, the creature moved around them while talking, he seemed to be floating, flying or silent as a shadow, because Rainbow couldn’t hear any footsteps.
“You two came in, and… to make things simple, we were in a good mood, and seeing you were just fillies and you wouldn’t be able to defeat us in any possible way, we asked you a single simple question.”
“And that was?”
Oblivion decided to talk this time. “Amnesia has power over ponies’ minds and memories. I have the power to destroy everything I want to, and send it to a dimension of eternal damnation. I believe your ancestors called it Tartarus, I am unaware if you still call it that way.”
“Well… we decided to ask you to choose one of us. Obviously the one that wasn’t chosen would have his little revenge. My brother would destroy both of your hometowns and all of its citizens, while I would make you forget the most precious memory to you and all related to it, and fill it with blank spaces. That memory happened to be you two being a couple. That’s why you don’t remember anything about it.”
Rainbow Dash focused on remembering what happened ten years ago, the day her fathers died in an accident. She could remember going to the acres afterwards, to talk to Applejack, but after that, she couldn’t remember anything.
“So we chose Oblivion?”
“Yes you did. But I was far too generous, so I decided to give you an opportunity to get your memories and everything else back.”
Applejack seemed to be thinking, and soon she said “The one-in-a-billion chance y’all were talkin’ ‘bout some minutes ago.”
“Exactly, the only way to get your memories back, was to be together again, and for Applejack to say the exact same words, in the exact same pose, and in the exact same state of emotion as when I found you two in your little ‘picnic’ ten years ago. So, you see it was almost impossible. Yet you managed to do it! So you’re here, and I shall give you back your memories.”
Suddenly Rainbow Dash started feeling a bit dizzy, and her head started pounding and a strange noise rang in her ears, she later realized they were voices and noises, mostly Applejack’s, of every moment she spent with her as a couple. Wave after wave of images and sounds pierced her brain and she collapsed on the floor.

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
Before “The Games”.
Location: Unknown
Point of View: Applejack

Applejack slowly woke up after getting hit by a million forgotten memories.
“The hay was that…”
“I’m sorry ponies, but there’s no way of making the feeling so many things in so little time pleasurable. Your brains aren’t prepared for that.
Applejack woke Rainbow Dash up and looked towards the place where the voice was last heard. “So… it was y’all the one who made our friends n’ family act that way? So we couldn’t win?”
“Well… I didn’t actually cursed your friends, but instead I cursed you and your little marefriend so everyone you told you were together would act against it in their own way. Don’t worry, you’re free of it now, and they don’t even remember what happened, so you can re-tell them you’re together, and they’ll answer naturally this time. If they approve it or are against it it’s not my fault anymore.”
“So… are we free now?”
“I lost my bet, so I don’t have any business with you anymore.” Amnesia said but soon continued “My brother however…”
Oblivion talked again, with his death-like voice. “I never agreed to that bet… so I could crush you right now. But I decide we can have a little race that will decide your fate. We’ll call it ‘The Games’.”
“But if it’s just one, why do you call it ‘The Games’ as if they were more than one?” Once again, as soon as the words left her mouth, Applejack regretted it.
“You are one tough little pony to talk up to me like that. I admire that, but let me explain this. We will call it ‘The Games’ because with that I mean that even if you win the race against me, which is the challenge, you can still loose later. So it’s like if they were two games not just one.”
“And what are this race’s rules? What’s the catch?” Rainbow Dash said, getting back to her senses.
“It’s simple, you’re playing an obstacle race against me. You just need to get to the other side of this course.” With the snap of whatever appendage the beast had, part of the cave started glowing in reddish light and slowly, the rocks started changing and breaking, forming an obstacle course.
Applejack took a few steps towards the edge, and noticed that the reddish glow was generated by a river of lava that flowed under the race track.
“I’ll be chasing you, which means that if you’re not faster than me, you’re dead.” Oblivion said with a sadistic tone in her voice. “And the ‘catch’ as you would say it, is that after you get there, you will have to enter one of these three portals.” with another snap, three portals appeared making a poof sound
Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other worried.
“No wait, this would make things better.” He added. And one of the portals disappeared and two poofs were heard, but there was no new portal, which made Applejack wonder what just happened.
“You see…” Oblivion explained “You take the right portal, the story ends, you two wake up in your little cloud bed and live your happy life. You take the wrong portal, you stay in my dimension, and I show you the rabbit hole, a rabbit hole full of pain, suffering and your worst nightmares.” He said laughing maniacally filling Applejack’s heart with fear.
“Oh, and I forgot.” Oblivion continued.
C’mon, isn’t this hard enough?
“There’s going to be a little penalty and advantage. You get to choose. You, rainbow coloured one.”
“Y-yeah?” Rainbow Dash asked puffing her chest, trying to look tough.
“You get to choose, do you prefer to lose your wings… or lose your sight? No matter what you choose, it is until you finish the race… if you do, that is.”
Applejack looked at the course for some seconds and told Dash “Rainbow, there are some parts of the race that can’t be done without wings!”
“S-so… I guess I must go blind for the sake of us winning?”
Applejack kissed her and said “Ah’ll be your eyes.”
Rainbow Dash nodded and gulped. “I-I choose to lose my sight.”
Suddenly Rainbow Dash started shrieking and convulsing.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you that it was going to be absurdly painful.” Oblivion said. “And now, orange one, you may choose an object you own, to help you in this race.”
After thinking all of the possibilities, she quickly decided for what she considered the most fitting of her current needs. “Ah want mah rope.”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s Failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
During “The Games”.
Location: Unknown.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was blind, she couldn’t see a thing, but she knew something very bad was chasing her, so she started flying forward.
“Ah’ll be yer eyes, Dashie, but y’all gotta trust me wholeheartedly.”
“Of course, Applejack, tell me what to do.”
“Okay, the whole place is coming down, so we gotta escape fast, y’all go forward and pay close attention to mah directions.”
Rainbow Dash obliged and flew forward as fast as she could, trying to sense something, anything, but she was completely blind, and since there was such a ruckus around her, she could only listen to Applejack’s voice.
“Okay, go up!”
Rainbow Dash knew they were in a cave, so she knew ‘up’ meant ‘rise a few hooves’, and so she did.
“Up again!”
Rainbow Dash felt a rock brush her belly. “That was close!
“Now go down! And down again!”
Judging by the sound, a vacuum suddenly generated, Dash considered they were now in a tunnel or something similar.
“Darn it! We’re getting close to a full rockslide! Lean left! Right!”
Dash could feel the rocks brush her primary feathers. “This is bad, if one single tiny rock hits my wing, we’re doomed!
“Left again! Now Right!”
A loud rumble was heard.
“Beware! Agh!”
Dash felt a slight pressure. “Oh no! A rock hit, AJ!” “Are you alright AJ?”
“Enter what?”
“The tunnel, just in front of you! He won’t follow us there!”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s Failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
During “The Games”.
Location: Unknown.
Point of View: Applejack

“Where are we?”
“It’s some kind of tunnel. Luckily, he’s too big to fit here, so Ah guess we can make it to the finish line jes fine… but jes to be sure, Ah’d say we should fly a bit faster.”
“Won’t complain, just remember to tell me where to go.”
“Don’t y’all worry, jes fly straight, there’s nuthin’ in between.” After some seconds she regretted saying that, as she head a rumble, and a spike protruding from left to right, in front of them.
“Go up RD!”
Rainbow Dash went up just as told, but since she was deprived of her sight, she couldn’t measure how ‘up’.
“Gah!” Applejack cried as she felt the cave’s roof hitting her back.
“Oh no, are you alright Apples? I’m sorry, I can’t know how far I have to move!”
“Ah’m okay, should’ve been more specific. Stay sharp, there may be more unexpected stuff happening.”
As she finished saying that, a lot of spikes started appearing in front of her. “Y’all gotta be kiddin’… okay listen RD, there’s a big row of spikes, listen carefully!”
“Left three hooves, right four hooves, down six hooves, left eight hooves n’ up three more, four to the right n’ two down.”
Luckily, they managed to successfully evade every single one, and the tunnel’s end was close.
“We’re near Dash, jes a few more hooves!”
In a jinx-like manner, two solid rock walls started closing in the way out. By the time the two mares get there, the gap would be wide enough for a pony to pass through.
But Rainbow Dash had wings. “RD… when Ah told y’all too, y’all close yer wings.”
“What!? Are you crazy!? We’ll plummet to our death!”
“Have sum faith will y’all? Close yer wings now!”
Her marefriend did as told and they managed to get through the small gap.
“Now fly again!” The orange mare ordered, and the pegasus obeyed. They could soar up once again, and crossed the finish line.
“We did it! And I got my sight back!”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
During “The Games”.
Location: Unknown.
Point of View: Applejack

“We’ve done it AJ! Come on! It’s the one on the right! Jump!”
“DARNIT RAINBOW! DON’T JUMP!” Applejack cried as she instinctively did something that would change the course of hers and her marefriend’s fate.
She couln’t see her beloved chromatic pegasus anymore, but she trusted her aim and skill more than her eyes.
“Y’all ain’t getting rid of me that easily RD! If y’all leave this world it’ll be only after Ah know there’s nothing else fer me to do!”

Date: Unknown.
Location: Unknown.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

A blinding white light woke Rainbow Dash up. Everything around her was white, except for a pale orange and pale golden blur next to her.
“Ugh… Where am I?” she asked, trying to regain her senses. She felt like waking up after a big accident crash, when she couldn’t tell which way was up.
“In hospital Rainbow.” The blur told her, it sounded distorted, and she couldn’t quite make out who was talking.
Seemed like not only sight and hearing were not completely regained, she couldn’t smell a thing, and she could barely feel her hooves.
A heavy sigh was heard. “Not this again…” The voice was clear now, it was a stallion’s voice.
Finally, Rainbow Dash regained her senses, and notice she was resting in a hospital bed, and the pony to her side was a doctor. His coat and mane were the same colour as Applejack’s
“W-who are you? What happened?”
Another sigh escaped the doctor’s mouth. “I hate it when this happens. Maybe if I tell you some things, you will remember the rest. I’m doctor Straitjacket, do you remember me now?”
“No…” Rainbow Dash answered.
“I work at the hospital, I’m in charge of the psychiatric rehabilitation wing.”
“And why are you here then?”
“Rainbow… you are in the psychiatric rehabilitation wing. You have been here for two years now.”
“You suffered a strong traumatic experience. When ponies suffer these kind of experiences, their minds tend to use different methods to ‘escape’ and not face their dreaded reality. In your case, your mind decided to self-induce amnesia, and refill those tragic memories with false ones.”
Rainbow Dash’s mind was struggling to process what she was hearing. “D-doctor… you’re kind of creeping me out…”She soon noticed the lack of a certain farm-pony. “W-where’s Applejack? W-where’s my marefriend?”
Doctor Straitjacket sighed once again, but there was so much pain in this last one. He looked at Rainbow Dash with a sympathetic expression and said. “I… I’m so sorry to tell you this Rainbow… but the traumatic experience I was talking about… it was your best friend Applejack’s death.”
The world seemed to twist around the pegasus and everything started to get darker. Her heart stopped beating for some seconds and her chest tightened. “W-what?”
“Applejack died two years ago Rainbow Dash.” The doctor explained. He rested a hoof in Dash’s shoulder. “She… she died while fulfilling her duty in the crystal empire. She gave her life to save you from a dark crystal that protruded out of the ground because of King Sombra’s dark magic.”
“N-no, you’re… you have to be lying. I remember this big Apple family reunion she organized that year.”
“That never happened Rainbow Dash, my wife, Apple Fritter, is a member of the Apple family, and there was a big reunion that year, but was not organized by Applejack, and the purpose of that reunion, was to commemorate both her death, and Granny Smith’s, who passed away a few days after her grand-daughter. She was too old to take a blow like that.”
“N-no, no, No, NO! YOU’RE LYING! I’M GETTING OUT OF HE-” it wasn’t until now that she noticed she was being restrained but a straitjacket, tied to the hospital bed. “L-LET ME GO!”
“I’m sorry Miss Rainbow, but I had to restrain you after last year’s incident. J-just calm down.”
She suddenly started feeling a lot sleepier and relaxed. She noticed an empty syringe being magically taken from her neck. “Wha…what was that…”
“It’s just something to ease your anger, and help you relax. I’ll leave you alone now.”
“N-no… wait, I want you to answer me. I-if all you say is true then who saved Spike from those timberwolves two years ago?”
“Ah… yes, that’s also another anecdote you usually use to try and escape reality. Don’t you wonder why do you know so much about what happened in the forest, if you weren’t there?” the doctor asked her. “I’ll tell you why, it’s because that was you, but you told everypony it was Applejack, you tried to convince Ponyville of that, including you.”
The stallion took a step forward and asked “Ever wondered why Princess Celestia decided to make Discord an ally? It was because since the Element of Honesty wasn’t here, there was no way to stop him, if he ever escaped his stone prison.”
Rainbow Dash’s brain was screaming for him to stop, to stop this nonsense “T-that never happened, Applejack never died, this guy is trying to fool me!” but slowly… slowly but steadily, she started remembering. Remembering every single painful moment. Every night she spent grieving. Every night she considered killing herself just to meet Applejack again. Every single tear shed. Every rose she left in Applejack’s tombstone. Every caress she gave to her iconic Stetson, which was kept safe in her bedroom’s night stand. Every glance at the picture of the love of her life she had on her bedroom’s wall.
She slowly, steadily and awfully painfully, she realised the sad truth.
Something inside her head clicked, she felt her heart stopped beating, her lungs freezing and everything slowly fading to black.
A final whisper escaped her cold mouth. “See you soon AJ…”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
During “The Games”.
Location: Unknown.
Point of View: Applejack

“Y’all ain’t getting rid of me that easily RD! If y’all leave this world it’ll be only after Ah know there’s nothing else fer me to do!”
She felt the rope grab something, so she planted her hooves on the ground and started pulling.
“Ah. Ain’t. Losing. Y’all! Not. This. Way!” She exclaimed between pulls.
With a final strong pull, she went flying a few hooves, but noticed a poly-chromatic pegasus come out of the portal, filling her heart with glee.
She spitted out the rope, and went to wake up her unconscious lover. “Rainbow! Rainbow wake up!”
“Wha-what..?” the mare answered, slowly waking up.”
“Rainbow come on! Y’all entered the wrong portal, but Ah could take y’all out before it was too late, but if we don’t mover right now, Oblivion will catch up with us n’ we’ll be doomed!”
The mare seemed to have suffered a strong shock when she entered the portal because she seemed to be spacing out. Suddenly she asked “S-so… it’s that portal?” she said, pointing to the other portal in front of the two mares.
“No… it’s actually this way.” Applejack said before carrying the pegasus on her back and jumping off a cliff.
“No we ain’t!” she exclaimed as they plummeted towards the ground, where another portal was waiting for them.

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s Failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
Midnight, right after Rainbow Dash and Applejack finish “The Games.”
Location: Rainbow Dash’s Cloudhouse, Above Ponyville.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was laying on her bed, head over the pillow, front part of her body facing up, and a cute orange earth pony on top of her, breathing heavily. The bruises and reddened areas showed the activities the two lovers just shared.
“We… We did it… We actually did it! My awesome Apple marefriend and I just did it! And it was amazing!” Rainbow Dash said squeaking with joy.
“A-amazin’? AMAZIN’!? Dashie we could’ve died jes now n’ y’all say it was amzin’!?” the blond mare growled while her green emerald eyes showed the despair and shock she was feeling a minute ago.

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
Midnight, right after Rainbow Dash and Applejack finish “The Games.”
Location: Rainbow Dash’s Cloudhouse, Above Ponyville.
Point of View: Rainbow Dash

“A-amazin’? AMAZIN’!? Dashie we could’ve died jes now n’ y’all say it was amzin’!?”
She knew her marefriend was at the verge of crying because of terror, anxiety, fury and tension, but she couldn’t act any differently. Rainbow Dash’s happiness in that exact moment met no match.
Half a minute ago, she was inside a living nightmare, where Applejack was dead and she was a suicidal psychiatric patient. And now she was laying in her bed with the love of her life on top of her.
Her heart was pounding in her chest while happiness and adrenaline flooded her body. The only pseudo-logical answer, as logical as one in that state could muster, was to smile wider than Pinkie Pie and to hungrily kiss Applejack with all the love and passion her body could give.
The blonde mare refused at first, still in a fragile state, but soon she kissed back with even more strength and hunger, if that was possible, than Rainbow Dash.
The only two purpose of this night were to forget every second of suffering she had to endure in this day and to pleasure Applejack until she couldn’t give her anymore, just in case she couldn’t get any other chance. “I’m not risking the possibility of losing her without showing her all my love.
But there was one single problem. Applejack couldn’t walk on clouds, so she would plummet to her death.
“A-Applejack” she said between pants as her lover stopped kissing her, moving to lovingly bite her neck. “Y-you can’t support yourself on a cloud, th-this is too dangerous!”
Her lover stopped to look at her and with a wolfish grin she said “Hold my tight fer a second Sugarcube…”
Rainbow Dash obliged, and soon felt Applejack move her hooves around her waist.
“Ah never untied the rope, with a little noose here…” she said as she tied the other end of her trusty rope around her own waist. “N’ voila! Now Ah can’t fall ‘cause we’re not getting separated ‘til tomorrow, now close yer adorable piehole n’ kiss me, ‘cause y’all started a fire it ain’t putting out itself.”

Date: Two years after King Sombra’s failed attempt to take Crystal Empire back.
The day after “The Games”
Location: Ponyville centre, Ponyville.
Point of View: Applejack

“Well… that was better than expected… We defeated two super-powerful villains, had an amazing night, told everypony we were back and together, they were all happy, you’re not dead, I’m not crazy, and now we’re here, in Ponyville finally able to relax and have a good time.” Rainbow Dash said while smiling widely.
“Ah said we deserve this. We’ve suffered more than enough.”
“Though there’s something I still don’t get… How did you know the real portal was down that cliff?”
“Well…” Applejack explained “Before startin’, Ah saw him making one of the portals disappear. At first Ah thought he was jes bein’ nice n’ letting us jes two portals to decide, but when we escaped the tunnel, before we crossed the finish line, Ah noticed something strange below us but Ah had no idea what it was.”
Rainbow Dash went pale and looked at her marefriend. “Wait, you mean you weren’t sure and you just jumped off a ridiculously high cliff towards a lava lake!?”
“It was... Ah leap of faith if y’all like.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Says the pony who jumped through a portal without thinking about it fer a second.” Applejack said gently hitting her marefriend.
“I hate you.”
“Ah love y’all too.”
“Is not easy being in love, is it?”
“Who cares, the reward is more than worth it.” Applejack said kissing her marefriend passionately.

Comments ( 54 )

>Sees no genre tags


1997899 Oh, oopise. Thanks!

One of the mods must be slacking off, I've seen a lot of stories been approved lately with no genre tags, some with no character tags... sometimes even both:facehoof:
Something's up:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

(Joke) Alt. Title: It's Not Easy Being Paired With Applejack
So, wait, there was a version in unchronological order? Is it like Pulp Fiction or Memento or something?

1998000 Haven't seen those two, so I do no know what are you talking about, and yes, there is a anachronic version, the link is in the description.

The stories in Pulp Fiction and Memento are told out of order. Just sayin'...

1998060 Well... then maybe it is like those, not sure if exactly the same out-of-order style, but it is out of order.

1998091 Thanks, I'm glad you like the story! At least somepony liked it... :pinkiesad2:

1998105 Haha what can I say, you're a good writer and AppleDash makes me D'aww :pinkiehappy:


>Good writer

Not what the people say... the stats are depressing me.:ajsleepy:
but I'm gald you liked the story:ajsmug:

1998136 Pfft ignore the stats. People just like hating on AppleDash fics without even reading them! Once your story gets more known, the tables will turn. Trust me :ajsmug:

*Takes a look at the stats* Uhmmmm... what is going on? :pinkiegasp:
*looks at the shipping* Ahh haters :ajbemused:

I will read the story later today. :twilightsmile:

*squee* That was wonderful. I really want to say more but I just dont know how. So i just say that this is a wonderfull Story.

Well the Scene where AJ and RD told Pinks and Twi that they're together now was pretty ironic. Twi has a marefriend herself and calls them "sick filly-foolers" :D

I was really glad that this was just some sick Game.

Excellently written, and like the others have been saying don't worry about the stats. Just keep writing awesome stories like this.:rainbowkiss:


Thank you, I was really needing some support. Thanks for your awesomeness, and I'll keep writing stories, but after a short break, this one took it's toll on me.


Well, yeah, it was kinda the idea, the fact that everypony was acting in a totally ilogic way, I mean, Fluttershy and Rarity were helping them to be together, why in the hay would they be angry they were actually together then?


The Idea is in fact quite interresting. I can only imagine how they must feel with all their friends being against them.
( god im not good with words. Pretty hard to write down what i feel and think :fluttershysad: )

'And i also have a Question about your Fic "Of Horseshoes, Apples and Feathers", do you plan to continue it? i really liked what i was reading and i would love to see it finished. :ajsmug:

the scene in the hospital scared the shit outta me :rainbowlaugh:

2003424 Yes, I don't like leaving stuff behind, I WILL continue that fic, I just stopped to do this one. Same goes for my comic Grace Pinkie.

I'm currrently on a break, because this contest took its toll on me, but defenitely, I will finish that.

2003835 Yeah, when I had that idea I was like "Oh Luna this is seriously going to russtle so many jimmies... GREAT!"
In fact, the original idea was to stop the story the chapter there, and add a "The End", and continue it on the next chapter, but it looked like too much.


All of those "BLANK SPACE" stuff, are the ones they couldn't remember, because Amnesia made them forget. If I recall correctly the moments are:

The day Applejack confessed her love for Rainbow Dash
Their first kiss
The day they decided to tell their friends they were dating.

I'm really having troubles to vote on this one.
I liked the writing style, the jumps between point of views and the overall Story in the first 5 chapters.
BUT i really didnt like the twist in chapter 6.
It just comes from out of nowwhere and stand, in my opinion, felt unnecessary.
I would never think of disliking the story cause I really enjoied the first 5 chapters and ch 6 before the Games, but
with the twist i simply cannot like it, sorry.
But I wanted the author to know that I liked most parts of his story anyways.

2026196 It's okay, thank you for your honesty. Truth be told, the last parts were rushed cause I wrote it on the last day of the contest, so of coursethe quality kinda droped a bit. If you read the orginal one, the Anachronic version, you'd see that "The Games" stuff started from the beggining, but because I thought I would be able to give it a proper closing and enough background to make it look good and plausible. But well... I had a lot of problems during the month where I worked on the chapter and I was working on another contest at the same time, so... Anyways, I learned my lesson, don't rush, and don't bite more than you can chew. Heh... one would say, being an Applejack lover, I'd have learn that from AJ's chapter. On the other hand... being so much like AJ made me commit the same mistakes. This is interesting... Uh... don't mind me, just thinking silly stuff.


This is just the chronological version of the original story. It was supposed to be like this, every chapter, we'd see 4 or 5 events in the life of AJ and RD that lead them to being together, told in one of their's POV. The next chapter would tell the following moment, in the other's POV. Think of it like a kind of journal, not a full story. You just read the important moments. It's not that good, I know... I made it for a contest and I couldn't finish on time, so I rushed it and well... you can't rush perfection, cause it ends up like this haha.

2499983 it is a good story, it was just a little confusing until you explained it to me

2503898 Yeah... I know it is, Sadly is not what I expected. BTW if you think this one is complicated, the anachronical version is way more complicated hahaha. I'm glad to hear you think is good.

this is cute. thanx for writing it because it was a awesome read. :ajsmug::heart::rainbowlaugh: so cute.

one question though: if twi and pinkie werent doing the same thing aj and rd were in rainbows dream thing then what were they doing???:twilightoops:


I'm sorry, it's been a long time since I last read any of this story, which part do you mean?


when rainbow dreams about telling the girls and when they tell pinkie and twi. they said its not the same thing as what they were doing. so what were they doing?:twilightsheepish::pinkiegasp:


Oh, right. No, they weren't doing anything different, it was something I did to emphasise the fact that everypony was acting irrationally against them being together.


yeah that make sense. thanks for explaining. i guess me and my weird way of thinking just made that confusing.:twilightoops:

Not at all... MY story is confusing... Well, this one not that much, but the original version... dear.

yay for confusing!! :pinkiehappy: i cant wait to read the origanal if this one was that weird cute and well yeah then that one must be even MORE! :pinkiegasp: ha=)

2628311 Yeah, though I'd have adviced to do exactly the opposite, first read the original, and then read this Chronological version to understand stuff... But well, I hope you like it!

why follow stuff the right way when if u go the wrong way u wont die. im prepared for the awesomeness thats sure to come:pinkiehappy:

Just wanted to say Great Story.
I enjoyed how it followed the show. Another great AppleDash story


2850505 Thank you! Most of the people said this one was terrible, and I partially agree with them, it was too rushed, but I wrote like... 5 chapters in less than a day, because of the deadline.

2851638 it wasnt that bad. I have seen worse....alot worse.

2855845 Oh yeah, there's a lot of...*shivers* "stories" out there... Though being compared and winning against those isn't exactly encouraging...

2856425 Wasnt meaning to compare your story to those.
Just saying this one isnt bad. lol

2889284 I uh... I know it's a kind of confusing story, and ti was very, very rushed...

2890435 YOU, sir, are a magnificent plot twister! (Damn this fandom for making that sound dirty) that whole hospital thing scared the SHIT outta me. Also, I'm probably missing something, but did those two just create an alternate universe? :rainbowderp:


Thanks. I'm not really proud of this story, 'cause is way too rushed... but thanks anyways! But I do not understand what you mean by the alternate universe thing...

Reading the part with Rainbow dash being in the wrong portal scared the life outta me i almost cried :fluttercry: but i was so relieved when i got to the final ending :ajsleepy: i like it :pinkiesmile:


Glad to hear that! I personally believe it's TOTALLY not my best piece... too rushed.

That was a great fic, loved the twist in the end.:moustache:

You shall be stalked by me until the end of time!!! :pinkiecrazy:

4033604 Sounds Great!:ajsmug:

4034434 stalk=follow same thing yo :moustache:


That's really great! I'm awfully honoured to know this. I'm glad I helped you find your way through writing. It's such a great hobby/profession. :ajsmug:

Comment posted by Gutovi deleted Aug 6th, 2014


No, I did. Appledash112 was just telling me that my other story "Of Horseshoes, Apples and Feathers" is what got him/her into writting.

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