• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 2,082 Views, 34 Comments

Tainted Twilight - Hammy

When Twilight celebrates the day she becomes a full-grown mare, she gets summoned by Princess Celestia to learn a new, secret kind of magic. But this magic seems to be...changing Twilight, somehow...

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Chapter Two

As the sun started lazily rising up from the horizon, the nearby woodland animals starting waking, scurrying out of their homes and getting ready to start their day. Birds greeted each other, groundhogs ran through dew-laden grass, and businesses prepared to open their doors.

The rather quiet, serene view of a Ponyville morning betrayed the electricity flowing through Twilight's home as she reviewed her checklist of things to bring with her. While she had indeed put together a few things the night before, the slightly hungover Twilight found out that she had forgot this and that, and was scrambling to put together her luggage. Her rushing around the library did nothing to quell the headache lurking in the fringes of her mind. She put together a batch of tea to help soothe the pain, and looked around the library. The calmness in the air unnerved her, telling her that everything was normal; that everything was exactly the same. She knew it was the exact opposite, nothing about this day was going to be normal. “Normal” was being able to spend time with her friends, “normal” was knowing that no matter what, she had ponies who would support her in an instant. A single tear went down her cheek, regret slowly creeping into her thoughts as she delved deeper into her perceived future. She didn't want to face her friends and have to say goodbye, especially after they just threw her a huge party celebrating her. What kind of friend was she? It was the princess' order though, surely they would understand. They may even be happy and excited for her; at least somepony would be excited about this.

She finished her tea, and set out to find everypony. Luckily, they had all gathered at the town square. Pinkie Pie was apologizing profusely to Applejack, who was trying to fix a broken apple cart, along with the other three. “What happened here?” Twilight asked to no particular pony.

“Awh, Pinkie just got caught up with herself an' ran into mah cart. T'wasn't nothing to be worried about, things like this happen sometimes.” Applejack said calmly while giving Pinkie a forgiving look.

“But I'm oh so, so, so very sorry Applejack! I was just excited because the Cakes were having a sale on cupcakes and I bought all of them and I just got super duper excited cause I just love cupcakes so much and imsosorrypleasedontbemad!”

Applejack just laughed and hugged Pinkie, and a smile crept onto the pink mare. She jumped and squeezed the breath out of AJ. Twilight just observed the whole scene, and felt warm and comforted by it. She always thanked Celestia for bringing her here, to learn about the power of friendship. Now, she has to say goodbye to them. The warmth instantly faded, and sadness filled the void. She knew it had to be done, and as uncomfortable as it was, she had to do it now.

A heavy cough broke the laughter, and everypony stared at Twilight. She looked down, unable to face the ponies who have always been there for her. “I have something to tell you all. Last night, when I came home, I received a letter from the Princess. She told me that she wanted to teach me a special form of magic, one that would change my life. I have to go as soon as possible, and she didn't tell me when I would be back.”

The five ponies stared at her, unable to really understand what it all means. Fluttershy, surprisingly, was the first to speak up, “So, what kind of magic is this?”

“I don't know, she wouldn't tell me what it exactly was, only that it was something very few unicorns have been exposed to.”

“So, you're just going to leave us?” Rainbow Dash said indignantly, catching glances of disapproval from Applejack.

“She wouldn't leave if she didn't 'ave to, Rainbow. This is the Princess we're talkin' 'bout here, she can't disobey a direct order” Applejack said, defending Twilight, even though Twilight felt she deserved none.

“I'm sorry guys, I have to go, I promise I'll be back. I'll write you letters and check up on you whenever I can, Celestia knows how much I love you girls, she wouldn't cut me off from all of you.” Twilight assured, mostly to herself.

“Well, darling, we know you're doing what you love, and that's as good as any reason for you to depart for a few weeks. We're all gonna miss you!” Rarity said, choking up at the end.

Twilight couldn't stand this anymore, it was tearing her heart to pieces, and she wanted to curl up in a ball and bawl her eyes out. She rushed up to them, and wrapped each and everyone of them in her arms. The group hug was the most secure thing she had since she heard the news, and she was thankful for every pony there. They weren't just her friends, they were her family, and no matter what, she wanted them close to her. Tears streamed down her face, and for this moment, she had no want for magic, no need for studies. Everything she wanted was right here, all around her. But the hug was eventually ended, and with it, her time with her friends.

“Goodbye, everypony, I love you all, and you'll hear from me real soon” Twilight said, wiping the wet streaks from her face. They all returned with their goodbyes, sadness and uncertainty in their voices. She took in every single second, and eventually slunk back to her home. She said farewell to Spike, and told him to watch over the library while she was gone. Spike hugged her and reassured that everything would be okay, and that he would find some books that she would enjoy for when she returned. She smiled and thanked him for the kind gesture. She grabbed her things, and was off for the train to Canterlot.

An hour later, she boarded the train picked a window seat. She loved watching the scenery when she went on a trip. The stewardess kindly gave her a drink, which Twilight quietly sipped. She didn't know what was about to happen, but she told herself she was ready for it, and by Celestia she was going to be. She wasn't going to make this trip for nothing, and she was going to make her friends proud.

Attention all passengers! We are about to depart from Ponyville Station. Please make sure all luggage is secure and that you are in your seat at time of departure. We thank you for your patience, and, as always, you may ask a stewardess for any questions or requests during your trip. Next stop will be Canterlot!

She looked out one last time at the place she has called home for so long. Seeing Sweet Apple Acres in the distance, her thoughts flooded with memories of the many adventures she had in Ponyville.

She vowed that no matter how life changing this training would be, this will not be the last time she would see of home.

No magic will ever separate me from my friends, I will make sure of that.