• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 2,082 Views, 34 Comments

Tainted Twilight - Hammy

When Twilight celebrates the day she becomes a full-grown mare, she gets summoned by Princess Celestia to learn a new, secret kind of magic. But this magic seems to be...changing Twilight, somehow...

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Chapter Six

Being in the castle, you're never really alone. There are guards patrolling at all hours, ever vigilant of any danger that would put the Princesses at risk. Twilight knew well that she couldn't escape the guards watch, but it didn't stop her from going to the courtyard. The moonlight hitting the hedges and statues dotting the landscape gave the scene a rather calming view for her. The wind, abnormally strong for this time of year, made Twilight's mane have a life of its own, flowing about despite Twilight's silent protests. The warm, night air surrounded her, putting her even more at ease as she walked slowly through the majestic garden. Ever since the letter she wrote, she wanted desperately to try the spell again, get another taste of the energy that flowed through her. You shouldn't do it, you know. She warned you against using it multiple times. You don't know what will happen

Her curiosity fought back reason, wanting to satisfy the insatiable need to know. She had to learn everything it had to offer! She couldn't tolerate this slow hoofholding the princess was giving her. She was a natural at it! Yes, the process of it was a little...frightening, and it certainly wasn't something she enjoyed doing. The empty feeling slowly came back, heavily diluted, but still noticeable. It's worth the risk if it means being able to potentially being able to help Equestria. I need to learn this as soon as possible.

No, you don't. We have two very capable rulers who can use it if the situation calls for it. You've only used this magic twice in your life, and you need to make sure you get a handle on it before you go out and do it on your own.

I don't see what the harm is, really. Both times I didn't feel a single bad thing; in fact, that rush of energy today was one of the greatest feelings of my life! I just want tomorrow to come so I can learn more! I haven't felt like this since I was a filly! The empty feeling started to grow, causing Twilight to feel a little nauseous. The wind started picking up as well, making her mane twist and turn violently. She quickly dismissed it.

The problem is that you don't know how it corrupts you. Who's to say you're not already starting to? She never told you if it creeps up on you or not. Listen to reason Twilight! Do you not see what you're saying?!”

I see that I'm arguing with myself like some crazy lunatic! I'm done with this, I'm going to bed. I need to see if someone can get some medicine, I'm feeling worse and worse. I really hope I didn't catch anything, I can't let anything get in the way of my studies. The emptiness started to engulf her. She felt like she was going to pass out any minute, what kind of germ invaded her? Maybe it was from walking around in the garden, there were always some bugs eating away at nearby ponies. She ran to her room and vomited, and grabbed some spare pills she put in her travel bag. She splashed some water in her face, and looked in the mirror. She stared at her reflection quizzically, not sure on what she was seeing. Sure enough, it was her staring back, but something felt wrong about it. As if it was somepony else in a Twilight costume. She stared into the doppelganger's eyes, and she didn't feel her own presence in it. She couldn't quite put a hoof on it, but it felt...unsettling. Tinges of dread starting to creep into her thoughts, as the intruder silently stared back at her. Then she suddenly sprinted out of the bathroom, slammed the door behind her, and hid under her covers, trying to force herself to go to sleep, praying that Celestia would bring the sun up earlier than usual. She couldn't believe what she just saw, and she didn't want to investigate it any further. She wanted out of this room and into the daily routine as soon as possible, to get her mind over what just happened.

She couldn't say for sure, but as soon as she reached for the light, she swore she saw her reflection smile at her.

“So, do you think Twilight's learning how to get princess magic? Maybe that's why it's so super duper secret! Princess Celestia wouldn't want people to know she's a princess until she learned how to be one! Ooh, maybe she's becoming a secret spy, sneaking around in places that are too dangerous for regular soldiers to go to!”

Pinkie Pie was spouting theories left and right ever since Twilight left for Canterlot. She started sneaking around the street as she started thinking about her “spy” theory, becoming more and more excited about the idea of one of her best friends being a secret agent. Applejack just stared at the pink mare sleuthing about, a slight grin on her face.

“Ah don't know about all that, sugarcube. Ah don't really see Twilight as the sneakin' type.” Applejack said, trying to put some sense into Pinkie, knowing it wouldn't work, “Ah'm sure she'll tell us what's she's learnin' eventually, but for now, you 'oughta get those apples to Mr. and Mrs. Cake before lunch time.”

“Oh, yes I do! They are going to make some apple muffins for brunch! They've already got an order of twenty muffins from somepony! We can't be late this time!” Pinkie dusted herself off, grabbing a sackful of apples AJ prepared for her earlier in the morning. “Thanks Applejack! I'll try to save a muffin for you, as long as a certain somepony doesn't change her order to twenty-one!” She giggled and started hopping down to Sugarcube Corner, ready to get the day started. Applejack shook her head and chuckled, walking back to her orchard. She couldn't help but wonder what Twilight was up to herself. It was odd that the Princess wouldn't let her tell them what she was going to do up there. She wasn't too upset about it, with Twilight being her star student and all, but it still struck her as odd. She was hoping that a letter from her would appear in the next couple of days, explaining at least a little of what was happening. She couldn't help but worry about her, as smart as her friend was, she didn't have as much street smarts as the rest of the gang. She didn't know how she would handle herself in the streets of Canterlot alone. She idly bucked some trees while her mind wandered about the situation.

A couple of hours later, Pinkie sprint-hopped into the town square, nearly running into Big Mac's cart again, and yelled out for her best friends. “Twilight wrote! Twilight wrote!” she exclaimed as she searched for the other four ponies. Eventually, she was able to wrangle them up and read the letter, hardly holding her excitement. After they finished reading, they all stirred with questions.

“Well, Twilight is the type to stay up all night learning about something new. Still, it seems rather odd that the Princess would limit her.” Rarity said, trying to piece together the cryptic letter.

“Obviously it's some sort of super powerful magic made to kick some major tail!” Rainbow Dash said, throwing punches into the air, “Maybe she'll be able to teach me a few tricks!”

“I really do hope she's okay though, and she's having an easy time with it. It'd be terrible to think that she wasn't having fun with it.” Fluttershy said in her usual, barely audible voice.

“Y'know Twilight, as long as she has a book to read an' somethin' to learn, she's in paradise!” Applejack replied, relieved that Twilight took the time to at least try to fill them in.

“I've already been planning a party the second she comes back to Ponyville! I'm sure it'll knock her socks off! I've already tested it with Gummy a few times, and every time he passed out with shock!”

“I'm not so sure that's a good thing, darling. We don't want her to be unconscious when she comes back home.” Rarity argued.

“Hmm, that's true, maybe if I tone down the fireworks display, put a few minor tweaks in the sprinkler system, remove-”

Applejack motioned Spike to the side, letting Pinkie work out the kinks in her party plans. “Go on and take a letter Spike, let Twilight know we miss her something fierce, and that we can't wait till she comes home. Let her know how we're all doin', and to give us updates on her trainin' and whatnot.”

“Can do!” Spike exclaimed as he started to get busy. Applejack still had a little feeling of worry deep in her, but she quickly let it recede, and let herself smile at the fact that Twilight was having a grand time in Canterlot. Hopefully, they might even be able to visit her, and let them see the new magic firsthand. She started heading back to Sweet Apple Acres and the doubt started creeping in again, something she just couldn't shake.

“Nah, AJ, you're crazy! There ain't nothing to be worried about. If somethin' were wrong, Twi would tell us! Ah'm sure of it!” She said to herself, trying to convince her paranoia. “Just give her a few days, and ah'm sure she'll invite us down to see it all!”

She repeated it all day, and no matter what, her feeling wouldn't go away. She decided to write a letter to her in private. She wanted to make sure everything was going peachy swell.

Her thoughts screamed that they weren't, she prayed to Celestia she was wrong.