• Published 26th Apr 2014
  • 18,317 Views, 1,183 Comments

Me and Mr. B - Onomonopia

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Choose Or Obey?

For the rest of the week, Dinky was bouncing around her house in pure excitement as the anticipation for the fair began to get to her. Bubbles had no such excitement but he was happy that she was happy. Ditzy had spent the week teaching Dinky proper dating procedures and how to answer to certain questions, but she forgot them almost immediately. So when the day of the fair finally arrived, Ditzy was a bit on edge.

"Okay, do remember what we talked about?" she asked her daughter nervously as she paced the floor, waiting for the doorbell like it was a tolling bell.

"Not a word," Dinky said with a smile as she sat on her couch, bouncing in place. "But I haven't been to the fair in like, ever, so I'm really too excited to remember anything you told me." She had a huge smile on her face as she waited for the doorbell, while Ditzy had gone back to pacing in place with a look of worry on her face. Bubbles sat beside his little one until the doorbell eventually rung, causing Dinky to shoot out of the chair and rush to the door at speeds that Bubbles couldn't keep up with. She flung the door open to reveal a nervous colt standing there with a flower in one hoof.

"H-hello there Dinky," he stammered at the sight of her, trying his best to maintain his composure when she smiled at him. "I hope I didn't get here too earlier."

"Not at all. I was actually waiting for you," she said with another smile.

"Then, shall we go?" he asked her with a nervous smile. She inhaled sharply as she looked behind her, causing Pip to wonder what was going on before the ground began to shake beneath him.

"There's just a small little something that I need to tell you," she began with a nervous smile as Big Daddy walked up behind her, looking down through his eight eyes at the colt. "If we're going, he wants to come with us." Pipsqueak let out a squeak as she said this, his face reflecting in the eight eyes of Bubbles as he tried to figure out what to do. On one hoof, this was his chance to finally spend some time with the filly he had liked for a while. On the other was the terrifying mass of metal that attacked anything that tried to touch Dinky. Pip stared up at the metal man for a good minute before a nervous smile finally broke out on his face.

"G-g-glad to have you with us," he said with as much courage as he could muster. Dinky smiled and ran out the door, Bubbles following her. She waved to her mother as Pip followed after her, the three of them heading to the fair while Ditzy watched with a sad smile on her face.

"My little girl is growing up," she whispered to herself before closing the door behind her. Pipsqueak walked as close to Dinky as he thought he could without invoking the wrath of Bubbles, while Dinky hummed to herself on the way. Pip was also aware of the eyes on the back of his head and his paranoia wasn't helped by the fact that Bubbles eyes cast a light onto him as he walked.

"I am so excited!" Dinky said happily as the three walked, the fair coming into view off in the distance. "I have never been to one of these before! So what do we do first? Ferris wheel? Bumper carts? Gator wrestling?"

"Um, I don't know right now, but you can choose whatever you'd like when we get there," Pip replied as the three reached the main entrance to the fair, where a pony was selling tickets.

"Howdy there. Hold on a sec, I’ll get the tickets for ya," he said as he pulled out three tickets for them. "That'll be twelve bits."

"Twelve? But it's only four per pony," Pip complained.

"Yes, but there's three of you," the pony said as he pointed to Bubbles. Pip sighed and reached into his pockets, only to find that he didn't have enough. He looked at Dinky with worry before she took the initiative.

"He's not with us," she said with a smile to the ticket pony. "He's just in line behind us." Both Pip and Bubbles responded to this statement with confusion as Dinky took the bits from Pip's hoof and paid for their tickets, grabbing his hoof to drag him inside with her and leaving Bubble outside.

"Well then, its four bits for a ticket," the pony said to Bubbles, who's eyes turned yellow as he glared at the pony. "What, I don't make the rules, I just-" His words and the pony both froze on the spot as Bubbles unleashed his ice plasmid upon him, freezing him solid. Bubbles walked past the ice pony and into the fair, where he found to his annoyance that Dinky and Pip were nowhere to be found. He let out a moan of annoyance and began to wade through all the ponies there, determined to find them.


"Avast me hearty, prepare to be rammed!" Pip yelled as he pushed his cart forward, slamming into the side of another foal who shrieked. He laughed as he backed up only to see out of the corner of his eye a gray filly heading for him at top speeds. "No Dinky! Wait-" He yelled as she slammed her cart into his, sending him backwards. He groaned as he tried to stop the world from spinning while Dinky laughed in delight, which turned to a groan when a pony said that they were done.

"You're vicious lass, you know that?" he asked her as he staggered out of the bumper carts, while Dinky hopped along excitedly.

"Yup and I love it," she said to him before looking at a booth with a huge smile. "Oooo, that stand has giant, stuffed ursas. I need to get one!" She ran over to the booth and looked at the bottles stacked up in the back, while two similar looking ponies with reddish manes and funny hats looked at her.

"Well hello there little one, welcome to the Flim Flam stand. Knock down all the bottles and win a prize," one of them said as the two of them looked at each other with coy smiles. "One bit for three balls." Dinky placed a bit on the table and picked up one of the baseballs, aiming carefully before chucking it. She went wide left and hit the back of the stand, snarling as she picked up another and threw it with all he might. She missed once again and her third throw wasn't any better. "So sorry kid. Why don't you try again?"

"Dinky! Stop running off like that," Pip said as he ran up beside her, barely getting a glance from her as she finished around for another bit. Pip looked to the top shelf to see the Ursa that she wanted up there. He sighed as he pulled out one of his two remaining bits and placed it on the table.

"Here you go kid, three chances."

"Good luck," Dinky said as she stepped back. Pip picked up the first baseball and threw it with perfect accuracy, smiling as the ball collided with the bottles. But then to his surprise, the bottles remained standing despite the hit. "The heck is that?" Dinky asked. "That should have knocked them right over." Pip growled and tried twice more, experiencing the same result twice more. Dinky began to argue with the ponies behind the stand as Pip took out his last bit and placed it on the table, determined to get this. He reached for the first ball before a giant hand grabbed the ball instead.

"Mr. Bubbles!" both Dinky and Pip exclaimed in confusion as they turned to see the yellow eyed Big Daddy standing behind them where he let out an annoyed moan as he looked up at the bottles. He brought his arm back and let the ball fly, yet to the surprise of everypony the ball bounced off the bottle, though the force of the throw did crack them

"Okay, what's going on?!" Dinky asked with rage, the brothers putting on an innocent face as Bubbles tried again, this time breaking pieces off of the bottles instead of knocking them over.

"So sorry big guy, but you've got one more throw," Flim said with a smile that turned Bubbles attention to him. Bubbles let out a moan before her grabbed Flim by the throat and hoisted him over Bubbles head, throwing the screaming pony at the bottles. The bottles shattered on impact and Bubbles threw Flim with enough force that he went through the back of the tent and hit the pony at the dunk tank, sending them both into the drink.

"Um," the brother began before Bubbles reached up and grabbed the Ursa, growling at the pony before he gave the gift to Dinky, who smiled as she accepted it. Then he picked her up and placed her on his head before motioning for Pip to follow them, which the colt did so without hesitation.

"Thanks Mr. B., I'm fairly certain those ponies were cheating," Dinky said as she stuck out her tongue at Flam.

"Sorry I couldn't get that for you," Pip said, a bit disheartened.

"Like I said, they were cheating," Dinky said as she jumped off Bubbles head and climbed down his back. "Not your fault. So, where to next?"

"How about the house of mirrors?" Pip suggested, pointing to the entrance that had a clown face hanging over it. Dinky agreed and the three of them headed inside, both Dinky and Pip gasping as they saw all the separate mirrors that changed the way they looked. Dinky let out a squeal of delight and took off, laughing at all the different reflections of her. Pip chased after her, not wanting to be left alone with Bubbles. He let out a moan and went to follow them before he heard a laughing from his side. He turned to see in the mirror...

'Come on Mr. Bubbles, let's go play,' a golden haired little girl said as she ran off through the mirrors, giggling to herself as she ran. Bubbles let out a moan and began to follow her down a separate path, trying to keep track of her through separate paths as she ran through the mirrors. He ignored his reflections as he ran past the mirrors, despite the fact that some of his reflections showed very odd versions of him. He followed the laughing if the little girl until he came to a part of the maze that surrounded him with mirrors on all sides. He moaned in confusion as he looked around for the little sister before a voice began to speak to him.

"A man chooses and a slave obeys," the voice said as Bubbles turned to face one of the mirrors, seeing a man in a suit with a pencil mustache looking at him. "But despite being freed you're still a slave to a little girl who is gone, still a slave to your past." Bubbles let out a threatening moan and began his drill, but the person never budged. "But that's all you Big Daddies are. Slaves to your programming, slaves to the whim of a little girl who is no longer human. It’s so pathetic it makes me sick." Bubbles let out a roar and charged the mirror, shattering the mirror with his drill. He backed away from the broken glass before spinning around to see another person standing behind him in another mirror. This looked like a regular person...except for the chains tattooed on his wrists.

"You still follow her despite being freed?" the person asked him with disgust in his voice. Bubbles immediately reacted by revving his drill once again and slamming it into the mirror. The person appeared in another mirror however and snickered at the Daddy's rage. "Still chasing after a ghost that died all those years ago when the smarter person would CHOOSE to let her go. But you can't make that choice, can you? You'll always be loyal to the thought of her as your little girl, when all she was a freak experiment. Hell, so are you."

Bubbles started up the drill again, but the mirror shifted again from the man with the chains on his wrist to the blonde haired girl that he loved with all his heart. She smiled at him as he lowered his drill, extending her hand and motioning for him to join her. He slowly walked forward until he was in front of the glass, where he placed his hand on the glass and against hers.

'Don't worry Mr. Bubbles. Soon we'll be together again,' she said to him with a smile, before a flash of light went off, blinding the Big Daddy. When he could see again, he found himself surrounded by a horde of splicers, all of whom cackled as he started up the drill again. The first few attacked him and took a drill to their faces, but that only bought Bubbles a moment before the next wave came at him. Switching up his attacks, he shot ice into the floor so that the splicers slid towards him, leaving them helpless as his drill made short work of them. But one of the spider splicers got him from behind and began to tear out his back, causing him to roar in pain.

"Kill the Daddy! And find the sister!" one of them yelled from the crowd. Bubbles mind immediately thought of his little sister and what the splicers had done to her last time, causing his fury to shoot to new heights. He tossed the spider splicer off of his back as he raised his drill into the air before slamming it into the ground with all of his might. The shockwave caused by the impact shattered all of the mirrors around him, leaving the Big Daddy alone in a room filled with broken glass. He looked around in confusion as the sound of hooves running got closer to him, noticing that the wounds he had suffered at the spider splicers hooks were gone.

"Mr. Bubbles! What's the matter?" Dinky asked him in concern as she saw his red eyes looking all around the room, afraid of getting too close because of the broken glass at his feet. "Did the mirrors scare you? What happened?" Bubbles gave her a moan of reassurance as his eyes switched over to yellow and walked over to her and Pipsqueak, who had just caught up to Dinky. She looked up at him with worry before looking back at Pipsqueak. "I'm sorry Pip, but I need to get home. The princesses will want to hear of this."

"That's fine," he said with a bit of sorrow in his voice, but it was drowned out by the moan Bubbles gave as he began to follow the two out of the hall. But before he left, he looked back one last time, seeing one mirror that hadn't been shattered by his slam. And just like before, the man with the chains on his wrist stood there looking at him.

"You'll always be a slave. To your past and to the girl." Bubbles let out a moan of rage before turning back to the pair of foals, following them back home.


"I take it you have important news for me sister?" Celestia asked with a bit of heat as she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her mane, having just begun to relax in the bath when Luna had knocked on the door. "You know how much I need this alone time."

"I assure you I wouldn't interrupt you if it wasn't important," Luna said with a serious face as she pulled out a letter. "This is from our ponies in Mareiland. Something showed up on one of their beaches while they were cleaning them." She floated the letter over to Celestia as she said this, waiting for Celestia's eyes to widen in shock as she saw what it was. "A golden sphere, about the same size as the one we have. And there was one more thing emerging from the sphere. Footprints." Celestia looked at her sister with fear in her eyes as she placed the letter down, picking up a piece of parchment and a quill.

"We need to head out to Mareiland in the morning," she said as she finished her note and sent it into the wind. "But I worry about if something will happen while we are gone. I have a bad feeling. Have you finished the book on the Daddies yet?"

"Yes and it seems that we will have to do more than repair Bubbles when he's injured," Luna said with a shake of her head. "I'll try to get the scientist working on replicating the items in this book in the morning. But after Mareiland."