• Published 26th Apr 2014
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Me and Mr. B - Onomonopia

  • ...

Inside His Mind

When Luna opened her eyes again, she gasped at what she saw. She was in a city that was unlike any that she had seen before. This city was filled with bronze and lights, making everything glimmer and shine in the darkness. She then turned to look out a window, only to have her jaw drop when she realized that he wasn't in a city on the surface, but instead thousands of leagues below the sea. It was only then that she realized that she was not in a room, but in a giant tube that connected one of the buildings she could see through the glass to another.

"It cannot be, but could this be Atlantis?" she asked herself as she looked around. She came to a door and placed a hoof on it, only to watch as her hoof went right through the bronze door. 'Of course, I am not really a part of this world, so its laws do not apply to me. But if I am in Mr. Bubbles mind, then where is...?' Her question was answered a moment later when she heard the sounds of feet running down the tube she was in. A bipedal being came running by her only to slam into the door and it began to throw itself into the door before the sound of more feet running could be heard.

"Halt! Or we will shoot!" one of the voices called out. The person (Luna assumed that this was a human due to it being the memories from a creature from human times) turned and pulled out a small grey item from his vest, waiting until the other voices had come into the tube before he smiled. There was a loud crack that made Luna jump and one of the humans fell to the ground dead. But the blood had barely began to pour from his wounds before the other humans pulled out weapons of their own and shot the human in front of her down, leaving him cursing on the ground as the other humans surrounded him.

"So what do we do with this bastard then?" one of them asked before they kicked the downed human in the hand, sending his weapon skittering away from him.

"We could just kill him here. No one would miss him," another one of them said. Luna made sure to take careful mental notes about everything the humans said and the way they said it, figuring that this was the closest thing she would ever get to taking with a human.

"No, we can take him to Ryan," another one of them said with a cackle in his voice. "He's been looking for...volunteers for that project of his. And from the looks of it this guy would be just perfect." The other humans chuckled along with him as they reached down to grab the human before everything around Luna went black.

'He must have passed out at this point,' she thought to herself as the room around her began to change, this time taking on what looked like a science laboratory. She looked around to find the human that she had previously seen strapped to a table, with a number of humans in lab coats looking over him.

"You bastards can't do this to me! I have rights!" the human yelled before the guard standing beside him hit him in the head with the butt of his baton, causing the human to groan as a doctor walked over to him with a long needle.

"Maybe at one point, but then you chose to become a parasite," he said as she stuck the person in his right arm with the needle, causing the guy to panic when as he looked down at his arm.

"W-what did you do to me? I can't feel my arm!" he yelled at them, only to watch in horror as another doctor brought out a giant blade, which he slowly moved over to the person.

"And trust me, you will thank me for that in a minute," he said as he placed the blade on the humans arm, right below the elbow. Luna had to avert her eyes as she heard the human scream, trying her best not to vomit as she heard the sounds of metal going through bone. The scene changed before her again and this time it showed her in front of another machine, with the human standing in it with one less arm. His eyes were glazed over, but the bandages on his arm had little blood, allowing Luna to guess that this was some time after the surgery.

"Now hold still, this might hurt a bit," one if the doctors said as he placed the human in the machine, Luna averting her eyes again as a small claw like object grabbed onto his throat. "Now come on, we need to begin the grafting." Everything went dark again, but this time when Luna opened her eyes, she was standing next to the figure she had come to hate, a massive metal beast with the eight eyes and the drill for a hand, although now that she knew how it got that drill it made her sick. She also noticed that his suit was a lot whiter than she remembered it, but the metal was still the same.

"Now then, this is going to be a bit of a testing for you," a voice said over an intercom. Luna looked around the room to see that it was filled with bodies that were laid in a weird order that made it look like it was some kind of...test. "Now then, for this exercise you will need a little sister, so please knock on the vent next to you." Mr. Bubbles did as he was asked and hit the vent with his fists a few time. Luna could hear the sounds of something moving through the pipe inside, but she never expected what came out of it.

"It...looks like a child," she muttered to herself as the small human crawled out. Luna couldn't believe that humans got this small, but what stunned her most was the fact that it had a yellow mane along with gold, glowing eyes. Its skin was also grayish, but what really hit her hard was its voice.

"Hi there Mr. Bubbles," it said to the Big Daddy with a smile as she ran up and hugged it's leg, before taking his hand with another smile that melted Luna's heart, despite how the girl looked. Luna couldn't believe it to be true, but its voice had sounded almost identical to Dinky's. Then, after looking again at its hair and eyes, she began to realize why Mr. Bubbles was so attracted to Dinky in the first place.

"So this was your little girl," Luna muttered as she began putting the pieces together.

"This will be your little sister. Protect her as she goes about gathering the Adam. Of course, I doubt that we needed to tell you that." Luna was beginning to hate the humans that were speaking to the giant, but he paid them no mind as the little sister began to move forward, humming to herself as the Big Daddy followed her closely. Luna wondered what these two would do before the little sister bent down next to the one of the bodies and revealed a giant needle that she had been holding.

"Look Mr. Bubbles, it's an angle," she said as she stuck the needle into the corpse stomach. "Looks like he needs our kisses." What the sister did next once again almost brought Luna to the point of revulsion as the little human pulled the needle from the body and began to drink its blood.

"What kind of world did you live in?" she asked the Big Daddy, who walked by her with the little sister like she wasn't there, which she wasn't. Luna walked with them for a while before running across something else that terrified her: another Mr. Bubbles was walking through a room in front of them. "There are more of you?" she muttered before realizing that this one looked different. This one had both its hands and only had a solitary eye on top of its head. But by the way it moaned it was still a Big Daddy and that made Luna all the more nervous.

"Now that the two of you have gotten to take the time to know each other, it's time for you to go out into the world," the voice said as a pair of doors opened for the little sister and the Big Daddy. The images flashed before Luna's eyes again and she was beginning to wonder how many times this was going to happen before she came to a stop and looked around the room they were in now, noticing that it looked completely different from the one she had just previously found herself in. The lights were all busted or barely working and many of the chairs and tables were overturned, but what made her frightened most of all was the fact that there was blood everywhere...along with the bodies.

"W-what happened to this place?" she asked herself before she heard a familiar humming, turning to see the little sister from earlier sitting next to a body, apparently singing to herself as she drank it's blood. Luna watched the child for a moment, wondering if she too had been experimented on for her to be this way, when Luna and the little sister both heard the sounds of whistling.

"Well, what do we have here? A little one who lost her way," a menacing voice said with a cackle as it seemed to come from everywhere. The little sister whimpered as she heard this and stood up to run, only to turn around right into one of the humans. The human wore ragged clothes and had some kind of mask on, but Luna could still see his eyes and he wasn't all there. The little sister shrieked as he grabbed her and lifted her up, holding the screaming girl as she kicked. "Oh, you look like you've got a lot of Adam in you. Let's just find out how much," he said with a chuckle, holding her by the throat with one arm as he pulled out a knife.

"Release her!" Luna yelled as her instincts kicked in, firing a spell at the human only to watch it pass through him with no effect. All she could do is watch as the human pulled his arm back to stab the little girl. But before he could, the little sister bit down on his hand, causing the human to curse as he threw her to the side and held his bleeding thumb. He cursed her and went to raise his knife again, but not before the girl yelled out,



The creature didn't even have time to scream before a massive boot came down on the back of his head, crushing his brains into mush. The little sister let out a happy yell and threw herself into the Big Daddy's arm, but then there was the sound of more laughter, followed by more of those demented humans. She could hear their whispers all around them and she looked to see if Mr. Bubbles would run, but all he did was pick up the little sister and placed her under a flight of stairs, before letting loose a roar that meant war.

"Get the girl!" one of the humans roared as he charged the metal man, only to be swatted away by Bubbles drill as his head left his shoulders. Another one of the humans attacked, but this one had hooks on its hands that allowed it to leap onto the Big Daddy's back, trying to tear through his suit to get to him. The Big Daddy roared and reached up to grab the human, slamming him into the ground before crushing him underneath with his boot.

"Behind you!" Luna yelled at him, even though it was pointless. One of the humans pulled out a weapon from earlier and fired it at the back of the Big Daddy, only to watch his shot ricochet off somewhere else. He never got the chance to fire again as Bubbles lunged towards him and drove him skull first into the wall, sending his dead body sliding down. More of the humans attacked him and he continued to fight them off, even though they outnumbered him completely. And all the while Luna stood by the little girl, who cheered for the "Big Daddy" as he fought. And secretly, so was Luna.

"Yeah! Way to go Mister B.!" the little sister yelled once all of the humans had been dealt with, running out from behind the stairs and over to him, where he got down to one knee and offered a hand to her. She grabbed it with a bow and allowed herself to be picked up and placed onto his back, where he walked off with her into the destroyed city while Luna looked around with realization.

"This place used to be a utopia, didn't it?" she asked herself as she eyed the incredible technology and the posters that showed what the city used to look like, compared to its bloody state it was now in. "But now it is where animals fight each other for blood, even if that blood comes from children." She looked across the room as she said this and found the remains of a baby in its crib, forcing her to look away to where Bubbles had vanished. "So what does that make you? Do you protect the little ones because you don't want them hurt? Or is it because others trying to hurt them is all you know?" Luna stood still as the room changed again, the memories showing how the city fell deeper and deeper into chaos, all the while Mr. Bubbles and his little sister went along like they had, she looking for blood and him fighting off the creatures, which in one memory she found to be called splicers, whenever they tried to attack her.

'So this is how you lived for years,' Luna thought as another memory of him fighting off the splicers passed, the last image before it vanished being him and the little sister again. 'And she was your reason for fighting.' Then the image changed again, but this one was different from the past ones she had seen. This one began with Mr. Bubbles already in a fight but the human that was firing a longer version of the gun at him didn't look like a splicer. He was wet, but other than that his clothes were fine and the only thing that made him stand out was the chains tattooed on his wrists.

"Get him Mr. B.!" The little sister yelled out from behind a table as the Big Daddy charged at the human, drill whirring as he approached. Luna expected this fight to be over quickly, but to her surprise the human pointed his left hand at the Big Daddy and...froze him solid. He broke free a moment later, but Luna recognized it as the freezing power that Bubbles had used on Twilight. The human snapped his fingers this time and Bubbles erupted into a torrent of flames, causing him to roar in pain as he still tried to fight to the human.

'Why do I have such an...ominous feeling?' Luna asked herself as she watched the battle continue, the human running up some stairs and backing himself into a corner that he couldn't get out of. 'Well, I guess this battle is over. But I wonder...' She stopped her train of thought when she saw the glowing objects at the tops of the stairs, right where Mr. Bubbles was heading. "Bubbles STOP!"

The Big Daddy never heard her as he ran up the stairs to kill the human, stepping on the glowing objects as he did so. A number of explosions went off at his feet, hurling the Daddy down the stairs, where he landed with a groan of pain. The human snickered as he walked down the stairs to Mr. Bubbles, who was struggling to get up. The human pointed the gun right at Mr. Bubbles head and pulled the trigger.

"NO!" the little sister yelled as the shot went off, the lights in Mr. Bubbles eyes going out as he fell over, one last wail escaping his suit. The little sister ran out from behind her hiding spot and ran to Mr. Bubbles side while Luna stayed stunned, watching as the little girl cried over the Big Daddy's corpse. Then the human turned his attention to her and grabbed her, one of his hands glowing as he reached towards her head.

"No..." Luna whispered as he grabbed her with her hand, causing her to scream before the light in her eyes went out and her head went limp. Luna fought down the bile as he ripped what looked like a slug out of her, throwing her corpse to the ground before the human let out a sigh and walked towards the exit, leaving Luna alone to look down at the dead child. "How could the humans do this? How could they do this to a child?" She closed her eyes as she said this, barely knowing this human yet still feeling sorry for her death. But her eyes snapped open when another sound reached her ears. It was the sound of metal scraping across the floor. She looked back to where Mr. Bubbles had lay, amazed to see that he was pulling himself across the floor to the little girl, his eyes barely glowing as he did so. Once he had gotten as close to her as he could drag himself, he reached out for her hand one last time...before his own hand went limp, landing just an inch from the child's.

"Oh Faust..." Luna whispered to herself as his eyes went out again. The room began to vanish at this point and she felt herself leaving his mind. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself back in Ditzy's house, standing across from the Big Daddy like she had earlier in the night. All eight of his yellow eyes were on her as she looked at him, horror and sorrow in her eyes.

"I...I had no idea..." she whispered to him as she stood up, feeling very nauseous all of a sudden. Mr. Bubbles tightened his grip on Dinky and moved his body so that he was shield her from Luna. "I...I'm so sorry," she said to him before running through the front door, finally vomiting all over the front yard as she tried to get those images out of her mind. But with each attempt they only grew stronger and finally Luna let the tears began to fall, tears for a father that had lost his child.