• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 589 Views, 13 Comments

Eagleheart - Metal Pony Fan

Why does anyone keep a journal? Do they need to record the events of their lives, lest they forget? Is it merely a formality? Or is it so they have someone to talk to?

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Saturday, Nov. 13

Saturday, November 13th.

So, this. A journal, thing. What am I supposed to write here? I really don’t know. Am I supposed to write about my life like it’s a story? Do I narrate? Or am I supposed to write like I’m talking to the journal? I don’t know why Silverclaw asked me to do this, but I’m not about to deny my mentor’s last request. Oh, no, he isn’t dead or anything, he just moved on. Wait, that makes it sound like he’s dead. This is harder than I thought it would be. He’s not dead, he just left. Ok, that’s a little better. He went on some sort of spiritual journey about a week ago, but before he left, he asked me to start keeping a journal. Don’t ask me why, I never understood half the things he did. He just said that every warrior should keep a memory of the day’s events and gave me this empty book. So, here I am.


P.S. I know, I have the most pathetically cliché name a gryphon can have. If any historians ever read this thing in like, a hundred years or so, could you just pretend my name was something cool? Maybe something like Razor Talon? It probably doesn’t matter though, I don’t think I’ll be writing another entry.

Saturday, Thirteenth of November.

Dear diary,

I have a diary, the end.

Ok, ok, I’ve got to write something more than that, but I don’t know how to keep a proper diary. I didn’t even want a diary in the first place, I just kind of got stuck with it. I guess that’s a good place to start.

It all started this morning. I had just finished my morning rounds, watering all the different plants, when Lily and Daisy came and dragged me to the library. They know how much I try to avoid that place, and the trouble-prone unicorn that lives there(I mean, seriously, How can anypony make parasprites worse?), so why would they do that? Easy, free stuff. Everypony loves free stuff, and Lily and Daisy are no exception. I’m usually a little iffy about stuff like that. Well, it turned out that the librarian, Twilight(the aforementioned trouble-prone unicorn), had been noticing a decline in visitors lately. (Can’t imagine why, I’m sure everypony loves to lounge around in a complete stranger’s living room everytime they want to read a book.) Anyway, Twilight was having a special give away, everypony who signed up for a library card got to pick out a free book. I picked out a beautiful hardbound book with (what else) a rose on the cover. Imagine my surprise when I find out it’s blank. Not a single word on any page. Well, there’s some words printed on the very last page, but I think it’s safe to say that those don’t count. Anyway, I didn’t want to let this beautiful book go to waste, so here I am, writing in a diary like a little filly. (I won’t tell if you don’t) Of course, you can’t tell anypony, you’re a diary. And this is officially getting weird. I’m gonna stop now, bye.


P.S. I’m not going to do this again. I think the rest of this book is going to be filled with notes on plants.