• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 590 Views, 13 Comments

Eagleheart - Metal Pony Fan

Why does anyone keep a journal? Do they need to record the events of their lives, lest they forget? Is it merely a formality? Or is it so they have someone to talk to?

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Tuesday, Nov. 16

Tuesday, November 16th,

So, I missed yesterday’s entry. It’s not really that big of a deal, after all, I wasn’t going to keep doing this in the first place, but it’s nice to be able to talk- well, write about my day and what’s happening in my life. I don’t really get a chance to do that. Being the son of a chieftain, my days are filled with studies, duties, and not saying much to a lot of gryphons I don’t know. This journal is kind of a nice change of pace.

Which brings me to the reason I missed yesterday’s entry. I met Gilda. All I can say is wow. I honestly was not expecting her to react the way she did. Of course, I didn’t know what to expect, but trying to slice my legs off the moment we were in private was not something I had even considered. Somehow, she got it into her head that the whole thing was my idea and that maiming me, or provoking me into maiming her, would somehow get her out of it.

She didn’t know how to react when I didn’t fight back. That was something Silverclaw taught me, sometimes inaction can be a powerful course of action. He was crazy like that, but once you got over how strange his advice sounded, most of it worked. But to this day, I cannot figure out what he meant when he said he found love by the crickets in a hot spring. I’m pretty sure he was messing with me.

Anywho, once she saw that I wasn’t fighting back, she decided to try talking. I wish she would have tried that first, because she was surprisingly easy to talk to. Once we got done complaining to each other about our mutual circumstances, she told me about her travels beyond griffin borders. I have never gone beyond the aerie, so it was all fascinating to me. She told me about the friends she made, mistakes that tore them apart, and the hope that she would be able to make it up to them. There was one friend in particular that I could tell she really missed. I do hope they can one day reconcile.

We parted on amicable terms. She and I are not, and most likely will never be lovers, but if this wedding does go through, we can at least live on friendly terms.

I simply do not see why we must be married for there to be peace. I understand that the idea is for us to unite both aeries under our rule, but as the heirs to our respective chieftains, Gilda and I will one day rule our aeries regardless of what happens. If we can come to a peaceful understanding, isn’t that all that’s needed?

It seems I am unable to finish this entry. My father’s aide, Sharptail, has informed me that I am needed in my father’s chamber.


Well, that was certainly interesting. My father seems to have misinterpreted my injuries in quite the splendid fashion. He also told me that Gilda’s parents were quite happy that we “got along so well.” Then he told me that they arranged a three day hunting trip for the two of us right in the middle of the duskkill basin forest. I had never heard of it before today, but it is, apparently, the most popular honeymoon location in the gryphon kingdoms.


P.S. If Gilda kills me this time, I completely understand.

Tuesday, sixteenth of November,

Dear Diary,

I punched Pinkie Pie.

Monday morning, around, oh, early, Pinkie came to see me. She told me that Lily talked to her about me being dumped. (Thank you for your discretion, Lily.) So, why would Pinkie visit somepony who just got dumped? If you don’t know, then you don’t know Pinkie, she wanted to cheer me up. How does Pinkie cheer ponies up? A party, obviously. She invited me to a party being held at sugarcube corner around lunchtime.

Things got bad the moment I arrived. I opened the door to go in just as a certain stallion was making his way out. The first words out of ugly mug were, “Hey, no hard feelings, right?” I would have clobbered him right then and then if Pinkie hadn’t hopped over. I was just about to walk past him and into the party when Pinkie introduced him as her new colt-friend and started snogging him in front of me.

I’m not normally a violent mare; I’ve never been in trouble, I’ve never gotten in fights, even back in school, I had never seen the inside of the principal’s office, but this was just too much. I grabbed her by the shoulder, spun her around, and clocked her one right in that poofy, pink, stallion-stealing face of hers. She went down like a bag of sugar. I was just about to deck him too, but before I realized what was happening, my face was pressed up against the floor. The next thing I felt was an electrical shock running through my body.

I woke up in a holding cell. It turns out that Princess Celestia doesn’t appreciate it when national heroes are assaulted in front of her. Pinkie didn’t press charges, but I still had to spend the night in a cell after getting lectured by somepony who could probably just zap me into dust if she wanted. Fortunately, she let me go with three days of community service. Unfortunately, Ponyville doesn’t have any work for me to do, which is quite shocking, really(considering how often the town seems to get totally mangled), so I’m being sent out of town. I find out where I’m headed tomorrow morning at the train station.

Have I mentioned I hate everything?

Roseluck (the criminal)

P.S. I’m pretty sure the changeling two cells over was trying to flirt with me.