• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,781 Views, 66 Comments

Herald of the Night - Commentaholic

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together. Unfortunately, such a peace could not last. A feud arose and the kingdom was split. A thousand years later, a purple unicorn arrives on a quest.

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Chapter Fourteen: Secret Societies

Herald of the Night

Chapter Fourteen: Secret Societies

The dimunitive breadth of the passage became oppressive after a few minutes after the relatively roomy passages of Canterlot Castle's dungeons. Though, the glowing crystals were a welcome change, not to mention a point of interest for Twilight's attentions. While glowing crystals was the status quo on the Moon instead of torchlight - due to the lack of oxygen on the Moon - these seemed to be of an entirely different breed, so to speak.

But even the distraction of these crystals - and Pinkie Pie's incessant bouncing - did not take away from the long drudgery of trudging (Or, as Pinkie Pie liked to call it, "trudgery" before going off on a tangent of words that rhymed with 'drudgery'...) through the long passage.

Just before Twilight had assured herself that she would go mad or beg to be taken back to her cell, a sliver of light appeared in the distance and she exhaled a sigh of relief, as did the various other escapees.

The group happily made their way into the light, into a small glade surrounded by trees and with a stream running through it. Pinkie called for a break before pulling out enough snacks and drinks for everyone out of her mane. Twilight, while biting into a nice daisy sandwich, glanced behind them at the tunnel entrance. Above and beyond it was the mountain upon which Canterlot sat. The tunnel had led from inside the castle down towards the foothills on the western side, into the northern reaches of the White Tail Woods. Pinkie bounced up to Twilight as the unicorn returned to her sandwich. Twilight noted that both the earth pony and Zecora had ditched the illusory armour.

"Now can you come to my party?" she asked, eyes lit up with unrestrained joy.

For a moment, the sandwich floated in a soft glow of Twilight's magic, forgotten as the unicorn gaped at the earth pony mare.

"Really? A party? Now?"

"Well, duuh! A party means ponies. Parties mean meeting other ponies! Meeting other ponies means gathering to go over clandestine plans to save Equestria by going into a forest, uncovering lost relics of ancient power, becoming best friends forever and saving a long-lost Princess!"

Twilight blinked.

"Or was that the book I read last night... Never mind!" Pinkie said, laughing.

Twilight quirked an eyebrow and, after a moment, returned to her sandwich. The nutritious snack was halfway to her mouth before Pinkie continued. "But in all seriousness, they are expecting you to be there. I already sent out the invitations!" Pinkie reached into her mane again and pulled out a garishly-colored envelope and hoofed it over to Twilight, who set down her sandwich and took up the note to look at it.

"A 'Welcome-to-the-Revolution Party'? What revolution? And what's this Lunar Vanguard I keep hearing about?" Twilight asked, her eyes roving over the paper. "And how are we going to get to this... 'Hollow Shades' without being seen?"

"Silly filly, we'll catch a train!"

"Did you miss the part about not being seen? How are we going to ride on a train when we've got around thirty fugitive ponies with us, freshly escaped from the Canterlot dungeons?"

"Um.... Excuse me..."

"Disguises!" Pinkie Pie replied, putting on a mustache and rubbing her forehooves together.

Twilight facehoofed and turned to Zecora. "Do YOU have any real, legitimate ideas?"

"Um.... I have an idea... If you don't mind..."

Zecora's ear twitched and she smiled softly. "If it is an idea you seek from an outsider's mind, perhaps you should take a look behind."

"Huh?" Twilight asked, looking behind her. A frail-looking yellow pegasus yelped, hid behind a pink mane and retreated behind a nearby bush.

Twinkleshine sighed and her horn glowed, using her magic to pull the pegasus out by her tail, wings flapping helplessly. "Sorry about that. Fluttershy has always had a hard time talking to other ponies ever since we were fillies. Luna knows I've tried helping her with that, but in a city full of unicorns, a pegasus doesn't exactly have many friend-making opportunities." she shrugged, waving a hoof helplessly. "Our parents had hoped that sending her off to Cloudsdale Flight Camp would help her meet others, but it didn't work. It didn't help that the Guard stormed our house when she was visiting. She never belonged in those cells with us."

She set Fluttershy back on her hooves and brushed a hoof reassuringly through the nervous pegasus' mane. "Go on, you can do it, sis."

The shy pony took a deep breath and ruffled her wings before looking away from her hooves and into Twilight's eyes. "Umm... well... We could... I... I know where the train stops in the forest... That cute little birdy told me." Fluttershy said, pointing at a robin that was perching in the branches of a nearby tree. "We could... sneak into the freight cars and ride to Hollow Shades... I mean, if that's alright with you..." she said, retreating behind her mane.

"That bird told you?" Twilight asked, casting a sideways glance at Twinkleshine with an expression that questioned Fluttershy's sanity.

Twinkleshine shrugged apologetically. Fluttershy just whimpered and her eyes turned down towards the grassy ground.

Twilight coughed, "Bird or not, it's a good idea," she said kindly, pushing forward a gentle smile. "And it's probably our best bet. Thank you, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy just squeaked and retreated, wings fluttering nervously as she went back over by the bird, which chirped at her.

Twilight turned to the de facto council (consisting of herself, Zecora, Pinkie Pie and Twinkleshine), "Dubious though the source may be, it's our best bet to get to this... Hollow Shades?" she asked, looking for confirmation with the pink pony, receiving a nod in reply, "...without having to hoof it across open ground all the way. Not to mention that path would take us right past Canterlot and we can almost be certain that patrols will be out searching for us."

Zecora nodded, as did Twinkleshine. Pinkie Pie just started polishing a garishly-painted cannon, but Twilight had no idea where it had come from.

"Alright, let's get everyone fed and then Fluttershy will help us along to find this train station."

The train clattered along its rails noisily before Zecora slid the door shut, plunging the cargo container into darkness and muffling the noise below. The remaining sound was more like a metallic heartbeat slowly lulling the passengers of the car to sleep. Including a very tired lavender unicorn, who had collapsed on a pile of hay almost as soon as the train had started moving again.

Zecora spared a half-smile at the slumbering Twilight. Used to long nights the unicorn might be, but Twilight had gone several days with very little sleep and sorely needed the rest. The zebra paused in her strides to drape a thin blanket from her saddlebags (acquired on their way out of the dungeons) over the beleaguered Lunar pony, who slept fitfully in the dim candlelight.

Author's Note:

Made a bit of an interesting choice, and I'm curious how it will be received. Somehow, it makes sense in my mind, but I'm wondering what you, the readers, will think about it.

Comments ( 12 )

I like it. I'm glad to see an update of any kind, but yes, I think it works.

I gotta ask is the story dead? I really don't want it to be. I've never read something like this! It's really good.

Have a mustache :moustache:

3810536 No, not dead. Just got a bit occupied with other projects elsewhere, along with family matters and my job. Working my way back to it, and I hope to update soon :twilightsmile:


Now is the story dead? Cause i want it to keep living and i am thouraly confused at this point.

4853068 Had some family and career issues lately. But I'm slowly working my way back here. Might be on a bit of a break, but it isn't dead. I'll put out a blog post when I resume work and plan to release it imminently.


anyway thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
so yeah... i and happy and thankful of this.

It's been almost two years! :raritydespair:

good story, wish there was more, hopeing for a twishy or twiluna ship, but good story

can you update? it's a really good story and i don't want it to be dead


I do plan to continue this story. I've just been occupied with life issues, as we all have surely dealt with at some point. I'll attempt to expand my content in the near future, but I don't have an exact timeline.

7936849 i hope whatever your going through it's affecting your health in any way or i would be very worried
much more then i'm already am

I feel like the plot thickend too much.

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