• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,781 Views, 66 Comments

Herald of the Night - Commentaholic

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together. Unfortunately, such a peace could not last. A feud arose and the kingdom was split. A thousand years later, a purple unicorn arrives on a quest.

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Chapter Seven: Forgotten Keys

Herald of the Night

Chapter Seven: Forgotten Keys

The blue gem sat there, flickering in the torchlight, amber lights dancing along the edges of the crescent moon carved upon it, mirroring the cutie mark of the Alicorn of the Night.

To say that Lunar Sapphires were rare would be an understatement bordering on cataclysmic. To Twilight's knowledge, there were only two in all of existence (this one on the ground before her being the third, which ought not have even BEEN in existence): One set into the backing of Luna's throne on the Moon and the other had been given to Celestia following Discord's defeat.* To have one sitting before Twilight was... well, almost as breathtaking as having a private audience with the Princess. In the Princess' private library! With new quills and parchment for note-taking!

"Let's... umm... forget for the moment that you are in possession of something as rare as . What did you mean when you said 'Luna came to me'?"

"Just what it sounds like, my new pony friend. But what difference does it make in the end? Your princess has sent you upon an epic quest. When all is told, informed or not, you will still do your best."

"Humour me. I'm curious as to why the Princess thought it prudent to put such a... powerful force into my hooves without telling me." Twilight said, poking very gently at the Lunar Sapphire in emphasis, but still seeming for all the world afraid that it would bite her (or worse, explode). The hoof withdrew sharply as a shimmering, silver light seemed to pulse deep within the jewel. After a few paranoia-filled moments, Twilight and the sapphire both calmed down.

Zecora sighed. "You should not look a gift zebra in the mouth. Why else would I travel from my lands that are far to the south **? T'was not just ponies who supported Luna in the past. We would have fought for her, had she only asked."

Twilight gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, Zecora, but I just met you. And it's just... a lot to take in. I came here just yesterday and things are already so complicated... I know what I have to do... but what if I fail?" she moaned, head hanging low.

"Things rarely go according to plan. It is our job to do what we can." Zecora said, looking caringly at the unicorn. "A heavy burden rests on your back. Just take care not to have a heart attack."

Twilight nodded, sniffling for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking more closely at the luminous gem before them, which was casting silvery-blue light upon the ceiling. "So what did she mean by saying that it was a Key of some sort?"

Zecora shook her head, "I do not know. Perhaps, for answers, to the castle you should go."

Twilight perked up at this. "That's right! How could I have forgotten!? I was supposed to go to the castle right away before I got sidetracked!"

At this, the unicorn scooped the gem up in her magic and floated it swiftly - but gently - back into the chest, closed it, put a locking spell upon it, then turned around and hopped along the slopes of Mount Knowledge, skirting it quickly and heading for the door, Zecora speedily following behind.

A quick-paced gallop took them quickly through the ancient, abandoned city towards the small gorge that separated the greater part of the city from the castle. Taking a deep breath, Twilight steeled herself for the treacherous jaunt across the rickety bridge that stood as the only connection that spanned the over-sized moat. Except this moat had no nice, soft water to catch you if you fell.

Somepony please stop me... she thought to herself as she gazed at the rickety, wood-and-rope bridge, a hoof poised to place itself upon the less-than-sturday surface. With another deep breath, almost overshadowed by Zecora's sigh of slight impatience as the Zebra waited behind Twilight for her own chance to cross the dangerous chasm.

After a few moments, Twilight stepped forward. The bridge creaked under the hoof now tentatively resting upon it, but did not give out. After a few seconds, Twilight continued on, each step careful and precise. Deep, calming breaths accompanied each hoof movement. Before long, she was on the other side and Zecora began her way across, casually cantering across as if she'd done it a dozen times before, which, in all likelihood, she had done so during her time in the city.

The sun was sinking down low in the sky when they finally made their way up the path that led to the castle. An ancient, towering structure of stones as ancient as Discord's defeat. Set into the old, grey stones was a tall, dark double door. intricately carved with gold and silver filigree. A respectful hoof touched one of the doors before she braced herself and pushed it open, the unicorn pushing hard as she could and still barely moving it. Zecora, seeing the younger mare struggle, moved beside Twilight and added her force to the mix, easing the door's movement and revealing the darkened interior to the fading light from the outside.

Twilight steeled herself and stepped into the dark room.

With her heart racing and her hooves making hollow clops on the cold stones beneath them, she walked through the grand hall, eyes wandering before being inexorably drawn towards the dais in the center. Twilight gasped.

It was empty.

*= Luna was given a Solar Amethyst, of which there had also only been two known of by the public. One in Luna's possession and the other as the centerpiece in Celestia's crown. The significance of these gems largely goes under-appreciated by the majority of ponies, seeing as how most do not know of the massive power contained within a single one of these jewels. According to those who have spent lifetimes researching them, the closest somepony could come to summarizing it would be to say that if one of either were to be cracked open, it would be akin to Discord waking up on the wrong side of the statue garden and deciding to raze a city or two to make himself feel better. To speculate on what would happen should one of each be shattered in the same location boggles - and terrifies, don't forget terrifies - the mind.

**= The lands of the Zebras, while shrouded in mystery and vague hints at where their boundaries truly rest upon the political map of Equestria, still have a great mystique about them. Their culture is even more of a mystery, seeing as how they mostly keep to themselves. But the large majority of scholars seem to believe that the Zebra lands are in the South, past the Buffalo tribe's territory and beyond the standard Equestrian map.

Author's Note:

Another slight cliffhanger, I know, but I should have the next chapter out soon.