• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 2,364 Views, 38 Comments

My Little Princess - pyromANarchist

"You're mine... You can't leave" Twilight is becoming an Alicorn, but not everyone is happy about this new development. So when she is involved in a serious accident, Fluttershy sees her chance.

  • ...

Chapter 1

My Little Princess

"Who want some more punch?" Pinkie asked everyone, bouncing as she did, as they tucked into a delicious slice of cake.

For a while there was just the sound of munching and a happy "mmm" of approval. It had been a great party. It was all Pinkie could do after Twilight said she had something really important to tell everyone. They had gathered in Applejack's barn and decorated it in true Pinkie style. After some music, dancing and party games they had all enjoyed a meal and now were eating cake.

"Ah might have some, if there's some goin'" Applejack said in reply to the question.

Pinkie waded through some streamers and poured a generous helping of purple punch in the empty glass.

"Anyone else?" she asked, glad to be of service.

"No? ok then" she said as she sat back down.

She looked at Applejack and gave her a wild look that said 'go on, now!'

"Ah believe Twilight had something to tell us all, something really important. Go on Twi, tell us." she said after finishing a mouthful of confectionary.

Twilight was still finishing one last mouthful when Pinkie exploded.

"Ooh ooh wait, let's guess! Errm hang on, ooh yes that's it, you got an A in your last test? No wait, that's not it, you are getting your mane permed? No, you're building an extension to the library? Did I get it, was that it? Or..."

"Pinkie. No, that's not it. I do have something really important though. Something that could change everything." Twilight said, not quite sure how to word what she had to say.

Everyone in the room looked on with tense expectation.

"Go on..." they all said at once.

"I am becoming a princess. An Alicorn Princess. Celestia told me in person, at the gala, but I haven't had the... The guts to tell you all. We will still be friends..." she said, nervous of their responses.

There was a ghastly moment of silence. Accompanying it was the sudden feel of shock from the group. It lasted just a millisecond, just long enough for Pinkie to pull the trigger on her party cannon. A loud cheer erupted from the group, and the moment passed without anyone noticing. Broad smiles of warm adulation adorned the faces of the 5 happy friends. They happily chatted about how it came to be, that Twilight, their friend, had been made a princess.

"I'll show you the letter, it's with Spike where is he anyway? I'd better go get him, he's probably up to no good" Twilight said as she walked to the door

"I'll be right back!" and she was gone.

The 5 ponies looked around the room at each other. No one was smiling. The awkward feeling returned.

"This really couldn't get much worse could it" Rarity stated frankly.

"She's going to leave us behind" she said, with a tone of voice that showed nothing less than absolute seriousness.

"I don't get it. I put all my effort, literally all, into joining the Wonderbolts, and she just gets the whole thing handed to her on a silver platter. That's just not fair" Rainbow Dash said with more than a hint of sadness in her voice.

"An am here bustin mah gut out in the field, an what ah get for it? Jus enough to get by. Thats all. Why does she get everythin?" Applejack spouted in righteous anger.

"But she'll be gone, and even if he stays she'll be too busy to come to any parties and that would just be bad, and with all her responsibilities no one will see her as much and then we won't be bestest bestest friends anymore" babbled Pinkie with no coherence and tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

Only one pony wasn't mortified by the news. That's because Fluttershy had a plan. It was such a simple plan, yet it would work. It was perfect. It was genius. She knew how to make everything better, like how it always had been. How to get rid of all this Alicorn nonsense. But instead of saying it out loud she simply spoke in her usual quiet tone.

"I mean I understand why she is a princess, I just don't understand... Why" the other ponies all agreed.

"The one thing we can't do is tell Twi. Honestly ah tell you it's for the best" Applejack explained.

A murmur of agreement arose from the others. Twilight chose that moment to burst into the room levitating a scroll just ahead of her. She looked around the room at her friends happy, beaming faces.

"I found it!" she said.

Time passed. Not one of the 5 stepped out of character, or gave any impression of their worried anger over Twilight's new role in Equestria. Soon the party was over, and one by one the ponies left the barn and went home. Applejack watched as 5 ponies became silhouettes in the dark and vanished. What she didn't notice is that Fluttershy wasn't going home. If she had maybe what horrors and nightmares that were to be might not have happened. Something cracked at the party, something that should have stayed put. This is what happens when a mind cracks.

Twilight walked home full of cake and delicious punch. She was on top of the world. She had just been to a great party, been with great friends and despite the shocking news no one had overreacted, not even Pinkie Pie. She thought her life through. She had great friends, great neighbours, she was becoming a princess, a princess! And she would be that little bit closer to Celestia. Things couldn't be better. She strolled home with a heart full of joy. The smell of the evening and the beautiful moonlit countryside made an intoxicating aura. In the distance she heard the clip clop of a pony and the rattle and shake of a heavy cart. She though it was slightly odd that a pony would be dragging such a heavy load as that at this time of night. Still, as happy as she was, she didn't think much to it. She rounded a blind corner and everything happened at once.

Twilight didn't see what happened, she simply felt a colossal whump as a black cloud of nothing enveloped her mind. If there had been somepony around to see it, as indeed there was, they would have seen the stallion pulling the heavy cart cross a T junction at the exact moment Twilight chose to. The stallion had already passed but the corner of the massive cart struck her square in the head as she aimlessly meandered long the road. The stallion, pulling the heavy load that he was, didn't notice as he effectively ran over a future princess.

One pony did notice though, and her name was Fluttershy. Waiting like a predator, she flew down from her vantage point in the trees and stooped next to the body, caressing the bleeding, half conscious head and half whispering sweet nothings into Twilight's ear as she dragged the heavy body to her home

"There there, it's ok, I've got you, it will all be ok..."

Twilight woke up in a dark, barely lit room. There was a terrible pounding in her head. It throbbed and pulsed. She recalled what had happened, the cart, the... Voices? Who was it? She didn't know. She opened her eyes to try and make better sense of her situation. She appeared to be in a dusty basement. Whoever it was rarely came down here. She was lying on a dusty yet comfortable sofa. Here and there was a few things scattered about that seemed out of place. Crutches of all shapes and sizes, small wheelchairs for mice, and rows upon rows of medicine bottles. Medical equipment. She desperately tried to remember how she got here. She remembered seeing through half open eyes the familiar outline of a pony. Fluttershy. She was in Fluttershy's basement. Now it made sense. But why would Fluttershy take her here? Why didn't she take her to the hospital? She supposed she had better find Fluttershy and find out.

She tried to get up. Twilight realised with shock that she could barely move. It was like her body weighed a tonne. Every move she made took enormous effort. It felt like someone had strapped cement bags to the ends of her limbs. After struggling for some time she rolled off the sofa and came crashing onto the grimy floor. The impact shook her as her limp body fell awkwardly. She lied there for several seconds contemplating whether she actually could find Fluttershy if she tried. She tried standing up but was too weak. Slowly, she crawled along the dirty floor, inch by inch and with tremendous effort.

She reached a set of stairs that seemed to be the only way out of the room and listened. There was dead silence. She crawled up the stairs one huge step at a time. The bare wood scratched her as she made her way up the clifflike slope. After much struggling she made it to the door. She reached up and turned the handle. Locked. She tried unlocking the door with magic, but like her body, her horn was unresponsive. Only a dim glow came, not even enough to lift a pencil, let alone unlock a door. She tried her hardest, but nothing happened. After all this effort it remained locked. She had fallen at the last hurdle, defeated by a door. Now what? All she could do was wait for Fluttershy to come. She could be here for hours. Then without warning a quiet but clear voice rang out from the darkness

"Hehe, I was wondering how far you would get." came the disembodied voice.

Twilight jumped. It seemed to come from directly above her. She looked up to see Fluttershy hovering silently above her. At the staircase the ceiling rose and there waited the canary coloured Pegasus. Watching like a vulture, she silently waited for Twilight to give in to her futile struggle, grinning the whole time. Twilight watched now as she floated noiselessly towards her like an angel. As she got closer she saw an unnatural demonic light behind her bright, dewey eyes. It was clear from the very aura the came from her that something was wrong. It made Twilight's fur stand on end. She was holding a spoonful of deep yellow liquid and gently stroked Twilight's body as she offered the medicine.

"You're very ill, Twilight. You need to rest" she softly spoke, watching as the consciousness drained from her friend.

Twilight couldn't do anything as she was dragged under by the effect of the drug. She thought it odd that Fluttershy would knock her out like so, but before any other thoughts could be processed, she was gone.

Twilight came to on the same sofa in the same room. Immediately her mind was awake, yet her body still wouldn't respond. As she stirred, a shape moved in the shadows. Fluttershy lifted her head, and noticing Twilight was awake, she got up and quietly strode over to the purple unicorn. She sat down on the floor next to the sofa so her and Twilight were eye to eye. Twilight was the first to speak.

"What happened?"

"You had an accident. A cart hit you, you knocked your head so I took you home. I'm taking care of you. I'm going to look after you." Fluttershy still spoke gently, yet differently.

It was the hollow, chilling tone that crept in her voice. It had a haunting quality to it. The demonic look came into he eyes as she said the final two sentences. Twilight noticed these things but refused to believe that it meant anything. It couldn't mean anything, could it?

"When will I be better?" she asked. There was a ghostly silence again. She asked again

"When can I leave?" she said, more insistently this time. Fluttershy didn't respond for a while.

"I said I'm going to take care of you." she said as if it answered her question.

"I don't understand, when will I be well enough to leave?" Twilight replied, the first signs of panic rising in her mind.

"I'm looking after you now, Twilight, I'm taking care of you... Your mine." she said, the last words barely a whisper, yet crystal clear in the dead silence.

"I know you're looking after me, but when can I get back to the princess? I have a lot to do, and the coronation is coming up soon. I need to get back as soon as I can." she said, doubts forming in her mind as to Fluttershy's intentions.

Half of her saw something else in the young Pegasus, something dark, yet the other half couldn't believe that Fluttershy would be doing such a thing.

"Your mine... You can't leave. I'm taking care of you, looking after you" came the ice cold whisper of a reply. Twilight panicked.

"No. Fluttershy, why? I need to leave. Princess Celestia needs me, I'm a princess. Spike needs me, you don't want to hurt spike, do you? The princess will find you. You'll be found out. Please, just let me go." she spurted in nervous panic.

Fluttershy seemed to stare beyond Twilight's face, beyond the wall and into the open universe behind her.

"It came to me at the party". Her eyes focused sharply on Twilight as she paused.

"You were moving on, Twilight. You were becoming a princess. I realised then that you would be Celestia's. Not mine. You were always mine, Twilight. I always cared for you, even when you didn't notice. Even when you couldn't possibly have seen I was looking after you. I didn't want you to be Celestia's, I wanted you to be mine. So now you are. All mine. I'm looking after you now, not the princess. I'm taking care of you." the words came as if saying what she had to say was difficult, as if she was expressing some deep inner triumph.

Her eyes drifted to the unseen universe and Twilight struggled against the drug that bound her so tightly to the sofa. Fluttershy was so intensely staring into the void that she didn't seem to notice when Twilight rolled off the sofa and crawled along the floor. Not that she needed to. Not that she could have escaped if she tried. Twilight saw the door and knew from Fluttershy's lack of interest that is was locked. She sobbed on the floor, finally admitting defeat. Fluttershy returned to the present and silently slid over to Twilight's heaving body as sobs wracked her body. Twilight felt a sharp jab as a hypodermic syringe was injected into her flank, and saw black envelop her vision as she was taken under once again.

When Twilight awoke Fluttershy was gone. Her body still wouldn't work. What now? What would she do to her? How long would she be trapped here? What did Fluttershy want from her? All these questions and no answer.

Author's Note:

I don't own MLP. And you can be bloody thankful of that fact.